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Skip this navigation panel BBC Weather's Five Day ForecastSkip to the main five day forecast readings from BBC Weather for London, United Kingdom

London, United Kingdom

Current Nearest Observations:
cloudy 15°C
W (15 mph)

Relative Humidity (%)
: 74,
Pressure (mB): 1000, Rising,
Visibility: Very good

You are now viewing BBC Weather's five day forecast for London, United Kingdom.View BBC Weather's 24 hour forecast for London, United Kingdom.
BBC Weather five day forecast headings:
Column heading: Summary Column heading: Maximum day and minimum night temperatures in Celsius (°C) Column heading: Wind (mph - Miles per hour) Column heading: Visibility Column heading: Pressure (mB - Millibars) Column heading: Relative Humidity (% - Percent) Column heading: UV index Column heading: Pollution

Sunrise 04:48 (BST)
Sunset 21:20 (BST)
Wednesday's predominant weather is forecast to be light showers.
Wednesday's wind direction: Westerly Wind.12
 moderate   1005   47 
Wednesday's UV index risk: 6.
Wednesday's atmospheric pollution: Low.

Sunrise 04:49 (BST)
Sunset 21:19 (BST)
Thursday's predominant weather is forecast to be sunny intervals.
Thursday's wind direction: Westerly Wind.10
 moderate   1013   52 
Thursday's UV index risk: 4.
Thursday's atmospheric pollution: Low.

Sunrise 04:50 (BST)
Sunset 21:19 (BST)
Friday's predominant weather is forecast to be light showers.
Friday's wind direction: West South Westerly Wind.17
 moderate   1009   49 
Friday's UV index risk: 3.
Friday's atmospheric pollution: Low.

Sunrise 04:51 (BST)
Sunset 21:18 (BST)
Saturday's predominant weather is forecast to be heavy rain.
Saturday's wind direction: West South Westerly Wind.12
 good   1021   37 
Saturday's UV index risk: 2.
Saturday's atmospheric pollution: Low.

Sunrise 04:52 (BST)
Sunset 21:18 (BST)
Sunday's predominant weather is forecast to be sunny.
Sunday's wind direction: South South Easterly Wind.7
 good   1020   41 
Sunday's UV index risk: 6.
Sunday's atmospheric pollution: Low.
Nearest weather observation station: Latitude: 51.52,
Longitude: -0.1.
Observed: Tue 3/7/2007 at
20:40:15 (GMT)
The weather symbol shown for each day in the five day forecast represents the predominant weather expected on the day in question. This is calculated based on a weighting of different types of weather, so if a day is forecast to be sunny with the possibility of a brief shower, then we will see a sunny or partly cloudy symbol rather than a rain cloud. The maximum temperature is the highest temperature forecast between dawn and dusk, whereas the minimum temperature is the lowest temperature expected from dusk on the day in question to dawn the following day. The wind speed and direction are the expected conditions at midday. For information about your local weather station, or any other queries, refer to the Site FAQ.
BBC Weather Centre in association with the  Met Office

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