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Grant Morrison:  The Early Years
Grant Morrison: The Early Years by Timothy Callahan
Batman Begins and the Comics
Batman Begins and the Comics by Julian Darius
Sequart (n.) -- seh-kwart -- the artistic medium of sequential static imagery, whatever its composition, typically combined with text. The term is employed to distinguish the medium itself from particular genres and formats, such as comic books or graphic novels. "Sequart's diversity may be seen from Peanuts to Spider-Man, from product manuals to the Stations of the Cross."
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Subject Author Date Published
Creatorxx Ennis, Garth Darius, Julian 4 November 2002
An annotated table displaying the work of Garth Ennis (whose major works include Preacher, Punisher, Hellblazer, and Hitman) in categorized, chronological fashion.
Gaiman, Neil Darius, Julian 25 October 2003
An annotated table displaying the work of none other than Neil Gaiman (whose works include The Sandman and several collaborations with Dave McKean) in categorized, chronological fashion.
Loeb / Sale Darius, Julian 2 March 2003
An annotated table displaying the acclaimed collaborations of Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale (including Batman: The Long Halloween, Batman: Dark Victory, Superman for All Seasons, Daredevil: Yellow, Spider-Man: Blue, and Hulk: Gray), in categorized, chronological fashion.
Miller, Frank Darius, Julian 9 January 2001
An annotated table displaying the work of Frank Miller, the great American graphic novelist (whose work includes Daredevil, Batman, and Sin City), in categorized, chronological fashion.
Moore, Alan Darius, Julian 25 March 2001
An annotated table displaying the work of Alan Moore (the great graphic novel writer whose works include Watchmen, From Hell, and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, as well as a groundbreaking run on Swamp Thing) in categorized, chronological fashion.
Morrison, Grant Darius, Julian 2 March 2003
An annotated table displaying the work of Grant Morrison (the great graphic novel writer whose works include The Invisibles, The Filth, Arkham Asylum, and The Mystery Play, as well as runs on Doom Patrol and Animal Man, plus popular runs on JLA and New X-Men) in categorized, chronological fashion.
Narrativexx Matrix, The Darius, Julian 29 November 2003
A study of the Matrix films, animated shorts, comics, and video games -- organizing the same according to era within the Matrix universe.
Terminator, The Darius, Julian 29 December 2003
An attempt to make sense of the time-changing timelines of the Terminator films, comics, and video games.
Publishingxx America's Best Comics Darius, Julian 27 October 2003
A table showing all America's Best Comics publications, organized by cover date and by family of characters.
DC Universe, 1980s Darius, Julian 14 October 2003
This hyperlinked table covers the post-Crisis DC Universe of the 1980s, organized by cover-date and by character (or family thereof).
DC Universe, 1990s Darius, Julian 14 October 2003
This hyperlinked table covers the DC Universe of the 1990s, organized by cover-date and by character (or family thereof).
DC Universe, 2000s Darius, Julian 14 October 2003
This hyperlinked table covers the post-2000 DC Universe, organized by cover-date and by character (or family thereof).
Live-Action Marvel Darius, Julian 1 May 2004
A table showing live-action movies and television shows featuring Marvel characters, organized by release date.
Ultimate Marvel Darius, Julian 4 January 2004
Covering the Ultimate Marvel universe, organized by cover date and by family of characters.
Vertigo Darius, Julian 5 November 2003
This large, hyperlinked table covers the publications of DC's Vertigo imprint, organized by cover-date and by type.