
Can I buy you a beer? Just type 'Y' for yes

Riccitelli created the site with friends.
Riccitelli created the site with friends.

I wasn't online 10 minutes before I received a virtual rose from Halfman-Halfamazing.

Then a small screen under a headline that read "My Bar Tab" blinked a new alert that read:

"Sayten just checked you out."

My female co-workers erupted in laughter.

"It's just like a real bar," one said.

To date, more than 1 million people have signed up for the latest Internet craze, -- a virtual bar for people older than 18 complete with VIP status, lounges, free drinks sent from random people and the opportunity to meet new friends or to get shot down.

Unlike more widespread sites such as, you don't have to have friends registered to communicate. People pop in and out, leave messages or strike up conversations (via instant message) just as they would in person.

Ryan Riccitelli, who lives in Corpus Christi, said he and friends Mike Hedlund and Bill Lee first created the site about two years ago as a way to keep in touch after he and Bill moved away.

At one point all three were living in California and often would head to the neighborhood bar to grab a beer and talk about their day. The site was supposed to be a way to re-create the camaraderie in a setting they were accustomed to.

Fubar, like many brick-and-mortar pubs, has changed names a few times. Mainly because LostCherry and CherryTAP were attracting the wrong element.

"At first we just invited a bunch of friends and family," said Ryan, 36. "Then they invited friends and family. It's been the most amazing thing to watch it grow."

Fubar, which is free to register, went mainstream in March. There has been a line to get in ever since.

Ryan, who graduated in 1997 from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with a bachelor's degree in political science, worked for a political consulting firm before taking on freelance writing and photography. In 2004 he started Kiteboarder Magazine and two years ago followed his love for the sport to Corpus Christi.

Ryan, the ultimate multi-tasker, manages both California-based businesses over the Internet while running a third kiteboarding business here.

"If I'm not sleeping or kiteboarding I'm online," he said with a laugh.

Ryan has three computers in his home running at all times and has an unlimited usage plan for his cell phone. The longest he's gone without being "plugged in" is three days.

But, he said, it has allowed him the freedom to work where he can and live where he wants.

The site has evolved to allow Fubar patrons to enter different rooms where disc jockeys spin a particular genre of music, rate other members based on looks and go to a gift shop where they can purchase tokens of affection such as teddy bears or dinner.

Bouncers, about 30 from across the globe, wander the site to answer questions and toss out anyone who is getting out of hand. Ryan spends part of his day serving as the manager in charge, dealing with everything the bouncers can't handle.

So how does Ryan blow off real steam after a day in the virtual world?

Usually on the water. Then maybe out for a beer. A real one.

Contact Venessa Santos-Garza at 886-3752 or

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Post Your Comments

Post 1 July 26, 2007 at 7:19 a.m.

doesn't fubar stand for "fu*ked up beyon repair"? Oh, hm I guess it's appropriate for a bar. So a step up for bar flys I guess.. Now they don't have to leave home to meet other drunks.

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    Post 2 July 26, 2007 at 9:51 a.m.

    I think it's pretty sweet...Very cool idea. Much better than that EMO infested MYspace! Ughhh... if I have to hear another EMO song I will puke...

    (Suggest removal)

      Post 3 July 26, 2007 at 12:06 p.m.

      Chatroom... old idea... new twist...

      (Suggest removal)

        Post 4 July 26, 2007 at 12:55 p.m.

        I get it...

        New Twist? ...of lime...maybe?

        (Suggest removal)

          Post 5 July 26, 2007 at 3:52 p.m.

          What's EMO???

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            Post 6 July 27, 2007 at 11:02 a.m.

            "Whats EMO?"

            All these teenage punk wannabees complaining about their misarable lives and thoughts of Suicide...because of being dumped er something like that.

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