Disgraced QB returns to Oklahoma
Bomar finds his niche at SHSU, eager to take on challenge vs. OSU

By Chris Duncan (The Associated Press)
Sam Houston State University quarterback Rhett Bomar passes during the first quarter of a football game against Arkansas-Monticello.
Media Credit: AP
Sam Houston State University quarterback Rhett Bomar passes during the first quarter of a football game against Arkansas-Monticello.

HUNTSVILLE - Rhett Bomar's outlook mirrors the slogan on a billboard advertising Sam Houston State along Interstate 45 - "No Better Time. No Better Future."

Now 22, the disgraced Oklahoma quarterback has found a comfortable niche on this quiet, wooded campus about 70 miles north of Houston, the ideal place to make a fresh start after a bad decision that could've cost him his career.

The crowds are smaller where Sam Houston plays, in the Football Championship Subdivision, formerly I-AA. The uniforms and facilities aren't as fancy, the media attention is scant and Bomar's new team makes most of its road trips on buses, not chartered planes.

But Bomar's aspirations haven't changed. He still believes he's one of the best quarterbacks in the country, still capable of leading a team to a national championship and good enough to play in the NFL.

This week, all the old, ugly questions have resurfaced one more time because, in an ironic twist, the Bearkats (2-1) visit Oklahoma State (2-2) on Saturday. It'll be Bomar's first trip back to the state since he and offensive lineman J.D. Quinn were dismissed from Oklahoma for getting paid for work they didn't do at a car dealership in 2005.

The NCAA stripped Oklahoma of its eight victories in 2005, when Bomar played as a redshirt freshman, and took away two scholarships from the 2008-09 and 2009-10 school years. The school is appealing the scholarship reductions.

Bomar, meanwhile, landed at Sam Houston, a program with a history of resurrecting quarterbacks who came from the higher division. Chris Chaloupka (Oklahoma State), Josh McCown (SMU) and Dustin Long (Texas A&M;) are among the products, and McCown now plays for the Oakland Raiders.

Bomar plunged into the program immediately, followed his new coaches' instructions and ingratiated himself with his new teammates. But inside his own head, the transition wasn't so easy.

He was one of the highest-rated prep quarterbacks in the country coming out of Grand Prairie (Texas) High School and was the next anointed star at one of the nation's most glamorous programs. Now he was here, and he had to swallow some ego before accepting the new path of his life.
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