Persons Buried at the Monticello Graveyard, 1773 - 1997

Skip to: Carr, Eppes, Jefferson, Randolph, Taylor

Anderson, W. Stratton, Jr. (1912-1977)
Bankhead, Anne Cary (1791-1826)
Betts, Elizabeth McIntire Randolph (1893-1966)
Betts, Elizabeth Hill (d. November 26, 1994)
Betts, Thomas Jeffries (1894-1977)
Blackburn, John Sinclair (1926-1945)
Blackburn, Richard Scott (1869-1946)
Blackburn, Ruth Darwin (1884-1948)
Boyers, Phillip Randolph (d. June 7, 1985)
Bruce, Mary Truscott (d. July 19, 1991)
Carr, Dabney (1743-1773)
Carr, Dabney S. (1802-1854)
Carr, John Smith (1836-1860)
Carr, Martha Jefferson (1746-1811)
Carr, Samuel (1771-1855)
Carr, Samuel Smith (1831-1862)
Cary, Wilson Jefferson (1784-1823)
Chason, Louise Young (d. February 21, 1995)
Chason, Martha Jefferson Kean (1895-1978)
Churchill, Edward Delos, Jr. (d. December 4, 1994)*
Cooley, Adelaide Prescott Morris (1896-1958)
Cooley, Margaret Ross (1931-1940)
Cooley, Thomas Ross (1893-1959)
Coolidge, Harold Jefferson (d. February 14, 1985)
Cooper, Cary Ann Randolph (d. January 12, 1984)
Crump, John Wesley (d. May 27, 1996)*
Duke, Evalina G. (1813-1843)
Duke, S. J. (d. 1843)
Eppes, Carrie Williford (1893-1972)
Eppes, James Bancroft (1888-1977)
Eppes, Maria Jefferson (1778-1804)
Ericson, William Lars (d. October 22, 1994)
Esser, George Hyndman (1880-1956)
Esser, Martha Randolph Taylor (1892-1968)
Esser, Mary Cary Taylor (1894-1923)
Flynn, James William, Jr. (d. June 1, 1994)
Fowler, Gertrude Blackburn (1918-1977)
Garrett, Alexander (1778-1860)
Garrett, Elizabeth Ann (1811-1845)
Garrett, Evelina (1790-1863)
Garrett, John B. (1809-1855)
Gillespie, Campbell Houston, Jr. (d. September 3, 1986)
Gillespie, Mary (Polly) Ruffin McMurdo (d. January 11, 1994)
Harrison, Ellen Wayles Randolph (1823-1896)
Harrison, Jefferson Randolph (1863-1931)
Harrison, William Mortimer (1801-1812)
Hill, Agnes Dilon Randolph (1898-1977)
Hinton, Jeffery Brady (d. July 26, 1989)
Hubard, Randolph Bolling, II (1871-1980)
Hubard, Randolph Bolling (d. August 28, 1991)
Hunter, Page Waller Morris (1886-1956)
Hutchens, Horace King (1887-1972)
Hutchens, Pattie Nicholas Morris (1893-1980)
Jefferson, Jane Randolph (1720-1776)
Jefferson, Martha Wayles (1748-1782)
Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826)
Kean, George Randolph (1866-1869)
Kean, Jane Nicholas Randolph (1832-1868)
Kean, Jefferson Randolph (1860-1950)
Kean, Louise Hurlbut Young (1877-1915)
Kean, Robert Hill (d. January 16, 1985)
Kean, Sarah Rice Elliott (d. February 11, 1993)
Kirk, Edwin (1884-1955)
Kirk, Mrs. Edwin, nee Page Taylor (d. May 1, 1983)
Kotz, Edith Richards Randall (d. October 14, 1990)
Kotz, John J. (d. December 25, 1996)
Leschot, Louis A. (1771-1838)
Leschot, Sophie (1791-1853)
Loving, William Bernard (d. May 15, 1995)
Loving, Carolin Frances Eppes (d. February 5, 1988)
McAdie, Mary Randolph Browne (1864-1961)
McMurdo, Bettie Watkins Seabury (1911-1977)
McMurdo, Caryanne Randolph Ruffin (1876-1945)
McMurdo, Robert Montagu (1867-1952)
McMurdo, Robert Montagu (d. March 25, 1984)
Meikleham, Henry Parish (1872-1937)
Miller, Burton Francis (d. August 19, 1992)
Miller, Margaret Page Sumner (d. August 11, 1991)
Morris, John Speed (1855-1928)
Morris, Louise Richard (d. August 16, 1989)
Morris, Pattie Cary Kean (1858-1939)
Morris, Robert Kean (1883-1961)
Moyer, James Charles (d. December 12, 1996)
Nicholas, Wilson Cary (1761-1820)
Platt, Margaret Randolph (1919-1976)
Randall, Alexander B. (1856-1938)
Randall, Burton H. R. (1893-1971)
Randall [infant] (born lifeless, 1924)
Randall, Jane Randolph (1862-1926)

Go to column two

Randolph, Agnes Dillon (1846-1880)
Randolph, Agnes Dillon (1875-1930)
Randolph, Anna Daniel (1851-1873)
Randolph, Anne Clifton (1879-1975)
Randolph, Arthur Dillon (Feb-Nov 1874)
Randolph, Augusta Blue (1898-1981)
Randolph, Carolina Ramsay (1828-1902)
Randolph, Carolina Ramsay (1895-1958)
Randolph, Caroline Walter (1873-1960)
Randolph, Cary Ruffin (1857-1910)
Randolph, Cornelia Jefferson (1799-1871)
Randolph, Francis Meriwether (1906-1978)
Randolph, George Wythe (1818-1867)
Randolph, Grace Lee (1891-1973)
Randolph, Hollins Nicholas (1872-1938)
Randolph, Hollins Nicholas (1904-1976)
Randolph, James Madison (1806-1834)
Randolph, Jane Hollins Nicholas (1798-1871)
Randolph, John Hager (1893-1981)
Randolph, Margaret Gibson (1866-1872)
Randolph, Margaret Smith Randolph (1816-1842)
Randolph, Margaret Taylor (1843-1898)
Randolph, Martha Jefferson (1775-1836)
Randolph, Mary Adams (1830-1871)
Randolph, Mary Buchanan (1818-1821)
Randolph, Mary Buchanan (1821-1884)
Randolph, Mary Jefferson (1803-1876)
Randolph, Mary Walker (1866-1957)
Randolph, Mary Walker (d. June 20, 1988)
Randolph, Meriwether Lewis (1837-1871)
Randolph, Meriwether Lewis (1871-1877)
Randolph, Peter Jefferson (March 6-9, 1961)
Randolph, Sarah Nicholas (1839-1892)
Randolph, Thomas Jefferson (1792-1875)
Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, IV (1868-1926)
Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, V (d. October 22, 1984)
Randolph, Thomas Mann (1768-1828)
Randolph, William Lewis (1841-1892)
Randolph, William Lewis (1899-1906)
Randolph, William Mann (1870-1944)
Ruffin, Caryanne Nicholas Randolph (1820-1857)
Ruffin, Eliza McDonald (1853-1904)
Ruffin, Jefferson Randolph (1842-1908)
Semler, Elizabeth Shine (d. October 6, 1994)
Shine, Anne Barker (1874-1955)
Shine, Elinor Virginia Goodrich (d. May 2, 1997)
Shine, Francis Eppes (1871-1922)
Shine, Francis Eppes, Jr. (d. May 29, 1985)
Shine, Francis Wayles (1874-1941)
Slade, Virginia Hyland Randolph (d. January 3, 1996)
Southworth, Constant (d. October 1984)
Southworth, Evalina Kean (d. April 3, 1988)
Spangler, Ferdinand John, III (d. December 4, 1993)
Stedman, Edgar (1890-1975)
Stedman, Martha Jefferson Taylor (d. June 29, 1987)
Stewart, Mary (d. 1805)
Taylor, Alis Shanks Cremer (d. September 11, 1988)
Taylor, Bennett (1836-1898)
Taylor, Bennett, III (d. June 13, 1993)
Taylor, Cornelia Jefferson (1849-1937)
Taylor, Edwin Colston (1877-1940)
Taylor, Edwin Colston, Jr. (d. February 13, 1997)
Taylor, Jane Brockenbrough (1881-1955)
Taylor, Jane Randolph (1838-1917)
Taylor, Jefferson Randolph (1842-1919)
Taylor, Jesse Alwine (1879-1973)
Taylor, John Byrd (d. May 29, 1995)
Taylor, John Charles Randolph (1812-1875)
Taylor, John Charles Randolph (1857-1863)
Taylor, Lewis Randolph (1871-1945)
Taylor, Lewis Randolph (1909-1976)
Taylor, Lucie Madison Willis (1871-1944)
Taylor, Lucy Colston (1842-1928)
Taylor, Margaret Lamb (1904-1978)
Taylor, Margaret Randolph (d. April 1, 1985)
Taylor, Mary Hubard Bruce (1857-1909)
Taylor, Mary Mann Page (1852-1954)
Taylor, Mary Taylor (1875-1949)
Taylor, Mildred Powell Bronaugh (1906-1981)
Taylor, Moncure Robinson (1851-1915)
Taylor, Natalie Dorsey Sefton (1878-1969)
Taylor, Olivia Alexander (d. April 3, 1985)
Taylor, Patsie Harline Williams (d. May 11, 1995)
Taylor, Patsy Jefferson Randolph (1817-1857)
Taylor, Patsy Jefferson (1867-1903)
Taylor, Raleigh Colston (1869-1952)
Taylor, Raleigh Colston, Jr. (1909-1959)
Taylor, Sidney Wayles (1854-1856)
Taylor, Stevens Mason (1847-1917)
Taylor, William Leigh, Sr. (d. March 30, 1994)
Whitehill, Jane Revere Coolidge (d. October 25, 1996)*
Whitehill, Walter Muir (1905-1978)
Whitmore, H. Bruce (1906-1976)
Wiley, George W. (1913-1970)
Williston, Sally Roane McMurdo (d. February 17, 1995)


*Persons listed as buried at Monticello in the 'In Memoriam' section of the Annual Reports, but not named as such in the Custodian's Reports

--Monticello Research Department, 18 February 1998

