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The following links will give a brief summary of each paper and the opportunity to download the complete file as a Microsoft Word Document or to view the paper online. If you download the file it must be opened from within the word processing application. Comments, criticisms and correspondence very welcome: Professor Robert M. Young Email: robert@rmy1.demon.co.uk

Review of Criminological Texts
'Scholarship and the History of the Behavioural Sciences'
'The Divided Science': Essay Review of R. D. Laing, The Divided Self
'The Development of Herbert Spencer's Concept of Evolution'
'Animal Soul'
Review of Burrow, Evolution and Society
'The Functions of the Brain: Gall to Ferrier (1808-1886)'
'Association of Ideas'
'Understanding It All': Essay Review of C. D. Darlington, The Evolution of Man and Society
'The Naked Marx': Review of Herbert Marcuse, Eros and Civilisation
Mind, Brain and Adaptation in the Nineteenth Century
'Evolutionary Biology and Ideology: Then and Now'
'The Anthropology of Science'
'Scientific Medicine and the Social Order'
'Mystifications in the Scientific Foundations of Sociology'
'Science versus Democracy'
'Darwinism and the Division of Labour'
'The Human Limits of Nature'
'Essay Review of Braverman's Labour and Monopoly Capital'
'Science is Social Relations'
'Sabotage: A Spanner in the Works'
'Getting Started on Lysenkoism'
'Why Are Figures so Significant? The Role and the Critique of Quantification'
'Science Is a Labour Process'
'How Societies Constitute their Knowledge: Prolegomena to a Labour Process Perspective'
'Interpreting the Production of Science'
'What if Human Nature Is Historical?'
'Reconstituting Technology: Chips, Genes, Spares'
'Science as Culture'
'Where the Chips May Fall Between the First and Third Worlds'
'The Relevance of Bernal's Questions'
'Darwinian Evolution and Human History'
'The Naturalization of Value Systems in the Human Sciences'
'Science on TV: a Critique'
'Science, Technology, Medicine and the Socialist Movement'
'Darwinism is Social'
'The Darwin Debate'
'No Easy Answers': Essay Review of Russell Jacoby, The Repression of Psychoanalysis
'Exhibiting Nuclear Power: The Science Museum Cover-up'
Darwin's Metaphor: Nature's Place in Victorian Culture
'Is Nature a Labour Process?'
'Darwin's Metaphor and the Philosophy of Science'
'Life among the Mediations: Labour, Groups, Breasts'
'Freud: Scientist and/or Humanist'
'Biography: The Basic Discipline for Human Science'
'The Dense Medium: Television as Technology'
'Racist Society, Racist Science'
'Psychoanalysis and Racism: A Loud Silence'
'The Scientist as Guru': Essay Review of Sir Peter Medawar's Autobiography'
'Transitional Phenomena: Production and Consumption'
'Psychoanalysis and the Public Sphere'
'Darwin and the Genre of Biography'
'Darwin: Man and Metaphor'
'Darwin, Marx, Freud and the Foundations of the Human     Sciences'
'Psychoanalysis, Values and Politics'
'Postmodernism and the Subject; Pessimism of the Will'
'Persons, Organisms and...Primary Qualities'
'The Role of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in the Human Sciences'
'Psychoanalytic Teaching and Research: Knowing and Knowing About'
Review of Mrs. Klein
Review of Peter Gay, Freud: A Life for Our Time
'The Analytic Space: Countertransference and Evocative Knowledge'
'Scientism in the History of Management Theory'
'Herbert Spencer and Inevitable Progress'
'The Mind-Body Problem'
'Science, Alienation and Oppression'
'Marxism and the History of Science'
'British Psychoanalysis and Politics'
'Psychotic Anxieties Are Normal'
'The Vicissitudes of Transference and Countertransference: The Work of Harold Searles'
'Psychoanalytic Critique of Productivism'
'Benign and Virulent Projective Identification in Groups and Institutions'
'Desmond and Moore's Darwin: A Critique'
'Guilt and the Veneer of Civilization'
'Psychotic Anxieties and the Fading Hopes of the Left'
'Psychotic Anxieties in Groups and Institutions'
'Racism: Projective Identification and Cultural Processes'
'Science, Ideology and Donna Haraway'
'The Ubiquity of Psychotic Anxieties'
'Christians, Cannibals and Spite: Notes on Films'
Review of 'Alien 3'
'Big Books'
Review of Jeffrey Masson, Final Analysis
Review of 'Toto the Hero'
Review of Carl Rogers Reader
'Deadly Unconscious Logics in Joseph Heller's Catch-22'
'The Profession of Psychotherapy in Britain'
'Psychoanalysis and the Other: Psychopathology and Racism'
'The Psychoanalysis of Sectarianism'
'What Scientists Have to Learn'
Review of 'Of Mice and Men'
Review of The Evening Star
'Is "Perversion" Obsolete?'
'New Ideas about the Oedipus Complex'
'Across the Borderline'
Mental Space
'What I Learned at Summer Camp: Experiences in Television'
'Conceptual Research'
'Good and Evil, Character and Morality'
'Human Nature'
'Mental Space and Group Relations'
'A Place for Critique in the Mass Media'
'Psychoanalysis and/of the Internet'
'Reductionism and Overdetermination in the Explanation of Human Nature'
'We Don't Need Them to Make Culture -- or to Share It'
'Primitive Processes on the Internet'
'The Search for Transcendent Values'
'NETDYNAM: Some Parameters of Virtual Reality'
'A Note on the Tar Baby and Projective Identification'
'The Moral and the Molecular in the Future of Psychiatry'
'Evolution, Biology and Psychology'
The Culture of British Psychoanalysis and Related Essays on Character and Morality and on The Psychodynamics of Psychoanalytic Organizations
Whatever Happened to Human Nature?
'Disappointment, Stoicism and the Future of Psychoanalysis and the Public Sphere'
'Anthropology of Cyberspace': Review of Sherry Turkle, Life on the Screen
'Representations of Primitive Processes in the Cinema'
'The Concept of Psychopathology: a Critique'
'Group Relations in a New Environment'
'Princess Diana's "Constituency of the Rejected" and Psychotherapeutic Studies'
Group Relations: An Introduction
'Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy: The Grand Leading the Bland'
'The Messiness, Ambivalence and Conflict of Everyday Life'
'Some Reflections on the Psychodynamics of Wealth'
'"Malthus on Man - In Animals no Moral Restraint"'
'Sexuality and the Internet'
'The Analytic Frame, Abstinence and Acting Out'
'"Descriptive" versus Dynamic Concepts of Psychopathology'
'The Conceptual Foundations of the Human Sciences'
'Being A Kleinian Is Not Straightforward'
'What is Psychoanalytic Studies?'
'Dumbing Down? Publishing, the Media and the Internet'
'Human Nature, Psychotherapy and the Law: Issues of Violence and Racism'
'Group and Institutional Dynamics'
'The Curious Place of Psychoanalysis in the Academy'
'Between Nosology and Narrative: Where Should We Be?'
'What Does Psychoanalysis Have to Offer the Newly-Democratising Countries?'
Review of The Clinical Thinking of Wilfred Bion by Joan and Neville Symington
'The Meanings of Darwinism: Then and Now'
'Locating and Relocating Psychoanalytic Ideas of Sexuality'
'Melanie Klein I' 
'Melanie Klein II'
'Harold Searles'
'The Role of the Internet in the Theory and Practice of Human Relations'
'Science and the Humanities in the Understanding of Human Nature'
'Lincoln, Mandela and the Depressive Position'
'Meritocracy: A Critique'
'The House of Trauma'
'Fundamentalism and Terrorism'
'Love: From Libido Theory to Object Relations'
'The Unconscious in the Therapeutic Process'
'Guide to the Internet for Psychotherapists and Psychoanalysts'
'Psychoanalysis, Fundamentalism and Terrorism'
'How Are We To Work With Conflict Of Moral Standpoints in the Therapeutic Relationship?'
'My Ideal Curriculum for a Psychology Degree'
'What, If Anything, Can Be Done About My Anti-Semitism?'
'Containment: The Technical and the Tacit in Successful Psychotherapy'
'The Psychodynamics of Eminence, Success, Being Well-Known and Being a Celebrity'
'Distance Learning Units on Bion, Groups and Institutions'
'The Boundaries of Perversion'
'Pathological Organisation: An Extremely Problematic Defence'
'Vicissitudes of Therapists' Self-Esteem'

The Human Nature Review
© Ian Pitchford and Robert M. Young - Last updated: 28 May, 2005 02:29 PM

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