Friday, June 22, 2007

The Captain of One's Own Ship.......

The Tundra Tabloids takes a break for the weekend, and dedicates this week's last post to guest blogger, Kumitonttu. Happy Juhannes Päivää to all my Finnish readers. *L* KGS

In case Muslims want to understand Western values, they have to accept individuality. They have to accept man's right to live his life the way he wants. I remember as a kid living in country side, how strong influence power (Lutherian) church had. I personally was probably the first minor to leave the church, and the local preach and teachers practically haunted me. I was oppressed in a way I cannot understand in the 21st century. The main problem when talking about human conflicts is always based on what we believe, not what can be scientifically proved.

If we want to understand the Muslims, we have to realise they live hundreds of years "behind" the Western countries, but are able to utilize modern weapons. It has to be understood, that the Muslims are unable to get out of the strait by themselves. We may help or isolate them.

If we decide to help them we must have a strict principle, that they are not welcome to our society if bring the strict religious "laws" with them. Those who are unable to meet the demands, have to be - by decades - supported at their homelands financially to build a culture, which tolerates and desires scientific "truths". I am sure that we have less to lose than they have. We will be hit far less than the Muslim world.

Socialists consider a man can control his behaviour completely. We all know empirically it is not true. There is no possibility to "World without borders" way of life - that is against human nature. We may wish and hope that would come true, but how often have you seen a socialistic society succeed? They are welcome to the West if they accept our values - we don't expect them to believe in our God, just respect our values. If I wanted to move to Gaza, accepting the values would not be enough, I should also believe in their god.

Some corners were cut, but I assume the point is taken. Kumitonttu

A Chancellor For Two Kinds of Justice.......

Sweden's Chancellor For Justice, Göran Lambertz, is about to make news yet again, with his investigation into the blog of the current Swedish Foreign Minister, Carl Bildt. Baron Bodissey at the Gates of Vienna had blogged earlier about it (in full), and includes the translation of some of the "offending" comments:

ln said... Is "Kalle" now gonna become a world celebrity?"About the Palestinians you can only say this: let them all burn in hell as long as their only objective is to obliterate everyone of us Jews. These parasiting (sponging?) mass murders has no raison d'être."


"What good does the Palestinians do on this earth? In a steady and continous stream that are giving birth to new terrorists? They brain wash their kids to become massmurdering-muhammedans? By begging they are collecting development assistance? They kill innocent people? Oppress their women? Not the hell do they do anything reasonable? They are and they remain just worthless riff-raff."

The Local also includes some of its own translations:

One of the comments being investigated called Palestinians 'spawn of Satan,' while another called them 'a bloody pack of murderers.' In one comment, a reader said: 'give us 24 hours and all Palestinians will be gone, and we'll have 100 percent of Israel.'

The problem I have with all of this, is the apparent gross double standard in which this whole affair is being handled. Treating a few rather "highly charged" as well as ambiguous comments as if they represent a whole history over a number months or years is akin to "making a mountain out of a molehill".

The very same "Chancellor of Justice" dismissed an earlier case against a mosque that was using and selling video tapes that incited its followers to declare "jihad" against all Jews (= to all out murder/genocide).

calling them apes and pigs, cursing them and calling for Jihad against them, emphasising particularly that suicide bombing is a very effective weapon against them. And the motivation of the JK? He thinks that these statements "should be differently judged and considered to be allowed/legitimate, because they are used by one party in an ongoing deep conflict where battle cries and defamation are contained as everyday elements in the rhetoric around the conflict".

In other words, the statements do not, according to the JK, break the Swedish law against incitement! If such is the ruling of the highest law in Sweden, it effectively legitimizes islamic antisemitism, which is really the first step towards a new Holocaust! This has to be virulently fought, by legal means."

This was a case in which the perpetrators intended to instill a culture of hatred against Jews, yes, even those living in Sweden. Though it's true that people shouldn't paint a whole national group with a very wide brush, but poll after poll taken in the Palestinian Authority shows the majority of Palestinians denying the right of Israel to exist, and that acts of genocide (exm, suicide/homicide) are acceptable to them.

If the Swedish Chancellor of Justice was really interested in justice, he would have tried to convict the leaders of the mosque instead of condoning their racism. *L* KGS

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Sounds of Silence.......

Emanuele Ottolenghi posts an excellent article on the "deafening silence" from some of the most pro-Palestinian --and very vocal-- organizations concerning the recent murder sprees in both Gaza and Lebanon.

When in comes to Arabs murdering Arabs, these groups grow amazingly silent in the face of such open atrocities. Come on, Hamas machine guns a thousand peace protesters murdering two, and the pro-Palestinian advocacy crowd remains mute. Lets face it, only when it involves Israel do these fake peace activists get riled. More here. *L* KGS

To quote the Tundra Tabloids good friend TINSC; " Arabs can murder other Arabs all day long with impunity, a Jew just has to look cross eyed at an Arab and all hell breaks loose."


The West is host to many organizations—the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, the International Solidarity Movement, and countless others—dedicated to supporting the Palestinian cause. Given mounting casualties among Palestinian civilians under fire in Lebanon and Gaza this week, one would expect these organizations to voice their shock, outrage, or simple concern at these events. Take the plight of Palestinians in the northern Lebanese camp of Nahr el Bared: according to recent news reports, more than 130 people have died during the past three weeks of fighting there. The escalating violence in Gaza has claimed the lives of more than 70.

Surprisingly, none of these groups—always dutifully prompt to denounce Palestinian deaths at Israeli hands—has much to say about Palestinian deaths at the hands of Lebanese soldiers, or of fellow Palestinians. From France’s Campagne Civile Internationale pour la Protection des Palestiniens, from the Alternative News Center, from the new Free Gaza organization: not a word. This is puzzling, given the particularly brutal nature of the violence. Hamas gunmen threw a Fatah official from the 15th floor of an apartment building; Fatah later avenged his death by throwing a Hamas man off the 12th floor of another building.

Fatah gunmen taken prisoner were shot in the head, execution-style, in the streets. (To its credit, Human Rights Watch quickly condemned these actions as war crimes, even in the face of this silence.)

At least these organizations have an implicit rationale for their selectiveness in pointing out human-rights violations—their mission, more or less explicitly, is to aid the Palestinians in their struggle against the state of Israel.

Note: Solomonia has more on other silent organizations here.

Hamastan, A Return to Pre-Oslo Status.......

There is just no getting around it. The dynamics to the "Palestinian question", their (and the Arab Leagues') filthy terrorist war against the Jewish state of Israel and continued rejectionism of the two sate solution has brought the conflict to where it now sits.

Barry Rubin penned the following in a Wall Street Journal article:

The seizure of the Gaza Strip by Hamas opens a new period in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Middle East. A new Islamist state is being established and it doesn’t bode well for the West or regional stability.

And yet we can hope that something will be learned from this experience. Israel’s left-leaning Ha’aretz expresses the lesson with what some would call British understatement: “Anyone in Israel still contemplating the question of a Palestinian partner might also need to do some rethinking. In Gaza, at least, it seems there is nobody left for Israel to talk to.”

That pretty much sums it up for me. The Hamas --as far as Israel vis-a-vis the Arab world is concerned-- has wrapped up the conflict into the flag of "intransigent rejectionism" flown by the Arab League during the Khartoum conference that issued the infamous "Three No's", No recognition, No negotiations and No peace.

There is no one with whom Israel --at the present time-- can honestly negotiate with, in spite of the recent call for a meeting of the Quartet to discuss what can be done ect.. Abbas surely doesn't speak for the members of the terrorist gang Hamas, and the Palestinians who support Fatah have time and again voiced their opinions in an umpteenth number of Gallup polls that reject Israel's right to exist!

IMHO, there is no moral difference between the supporters of Hamas and of the Fattah, as well as the difference between their ultimate aims, that being the total destruction of the Jewish state of Israel, with a Palestinian entity sitting on its remains. Anyone is of course free to explain to me why this isn't the case. I'd love to hear the rationale. More here. *L* KGS

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Hamas Machine Gunned Peaceful Protesters Murdering Two.......

It's because that's what they do. Life and the sanctity of that life means next to nothing to the fanatical religious supremacists called Hamas. Via Backspin, Tom Gross from NRO lends a few hardened words of contempt for the main stream media.

Note: I have yet to see anything being reported about the cold blooded machine gunning here in Finland, if any of my Finnish readers have seen it reported by the Finnish press, please let me know.

I have followed YLE, MTV3, Nelonen, Helsingin Sanomat and the Keskisuomalainen during the same time period of the shooting, and there hasn't been any word of the shooting. I am not surprised by the blackout. It's what they do. *L* KGS

Did Anyone Say Double Standards? [Tom Gross]

If Israelis machine-gunned protesters at a peaceful demonstration, I think we can safely say that the BBC, New York Times, and others would cover it in a major way.

From Ha'aretz:
Before noon, two civilians were killed during a protest held in Gaza City under the banner "Stop the Killing." Some 1,000 Palestinians marched in the city, calling for an end to the fighting, but when they approached a Hamas position, militants fired at the protesters, killing two.

Carter, The Quintessential Fool.......

Jimmy Carter proves once again that old age is not necessarily accompanied with wisdom, as he throws his ever diminishing weight behind the thuggish, brutish rule of Hamas.

"Carter, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate who was addressing a conference of Irish human rights officials, said the Bush administration's refusal to accept the 2006 election victory of Hamas was "criminal." More here.

Never mind the fact that Hamas --according to the signed Oslo agreements and the Road Map-- should have never been allowed to participate in the Palestinian elections in the first place. Hamas, being a religious supremacist entity not unlike the KKK, has been systematically discriminating against the Chritian minority, even to the point of driving them out of their ancestral homes.
Does this kind of activity actually lend legitimacy to the Hamas? Is Carter saying that ANY KIND of political entity that wants to run for power, can do so, regardless of the ideology driving its agenda? On the world's stage, I liken Carter to the role of a clown, who successfully manages time and time again to draw both sympathy and laughter to himself but can't be taken seriously. *L* KGS

Update: Hamas murders two peace activists, thereby strengthening their claim of legitimacy in the eyes of great luminary human rights activists like Jimmy Carter.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Dhimmitude or Death......!

Hamas states its case clearly that minorities will not be respected, and if they refuse their dhimmitude, they face either expulsion or death. What sayeth the western apologists for Hamas ? How will they manage to twist this around and use it to blame Israel?

Christians can only continue living safely in the Gaza Strip if they accept Islamic law, including a ban on alcohol and on women roaming publicly without proper head coverings, an Islamist militant leader in Gaza told WND in an exclusive interview. More here. *L* KGS

And of course Jimmy Carter, the US ' worst ex-pres defends Hamas.

The Salman Rushdie Affair Revisited.......

Sir Salman Rushdie, recently knighted by the Queen of England, has been thrusted onto center stage to be once again, reviled and condemned by Muslims the world over. Since the publication of his book, The Satanic Verses, Sir Rushdie has been targeted by one fatwa after fatwa another, issued against him by various Muslim leaders throughout the Islamic world.

One of the latest outrages came from London, where Lord Ahmed, "Britain's first Muslim peer, said he had been appalled by the award to a man he accused of having 'blood on his hands'."

Let me get this straight, the British Lord said that Sir Rushdie has "blood on his hands", for merely writing a book that mentions the un-Islamic mutterings by Mohamed, the prophet of Islam? I would think that the world's Muslim leaders who issued death warrants for the author, and who helped fan the flames that led to the deaths of many around the world --Muslims and non-Muslims alike-- would be the correct addresse for that charge. More here. *L* KGS


Scott Johnson at PowerLine Blog writes the following:

In September 1988 Salman Rushdie published The Satanic Verses. In February 1989 Ayatollah Khomeni issued his edict condemning Rushdie for blaspemy and apostasy; he also placed a multimillion dollar bounty on Rushdie's head. (The bounty not only remains, it has has been increased.) Riots, bombings and assassinations resulting in the deaths of more than twenty people followed.

In his 1990 book The Rushdie Affair: The Novel, the Ayatollah and the West, Daniel Pipes previewed the current revival of the asssassination mania triggered by the knighthood Britain has bestowed on Rushdie. In the book's chapter 10, for example, Pipes addresses "Iran's shadow in the West":

The Satanic Verses affair exposed a reluctance among Western governments, writers and booksellers to fight very hard. It seems scarcely believable, but the West, which had so much greater resources than Iran, especially an Iran recovering from almost a decade of war, ran scared of Tehran. How was it that the American, British, French and German governments could be intimidated by a state possessing little more than clearly defined goals and strength of will?

Pipes found two factors that were most critical: the influence of local fundamentalist Muslims and the fear of Iranian retaliation: "Tehran acted with the determination of an extremist, the tactics of a rug merchant, and the flexibility of a guerilla. In brief, it had exactly those qualities most effective for confronting the West."

In revisiting the issues raised by the cartoon intifada, Pipes wrote:

The key issue at stake in the battle over the 12 Danish cartoons of the Muslim prophet Muhammad was this: Would the West stand up for its customs and mores, including freedom of speech, or will Muslims impose their way of life on the West? Ultimately, there is no compromise: Westerners will either retain their civilization, including the right to insult and blaspheme, or not.

More specifically, will Westerners accede to a double standard by which Muslims are free to insult Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism, while Muhammad, Islam, and Muslims enjoy immunity from insults? Muslims routinely publish cartoons far more offensive than the Danish ones. Are they entitled to dish it out while being insulated from similar indignities?

The deeper issue here, however, is not Muslim hypocrisy but Islamic supremacism. The Danish editor who published the cartoons, Flemming Rose, explained that if Muslims insist "that I, as a non-Muslim, should submit to their taboos...they're asking for my submission." Precisely.

Pipes concluded: "Peoples who would stay free must stand unreservedly with Denmark." Today those who would stay free must stand unreservedly with Great Britian.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Jihad is Not Just Against Jews.......

Hamas terrorists loot and trash the Rosary Sisters School and the Latin Church in Gaza, while burning Christian bibles. Father Manuel Musalam, leader of the small Latin community in the Gaza Strip, said:

"Those who did these awful things have no respect for Christian-Muslim relations."

I would like to add to the words of the dear Padre, that these thugs have no respect for human dignity or life. They prey on the weak, the mentally ill, brain washing children to love murder and death. Quoting an unamed source:

"You can't be rid of oppression while the oppressor is in place, you can't eradicate ignorance while the ignorant control education, you can't build an economy when the powers-that-be sabotage the economy, and you can't soothe misery while eternal warmongers wage war."

They, the Palestinian terrorists are beneath contempt. More here. *L* KGS

BBC Accused of Institutional 'Trendy Left-Wing Bias' .......

Shocked I tell you, Shocked!

The BBC is criticised for its liberal leanings in an official report published today, leading to claims that the corporation is "institutionally biased".

BBC bosses have been attacked for not reflecting a "broader range of views" and not thinking outside of its Left-leaning "comfort zone" in its programming.

The report, commissioned by the BBC, also attacks the way the corporation has pandered to politically motivated celebrities such as Bob Geldof and allowed schedules to be hijacked by special interest groups promoting trendy issues.

The BEEB's Left-wing bias concerning Israel is a case study all by itself, being consistently one of the most antagonistic, anti-Israel "news trumpets" in Europe. It's not by accident then, that the Finnish capital's main news daily, the Helsingin Sanomat, which uses the BBC as a major source for its news reporting, is very anti-Israel. The surprise and shock of it all! More here. *L* KGS

A Serious Syrian Reformer.......

Instead of courting Syria's terrorist --and terrorist coddling-- dictator, the international community should be giving a prominent stage for a real Arab democrat, Syrian dissident, Farid Ghadry.

"At the right time, the Syrian people will emulate the Cedar Revolution".

This Syrian Lech Walesa is the ideal candidate for the West to throw its support behind, and end the appeasment policies that sees one western head of state after another paying homage to the thugs in Damascus. More here. *L* KGS

Sunday, June 17, 2007

YLE Watch.......

Finnish state TV news org., YLE, helps to disseminate distorted news of Palestinian refugees trying to cross into Israel from Gaza.

"Kymmenet gazalaiset ovat yrittäneet paeta Israelin puolelle, mutta Israelin joukot käännyttivät heidät varoituslaukauksilla. / Tens of Gazans have tried to flee to the Israeli side, but Israeli troops turned them away by firing warning shots"

As can be seen from the picture, these Palestinians seeking safe passage to the West Bank are safely sitting in the Erez crossing, and number well into the hundreds. Finland's YLE news will stoop to any level in order to paint Israel as the "bad guy", even when they aren't directly involved.

The reason for the slow down at the crossings falls squarely on Hamas, by demanding that the Palestinian police guarding the crossings vacate their positions. Any crossings from Gaza to the WB has to be controlled by both sides in a coordinated way, since their takeover of Gaza, all normal transactions have been thrown out the window, in much the same way as some Fattah officials. *L* KGS

Arafat Finally Loses His Nobel Peace Prize.......

No, Arafat's "peace prize" wasn't given back to the Nobel committee --as many had demanded-- they would never have accepted it back anyways. Arafat's badly mislabeled "peace prize" was instead stolen by members of Hamas, one of the other Palestinian terrorist groups that take unprecedented delight in expressing openly their intentions towards Israel.

In spite of the talk that some sort of mutual understanding might develop between the two sides to help forestall a breakup of the Palestinian government, this latest episode by Hamas thugs is something that Fattah will never forgive. I believe the ransacking of Arafat's home was a cold , calculated move by Hamas to quell any thoughts of an eventual reconciliation with Fattah.

Given Hamas' penchant for speaking rather brazenly about their plans, I believe it's safe to assume that they are sending a very clear message to Fattah, that there is no turning back. The question is, how will the main stream media spin the story? *L* KGS
Note: Charles Johnson states it this way; "Yasser Arafat’s Nobel Peace Prize comes to a poetically just end, as Hamas thugs loot his Gaza villa and steal everything: Looters raid Arafat’s home, steal his Nobel Peace Prize. That will save the Nobel Committee the trouble of awarding Hamas the prize; they already have one!"

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Neighborhood Bully......?

Via Pamela at Atlas Shrugs.

The Iranian Surge.......

I have come across material -- as well as having had it forwarded to me-- that might help shed some light as to why the Hamas are exerting their strength right now, about the same time the Islamist terrorist group, Fattah al-Islam is waging its own terrorist war in the northern sector of Lebanon.

Noah Pollack writing at Michael Totten's blog says the following:

Does the “international community” recognize these realities? Not so much. While masked Hamas gunmen were sport-killing people in Gaza hospitals, the European Commission declared, “We call on President Abbas, the legitimate president of all Palestinians, to do his utmost to resolve the situation through dialogue and to work towards national unity and reconciliation.” In a rock-paper-scissors match between a Kalashnikov and dialogue, who wins? Indeed, is there a problem in the world that the European Commission thinks can’t be resolved by dialogue?

While Hamas was executing members of Fatah by throwing them off the roofs of tall buildings, Jan Egeland, special adviser to the UN Secretary General, said, “This is the product of failed Palestinian policies, failed Israeli policies, failed international policy.” That’s right: the rise of Hamas is because of some vague policy problems. Maybe a UN committee could investigate them?

The growing nexus of Iran's client terrorists groups, like the Hezbollah, Hamas and yes, even Fattah al-Islam, are spreading their influence deep into the fertile crescent of Lebanon and Gaza, and perhaps in portions of the WB. It appears that this Iranian "surge" --like an elephant in the room-- is being conveniently ignored.

When this knowledge is placed along side the recent Finnish TV news interview , in which a news anchor and university academic both agree that "the west is to blame for the unrest and chaos in Gaza", you can assume that the Iranians are confident that their "surge" will be successful.

The West is full of boobs that can be counted on to consistently choose to look the other way --while steering the rest of society as well.. while the Iranians methodically build their own satellite bases close to Israel. My good friend S.L. writes:

"Most people seem to think that the civil war in Gaza is just a Palestinian bar brawl. It is not. It is a piece in a carefully outlined plan by Iran to circumvent Israel. Hamas has started this civil war precisely because they are proxies for Iran. Once they have control over Gaza they can act as Iran's proxies and launched well coordinated attacks on Israel. Any military response from Israel against Hamas will be used by Iran as an excuse to get involved directly - unless Hamas has already smuggled a nuke across the border, of course."

The West can no longer afford to to turn a blind eye to Iranian involvement in the region, and have to nip Iran's latest "surge" in the bud before it's too late. *L* LGS

Israel Upgrades Basic Weapon at The Right Time.......

Finnish YLE News Tips Its Hand.......

In last night's 20:30 news broadcast, YLE news interviewed University of Helsinki's Hannu Juusola (University lecturer in Semitic Languages and Cultures) concerning Hamas' complete takeover of Gaza. Making a long story short, surprise surprise Israel and the Quartet (US,UN,EU and Russia) are to blame for the unrest for their role in boycotting Hamas.

But that's not all. With the hope of driving "their" point home, the news anchor himself, Arto Nurmi, invokes the name of a former foreign minister Erkki -ol' scruffy- Tuomioja (SDP) to help buttress Juusola's claim that the West erred in by-passing Hamas. Of course the former FM, "Eki", believes that Hamas should have been recognized by the Quartet and not have been boycotted, that goes without saying.

The interview:

Nurmi: We just saw how Hamas was celebrating in Gaza, with the West in support of Fattah, what comes next?

Juusola: The first question is whether the conflict will spread, first to the WB and then elsewhere. I believe though some kind of compromise will be struck and it won't spread. Jordan and Egypt will use all available diplomatic means to help contain the situation.

Nurmi: Is this to Israel's advantage that both sides are fighting between themselves?

Juusola: Yes and no. I'll say that it contains many positive sides for Israel. Israel has had a long policy of trying to divide both areas from the other, and now it has become a reality. And on the other hand Israel's government has not wanted to involve itself in any serious negotiations and the public are not pressing them for any, but on the other hand if the unrest travels to the WB, then it will become a serious threat. And finally if the breaking up of the Palestinian government happens, the end result will be chaos and Israel might be held responsible for the situation, which for Israel, is a very problematic situation. I'll say this that, Israel's situation is interesting, concerning the advantages and the pitfalls.

Nurmi: Palestinians are now at civil war, is the idea of peace now to be shelved?

Juusola: We have to remember that it's been seven years since the last attempt at peace and since then nothing has been attempted since. We have a situation that sees the international community not willing to seriously involve themselves in the peace process, we have a weak Israeli government not willing to negotiate, and a Palestinian camp that has two PM's and one president. It's difficult to believe that in the short term, that there will be any serious negotiations.

Nurmi: Erkki Tuomioja (former FM) said this morning that the West made a serious mistake in not taking Hamas seriously after the last election, are you of the same opinion?

Juusola: Absolutely, former FM, Erkki Tuomioja is right to a major degree, many experts agreed shortly after the elections that any attempt to close off the Hamas will lead to chaos, and a state of war, and that's the situation where we are right now.

Nurmi: Kiitos.

Juusola: Kiitos.

Here you begin to see the hardened mindset in Finland, that dismisses all responsibility from the Palestinians' concerning their bad choices, no matter how many they make and for how long. It is reminiscent of an over indulgent mother with an alcoholic son, regardless of his actions, he can be assured that Mom will always be there to accept his excuses and exonerate him while placing the blame elsewhere.

According to YLE, Juusola and former Finnish FM, Erkki Tuomioja, it's both the Quartet's and Israel's fault for the current situation due to their rejection of Hamas, not the intolerant, racist, Islamist supremacist ideology of Hamas. Once again rain is seen defying gravity in their immoral "alter universe" these boobs have created for themselves.

What is also interesting is that the news anchor, Arto Nurmi, never sought the opinion of the present Finnish FM, conservative Ilkka Kanerva (National Coalition, KOK.). They really do miss ol' scruffy Tuomioja at YLE..don't they? *L* KGS

Friday, June 15, 2007

Quote of the Day.......

My good friend Primerprez who is now blogging at the new Primer-Connecticut blog, comes up with the following quote that pretty much sums up the insanity of arming one's enemy. In this case, it's in the plural form of... enemies.

Glad to see Primerprez making waves in the blogosphere, his contributions are a welcome addition! Now if only we can get that certain --ahem-- "other" on board as well! *L* KGS

It's not as if Fatah or the Palestinian Authority were ever friends. If we're going to help arm anyone, they should be stable friends, not unstable enemies.

The Insanity That is Gaza.......

Scandinavian Speech Laws in The Headlines Once Again.......

The Local reports that: "A local politician in southern Sweden has been fined 18,000 kronor for writing a motion claiming that 95 percent of all heroin brought in to Sweden comes via Kosovo"

Dahn Pettersson, a councillor for the local Swedish Alliance Party has a hefty fine to pay for insisting that Sweden's immigration policy, which allowed for 46 000 Kosovo Albanians to take refuge in Sweden has resulted in "the flooding of heroin into Sweden and Europe."

Was Pettersson guilty of incriminating every Kosovo Albanian living in Sweden as being a participant in the heroin drug trade? At first glance on what's being reported, certainly not. What's even more worrisome is the ease in which someone can be brought up on charges for disparaging an immigration policy.

I am solidly against the incitement of any racial or religious group, and when judging any individual incident, a complete history of the person/s or group --allegedly making racist statements-- must be first taken into consideration. Debating the issue is the best course of action, not judicial rulings. *L* KGS

Update: The Baron reminds me of his post in yesterday's GoV. Many thanks. *L* KGS

Update: S R Larson notes that "Sweden also has its unwritten but well known speech code for the press, that says that you do not report the ethnic origin of criminals. The press believes that their readers may turn into racists if they do... This eduate-not-report attitude of the press is condescending at best, totalitarian at worst, but only goes to show how bad things really are in Sweden. "

The same situation exists here in Finland as well, with self censorship being an unspoken art. *L* KGS

Helsingin Sanomat Stumbles Over Its Own Logic Once Again.......

To show just how "out of touch" some of the Finnish media are in relation to the reality surrounding the rise of Hamas, I include a portion from an editorial in today's edition of the Helsingin Sanomat. The editorial describes yesterday's complete rout of Fattah in Gaza by Hamas gunmen, and even after the battles that have been raging in the streets for almost a week, that have thus far claimed over a hundred dead, the so called "unity government dissolved and a state of emergency declared, the HS can only manage to say that "a civil war is slowly approaching".....duh.

The "out of touch" Helsingin Sanomat finds enough space though to disparage the west for its boycott of Hamas, which the US, EU and Israel are now supposedly responsible for the "weakened chances of offering aid" to the people of Gaza. Glaringly absent from this line of thinking is the role of the Islamist supremacists called Hamas.

According to the HS editorial department:
YK:n eroava Lähi-idän erikoislähettiläs Álvaro de Soto arvostelee julkisuuteen vuotaneessa loppuraportissaan voimakkaasti Yhdysvaltojen hallitusta, EU:ta ja YK:ta Hamasin poliittisesta ja taloudellisesta boikotoinnista ja Israelin toimien katsomisesta läpi sormien. Se on vain voimistanut Hamasin päättäväisyyttä nousta palestiinalaisten vahvimmaksi järjestöksi


"Former UN Middle east envoy, Álvaro de Soto strongly criticized the US government in a leaked final report, concerning the EU and the UN's political and economic boycott of Hamas while looking through their fingers at Israel's actions. It has only strengthed Hamas' determination to become the Palestinians' strongest organization."

Though the words are De Soto's, it is certainly clear that the HS's editorial board shares the same sentiment:

Ulkopuolisten tahojen mahdollisuuksia tarjota palveluksiaan heikentää ennen kaikkea se, että niin Yhdysvallat kuin Euroopan unionikin ovat pitäneet yhteyttä vain Abbasiin ja Fatahiin ja kieltäytyneet olemasta tekemisissä Hamasin kanssa.


The possibilities for outside agencies to offer aid has been weakened, even more so, since the US and the EU have only kept communications with Abbas and Fattah, and have rejected anything to do with Hamas.

So according to the HS, in spite of the Hamas being an intransigent, Islamist, supremacist organization that not only refuses to recognize Israel, --it also seeks to destroy it, making it an openly hostile entity--, the world should treat Hamas as a valid organization worthy of support.

The confused HS editorial board would then have to say the same about any other racist supremacist group, including that of the German National Socialists and the US's KKK. What buffoonery.

The truth is, the HS exists in its own alter universe, where clocks run backwards, rain defies gravity and moral equivocation is the rule of the day. In our normal universe, common sense dictates that unreasonable people can't be reasoned with, and that any attempt at finding a common ground with such an intolerant group of fantatical racist homicidal maniacs like destined for failure. *L* KGS

It's Over.......

Hamas has completed its sweep of Fattah in Gaza, effectively transforming the "G-strip" into an entity that is entirely at war with Israel. The Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, dissolved the Palestinian Authority unity government and has declared a state of emergency.

Treating the newly formed Hamastan as a hostile state is the only logical step left for Israel, as the disintegration of the PA has become complete.
"Hamas leaders said they were planning to hold Friday prayers inside the compound after "liberating" it from Abbas's loyalists. "With God's will, we will all pray in the Saraya," declared Nizar Rayan, a prominent Hamas official. "We call on Abbas's army of prostitutes to surrender or else they will be executed in public." More here.

What else is of interest is the raw brutality seen as Hamas gunmen rounded up men taken from the Preventative Security headquarters in the Tal al-Hawa neighborhood, and systematically executed them, with reports of some even being riddled with bullets in front of their wives and children.

All signs point to a "new era" for the people living inside the strip:

"We are telling our people that the past era has ended and will not return," Islam Shahawan, a spokesman for Hamas' militia, told Hamas radio. "The era of justice and Islamic rule have arrived."

Ever since Hezbollah and then Al-Qaida have made their way inside the Gaza Strip, a plan has been in play to turn it into another base from which to launch attacks on Israel, according to some, even the battles are being led by Al-Qaida. Yes I know, it seems too ridiculous to believe, but the Islamists --whether Sunni or Shi'ia-- believe in some of the most "far fetched" ideas imaginable and are willing to sacrifice themselves --and others-- in the process. So the vanquishing of Israel (through the help of their Allah) is indeed one of their main goals, no matter how unrealistic and how long it takes.

Also worthwile comtemplating is how Hamas plans to take care of the people now under their control. Already the target of a western boycott, Hamas must continue with their upkeep, but since all aid and money has been flowing through agencies not tied to Hamas --and I don't expect Israel to open up any money channels to the terrorist entity any time soon-- so they will soon find themselves "between a very hard rock and a hard place".

This also goes to show just how little the Islamists actually care for people, while being at the same time trumpeted --by some in the west-- for their "social welfare" services. Just like Hezbollah, the Hamas treats its people are mere pawns to be used in the advancement of their utopian goals, no matter how "half baked" and no matter how devastating.

Round one in the territories has been won by the Islamists, it's anybody's guess how round two will play out. One thing for sure, if the Palestinians in Gaza thought being occupied by Israel was an injustice, they haven't seen anything yet. *L* KGS

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Who Started It......?

Historian Michael Oren, (a real historian) delivers a proper "slap" to the side of the head of one of the worst "New Historians" ever to disgrace the halls of academia. Another pseudo-scholar/"new historian "Tom Segev, gets his up commence from Oren concerning his new book on the 67' war. Oren's insightful book review reminds me of Efraim Karsh's review of Karen Armstrong's book, "Muhammad: A Prophet for Our Time", and it doesn't get any better than this:

"Laboring to prove his point forces Segev not only to contradict himself but also to commit glaring oversights. The book repeatedly asserts that war might have been averted if Israel had accepted an American plan to break the Egyptian blockade by sending an international convoy through the Straits of Tiran. But the American plan, code-named Regatta, was rejected by Congress, as well as by 24 of the 26 nations invited to contribute to the convoy. Segev knows this fact but throughout the book pretends that a diplomatic option remained. "

This kind of mediocrity is nothing but "par for the course" in new historian revisionism, where facts and common sense rarely register high in importance for the "scholars" of this side line hobby of a pseudo profession. *L* KGS

Mohammed Sawirki From The 18th Floor.......

From the personal blog of David Horowitz:

Professor Steven Plaut has a mordant sense of humor with an acute appreciation of the atrocities committed daily by the "peace-makers."

Mohammed Sawirki
by Steven Plaut

When Israel adopted the "Oslo" strategy for achieving peace by means of pretending that war does not exist, it attempted to appease the terrorists into making peace, including via endless unilateral "goodwill gestures" and capitulations. We know what happened.

Among the countless victims of the mega-stupidity of those Israeli leaders who opted for the Oslo route is poor Mohammed Sawirki.

Let me explain.

Mohammed Sawirki was a member of the "Palestinian presidential guard", a small militia that guards the Palestinian Authority "president" Abu Mazen. Not guarding him from Israelis but from the Hamas and Jihad peace partners.

Israel's Yediot Ahronot reports that Sawirki was kidnapped by the Hamas and yesterday was tossed out live from an 18th story window in Gaza. Unlike many members of Peace Now he could not fly. Two other Fat'ha militia men were murdered by the Hamas, which carved Jewish stars into their corpses. (The Hamas claims that the Fat'ha are Israeli collaborators.) In retaliation, the Fat'ha killed an Imam at a Gaza mosque, one associated with the Hamas. All of this is a direct consequence of Israel turning the Gaza Strip over to the barbarians and evicting all the Jews there.

I have long argued that there is no solution to the situation other than R&D; and that everything else is a delusion. By R&D I mean Re-Occupation and De-Nazification. But now the Gaza savages have given the term a new meaning: Repression and Defenestration.Sawirki paid the ultimate price for the inane foolishness of the Oslo “process.” He will not be the last.

Having personally met one of the founders (Vilan Avshalom) of Peace Now in Helsinki a few years back, I can attest to the yoga flying mentality that exists in that organization. *L* KGS

Assassination at Nejmeh - I was there.......

Anti-Syrian Lebanese politician Walid Eido, and nine other people were murdered yesterday in a massive bomb explosion to a childrens' playground. The depravity of the minds that carry out these atrocities is so great, that new lows will always be assured.

Via Pamela at Atlas Shrugs, a local Lebanese blogger was at the scene of the attack, being just 50m away. Most likely the long arm of Syria --directly or indirectly-- is responsible for the political murder. More here. *L* KGS

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Former UN Middle East Envoy Whines.......

De Soto blasted what he called "the tendency that exists among U.S. policy-makers ... to cower before any hint of Israeli displeasure and to pander shamelessly before Israeli-linked audiences."

"Absurdity is the hallmark of all the demonization of Israel going on in the world today: it simply makes no sense at all, unless one recognizes its antisemitic roots." (Tundraman)

More here. *L* KGS

Why We Cannot Criticize Israel That Way.......

In response to a few comments that have been left to a post in the Tundra Tabloid's comment section, I find it necessary to include an article by Matthias Küntzel.

"Israel is not a haven of virtue as is generally known. On one hand, Israel’s government deserves to be criticized just like every other democratically elected government in the world. On the other hand, European thinking has been influenced by anti-Semitic patterns for centuries—in this regard, no criticism of Jews or Israel is a priori immune from anti-Semitic stereotypes.

At least an EU working definition has helped us establish a framework to evaluate where legitimate criticism stops and anti-Semitism begins:
  1. When Israeli policy is equated with Nazi practices or when symbols and images of long-established anti-Semitism are assigned to Israel;
  2. When Israel’s right to existence is denied; and
  3. When a double standard applies and demands are made of Israel that would never be expected or demanded of another democratic state.

The comments I am referring to were left by a blogger that goes by the name of Egan, in response to a post I made concerning the tenure that was denied "Holocaust trivializer" and anti-Semite, Norman Finklestein, by the Catholic University of DePaul. Egan states in the comment section that:

"I know this guy criticised Israel, and he was sacked for it. That you enjoy this event is all I need to know really. "

Egan errs badly. The sole reasons as to why Finklestein was denied his tenure wasn't due to any justifiable criticism of Israel, on the contrary, it was due to his sloppy, unprofessional scholarship, "the intellectual character of his work and his persona as a public intellectual", as well as his completely empty record of academic publication.

The reason why Finklestein is trumpeted as "the definitive voice" by the anti-Israel advocacy crowd (those who hate the Jewish state) is due not only to his position as an academic, but that he is also a very vocal "Jewish" anti-Israel baiter, thereby giving his claims and accusations (no matter how bizarre) a measure of legitimacy.

The fact that Finklestein criticizes Israel is not an issue, nor should it be, anyone with legitimate concerns have the right to voice those concerns. The fact that Finklestein is Jewish however, does not shield him from being labeled an anti-Semite when his criticisms cross the line of valid critical thought, into the demonization of the Jewish state.

Like Grosser, Finklestein spreads the incitement of Israel with wild claims of "Apartheid" and "genocide" of the Palestinians by Israel, who in the minds of both men act out their atrocities not unlike the goose stepping German National Socialists of the former Third Reich. Matthias Küntzel's response to Alfred Grosser’s unbalanced criticism of Israel , especially by those who are Jewish are right on target, especially in conjunction with the Norman Finklestein debate currently raging in the comment section of the Tundra Tabloids.

Those who breach this code (The EU's working definition of anti-Semitism) are not necessarily supporters of Nazi anti-Semitism. They nevertheless pave the way for those who are prepared to wage a nuclear war against Israel. Hostilities against Israel appear today in the form of a pincer movement.

On one side, we have anti-Semites such as Ahmadinejad or Hamas who draw their “knowledge” about Jews from the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”

On the other side, we have non-Jewish and Jewish “fellow travellers of anti-Semitism” in progressive Western movements and governments who take up and proliferate, albeit in muted form, Iran’s attempts to delegitimize Israel. Can Alfred Grosser be located in the second camp? I will leave the answer to the discretion of the readers.

I'll leave it up to my readers whether to place Finklestein in the second camp as well. For me, I know rather well where I would place him. *L* KGS

Human Rights Watch.......

"Palestinians committing war crimes"

But when haven't they? More here. *L* KGS

Gaza Becomes Hamastan.......

"The two-state solution has finally worked"

Khaled Abu Toameh has an in depth accounting on what has taken place in Gaza over the last few days. Gaza is now controlled by the Hamas while the WB remains under the control of Fatah. It's not surprising that the two areas are divided along those lines, where clan affiliations and tribal blood links are of more importance than any sense of nationalism, real or imagined.

Toameh writes:

"A sign of Fatah's predicament in the Gaza Strip was illustrated late Monday night when its leaders announced a unilateral cease-fire, only to be snubbed by Hamas. Fatah leaders also made urgent appeals to a number of Arab governments to interfere to stop the fighting, but their calls have fallen on deaf ears. The Egyptians, Saudis and Jordanians - who have, until now, been making huge efforts to end the anarchy in the Palestinian areas - are all fed up with the Palestinians.

Unless the fighting stops in the next day or two, the entire Gaza Strip is likely to fall into the hands of Hamas. All Fatah can do now is vent its anger at the remaining handful of Hamas representatives in the West Bank. The majority of the Hamas leaders in the West Bank are in Israeli jails and the Islamic movement does not have a strong military presence there. "

The writing is literally on the wall. I have always maintained that the Palestinians are in need of their own Altelena, in order to bring all the competing militias under one flag and rule of law. If it takes a messy civil war to do that, then the current violence might have a silver lining after all.

I am neither promoting nor supporting the violence, just recognizing the need for the Palestinians to become a complete united entity. Something thus far, they have proved to themselves to be completely incapable of becoming. Israel can only now watch from the sidelines and hope that Hamas doesn't succeed in vanquishing Fatah. *L* KGS

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Wait Just a Second There.......

A civil war? How could you possibily assume that?

YNET: "Gunmen fire rocket-propelled grenade at Haniyeh’s Gaza home, damaging the building but causing no casualties. Hamas warns Fatah-affiliated security officials not to report for duty. Abbas: Hamas trying to seize Gaza by force."

Surely the situation that involves 200 of Hamas' gunmen terrorists in the surrounding 500 Fattah gunmen terrorists in northern Gaza, doesn't mean that the Palestinians are in the middle of a civil war? How could one ever assume that? *L* KGS

Update: Fattah to soon decide whether or not to stay within the "unity" PA government.

Isreallycool has more indepth coverage here.

Defies All Logic And Reason.......

Via the Bald Headed Geek. At a time when US leaders are discussing whether or not to take military action against Iran, Congress has to pass legislation banning the Pentagon from selling any surplus F-14 parts to Iran. More here. Unbelievable, and on the same level as Israelis contemplating whether it's a good thing to re-arm Fattah......*L* KGS

Monday, June 11, 2007

Ha, Anti-Semite Denied Tenure......!

Finkelstein denied, read more here. Poetic justice. *L* KGS


Reasons Behind Brits Academic Boycott of Israel.......

According to Fair Play Campaign Group, the reason why the recent British boycott against Israel was approved (the key vote on the boycott was 158 in favour, 99 against) was due to foul play by a select group within that academic body.

"A large Socialist Workers Party contingent was able to dominate the congress on their policy agenda including, but not limited to, the boycott. The boycott campaigners deliberately misled the delegates about what they were voting for; they claimed that they were not proposing a boycott but rather a debate on the boycott. This was the first policy motion all congress that anyone spoke against. The procedure for this was confusing and delegates were struggling to follow the debate’s order. They asked the chair for clarification but he was sometimes confused too."

Bill Rammell recently stated at Hebrew University in Israel, that a boycott was "fundamentally wrong".

"I hope my visit here sends a strong message of the views of the British government and people"

Lets hope that calm and reasoned thinking wins the day, and overturns this immoral boycott that should never have been contemplated and voted on (even theoretically) in the first place. Using immoral means to rig a vote says more about the supporters of the boycott than those being boycotted. *L* KGS

Palestinians Shoot Me And Jews Treat Me.......

"It was supposed to be different." A Palestinian born and raised on the hatred of Israel finds irony in being treated in an Israeli hospital after being:

"shot five times point blank by Hamas militants last month during a renewed bout of Palestinian infighting,"

Also ironic is that the same hospital where Aref Suleiman is being treated has been the target of Palestinian Qassam rocket fire:

"Barzilai Hospital sits on a sandy hilltop above the Mediterranean Sea in the southern Israeli port city of Ashkelon. In recent months, five Palestinian rockets have landed in the grassy dunes that encircle it, just six miles from the Gaza Strip."

How's that for irony? More here. *L* KGS

Never Lost a Battle.......

An interesting series of graphs that cover the period of the US's recent surge in Baghdad, over at Americas North Shore Journal. Here's one of them that the media will surely ignore. All is lost......? *L* KGS

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Tundra Tabloids Quoted in Finland's Ilta Sanomat.......

Hats off and kudos to both Juha-Pekka Tikka and the Ilta~Sanomat for giving the Tundra Tabloids an honorable mention in Friday's edition of the IS. J-P Tikka took notice of the TT's posts here and here concerning Iranian escapades in the Persian Gulf.

It's great to see the media following the blogs, especially this one. J-P Tikka is a class act whose constructive comments and analysis are always welcome at the Tundra Tabloids, both the positive and the negative. *L* KGS

Friday, June 08, 2007

The Shame of The British Boycotters.......

H/T Kumitonttu

Then And Now.......

Via the Tundra Tabloids' good friend at Solomonia:

Forty years later, Israel's capital Jerusalem still undivided. Test your knowledge. *L* KGS
Note: The Tundra Tabloids will be back on Sunday. The summer cottage beckons....

More Pot Shots From The Biased Finnish News Media.......

Finland's leading Swedish news daily the Hufvudstadsbladet continues where it "Left" off, with its latest salvo directed at the Jewish state. Long time contributor to the Tundra Tabloids, Daniel, sent the following observation of the HBL's "ace" reporter Matts Gezelius.

An article about Israel's occupation of Golan in HBL.Not one word about the reason for the occupation, and of course Gezelius found some arabs there who hate Israel.

When a journalist --continually-- sets out to write articles with the intention of not to inform, but to promote his/her own political POV, you can be assured that s/he will be successful. The only descriptive I can think of that accurately captures the kind of journalist Matts Gezelius is, who would be a hack.

Tundraman notes: This is actually a prime example of how the Gezelius' hostile attitude towards Israel penetrates each and every report he publishes in the HBL - and they are many. he should simply be kicked out of there! I translated only the worst fragments below. The titles in capitals are my own.


"Officially it was not a settlement. Weiner and his pals were "temporary volunteers" for gathering sheep and cows who were running wild in the heights after the war. The owners, 131 000 Syrians from 131 villages, 112 farms and two cities, had fled and were not welcome back.…. They [the Israelis] came from kibbutzes, collective villages in Northern Israel. They knew they were there in order to establish a new kibbutz, as their parents and grandparents had done before them, and before the establishment of the state of Israel. Also the government of Israel knew this when it approved on August 27th 1967 "the ongoing farming on the Golan heights". That was all. The Israeli settlement of the occupied territories had started, as it has continued. Without formal decisions. Never the less, the fact that the "Syrian heights" had in the government's protocol for the first time been given a Hebrew name, was a hint of what was to come."


"While many of the settlements of the West Bank are dominated by literalistic Jewish extremists who believe that God has given them exclusive right to the historical Israel, the settlers of Golan are more pragmatic. Their motive for coming here was national security and quality of life. And water. Israel is dependent on the feeder streams from Golan for its water supplies."


"We [the interviewed Israeli settlers] had long discussions on whether or not it was right to settle on occupied territory. Those who were further left that me stayed down there. He points towards the deep valley with the Lake of Gennesaret, far below. Now Black is one of the most eager proponents of a negotiated solution with Syria."


" Then he [the Israeli settler] says what makes patriotic Druses to bristle up - even if it is true.- I can move back to Israel. It would be worse for the Druses who are used to Western democracy and standard of living. They will have a tough time under Syria. - The Israeli attitude is so incredibly presumptuous. What do they think they are, some charitable society with the right to spread out democracy and prosperity by force of arms?


Salman Fakhir Deen puffs his cigarette exasperatedly. He is a writer, agitator and anarchist. Syrian, but not Druse. To be Druse is a religious membership. I hate religion. He hates the occupation even more. Fakhir rattles off facts on destroyed villages, mine fields, seizure of land, army bases in villages, the unequal distribution of water and other resources. Can you see that the cisterns where the farmers collect rain water are numbered? This is so that the Israelis are able to tax them. They have commandeered even the rain!"


"Abu Naser is 70 years old. Now he is retired. He tells about his hardships during all the years he drove a taxi. How he time and again was stopped by the security forces and the frontier police, was arrested and taken for interrogation. He is bitter and says that his bad health is a consequence of all the hours he has been forced to stand outside in snow and rain while the Israelis have checked his papers,- I long back home to Syria, he says. Fakhir Deen was one of the leaders for the protests against the Israeli annexation of the Golan heights in 1981, when the Druses went on strike and burnt their Israeli ID-cards. He has been sitting in Israeli jails eleven times. He knows that his oppositional attitude would create equally much trouble with the ubiquitous Syrian security forces, mukhabarat.- The great majority, like Abu Naser, would be able to live a calm and secure life in Syria. People like myself will always have problems. But I rather have problems with my own authorities in my own country."

The problem with activist journalists such as Matts Gezelius, is not just their activism disguised as a factual articles, it is with the supposed "gate keepers" of these papers --in this case, Max Arhippainen-- who sign off on this kind of tripe day in and day out.

What would cause an editor of a paper to overlook the grand omissions in an article by one of its journalists, other than that he ideologically agrees that Israel is the chief villain, and to hell with the facts?

(1.) No mention of the events that lead to the war in 67', no mention that Israel was forced to act or be destroyed.

(2) No mention that the overwhelming majority of Israelis living in the WB live in suburbs of Jerusalem, and are secular. And that Israel's neighbor Syria can't be trusted not to dam the waters which feed Israel's underground cisterns.

(3) When looking for an Israeli to help buttress your deep seated views, just turn to the Left, they'll help you out. It never hurts to have a Jew in your corner to help your piece along, it also helps to shield you from being labeled an anti-Semite.

(4) Given a choice, Arabs residing in Israel would reject being forced to live under Palestinian and Syrian rule. That's a fact. That he can find some Arab somewhere in the Golan who says differently means absolutely nothing. Perhaps only between his own two ears.

(5) The evil Jews, having inconsistancies within its democracy that has had to defend itself from its neighbors since its conception, does not merit any further consideration. No Israeli advocate I know of states that Israel is without blemish, but why all the angst, especially when compared to its neighbors? If this is not a double standard, then the meaning is lost.

(6) live under Syrian oppression is much better than to live under a Jewish democracy where my vote actually counts and whose economy enables me to send my children to college and have a future if they so desire. I long for the long arm of its security police as well as its proven judical system, that affords me the confidence that all my gripes will be addressed in a just way. I also long for the Syrian time held tradition of voicing my opinions on the street corner, even if it means calling its beloved president (that just won 97% of the vote in the recent election) a mean spirited wanker.


Kumitonttu: "Without Jewish immigration into the area there would live maybe 50% less arabs and probably all as nomads. If that makes them and the reporter happy, I'm not surprised.

There is a small border village called Qunetra in Syria, who claims it was all ruined by Israelis, and it is still(?) widely showed to tourists. But, that was false of course, and the Syrians themselves ruined the town for propaganda purposes. A pity the reporter didn't visit there!

It is possible and actually I personally believe so, that the gap of living standards between Jews and Arabs is wider now than it was 1987 years ago (and 1967), but I cannot see how the Israelis should be blamed for that?

That is so balony (Elaine's expression from Seinfeld)." (Editor: Ditto)

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Palestinians Want Permission to Import Weapons.......

Can you believe it? After all the times Israel has been lied to, then attacked by the very same weapons given to Palestinian "security terrorist forces", the Arabs want to try and play the Israelis for suckers ...just one more time.

Gee, maybe just this once the Arabs can be trusted.....? *L* KGS