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Picacodigos_jedi_bigger Picacodigos

Off to the movies, not really wanting to go. And *knowing* the movie is going to be crap...

"I am Ajax, breaker of stones! Look upon me and despair!" Petersen's extended Troy is quite good...
Heading to Corte Ingles (spanish department store) to get a new set of 2.1 Altec-Lansig speakers, highly recommended
That's it, I've fallen to the dark side, now I'm another one of the unnamed masses: I'm playing Wow...
Ah! Amazon UK has dispatched my stuff!! Loads of books and DVDs coming my way!
esta llena de faltas de ortografía, y si das un giro de 360 grados te quedas igual.
Otra: Aunque a lo mejos es una inocentada, porque...
se habran vuelto (aún más) tontos entre tanto binario, autorreferente, chorrada estúpida sobre SMS, falacia sobre Windows, etc...
Increible: nada menos que los legendarios microsiervos caen en uno de los hoax más antiguos de la red: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF ... ...
I *love* working in between holidays, with almost everyone on vacation: yesterday I received a grand total of 0 emails...
so turns out johnk.doe@gmail and is the same email adress...
Why GMail Help Center don't have a "Tell us about your problem" link? Nothing on their frequent trouble list remotely resembles my problem!
I won't purchase anything Apple as long as I draw breath, and I'm too far way from Fresno to have paid CASH. I suspect GMail's fault.
Weird. I've just received a receipt for the purchase of an Apple iPod Nano... from an Apple Store in Fresno, CA...'t-really-mean-much.aspx
... only the training wheels are really heavy, uneven, and make riding the bike harder. :-) Oh come on, have a sense of humor"
"Well, I'm an developer, not really a web developer. It is like web development with training wheels,...
@enhiro : joder, van con un poco de retraso. Qué bueno!
@codinghorror: I *strongly* recommend the Zen player, is awesome!