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Top Headlines
Anti-war leaders angry at the Democrats
Red on red. This is a trend I'd like to see continue.
MoveOn to question the patriotism of...General Petraeus?
Keep this story in mind next time the left whines about having their own patriotism questioned.
"Wouldn't you feel safer with a gun?"
A Brit loses patience with his country's gun laws.
Tubby propagandist takes parting shot at lame duck.
Also criticizes Giuliani's "trumped up, phony-baloney record on 9/11." Funny, I don't remember Moore doing anything on 9/11 other than blaming the victims. Just fuck off already, Mike.
Chef Gordon Ramsay burns genitals on cooker.
Unfortunately, you read that right. Hell's Kitchen, indeed.
Toddler Study Proves Humans Smarter than Apes Apparently my nephews were not part of the test group
Ten More Terrorists Sought In German Bomb Plot
Authorities suspect they were merely "days away" from an "imminent threat" of making bumper-stickers which would distract Americans from Bush's failed policies
Rocket scientists swipe marijuana from back of drug agent's truck
Or rather, they tried. As shocking as it may seem, these geniuses were apprehended.
Kathleen Willey Says Her Anti-Clinton Manuscript Stolen From Her Home
Coincidence, unhinged partisan, operative, or just made-up publicity hype?
Frank Luntz's Focus Group: McCain Won Debate, Rudy Disappointed (Video)
I like these things because 1) they tell you how normal Americans are really thinking and 2) remind you how much smarter you are than normal Americans
11 NJ Pols, Including Assemblymen and Mayors, Arrested By FBI in Corruption Sting
Corrupt Democratic machine politics in the Louisiana of the Eastern seabord
Revealed: Ron Paul Accused Bush Sr. and CIA of Dealing Drugs
From the 1988 Morton Downey, Jr., show... once a conspiracy theorist, always a conspiracy theorist
Ace finds $154M accounting shortfall oh shit. I haven't even been here a month
Airline follows unique safety protocols.
When all else fails, you've just got to go with what works.
Endangered turtle nests found in Texas We've found them. We'll clear em out
Accidental nuclear war a possibility?
You know, I'm beginning to think Bush may have mis-read the state of Putin's soul.


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September 10, 2007

Petraeus and Crocker on Fox News Right Now (9pm Eastern)


Live one hour interview with Britt Hume. Charts and everything!

That sound you hear is the sound of thousands of tinny little heads of DKos readers exploding (well, it’s more like a pop than an explosion).

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Posted by DrewM. at 09:04 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

LA Times Columnist David Rieff pines for the Death of American Supremacy

—Dave In Texas

There is nothing, nothing I say, not a goddammed thing to suggest that the American Experience is exceptional.

This is what leftist apologists eat for breakfast and lunch, and make a big stinky with, something to drop on your dining room table the next day.

We are the Romans (the filthy Scandis are gathering in the north!). We are the Brits, and we will get our comeuppance (how the fuck is that spelled?) at Islandwana any day now.

I left out the Spanish, but honestly who's impressed with their track record?

All Hegemons™ get what's coming to them. All of them.

The Chinese cannot take us on, they are too busy beating rabid dogs to death in the streets. Their interests are regional.

This wordsmithing is what passes for thinking at the LAT:

the only way one can believe that geopolitics will not also become multipolar is to believe that the U.S. is somehow exempt from what seems one of history's few ironclad laws. And that is not analysis; that is faith.

This silly douche had to work in the word "faith" into his analysis. He was feeling that tender.

It's more leftist pap, he moves from one goalpost to the next. My personal favorite, his assertion that military strength is fast becoming an anachronistic measure of weakness.

That one will make you laugh.

Whatever. The cockatiel will shit on this tomorrow, and that's more attention that it deserves. They cannot bear the idea, cannot wrap their warped brains around it, that "good and decent" can be a guiding principle. It is anathema.

David Rieff is the author of many books, none of which have been quoted on the floor of the US Senate, but he's young, and fate may smile upon him yet.

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Posted by Dave In Texas at 08:29 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Bill Murray In "Fact Checker Unit"


Not really a spoof of the media per se, except if you consider this is precisely what they don't do.

Funny? Or die? I dunno, I suck today.

Thanks to Dave at Garfield Ridge, giving it his official "It's Not Old!" Seal of Freshness.

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Posted by Ace at 06:12 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Petraeus: Report Is The Petraeus-Crocker Report, Not The Bush Report, With "No Substantial Changes"


Protein Wisdom just tipped me, though I've been watching it too.

I guess I didn't think much of that statement because I don't expect it to cut much ice among the Community-Based Reality folks-- it conflicts with their worldview and so is by definition untrue.

After all, he's General BetrayUs.

I am learning to appreciate the nuance and elevated wit of the left. See, those of us on the right cannot so easily come up with such tastelessly puerile puns on people's names. Our brains just aren't subtle enough for such eldritch thought-patterns and unexpected connections and unlikely rhymes.

For what it's worth, it might be a good idea to sign this petition:

Sign the Stand By The Mission Petition!
Sign the Stand By The Mission Petition!

Stolen from Instapundit, Petraeus' main points, digested. Although digested at great length.

Same for Crocker.

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Posted by Ace at 05:44 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

CSI: Valhalla - 1200 Year Old Viking Queen Exhumed to Solve Mystery!

—Dave In Texas

The mystery of whether the other woman buried with her was a relative who died with her, or a servant killed and buried with her to do the cooking and cleaning in the afterlife.

Which is a possibility.

The remains were originally discovered in 1904, both bodies buried in a longboat. The boat (known as the Oseberg boat) is in a museum in Oslo, but the bones were reburied in 1948.

I'm not sure why they want to know this, unless it's a way to test their crazy-mad DNA testing skills. Other Viking graves have been found with two bodies, one of which was decapitated. Being a Viking servant was apparently a pretty lousy job.

There were spectators present.

Among those at the graveside was a man dressed as a Viking with a sword hanging from his belt. "This is an experience you get once in a lifetime," said Leszek Gardela, 23, a Polish student of archaeology

Leszek Gardela cares. And so should we all.

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Posted by Dave In Texas at 03:57 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Buzz Aldrin: Wacky Astronaut Should Be Admired


The second man to walk on the Moon says there’s much to be "admired" in the way Capt. Lisa Nowak took care of business when she found out she had a rival for the affections of a fellow astronaut.

"Astronauts are not superhuman. They lead ordinary lives and have varied personalities," Aldrin said in comments published on Time magazine's Web site.

"I think Nowak should be admired for traveling across the country at night and not getting out of her car to put in gas or go to the restroom. It is not excusable, but it is understandable for an achiever to fall into a trap."

I am not sure the ability to hold off peeing while driving is exactly a superpower normally associated with the Right Stuff but okay. It kind of makes sense when you consider Buzz is an action type guy. Remember what happened the last time someone got all up in Aldrin’s grill?

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Posted by DrewM. at 03:44 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Dumb Liberals


A guy named Kareem keeps sending me these absurd anti-Giuliani/anti-Republican/anti-war ads, swearing to me they're actually pro-Rudy/pro-GOP/pro-war. Just subtly so.

One thing that's a constant annoyance is liberals' unshakable belief that they are more intelligent than every single man and woman on the GOP side of the aisle simply by virtue of their preferred politics. Demonstrable IQ, general knowledge and know-how, accomplishment, education, wit, etc.: None of these actually establish intelligence or craftiness or cunning or wisdom. No, the single variable in the equation -- conveniently enough for intellectually-anxious liberals -- is a belief in liberal policies.

As a general rule, of course, the less intelligent one is, the more one wants to shift the measure of intelligence to non-traditional metrics, such as simple political affiliation. Though even fairly bright liberals tack on a bonus fifteen points to their measurable IQ just for "being smart enough to know Democrats good, Republicans bad."

I'm posting this absurdity in the hopes that the guy trying to moronically trick me finally gets it that I cannot be tricked, and furthermore, getting me to post this does nothing to advance his cause because you can't be fooled by such a drooling dunderhead, either.

So here you go, Kareem. As you've long desired: The "pro-Rudy/pro-war" video that's really going to sock it to the liberals. Giggle.

Nicely done. You played us, Hoss.

Incidentally, just as a related thing, a Behind the Scenes at the Ace of Spades HQ blog: A lot of liberals fill up my inbox with very long posts from liberals. They cleverly have created email handles of "AnnCoulter2000" and so forth, and cutely address me as "spinmeister" and the like. Almost invariably, they send me Glenn Greenwald's turgid 10,000 word Magna Carters (heh, see what I did there?) and the occasional post from, ahem, lesser lights of the liberal blogosphere.

I don't get it. Apparently they think they're informing me or really sticking the knife in my side. Apparently they don't understand that 1) most of them are already in the killfile, and 2) I can tell what sort of email this is going to be from the title line, and 3) even if I bothered to read it, I don't quite consider Glenn Greenwald the brave Sage of Invincible Persnickettiness that they do.

In short, they've got a curious misapprehension about the power of their ideas (and I use that term guardedly) and a surfeit of free time and a rather absurd idea that "guerrilla politics" can be conducted via Gmail.

Guys? Seriously? I could not give less of a shit were I simultaneously starving to death and suffering from a blockage of the large intestine due to a sexual stunt involving a full-size model of the Robot from Lost In Space gone horribly awry.

Danger, Danger, Dr. Smith! Stop tapping your toes next to my locomotive treads! Danger, danger!

Please grow up. You're not an annoyance. It's just that I think your time would be better spent praying to your Gods, Al Gore The Father, Madonna The Mother, and Maya Angelou, The Holy Spirit of Poems Which Do Not Rhyme and Spend An Inordinate Amount of Time Discussing Rocks, Streams, and Mothers Milk from Africa.

Kareem Says he wasn't trying to pull the wool over my eyes, he just found the video interesting, and he's sorry to have pestered me. And I do believe him.

So I retract the thing specifically about Kareem. But the greater narrative is still true, even if factually I was off-base. Facts, as we now know, are soooooo 1990's. We're beyond stupid facts.

So if Kareem shows up, don't knock him. I believe him. I'm not sure what he finds compelling about these videos, but different folks have different opinions.

Another Theory: A reader has been getting barraged with these videos as well, and believes the following: The videos come from a genuine conservative website, but are actually in support of the one major candidate they never knock (which he says is John McCain). He says he gets similar responses when he writes that these are not pro-Rudy but rather anti-Rudy: "well they're funny anyway."

So maybe a bit of viral video attempts from someone "our side" but trying to push a particular candidate; I dunno. I'd be more willing to link them if I thought they were funny, but I honestly don't.

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Posted by Ace at 02:50 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Down to the 1000th Generation...

—Gabriel Malor

Halo fans (and I know many of you are) are eagerly awaiting Halo's third and final installment in two weeks. As with all games, films, and books these days, advanced copies can be had, usually through the internet and penalties are not usually that severe for minor violations.

But at least one fellow has received a 7,992-year ban from xBox Live for downloading and playing the latest build of Halo 3.

Microsoft reps aren't allowed to officially respond, but a Bungie staff member is quoted as saying the screenshots of the message "looked legit" also adding "Sorry, great, great, great, great grandkids".

That's one player who won't be Finishing the Fight.

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Posted by Gabriel Malor at 02:13 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

dKos Diarist: bin Laden Not Evil So Much As Reaganesque In His Resolve



So is Osama bin Laden truly "evil?" Most people who lost family members at the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001 would probably consider him to be evil. Was President Ronald Reagan evil? Most residents of Beirut who lost family members when the USS New Jersey rained 2,700 pound Mark 7 shells on residential neighborhoods in 1983 during the Lebanese Civil War probably considered Reagan to have been evil. Bottom line? Bin Laden is no more evil than other revolutionary leaders in other times or even than ordinary national leaders who propel their countries to war for "national honor," or to acquire the resources of others, or even to "do good."

Bill Hobbs makes short, bloody work of this objective pro-Islamofascist.

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Posted by Ace at 02:11 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Petraeus's Testimony


As well as the Democratic response -- with a MoveOn ad calling him General BetrayUs -- at Allah.

It's been on for a half hour or so.

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Posted by Ace at 01:08 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Worse Than Osama Tape: Britney Tape


As Dennis Miller once said, I haven't seen choreography this stiff since the Lee Harvey Oswald jail transfer.

So let me see: She never could really sing, and now she can't dance either. It seems like all she can do to just manage to walk without falling over.

Thanks to Nordbuster.

A Reason To Tap That: It's A Sound Career Move: Dave from Garfield Ridge opines, after the third colon in this sentence:

What's so amazing is that Britney does wonders for *everyone else* in her life. . . after they've left it.

Justin Timberlake. Before Britney? Talentless boyband enuch. After Britney? Guy who records "Dick In A Box," films Alpha Dog, and actually seems like he'd be cool to hang out with.

K-Fed. Before Britney? Talentless mumbling scuzzball who smells like pee. After Britney? The responsible one.

Seriously, she's like the BASF of skanky whore ex-girlfriends. Next to her, even K-Fed looks good.

I repeat: she even makes K-Fed look good.

You have to admit, THAT'S a talent.

Don't think of it as hitting a drugged-out skank. Think of it as a resume-builder.

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Posted by Ace at 12:57 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

New Osama Tape


Stop The ACLU is all over it.

Al-Qaida said Monday that it will release a new video of Osama bin Laden presenting the last testament of one of the Sept. 11 suicide hijackers, marking the sixth anniversary of the attacks.

Wonder how the Troofers will respond?

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Posted by LauraW. at 12:49 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Stalking Jagoffs


I just got a somewhat threatening response to the mention of the Ace-a-Palooza. Some jagoff threatening to come by with a camera. Probably A. Gaspari/Downtown Lad.

Hmm. Maybe I shouldn't have announced the location publically.

Eh, we'll sic security on him.

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Posted by Ace at 12:30 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Iron Man Trailer Out, Officially


I don't know if I should tell you to click this. I've done it twice, and both times it froze my Firefox with a non-responding error that required a shutdown.

And I didn't even get to see the trailer.

But if you're at work maybe you can knock down the system and take even more time off. It seems to be a real studio approved site; not sure what is causing the problem.

For those with Invincible operating systems, here it is.

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Posted by Ace at 12:22 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Boycott "Football Night in America"

—Jack M.

Ace just stole my post about Olbermann, so I'm going to do something I rarely, if ever, do.

I'm going to harness the power of the blog to call for a boycott of NBC's pregame show until the worst former ESPN employee in the world, Keith Olbermann, gets axed.

I understand that NBC is desperate to bring attention to their bottom dwelling pseudo network MSNBC. I also understand that given Olby's background on Sportscenter, they feel that he brings some sort of synergy to the program.

But the fact remains: Olbermann's political rhetoric on MSNBC simply can not be seperated from his sports commentary. It is consistently insulting to half of the country. It is hateful and denegrating. It has no place as the lead in to what should be a politics free football game.

Today's quote, in which Olby compares Fox News to the Klu Klux Klan, is beyond the pale. Not only is it grossly insulting to the people who have made Fox News the number one Cable News Network, but it also diminishes the harm that befell all those who were, in fact, made victims of the hate spread by the Klan.

Ironic, isn't it, that a league made up predominantly of African-American players, would have a network host on their feature pre-game show who treats the crimes of the Klan so lightly.

Keith must go. I won't watch the "Football Night in America" pregame while he is on it. And I will write NBC and encourage them to drop him as fast as ESPN dumped Limbaugh.

If you feel similarly, I encourage you to speak out. NBC Sports can be reached at this following e-mail address:


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Posted by Jack M. at 12:19 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Cuffy Meiggs Recap of MTV Awards; Indy IV Title Revealed


Britney looking... eh, hittable.

The title? Apparently he's up against Shivva or, more likely, a rogue atomic bomb: Indiana Jones and the Destroyer of Worlds.

Whoops, no, that's a rejected title. Actual title: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I dunno, sounds "The Phatom Menace"-ish to me.

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Posted by Ace at 12:09 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Keith Olbermann: Rupert Murdoch More Of A Terrorist Than Bin Laden


Considering his ratings, I can understand the sentiment.

Al Qaeda really hurt us, but not as much as Rupert Murdoch has hurt us, particularly in the case of Fox News. Fox News is worse than Al Qaeda — worse for our society.

Thanks to Mike.

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Posted by Ace at 12:00 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

News of the TNR Fabulist


Bob Owens of Confederate Yankee has been on the Scott Beauchamp beat almost from the start. Today, he scores another hit on Mr. Elspeth Reeve and his stories of plunder and debauchery by interviewing the XO of Beauchamp’s Battalion, the man who conducted the investigation into the “Baghdad Diarist”.

Not surprisingly we find Beauchamp was full of crap.

(Maj. John) Cross: In the course of my investigation, I did not interview anyone who corroborated PVT Beauchamp’s claims in “Shock Troops” that a Soldier was observed wearing skull parts recovered from a “Saddam-era dumping ground” on his head, dogs were being deliberately hit by Bradley Fighting Vehicles, and that a disfigured woman was openly mocked by Soldiers in the FOB Falcon dining facility.

Owens: What has been the reaction among the members of Beauchamp’s company to the claims he made in “Shock Troops?”

Cross: Many Soldiers were upset about how the Soldiers in the article were portrayed as callous and uncaring. These characteristics do not reflect the professionalism and integrity of the Vanguard battalion and the high standards of conduct demanded by the Dagger Brigade’s leadership.

You can read the whole interview at Pajamas Media and enjoy the sweet, sweet schadenfreude.

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Posted by DrewM. at 11:44 AM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Odd Salty Burger

—Gabriel Malor

Here's an example of a situation where everyone did the wrong thing:

A McDonald's employee spent a night in jail and is facing criminal charges because a police officer's burger was too salty, so salty that he says it made him sick.


Bull, 20, said she accidentally spilled salt on hamburger meat and told her supervisor and a co-worker, who "tried to thump the salt off."

On her break, she ate a burger made with the salty meat. "It didn't make me sick," Bull told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

But then Police Officer Wendell Adams got a burger made with the oversalted meat, and he returned a short time later and told the manager it made him sick.

Bull admitted spilling salt on the meat, and Adams took her outside and questioned her, she said.


City public information officer George Louth said Bull was charged because she served the burger "without regards to the well-being of anyone who might consume it."

The McDonald's folks should have thrown out the meat. Yes, I know, that costs money and that's a sad story. Officer Adams shouldn't have eaten the burger, he certainly shouldn't have come back to the restaurant to throw his weight around. And whoever made the decision to charge Bull with a crime needs to come back down to reality.

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Posted by Gabriel Malor at 11:14 AM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

National Female Breast Appreciation Day Email Lands Mayor In Trouble [Nice Deb]

—Open Blog

Tonganoxie, Kansas Mayor Mike Vestal only did what most guys do when they receive a risqué email. He passed it on to some friends.

The contents of the email, you ask?

Well, it starts out, "Next Monday is National Female Breast Appreciation Day." It then shows a picture of a topless woman. Under the photo are the words, "Beats the (bleep) out of Martin Luther King Day! Doesn't It?"

Unfortunately, one of the 'friends' on his email list was a 6News reporter, which led to the story getting published in the Lawrence Journal-World.

Despite the attempt to turn this into a political firestorm for the Mayor, who offered to resign if people asked him to, reactions have been supportive of the Mayor.

Tonganoxie City Councilman Steve Gumm said he has had a good working relationship with Vestal since the mayor took office in May.

“He’s done a good job since he’s started; obviously there’s a learning curve for everyone when you get started,” he said. “He’s enthusiastic. Obviously he wanted to be mayor; he appears to take it seriously. From what I see, he tries to do a good job for the city.”

“It’s no big deal; (at the same time) it is a big deal and it was in poor taste,” Shilling said. “And that’s just an off-color joke. I can’t say it was pornographic.

And comments like this at the Journal World:

“I know Mr. Vestal … I think he is an upstanding individual who deserves a lot of respect. He has overcome many obstacles in his life. He always greets you with a smile and treats you like you are a very very important person. He has a lot of great plans and things that he wants to accomplish while in office for the town of Tonganoxie. It would be a great loss to loose him over this stupid ordeal.”

Vestal added that he even received a request from former Mayor Dave Taylor.

“Mayor Taylor said do not resign,” Vestal said.

The Mayor apologized in a written statement, for any offense that might have been taken, and insisted that he is not racist.

I have not seen a mention of the Mayor's party affiliation.

49ABC News coverage of this story, here.

Get a load of Mike Vestal.

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Posted by Open Blog at 11:11 AM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Not anti-war, just pro the other side


As we wait for General Petraeus to deliver his progress report on the situation in Iraq, on behalf of the “Don’t Question Our Patriotism” crowd, ran an add in the NY Times yesterday titled “General Petraeus or General Betray Us?”. You can see it at a non link here.

Basically, the ad called the man charged with leading 160,000+ Americans in a combat zone a liar.

Since this is essentially the line Democratic leaders like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are taking, don’t look for anyone on that side of the aisle to tell the morons to shut up. No, that would put the money train in jeopardy.

My fear is there aren’t any Republicans willing to stand up and shout from the rafters that the Democrats are essentially the propaganda agency for terrorists worldwide.

Are Republicans really afraid that they are going to be hurt by standing up for the General and the troops he leads? You have to dig a little deep in this article (like to the end) to get to poll data that shows, shockingly! that not all Americans or even most American’s are with the loony left.

Meanwhile, a New York Times/CBS News Poll found that Americans trust military commanders far more than the Bush administration or Congress to bring the war in Iraq to a successful end. Five percent of Americans said they most trust the Bush administration to resolve the war, the poll found; 21 percent said they would most trust Congress; and 68 percent expressed the most trust in military commanders.

Seems a presidential candidate (teh Fred!?) could make a lot of friends by pointing out the Democrats have spent the last 30 years pimping for our enemies and running down our military.

Thanks to Hot Air for finding a copy of the ad I couldn’t find yesterday.

UPDATE: There's one grown up Democrat. Guess who it is. Yep, the man DKos ran out of the party:

Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., is challenging the Democratic leadership to denounce's attack on Gen. Petraeus in a New York Times ad, in which the liberal antiwar group refers to him as "General Betray-us."

"We must reject the slander of this brave soldier and patriot," says Lieberman, who called the labeled the ad "an outrageous and despicable act of slander."

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Posted by DrewM. at 11:04 AM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Nancy Pelosi - War Enabler, Unwilling To Take Political Risks (Chad)

—Open Blog

Every dysfunctional relationship must have an enabler, the person who allows the behavior to continue, according to the participants in this anti-war strategy call Nancy Pelosi is the enabler allowing the President Bush's failed Iraq policy to continue. If she would just break the cycle of violence all would be well you see, our troops could be withdrawn; Sunni, Shia, Jew, Christian and Buddhist could live in peace together in the Garden of Eden that would spring up on the site of Baghdad. So say the participants, including Congressman Jim Moran.

Continue reading

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Posted by Open Blog at 01:57 AM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

AoS LifestyleTM Saves Lives


As we all know, a key component of the Ace of Spades LifestyleTM is sleeping to an appropriate hour, say a gentlemanly noon. It turns out that not only is this approach a physical necessity after a night of hobo hunting, it’s also just plain good for you.

Generations have praised the wisdom of getting up early in the morning, but a Japanese study says early-risers are actually at a higher risk of developing heart problems.

The study, conducted by researchers from several universities and hospitals in the western Japanese city of Kyoto, revealed a link between wake-up times and a person's cardiovascular condition.

"Rising early to go to work or exercise might not be beneficial to health, but rather a risk for vascular diseases," said an abstract of the study.

See, I am not a lazy night owl who has no problem sleeping to noon if it weren’t for that damn alarm. No, I am simply taking good care of my heart. And you annoying morning people who like to mock those of us who don’t function well until, say 1pm or so? You’re going to die sooner than us. Ha! It’s science!

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Posted by DrewM. at 01:54 AM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Bee All That You Can Bee

—Gabriel Malor

The Army is providing help in identifying potential causes of disappearing bee colonies, according to this month's Popular Mechanics. It's a short article with few details, but it sounds like assistance from Aberdeen Proving Grounds has been significant:

As a trial run, CCD surveyors sent Wick samples from suffering beehives, which he liquefied in a blender, filtered using a cheesecloth, and ran through the IVDS. "They'd been working on this for six or seven months," Wick says, "so we brought in a new technology and immediately detected the pathogens they were looking for."

Go Army.

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Posted by Gabriel Malor at 12:11 AM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy
September 09, 2007

"Lear Jet Liberals:" That Video Of Al "Carbon Neutral" Gore Boarding A Private Chartered Gulfstream Jet


Like some saint said, O Lord, grant me chastity, but please don't grant it to me yet.

Thanks to Rusty.

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Posted by Ace at 10:51 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Test Measuring Ability To Type A Single Letter Conclusive Proves: Liberals Nuanced, Conservatives Stupid


One might think that true close-minded stupidity was being demonstrated by such a test and the ludicrous claims it makes based on something so trivial, but that's just the sort of stupidity I'd expect from you morons.

Participants were college students whose politics ranged from “very liberal” to “very conservative.” Scientists instructed them to tap a keyboard when an M appeared on a computer monitor and to refrain from tapping when they saw a W.

M appeared four times more frequently than W, conditioning participants to press a key in knee-jerk fashion whenever they saw a letter.

Each participant was wired to an electroencephalograph that recorded activity in their anterior cingulate cortex, the part of the brain that detects conflicts between a habitual tendency (pressing a key) and a more appropriate response (not pressing the key). Liberals had more brain activity and made fewer mistakes than conservatives when they saw a W, researchers said. Liberals and conservatives were equally accurate in recognizing M…


Sulloway said the results could explain why President Bush demonstrates a single-minded commitment to the Iraq war and Sen. John F. Kerry, the liberal Massachusetts Democrat who opposed Bush in the 2004 presidential race, was accused of being a flip-flopper for changing his mind about the conflict.

Based on the results, he said, liberals could be expected to more readily accept new social, scientific or religious ideas.

“There is ample data from the history of science showing that social and political liberals indeed do tend to support major revolutions in science,” said Sulloway, who has written about the history of science and has studied behavioral differences between conservatives and liberals.

I hope Allah forgives me from stealing almost all of his link, but I had to.

Exit question three (see Allah for first two): How, precisely, does following idiotic rules to perform a tedious test prove that one is in fact more highly mentally adaptable?

Exit question four: If the results came out the other way -- with liberals screwing up periodically, and conservatives slavishly following the simple-minded rules for the tedious, useless test, what do you suppose the odds are these researchers would have claimed that liberals inability to push keys proved in fact they were dreamers and more imaginative and more courageously free-thinking, and that conservatives were robotically efficient at performing such trivial repetitive tasks precisely due to the limitations of their troglodytic retard-brains?

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Posted by Ace at 10:48 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

For the (Grand)Children: New Theory Says Female Promiscuity Helps Prevent Inbreeding


Gene Simmons was just saying something similar to this on that Terri Gross interview I linked. I thought he was talking out his ass.

I still sort of do, but then, you know, science.

Female animals that mate with multiple partners may be doing so to ensure the optimum health of their grandchildren, according to researchers at the universities of Leeds and Exeter.


Despite mating being a risky business for females – not least with the threat of injury, sexually transmitted diseases and vulnerability to predators - polyandry (females taking multiple mates) is widespread in the animal kingdom.

Dr Stephen Cornell (Leeds) and Dr Tom Tregenza (Exeter) have shown that polyandry may have evolved as a survival technique because it provides genetic benefits for species that either accidentally inbreed, or may have no other choice in certain circumstances.

The researchers used a mathematical model to calculate the genetic advantages of polyandry for species where inbreeding is routine – which is thought to be a very large number of species and includes social spiders and many pests of stored food such as beetles. They found that the genetic rewards are likely to be strong enough to compensate for the risks involved in taking extra mate.


But many species are not cabable of preferentially fertilizing their eggs and so must have a different reason for their behaviour. For these species, mating with multiple partners means that the female’s offspring are only half-siblings, so that when inbreeding occurs the gene pool is wider, which reduces the chances of genetic defects appearing.

Gene Simmons -- behavioral evolutionist. Who knew?

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Posted by Ace at 10:32 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

"You Are Not Alone:" 9/11 Sympathies Sent From Poland


I just got this sweet email. His English is a little uneven, but it sort of makes it nicer.

how are you ?
hope all is well.. :-))
we are few days to september 11 aniversary

- I am sending you news about reaction in Poland on 911

- you ( and your readers ) can brightly see that America isnt lonely

wish you a calm day



ps.feel free to publish


as every year , in my little town lost somewhere at the end of the world - at seaside of Poland ,people fold flowers and inflame candles to celebrate the memory of innocent victims of the attack on WTC which were killed from the hand of animals.

From the hand of animals which shamed to all other animals


the inscription proclaims : on September 11th,2001 our hearts stopped petrified with horror - on that day we were all New Yorkers.


-on the 1st anniversary of the terrorist attack on WTC - inhabitants of Gdynia.

Thank you, Jordan. That really made my day. You and your countrymen's warm wishes are well appreciated.

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Posted by Ace at 10:17 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Senator Specter Riffs on Craig

—Gabriel Malor

Senator Larry Craig plans to file a motion to withdraw his guilty plea tomorrow. I don't think it will help his reelection chances and I'd prefer that he make way for a viable Republican to take his seat as soon as possible. Still, he has a right to make use of the legal system.

Defense attorney Jeralyn Merritt of Talkleft conjectures that Craig's mail-in plea form was deficient because it did not advise Craig of his right to seek counsel. She has a copy of Craig's plea form here (PDF) and in depth discussion of the legal requirement of advisement of counsel here.

Senator Specter takes the opportunity to make fun of a fellow Republican on national TV:

Specter said that when he learned the details of the arrest "I was convinced that he couldn't be convicted if he fought the case."

Minnesota law is that a guilty plea may be withdrawn if it was not intelligently made "and what Sen. Craig did was by no means intelligent," said Specter.

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Posted by Gabriel Malor at 09:46 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Kucinich "Feels" The War is illegal; He Won't Go to Iraq

—Gabriel Malor

I missed this over the weekend, but lovely blogger Cassy Fiano had it on Friday:

Apparently, our troops in Iraq are not worthy of the wonderful and magnificent Kucinich's presence (emphasis mine):
"I feel the United States is engaging in an illegal occupation ... I don't want to bless that occupation with my presence," Kucinich said in Lebanon, according to the Associated Press. "I will not do it."

Kucinich should be held up long and loud as an example of Lefty "support" for the troops. Even my left-voting law friends say that he's an embarrassment.

Cassy has harsh words for Kucinich, including a Coulteresque charge of treason. I can almost forgive her for being a Duncan Hunter supporter; look in her sidebar to guess why.

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Posted by Gabriel Malor at 09:19 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Biden is "Dealing With" Sectarian Violence; I'm So Relieved

—Gabriel Malor

The AP has pre-game comments from Senators Graham, Specter, Biden, and Kerry ahead of General Petraeus' report on Iraq. The headline notes "Biden faults Petraeus' assessment", though it might have been more accurate to say "Biden ignores Petraeus' assessment."

Biden went on Meet the Press and had this to say:

The reality is that, although there has been some mild progress on the security front, there is, in fact, no real security in Baghdad or Anbar province, where I was dealing with the most serious problem, sectarian violence.

This is consistent with the Left's most recent tactic as they start to panic ahead of positive reports coming out of Iraq: portraying military progress as irrelevant.

Biden did distinguish himself from other Democratic Presidential candidates by noting that he would never vote to cut off troop funding. Talk of "dates certain", "benchmarks", and "cutting funding" are still being batted around by the Left as they frantically seek to end the Iraq War before more good news stiffens the spines of the wavering public. (Video is available at CrooksandLiars, but you'll have to suffer Biden's infantilisation of our military; he only refers to soldiers as "kids.")

That was Kerry's take. He continues to suggest that things would just work out if only we would set a date on which to cut and run.

Specter continues his disgraceful performance on Iraq:

As I've said in the past, unless we see some light at the end of the tunnel here, very closely examining what General Petraeus and others have to say, I think there's a general sense that there needs to be a new policy.

Someone should have mentioned that the troop surge was a change in policy. His remarks are not surprising, given that he was opposed to the surge from the beginning. He said in December that he was "inclined to support the conclusions" of the Iraq Study Group. Does he still agree given the group's latest report?

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Posted by Gabriel Malor at 08:56 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Bin Laden is Not On Lefty Sites, But His Speechwriter May Be

—Gabriel Malor

An author at lefty site ThinkProgress is lamenting the fact that "[t]he media continue to equate progressives with terrorists." (No link as per established policy; look it up yourself.)

On Friday, CNN correspondent Kelli Arena commented on the new bin Laden tape (see it on YouTube):

At times he comes off like an angry blogger chastising Americans for electing President Bush twice and the Democrats for not doing more to stop the Iraq war.

The New York Times' David Brooks followed suit and simultaneously ridiculed blog commenters while speaking on PBS's NewsHour (see it on YouTube):

You read this thing, and it’s like he’s been sitting around reading lefty blogs, and he’s one of these childish people posting rants at the bottom the page, you know, Noam Chomsky and all this stuff.

I don't think that's far from the truth. I doubt bin Laden is reading the Left Blogosphere, but it is undeniable that terrorist PR efforts make use of the internet to fashion their message. I don't think that there is a more ready-made package of anti-Bush, anti-War on Terror media than that provided daily by the Left Blogosphere.

Which net-savy terrorist may be writing bin Laden's script? The Telegraph has an article today linking traitor Adam Gadahn to bin Laden's latest video. Gadahn is the only American charged with treason in the last 55 years.

What surprised analysts was his use of the language of Left-wing protesters, which showed detailed knowledge of the economic travails of middle America.


A former senior US intelligence official said: "It has Adam Gadahn written all over it." Mike Baker, a former CIA covert operations officer, said the tape left bin Laden with "the title of biggest gas bag in the terrorist world".

ThinkProgress may want to address why bin Laden sounds so much like a progressive commenter while it takes legacy media and the Right Blogosphere to task for noticing the similarity. Just think, the next leftist commenter whose rantings you try to avoid could be working for the other side.

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Posted by Gabriel Malor at 08:09 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

"Not fit to be called people; they are a cancer."

—Gabriel Malor

Strong words came from Israeli Industry, Trade, and Labor Minister Eli Yishai, as reported in the Jerusalem Post today. Yishai was referring to eight Israeli neo-Nazis who were recently arrested, each of whom were granted favorable immigration status under the Law of Return. All eight were admitted from the former Soviet Union.

The Law of Return provides that immigrants can receive Israeli citizenship if they can claim one Jewish grandparent. They need not be Jewish themselves to benefit from favorable immigration status.

The arrests have set off debates throughout the country about amending the Law of Return. Claims of discrimination against immigrants from the former Soviet states are also being traded.

Finally, Drew can add these fellows to his Dumb Criminal Round Up; they videotaped their crimes, which include assaulting Orthodox Jews in the street, vandalizing synagogues, and attacking people they thought were punks, gays, or (ironically) foreigners.

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Posted by Gabriel Malor at 07:34 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Why The United States Is A Haughty Colossus Standing Astride The Planet Earth


The genius of invention.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

The Armchair Cruiser.

Armchair Cruisers has added a new niche to the personal transportation market with its offerings – the company’s magnificently upholstered motorized armchairs range in size from single to three seaters and cost from US$3995 for the single seat electric drive model, to US$7995 for the gas-powered V-twin love seat.

Videos of the sweet rides available here.

That loveseat is sa-weet!

Rednecks motorize just damn everything. I watched 'Trick My Truck' this weekend and got educated.

All those years wasted in college when I could have been learning something useful.

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Posted by LauraW. at 07:10 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Destino 2008


There’s another Democratic debate tonight but you may not have heard much about it because it’s the ‘Spanish’ debate. I use the quotes around Spanish because the candidates, even the two who speak Spanish (Richardson and Dodd), will speak in English while their answers are translated. At least that’s the theory, I am sure those two will work in as much Spanish as possible.

But fear not, non-Spanish speakers can use their closed captioning to see what the candidates say.

I get there are a lot of people who speak Spanish in this country (Univisioin, which is airing the debate, is apparently the 5th most watched network in the country) but why conduct the debate in Spanish? Is the pool of native born Americans of voting age who speak Spanish but not English that big? And aren’t naturalized citizens from any country supposed to demonstrate a proficiency in English before becoming citizens and thus eligible to vote? So, what exactly is the purpose of this exercise?

The one interesting thing about tonight is that it doesn't seem the Democrats have spoken about immigration in any of their previous debates (and God help me, I think I’ve seen them all), including the one that took place the night the amnesty bill died in the Senate. It seems likely that will change tonight.

Univision offered the Republicans the same chance but all the candidates declined or failed to respond save one. John McCain. Oh and when the idea was originally floated in June, RNC Chairman and Senator Mel Martinez thought the idea was just swell.

“I think it would be terrific, I think it would be a good idea,” said Martinez, whose candidacy for RNC chairman was opposed by some conservative Republicans because of his stance on immigration reform. “I’ve been looking for ways in which I could encourage something like that happening. I think having candidates address the largest minority group in America would be a terrific thing.

“A network that the Hispanic community of America watches would be the right forum,” he said.

The debate airs tonight on Univision from 7-8:30.

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Posted by DrewM. at 05:17 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

A College Newspaper Beauchamp


Stories about her brother's tour in Iraq, blowing up children in a fashion reminiscent, presumably, of Jenjis Khan.

A few minor technical Beauchampian problems: He wasn't in Iraq, he was in Afghanistan. And he says he saw no children being blown up.

The college newspaper is apologizing, but I don't see why. The facts may not be true, but the overarching narrative is correct. After all, we know that surely at some point US troops have blown up children, either accidentally, negligently, or part of a hard moral choice about collateral deaths; what does it matter what the actual facts are?

The story speaks to a deeper Truth. And it's this deeper truth that's what really matters.

Journalists? No. Philosopher-Kings. Journalists report facts. Philosophers weigh heavy issues of Truth. And Kings, of course, are The Deciders.

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Posted by Ace at 05:17 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Now We're Cooking With Gas: Official Acepalooza Announcement Video


From Bob Dylan, of all people, via the only song of his I really, really like.

Let's hope the pumps will work because the vandals didn't steal the handles.

Thanks to Paul Anka's lighting guy, who swears he was a rather good boss. Just all about the conscious (sic) and integrity.

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Posted by Ace at 03:56 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Osama Video: Fake?


A reader wrote to me that I ought to be looking into this possibility, as that's the job of bloggers. I ignored him because I figured it was a dead end.

Maybe not quite dead, though.

The Booman Tribute asserts that all contemporaneous, proof-of-recent-life references are made when the video is frozen, with only an audiotrack playing (which is much easier to fake, of course).

Osama Bin Laden's widely publicized video address to the American people has a peculiarity that casts serious doubt on its authenticity: the video freezes at about 1 minute and 58 seconds, and motion only resumes again at 12:30. The video then freezes again at 14:02 remains frozen until the end. All references to current events, such as the 62nd anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Japan, and Sarkozy and Brown being the leaders of France and the UK, respectively, occur when the video is frozen! The words spoken when the video is in motion contain no references to contemporary events and could have been (and likely were) made before the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

Allah is, bless his skeptical heart, intrigued but cautious, noting that a statement made while the video is flowing about "Democrats' inability to implement your desire to end the war" suggest it's of recent vintage.

I'm not altogether sure of that, A-Man. The Democrats were also intent to end the war in 2004 -- John Kerry, anyone? -- when we know Osama was alive, and so it is quite possible bin Laden would make precisely such a reference back then. He has, if I'm not mistaken, made these sorts of references in the past, has he not? About the need for politicians to end the war? The reference to Democrats being unable to end the war may be a reference to their failure in the 2004 elections, not their success after the 2006 elections.

So I don't know if that single reference proves he was alive after the November 2006 elections.

As a general matter, when someone is doctoring a video, you have to assume there's a reason for the doctoring. What reason could that be? I imagine there's several possibilities, but one that must obviously be considered is, well, the obvious one. That he's dead, and they had to take an old tape of him and stick in current-events references to project the falsehood that he's actually alive at all.

Stop the ACLU is following this story and collecting up opinions, and Dan Riehl is interested in the less-juicy implication that he appears very weak, based on his lack of making his typical hand gestures.

Interesting. I guess the situation is as it was: People may suspect he's dead, but they have no clear proof he is, and so the most one can say is that he "might be dead." I don't see the current tape changing that; it still seems like he might be dead. It's awfully curious that all of the demonstrable references to recent events occur during freeze-frames. Why should that be, if not to clumsily hide the fact they are bits of new audio layered in to establish proof of life?

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Posted by Ace at 03:52 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

What does a woman want? [OregonMuse]

—Open Blog

Why, female pr0n, of course! What did you think?

Check out all the fantasy men in the layout at the above link.

Don't worry, the link is quite safe for work.

Stein hoist to Dr. Sanity, via Insty's wiffe Dr. Helen.

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Posted by Open Blog at 12:22 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

George Lucas Remasters An American Classic


Mrs. Peel posted this in a comment over at Splitters, and it's just too cute not to steal.

Singin' In The Rain

Suffers for the lack of suspiciously ethnic aliens, if you ask me.

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Posted by LauraW. at 11:52 AM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Reporter gets buzzed by a Spitfire

—Purple Avenger

I laugh every time I watch this.

Continue reading

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Posted by Purple Avenger at 09:18 AM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Football Pool Stuff: The Other League


Not really the other league since of course we'll compare versus each other. A bit more difficult, but we're all in this together.

I'm sorry to be so late on this but if people haven't signed up yet, here's a league that's still taking members, on Yahoo!

Group ID: 65497
password: valurite

If you're in a suicide pool, that's fine, but you will have to join a pick 'em league to compete with others.

Actually the first Ace of Spades league doesn't allow you to pick after the first game's been played (which it was, on Thursday), so if you're locked out, you might want to join this league and have your name removed from the first league.

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Posted by Ace at 12:29 AM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy
September 08, 2007

Olfactory Advertising


Those evil devils at KFC, ensnaring consumers with the scent of chicken fried in 11 secret herbs and spices.

In a ploy reminiscent to letting pies cool on windowsills, KFC is experimenting with aroma marketing, using scent to lure potential diners to their restaurants. The pilot program took place Aug. 23 at the Salvation Army offices in the Mayfair neighborhood.

Here's how it worked: plates of KFC's new "$2.99 Deals" were delivered by mail cart to employees, along with bills, packages and letters. The aroma of KFC chicken permeated throughout the office. Noses piqued, heads popped into the hallway, and the office workers were then treated to lunch.

Well, yeah. Imagine you're at your office cubicle with lunchtime a few minutes away, stomach rumbling, and the smell of crispy, succulent fried chicken wafts your way.
You'd be prairie-dogging and grabbing your car keys.

People are immune to a lot of visual noise and ignore many adverts these days. Marketing to the nose is devious, devious stuff.

No reply from The Mustang Ranch as to whether they will be also be adopting this marketing technique.

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Posted by LauraW. at 08:24 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Shock: New York Times Investigates Hsu, Finds Direct Payments From His Shell Companies To Alleged "Donors"


The next question is "Where did the money come from originally?"

But for now, this advances the story quite a bit.

The records show that Components Ltd., a company controlled by Mr. Hsu that has no obvious business purpose and appears to exist only on paper, has paid a total of more than $100,000 to at least nine people who made campaign contributions to Mrs. Clinton and others through Mr. Hsu. The payments occurred in the spring of 2003, several months before Mr. Hsu emerged as a contributor to Democrats and more than a year before he started bundling checks from those same people for various campaigns. In all, he has raised more than $1 million for Democrats.

The records make clear that the group was more than just a loose collection of friends, family and co-workers that bundlers typically rely on when raising money for a candidate. Rather, each person had a direct financial relationship with Mr. Hsu, either receiving money from his company or paying into it, even though many of them appear to have other jobs or businesses independent of him. The purpose of the payments, and whether they related to business costs, fees or expenses, is unclear.


The timing of Mr. Hsu’s payments is important because federal law sets a $2,300 limit on individual contributions to presidential campaigns and bars fund-raisers from reimbursing donors.


The records show that during that one-month period, Components Ltd. took in close to $600,000, about a third of it wired to the company’s account by two people in California and New York who also were part of Mr. Hsu’s circle of campaign contributors. At the same time, the company issued checks and wire transfers totaling $660,000, much of it to the same group of people, including two checks for more than $100,000 apiece that bounced because of insufficient funds.

It's not a mystery. He's laundering illegal contributions, either from those not entitled to donate to political campaigns (foreign nationals) or from very rich donors who have easily exceeded the federal limits. He takes the illegal money in, writes checks to his network of straw (fake) donors, then they give "their" money to Hillary! and Co.

Thanks to David.

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Posted by Ace at 07:42 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Iraq Study Group: Surge Working, Iran Needs To Be Blocked


They call for a 50% reduction in troop levels... in three years.

After all of the media's and Democrats' howling that we must follow the recommendations of the ISG, what will they say now?

Jeff Emmanuel Also reports from inside the surge.

In April and May of this year, and again from the beginning of August through the present, I have been embedded in some of the most dangerous combat zones in Iraq observing Gen. Petraeus’s strategy from the ground level, and have seen clear signs of the strategy’s effects on the situation there. Security has been improved, as has quality of life for the Iraqi people – many of whom have access, via the coalition, to things like quality medical care that they have never had before, under Saddam or since his fall.


Actual combat troop strength is, in reality, still far too low to clear, hold (read: secure), and build – the three pillars of counterinsurgency – the entire country (let alone to nation-build successfully, including leaving behind a functioning, autonomous government); in essence, fewer soldiers than it would take to fill up Washington, DC’s RFK Stadium (the actual percentage of the 140,000 total troops here in Iraq, the majority of which are support troops who rarely leave their FOBs) have been asked to secure and patrol a nation of 27 million people, which is the size of California, while also training Iraqi Security Forces and performing reconstruction projects. However, the troops who have been asked to take on this massive task – while being targeted by terrorists who would rather slaughter their own countrymen in the process of fighting the coalition than actually stand and fight an army toe-to-toe – have stepped up, despite an inhospitable environment and the strain of extended combat tours, and done an admirable job.

They're the 300.

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Posted by Ace at 07:18 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Lightning Strikes Twice

—Dave In Texas

Joe "Sparky" Sauers says "bring it on, bitch"!

Well, no, he doesn't really say that. He says "ow" and passes out.

Joe been hit twice. That's two times more than you and me. And he's still kickin.

Personally, I think he's the most interesting combination of "unlucky" and "goddam you're one lucky sonofabitch" I ever heard of.

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Posted by Dave In Texas at 06:40 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Saturday Funny Video


From Jay at Stop the ACLU.

Thanks, Jay.

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Posted by LauraW. at 06:22 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

NYT's David Brooks Notes bin Laden Seems To Be Reading Lefty Blogs


I'd have just said DNC press releases, but I guess lefty blogs are a safer target.

"But you read this thing, and it's like he's been sitting around reading lefty blogs, and he's one of these childish people posting rants at the bottom the page, you know, Noam Chomsky and all this stuff.

"You can't help read it and not laugh at it, occasionally, because it is just absurd. It's flying this way, and that way, weird conspiracy theories, and mortgages, global warming. He throws it all in there."

Also, at Stop the ACLU, audio of John Gibson comparing bin Laden's message to Keith Olbermann's rants. Except for bin Laden not saying "Sir" every three seconds, they match up pretty damn well.

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Posted by Ace at 06:13 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Oh, Open Blog!


Whoops, forgot.

Blog. Blog like the wind.

Meanwhile, I'm apartment hunting. Fun.

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Posted by Ace at 05:32 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

An Inconvenient Truth - 54% think Iraq war can be won

—Purple Avenger

Bad news for the democrats..

Even more bad news for the democrats - the US Institute of Peace says we should stay there for another 5 years when a full handover would occur.

H/T Surber

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Posted by Purple Avenger at 05:28 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

IDF Counter-Kidnaps Gilad Shalit's Kidnappers


A daring raid.

The sources said that the undercover soldiers entered the Gaza Strip, and carried out their operation near the Rafah Crossing. According to the sources, the undercover soldiers were disguised as grocers riding a donkey-pulled wagon. Sources said they disguised force even chatted with locals near the crossing.

According to the report, the undercover soldiers approached a plot of land belonging to Muhawesh al-Kadi, a senior Hamas official who acts as spokesman of the organization’s special security forces in Rafah.

Al-Kadi was working his land when the disguised force approached and kidnapped him. The Palestinian sources reported that the operation went quickly and smoothly. The undercover force left Rafah with al-Kadi, and brought him to Israel.

More at the link at Hot Air.

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Posted by Ace at 03:57 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Greg Packer's Back, Baby


Greg Packer, if you don't remember, was the guy who used to get quoted in every third "man on the street" interview by the MSM. Just because he deliberately went where reporters were likely to be to get his name in the newspaper.

After getting embarrassed by quoting Greg Packer so many times, AP, along with other outlets, embargoed him. No longer would they quote Greg Packer.

But you can't keep a good strange man down.

And the media will always be stupid and credulous.

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Posted by Ace at 03:37 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Dumb Criminal Round Up


I don’t care what Libertarians or medical studies may say, pot makes you stupid.

SANTA CRUZ, Calif. - A marijuana dealer telephoned police after armed thieves stole his quarter-pound stash of pot. The 19-year-old Felton man told police that two men, one of them armed with a handgun, robbed him at gunpoint as he sat in his car on Tuesday night.

After the thieves made off with his stash, the dealer telephoned police. When police arrived, the dealer's story became progressively confused.

First he showed officers a medical marijuana card and told them he bought the pot at a medical marijuana dispensary. Then he said he got the pot from a friend. Eventually the dealer admitted he had arranged to sell the marijuana to the men who stole it from him, investigators said.

The famous bank robber Willie Sutton was once asked why he robbed banks, “because that’s where the money is” is said to have been his reply. Well, if you are ever asked, “why shouldn’t I rob a Karate studio?” you should answer, “because that’s where the fists of fury are”.

BOGOTA (AFP) "The man entered the academy with a firearm, but could not intimidate the dozens of students, who fortunately reacted and disarmed him," said Colonel Julio Cesar Santoyo, police commander in the province of Santander.

Police arrived at the scene only to take the would-be robber to hospital for treatment of multiple contusions at the hands of the karate students.

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Posted by DrewM. at 03:19 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

My Quest - The Stoogeum

—Dave In Texas

I must make my pilgrammage.

In little Spring House PA, about 25 miles north of Philadelphia, The Stoogeum, a museum of Three Stooges memorabilia.

Stoogeum curator Gary Lassin opened it 3 years ago. He is the sole employee, and viewings are by appointment only.

As well they should be.

Lassin married into a family relationship with the Stooges, his wife's grandfather was Larry Feinberg's brother. Over the years he collected hundreds of Stooge artifacts.

The Stoogeum has "more stuff than I even imagined existed," said Peter Seely, editor of the book "Stoogeology: Essays on the Three Stooges." "Going through there is sort of like a trip through the history of pop culture in the 20th century."

10,000 square feet of movie props, toys, art work, Three Stooges bowling balls, figurines (action figures!), old scripts.... the pulse quickens!

I have got to see this.

Any ladies care to join me?

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Posted by Dave In Texas at 09:28 AM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Bleg: Anyone Know of a NYC-Area Room For Rent?


I actually think I'm ditching Boston soon after the Acepalooza. If anyone knows of a room, let me know. I doubt I can afford anywhere decent in Manhattan but I'd like to be reasonably close by subway (or PATH train, of course).

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Posted by Ace at 04:31 AM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Sen. Hagel To Retire From Senate, Abandon Poll-Leading Bloomberg-Hagel Ticket


But really, he isn't seeking the presidency. What a load off my mind.

It's Jim Brunning time. He had the guts to challenge Hagel when it was assumed he would remain in office.

Chuck Hagel will announce Monday that he is retiring from the U.S. Senate and will not run for president next year, people close to the Nebraska Republican said Friday.


According to one person interviewed, Hagel told Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky on Friday morning that he had decided to retire. Hagel's staff learned of his decision that afternoon.


His pending retirement leaves another GOP Senate seat without an incumbent at a time when the Republican Party is struggling to stem potential losses and must defend more seats than Democrats.

In Nebraska, the news will trigger a scramble among possible successors.

Attorney General Jon Bruning has been campaigning for the GOP Senate nomination since spring. A second Republican, financial adviser Pat Flynn of Schuyler, also already announced his candidacy.

I foresee a long career for him on network news "analysis," sitting around, looking important, bashing Republicans. Bringing all that new stuff to the network team.

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Posted by Ace at 03:36 AM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Aide To Demcratic Governor of Illinois Jailed For Refusal To Testify in Terrorist FALN Bomber Case


Another case of Guess That Party!, by the way, but given this is a Chicago paper, perhaps they assume people know the governor's party affiliation.

I don't expect the AP story will be more forthcoming about it, though.

A high-ranking official in Gov. Blagojevich's office spent nearly two years in a federal prison for refusing to aid a government terrorism probe into a series of bombings in Chicago and New York City.

Steven Guerra, Blagojevich's $120,000-a-year deputy chief of staff for community services, was identified by federal prosecutors as a member of the Puerto Rican separatist group, FALN, which was behind a wave of violence and killings in the 1970s and early 1980s.

Before al-Qaida and Timothy McVeigh, the nation's most feared terrorism group was FALN, an organization that sought Puerto Rican independence through a wave of terror more than a quarter century ago.

More than 130 bombings in New York, Illinois and Puerto Rico were attributed to the group, including at least 28 here. Five people were killed, and 84 were injured, including four police officers.

Between 1975 and 1979, FALN took credit for or was suspected in bomb attacks at the Merchandise Mart, the Chicago Police Department headquarters, Woodfield Shopping Center and a former Marshall Field's department store, among others.

In March 1980, gun-toting sympathizers stormed the Carter-Mondale presidential campaign office in Chicago and held campaign workers hostage.

But a month later, FALN suffered its most severe setback when 11 members were arrested in a stolen truck in Evanston.

In 1983, Guerra, now 53, was among five people convicted in New York of contempt of court for refusing to testify before a federal grand jury investigating the group. The felony conviction resulted in a three-year prison sentence for Guerra, who was released in 1986 after serving 23 months.

Federal prosecutors labeled Guerra and his four co-defendants "a danger to the community," and said they advocated armed violence, kidnappings, hijackings and prison breaks in the name of a "free" Puerto Rico.

The lead prosecutor in Guerra's case, James D. Harmon Jr., said it is clear to him that the man he helped convict has no business working for state government. "He had his opportunity to help the government. Someone who refused to help the government, in my opinion, forfeits his right to earn a living from any government at any time," the former prosecutor said.

Gov. Blagojevich's office said Guerra disclosed his felony conviction to the administration before his 2003 hiring. Aides said the governor intends to stand by Guerra. He was recommended for the job by Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.), who lobbied President Bill Clinton to grant clemency to 11 imprisoned FALN members in 1999.


Guerra was not charged with any of the group's attacks or plots. But a sentencing memo obtained by the Chicago Sun-Times laid out in detail the government's belief that Guerra was an FALN insider with intimate knowledge of wrongdoing.

The accusations came largely from an admitted FALN member, Alfredo Mendez. He grew up with Guerra, became a government witness and is living under the witness-protection program.

Now if the media's excuse for overreporting corruption stories about Republicans while underreporting those about Democrats is that these stories are "illustrative" of something about Republicans specifically, what can we say about Democrats' continuing apologism on behalf of, and occasional glorification of, terrorists?

Enough about the media. If Democrats hire terrorist supporters on their staff, how the hell can they claim to be "strong, tough" in fighting them?

What's their plan for Osama bin Laden? Hire him on as chief spokesman of the DNC?

It would make sense. His latest tape sounds like an audition for the gig.

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Posted by Ace at 03:17 AM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy
September 07, 2007

An Illustrated History of "It's Old"


Pretty much all the big net phenoms from Meth Minute. Including Amanda Congdon's jugs.

Includes lightning bolt. Does not include cowbell.

Thanks to See-Dub of JunkYard Blog.

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Posted by Ace at 07:57 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Breaking: Bush Responds To Osama bin Ladin Tape


Not a prepared statement, just comments made while meeting with the Japanese PM.

"I find it interesting that on the tape Iraq was mentioned, which is a reminder that Iraq is part of this War against extremists. If Al Qaeda bothers to mention Iraq it's because they want to achieve their objectives in Iraq, which is to drive us out, and to develop a safe haven. And the reason they want a safe haven is to launch attacks against America, or any other ally."

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Posted by Ace at 07:46 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Shock: Al Gore Wants You To Reduce Your Lifestyle While He Takes Private Gulfstream Jets To the Local Dunkin Donuts


Not a new story, but now there's video coming.

Those whose lifestyles are responsible for one hundred or more times the carbon dioxide than average Americans want average Americans to cut down on their CO2 production while the swanks continue producing more than ever, but can feel less guilty about it because they've gulled some suckers to do without some of the pleasures of life so they can continue to live like the marquesses.

Carbon offsets? Their real "carbon offsets" are the saps they can con into living poorer lives in their stead.

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Posted by Ace at 06:48 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Kiddie-Porn Lovin' Ex-ACLU Chapter President Gets Seven Years


He may not have a wide stance now, but give it time, baby.

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Posted by Ace at 06:11 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Democrats Scramble To Respond To Disaster of US Victory; Kos Demands That Democrats Implement Bin Ladin's Prefered Foreign Policy


The war could be won, which is a disaster for the pro-defeat Democrats (and Chuck Hagel, of course).

No one forced them to take a position which would benefit them politically only to the extent America lost, and would cost them politically to the exact extent America won. They chose that, and they can live with that.

It seems they're now asking for "bipartisan" solutions on ending the war, but ending it (as usual) without their fingerprints on it and now without even strict timetables. "Willingness to consider bipartisan compromises" = "Looking for some political cover for their defeatist asses."

With a mixed picture emerging about progress in Iraq, Senate Democratic leaders are showing a new openness to compromise as they try to attract Republican support for forcing at least modest troop withdrawals in the coming months.

After short-circuiting consideration of votes on some bipartisan proposals on Iraq before the August break, senior Democrats now say they are willing to rethink their push to establish a withdrawal deadline of next spring if doing so will attract the 60 Senate votes needed to prevail.

Senator Carl Levin, Democrat of Michigan, said, “If we have to make the spring part a goal, rather than something that is binding, and if that is able to produce some additional votes to get us over the filibuster, my own inclination would be to consider that.”

Democrats would need to lure the 60 senators in order to cut off a likely Republican filibuster.

The emerging proposal by Mr. Levin and Senator Jack Reed, Democrat of Rhode Island, would still order the administration to begin pulling at least some combat troops out of Iraq, probably by the end of the year. It is not clear what other provisions the measure may include.

But Mr. Levin, who is chairman of the Armed Services Committee and who met Wednesday with Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader, said a compromise may be worth making. It would allow Congress to assert its own voice on Iraq policy, after falling short of that goal in most such votes throughout the year, he said.

"Please bail us out of this disastrous turn of events by making calls for defeat bipartisan and thus providing us poliitcal cover!"

Huh... interesting suggestion. Here's s better one: Suffer alone, bastards. I've never in my life seen a more craven, venal crew.

Meanwhile Kos rages that Hillary and Obama are too slow in endorsing the platform of Osama bin Ladin.

Don't worry, Pal. I'm sure they'll get around to it. They just have to focus-group the best possible way to say to the American people, "Osama bin Ladin has ordered us to surrender in Iraq, and he knows what's best for the American interest."

Via Instapundit.

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Posted by Ace at 05:43 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Interesting Take on the Horrors of "Male Socialization"


Dr. Helen notes a false connection drawn between male socialization and violence:

If the authors' theory is correct--that traditional masculine socialization leads to violence--then why was it that in years past, when we had more traditional masculine socialization, fewer guys were shooting up schools?

I suspect that many of the school shooters were looking for some way to prove themselves as men because they did not grow up with any type of "male socialization," not because they did.

Basically she pegs such types, properly, as almost always losers acting violently due to their (quite accurate) feelings of inadequacy and impotence.

This is true, but I do think there is an innate male thing going on which urges them towards such behaviors. Most serial killers are of course male, are more specifically frustrated members of "anxious class," from middle class families which expected them to do better than their fathers but fell well short of that goal. Why don't women feel to impose their frustrated wills on the world through serial killing as often?

And in high-pressure cultures like Japan, isn't it almost exclusively men who resort to suicide in response to career path disappointment? Isn't Japan's high suicide rate due to additional men committing suicide, not additional people of both sexes?

There may well be an element of "male socialization" that leads to various bad outcomes, but this element seems largely one of competition and score-keeping (comparison of one's achievements with respect to others in one's cadre, etc.) not about a culture of violence per se.

Do we want males less competitive? True, it might resort in less Columbines, but it also might result in less vaccines. Males respond to frustration and lack of achievement very poorly on occasion -- with sometimes deadly consequences -- but that doesn't seem like a good enough reason in itself to devalue achievement.

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Posted by Ace at 05:19 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Making a proper entrance at events

—Purple Avenger

Arrive in style. None of that wimpy limo, SUV, or trendy Prius drivel. Roll up on that event in a freaking tank.

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Posted by Purple Avenger at 05:09 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Culture of Corruption: Murtha-Earmarked $9 Million Water Pump Apparently Non-Existent


It's only Republican scandals that get front page treatment, though. Those scandals prove that Republicans are corrupt and thus are relevant. Scandals like this -- Murtha "steering" millions to a local buddy and, I'm sure we'll soon find out, a major contributor, for a high tech water pump that never actually existed -- only prove that Democrats are, at times, a bit too generous and sometimes love a little too much.

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Posted by Ace at 03:52 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Law Post: When Do Wars End?

—Gabriel Malor

A few weeks ago we (that would be you and me, not just me and the voices in my head) took a look at declarations of war (here and here and here). The question of how and when wars are legally started continues to come up, as it did at Wednesday’s debate when Ron Paul again falsely claimed that the Iraq war has not been declared and is illegal under international law.

A similar issue may be even more difficult to resolve: when do wars end? This is a difficult question because wars don’t typically end with an armistice or even a voluntary cessation of hostilities. In either case, international law provides that the parties are not legally bound to end hostilities until a peace treaty is signed.

Continue reading

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Posted by Gabriel Malor at 03:37 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Acepalooza Location Picked


If you're coming in from out of town, you'll want places near the Prudential Center, or which have decent T-access to that area.

LauraW is going to email the location to all those who have responded to her at her laurawtips gmail address. We're not announcing it openly because we're not sure about doing that yet.

The place is decent enough, sort of centrally located so those who want to keep the party going should be able to find other places nearby, or just stay at the place. It's not ideal; parking is going to be a slight hassle, but I'll put up some secret parking information later. There should be free lots within a 10 minute walk. Plus there are nearby paid lots for those who don't mind dropping 25 bucks for parking.

I think the place is within 15 minutes walking-time of Cambridge, so those hotels will also be okay, with a bit of a walk or a fairly short $10 or $15 cab ride.

Sorry it took so long. I've spent four nights the past week and a lot of time on the phone trying to find a place; at some point I had to pull the trigger. It's been like apartment-hunting. A lot of it was bananas: the Marriott Long Wharf wouldn't reserve any space whatsoever without a $3500 catering contract for example. Not every place was that bad, but in most cases bars and hotels demanded a big upfront fee in exchange for the privilege of taking in $600-$1000 worth of business they wouldn't otherwise have.

I also want to apologize for the tiny amount of blogging I've done. I've been sick as a dog since Monday, and it's only now starting to go away. I'm not whining so much as offering excuses.

No Quick Route From Airport... I know some people asked for that, and I did look around for places that would be somewhat easy from the airport. But it didn't pan out. Sorry. The airport is on the T, though, and this place is on the T; it will involve changing trains, though, so it might take 40 minutes or so all told.

For those who don't know, the Boston subway/train system (the "T") shuts down at midnight. Yes, midnight, even on Saturday nights. It's their way of encouraging people to drink and drive. So those who plan on getting sloshed should bear in mind there won't be any public transportation back, and may want to plan for cab costs.

It's at the Hynes Convention Center stop, and also is within walking distance of Copley and the Copley stop. They're on the green line.

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Posted by Ace at 03:21 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Ace of Spades™ Lifestyle - Blue Collar Sassy!

—Dave In Texas

Well, it would be blue collar, if he had been wearing a shirt.

Percy Honnibal aquitted of misdemeanor public indecency charge, so charged for working at a job site while, you know, nekkid.

He's a carpenter. That seems, dangerous or something. At least to me.

He's had a couple of run-ins before (shocking!).

"I wanted to go to trial to prove that the charge could not stick, that it was an over-reaction," said the 51-year-old building contractor. "You don't expect to all of a sudden see somebody in the nude, but there was never a threat, never anyone in danger."

Except for Percy himself, whenever the nail gun was around.

I'm reminded of the words of Dirty Harry Callahan, to the SF Police Chief and DA. "When I see a naked man with a kitchen knife chasing a woman down an alley, I figure he's not out collecting for the Red Cross".

But if you see a naked man in Oakland with a circular saw, he might be building some bookcases.

It's Oakland. You don't know.

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Posted by Dave In Texas at 03:04 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

New Possibly New Osama Tape Proves He's Alive Quite Possibly Alive
Update: Seems Recent-- Transcript Has Osama Praising Democrats, Noam Chomsky, Kyoto Accord (?!?!)


While everyone is headlining this as proof of life, the actual facts seem a bit fuzzier.

Intelligence sources tell ABC News they believe the video message from Osama bin Laden is authentic, recently produced and evidence the al Qaeda leader is still alive.

According to government sources, an initial analysis of the tape indicates "a lot of chest thumping" and of course historical references "alluding" to the successful attack on New York.

And a CIA spokesman told ABC News, "It's quite possible this is a new video."

U.S. authorities earlier this morning said the tape's transcript is aimed at potential suicide bombers who he urges to carry out missions against the West.

The jihadist Web site announced the tape with a banner, showing a still picture of bin Laden, now 50 years old, looking fit with a full beard of dark black hair, no gray at all.

"It does look oddly like he is wearing a false beard," Richard Clarke, a former White House counterterrorism official and now ABC News consultant, said. "If we go back to the tape three years, he had a very white beard. This looks like a phony beard that has been passed on."

The "phony beard" may be an important clue as to where bin Laden is hiding, according to Clarke.

"One place where a beard would stand out would be southeast Asia, the Philippines, Indonesia," Clarke told ABC News. "No one's thought he was there, but that is an environment where most men, Muslim men don't have beards."

I realize it's a CIA spokesman saying it's only "quite possible" the tape is new, and he may be a bit more cautious about announcing an official judgment than the various leaking intelligence sources ABCNews has. Still, despite the description of the tape the sources are leaking, there is no mention of Osama dating the tape by specifically referring to a recent event. It's quite possible he made such a reference, which of course proves he's alive; but as of yet no one is hinting at what he said that might have prompted the "it's new" conclusion.

Well There You Go: ABCNews now has update and says it has a transcript. The reference to the November 2006 elections suggests he was alive then and is most likely alive now.

Watch him criticize Democrats, Kos-like, for not being forceful enough in trying to end the War in Iraq, and even praise Noam Chomsky and the Kyoto Accord. I'll give him this: he knows his target audience.

Sources tell ABC News the tape is approximately 30 minutes long, and does not contain overt threats to the United States.


Bin Laden also spoke to the ongoing situation in Iraq throughout the tape, heavily criticizing the Bush administration.

He says to the American people, "you made one of your greatest mistakes, in that you neither brought to account nor punished those who waged this war, not even the most violent of its murderers, [former Defense Secretary Donald] Rumsfeld…"

"You permitted Bush to complete his first term, and stranger still, chose him for a second term, which gave him a clear mandate from you -- with your full knowledge and consent -- to continue to murder our people in Iraq and Afghanistan. Then you claim to be innocent! The innocence of yours is like my innocence of the blood of your sons on the 11th -- were I to claim such a thing."

Bin Laden says President Bush's words echo "neoconservatives like Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Richard Perle."

"People of America: the world is following your news in regards to your invasion of Iraq, for people have recently come to know that, after several years of tragedies of this war, the vast majority of you want it stopped. Thus, you elected the Democratic Party for this purpose, but the Democrats haven't made a move worth mentioning. On the contrary, they continue to agree to the spending of tens of billions to continue the killing and war there."


According to the transcript, bin Laden says there are two ways to end the war:

"The first is from our side, and it is to continue to escalate the killing and fighting against you."

The second is to do away with the American democratic system of government. "It has now become clear to you and the entire world the impotence of the democratic system and how it plays with the interests of the peoples and their blood by sacrificing soldiers and populations to achieve the interests of the major corporations."

The rambling transcript also mentions French President Sarkozy, which suggests the tape was made after Sarkozy's election in May.

Bin Laden comes close to offering a date for the tape with this by saying, "... just a few days ago, the Japanese observed the 62nd anniversary of the annihilation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by your nuclear weapons." The anniversary was on August 6.

He goes on to call Noam Chomsky "among one of the most capable of those from your own side," and mentions global warming and "the Kyoto accord."

He also speaks to recent issues grabbing headlines in the United States, referring to "the reeling of many of you under the burden of interest-related debts, insane taxes and real estate mortgages; global warming and its woes..."

Dude, this is coming straight from Kos and the DNC. Extraordinary.

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Posted by Ace at 02:55 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

How do you say Chutzpah in Arabic?


Yesterday the story about ambassadors from Muslim nations to Sweden demanding that that country change their laws in light of another bout of Islamo-Cartoonophopia made the rounds of the interwebs.

Well, the meeting has apparently taken place and there seems to be a slight difference of opinion about the take away:

The envoys are not reported to have called for Sweden to change its laws to protect against the desecration of the Muslim prophet. After a meeting with his Muslim colleagues on Thursday, the Egyptian ambassador had indicated that the group wanted to see "action, not just nice words."

But Reinfeldt said that the ambassadors did not present a list of demands at government offices in Rosenbad.

"There were no demands in that sense. We had a very positive dialogue," said Reinfeldt.

Now maybe there’s some diplomatic parsing of language here but it seems whether or not they demanded laws be changed or presented a written list of what they want done, the Muslim ambassadors expect something to be done. As we all recall, last year’s Cartoons of Blasphemy episode demonstrated what could happen if their demands aren’t met.

But even the most careful diplomatic language allows for the occasional truth to be told.

Algeria's ambassador to Sweden, Merzak Bedjaoui, said the meeting "was an excellent initiative taken in a spirit of appeasement."

Since it’s apparently okay for accredited ambassadors to make demands about the internal workings of their host country, I eagerly await stories about the non-Muslim world's demands for reciprocity. I am sure any day now the US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia will insist that churches be allowed to open in that country, or travelers not have to worry about packing bibles or crosses in their luggage when visiting or that women be allowed to drive throughout the kingdom. Perhaps EU countries which maintain relations with Iran could demand that that country stop hanging gays. And maybe, just maybe all civilized countries will be informing Pakistan that no, it’s not okay to stone women to death for ‘adultery’ (AKA…being raped).

Yeah, I am sure that would go over real big in the Muslim world.

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Posted by DrewM. at 02:54 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

High School Musical Star Nude

—Gabriel Malor

Commenter John Galt reminds me that a nude picture of 18-year old Vanessa Hudgens has made its way to the internet.

I can't imagine why it didn't occur to me when I read the news that you morons would be interested. Here is your official announcement post. You'll have to dig up the picture yourselves, though.

(Also, one of the fellow posters will have to email me about how to post pictures to this moron-blog...)

UPDATE: You pervs. Did you really think the photo would be at that MSNBC link?

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Posted by Gabriel Malor at 02:34 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Clinton Had a Difficult Week

—Gabriel Malor

The F.B.I. conducted a sting operation in New Jersey early this week. The operation arrested eleven corrupt public officials, including two state assemblymen and a mayor. Who did the mayor turn out to be?

Samuel Rivera, a member of Clinton's Mayors Council. The Mayors Council is a group of about 100 Clinton supporters gathered to "advise the campaign on policy and outreach.”

On hearing the news, the Clinton campaign announced that soon-to-be-former Mayor Rivera had "stepped down" from the council just that very same day.

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Posted by Gabriel Malor at 02:06 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

The "fun facts" about tubino thread

—Purple Avenger

Have at it. I'll start.

Tubino doesn't wave a hand under the stall wall, a loofah is whisked back and forth to keep hands from touching "unclean stuff"

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Posted by Purple Avenger at 12:59 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Must See TV


This evening John Stossel will host a segment on Cuban healthcare on ABC's 20/20.

Judging by who will be interviewed, this segment will hopefully be illuminating to those who believe Michael Moore's words, but not those of actual Cubans.

And don't miss Babalu's most recent dispatch, especially the rebuttal of the fabulist's lies in the update.

Just a taste:

Sarah (not her real name) was forced to call in every favor imaginable in order to gain entry into this facility – which treats primarily foreigners, government-types, and those with the right “connections.” The hospital was originally built as a bank in the 1950’s. The 15-20-story building, located along Havana’s Malecon seawall is indeed clean, comfortable and relatively state-of-the-art. It is also off-limits to the vast majority of Cuban citizens.

It is the facility Moore featured in Sicko, as an example of Cuba's exemplary 'Universal Care.'

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Posted by LauraW. at 12:39 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Nifong Heckled on His Way to Jail

—Gabriel Malor

Ex-DA Mike Nifong reported to jail this morning to begin his 24 hour sentence. Amazingly, he had supporters outside the jail carrying signs which read "We believe in your integrity and goodness." A small crowd of hecklers were also present, one of whom yelled "Justice works!"

Nifong will have a cell to himself because the sheriff is concerned about his safety. I suppose that's a smart move for a man who still manages to stir enough feelings to actually have supporters and hecklers. Still, there must be something seriously wrong with folks who believe in the "integrity" of Mike Nifong.

Meanwhile, the three lacrosse players have offered settlement terms of $30 million with Durham. If the city doesn't agree, they plan to file suit next week (or next month? -- the article says both).

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Posted by Gabriel Malor at 12:13 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Who’s Killing All the Bees? Apparently The Joooooosssss.


What do the NY Money Men have against bees?

The mysterious Colony Collapse Disorder that's savaging honeybee colonies across the United States and is expected to enter Canada is likely related to a virus, a group of top bee scientists said Thursday.

According to a new report in the journal Science, the Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV) may be a potential cause of the epidemic that has afflicted between 50 and 90 per cent of commercial bee colonies in the U.S.

"In this study, we've had opportunity to find a brand-new virus to the United States, and it appears to be associated with (Colony Collapse Disorder)," Diana Cox-Foster, an entomology professor at Penn State, said on a conference call.

"Whether it's a causative agent or a very good marker is the next major question that we need to address."

Only recognized last year, the mysterious disorder is different from other diseases that plague bees because nearly all adults disappear from the hive - leaving only the queen, a few newly hatched insects and plenty of food behind.

Technically the virus is named the Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus because it was identified in Israel but you just know some idiot, somewhere is going to blame this on the Jews. And yes, the smart money is on the Palestinian media or the BBC (okay, they are one and the same).

The disappearance of bees may seem like just an interesting mystery and not much more, but the truth is more serious.

Bees pollinate more than 90 fruit and vegetable crops, whose economic value is estimated at more than $14 billion in the U.S. alone.

Hat tip: Reason’s Hit and Run (home of the lovely Kerry Howley and a bunch of crazy libertarians)

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Posted by DrewM. at 09:27 AM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

First Lesson: Discretion


If you're engaged in selling an illegal substance, this is probably not a good idea:

But no one will believe two freshmen at Northeastern University didn’t spark it up.

One of them, Michael Emery, leaned out his dormitory window on Sunday, the Associated Press reported, and kindly informed a woman in the dorm opposite his — none too quietly — “If you’re looking for weed, my roommate Ferrante has some for sale.” Starting school, making friends, and why not a little money, too?

Well, because two plainclothes police officers overheard the student’s sales pitch and went up to his room. There they found nine bags of marijuana, a digital scale, and more than $1,000 in cash, among other paraphernalia, according to today’s Boston Globe. The students also had rigged a pulley system outside their window

Needless to say, these two salesmen are no longer students at Northeastern.

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Posted by Slublog at 08:33 AM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy

Norman Hsu Captured in Colorado

—Gabriel Malor

Allah has what few details we know and says that updates will be forthcoming:

Authorities said Hsu was taken into custody at St. Mary’s Hospital in Grand Junction at 7 p.m. local time. He had been on the lam for almost two days after failing to appear in a Redwood City courtroom Wednesday to surrender his passport.

We should keep in mind that--for the moment--Hsu is guilty of nothing more than his prior conviction. A great deal of speculation has circulated about his contributions to Democrats and the likelihood that he has been running some kind of bundled contribution scheme. For the moment, there is little information on that.

Hopefully we'll start to get some answers now that the man is in custody.

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Posted by Gabriel Malor at 12:49 AM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy
September 06, 2007

Random: Cringey NPR Interview With Gene Simmons


Terry Gross of Fressssh Air apparently gives Gene Simmons an arrogant liberal vibe and Simmons starts being obnoxiously insulting.

This is from four or so years ago. Just heard about it, thought I'd share.

Good stuff. (Link fixed hopefully.)

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Posted by Ace at 11:59 PM | Post Only | New Comments Thingy
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