Tuesday, September 25, 2007
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Ron ThomasWe are so pleased that you took the time to connect with us. If this is your first visit, we trust that you will discover what we are all about and what we are doing as Advent Christians. If you are a regular visitor, you will notice some changes and added services. Our desire is to keep you informed and in touch with what we offer to you in service through our offices. At the same time, we have provided links to many of our partners in ministry and posted some of the latest news from our ministries around the world. As you learn about some of our special projects, scheduled events, resources we provide and prayer concerns, please consider all this as an invitation to become better connected and more involved with us in serving Christ Jesus as Lord.

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Ron Thomas, Executive Director
Advent Christian General Conference

Weekly Updates
From Ron Thomas

Camp Meeting 
in TexasRon Thomas

The familiar elements are in place for a good old-fashion camp meeting. There is the promise of good music, warm fellowship, an evangelist and lots of food. The theme for the week is "The Greatest Thing in the World . . ." focusing on the Great Commandment. The only thing different about this camp meeting is that it's on the move. Several of our churches, under the direction of Rev. Tamra Carpenter, have planned a gathering for September 19 - 23. However, the gatherings will not be in only one place. Each service will be hosted by a particular church, meaning that it will be a traveling camp meeting.

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IF Update

Sam Warren 060706During a quick trip to Jacksonville, Fla., this past weekend, I was caught in a tremendous rainstorm with my wife. The way to her work at the hospital took us through an area prone to flooding. By the time we headed back from having lunch, the water had risen to the midway point on my tires.
My wife was, to say the least, "nervous." I do not think I was nervous, but the idea of getting stuck did cross my mind. Nevertheless, I plowed ahead, parting the waters like a modern-day Moses. I must admit that there were other options. Later, my wife suggested that we could have gone south and back around, eventually arriving at our destination. That was true, but it would have meant an additional 40- to 50-mile trip.

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Outreach Update

The busy lives that pastors lead are not just typical of pastors in North America but are common around the world. Just as Jesus and his disciples experienced the pressure to constantly address a multitude of needs in the crowds that followed them, so, too, pastors often are constantly pulled one way and then another by the needs of their congregations. Unfortunately, in many cases, this results in pastors who don't have time to themselves - to rest and recharge. Jesus tried to address this problem by getting away with his disciples to a "quiet place" where they could "get some rest" (Mark 6:31). The pastors of our churches in Mexico will be following this biblical example during the last weekend of September when they hold their first annual pastor's retreat in San Felipe, Mexico.

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Weekly News from Our Churches

CCN, known around here as "Church Communication Network" is up and running again. On Tuesday, September 18, the department of nurture hosted a group of pastors to the first showing of "The Effective Pastor" part one.
After viewing the DVD, 10 area pastors joined in a time of teaching, discussion, fellowship, food and prayer. This will become a regular occurrence as the department of nurture - in an attempt to encourage, equip and empower AC pastors - offers these special times of instruction and interaction.

The next DVD showing will be October 16 at 10:30 a.m. and will feature part two of "The Effective Pastor."

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What if Advent Christian General Conference earned a penny every time you searched the Internet? Well, now we can! GoodSearch.com is a new search engine that donates half its revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate. You use it just as you would any search engine, and it's powered by Yahoo!, so you get great results. Just go to www.goodsearch.com and be sure to enter Advent Christian General Conference as the charity you want to support or click here. Just 500 of us searching four times a day will raise about $7,300 in a year without anyone spending a dime! And, be sure to spread the word!

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