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Solar System Theme Page





  1. Asteroids
    On the first day of January 1801, Giuseppe Piazzi discovered an object which he first thought was a new comet.

  2. Asteroids: Cosmic Leftovers
    When we think of the solar system, we tend to think of the Sun, its nine planets and their moons. But there is much more going on here than meets the eye. The empty spaces of our solar system are littered with small objects known as asteroids and comets.

  3. Asteroid Factsheet
    The image above is a false color view of the asteroid 951 Gaspra taken by the Galileo spacecraft. values for mass and many of the diameter values are only rough estimates.

  4. Earth Crossing Asteroids
    The primary purpose of these pages is to describe and present results from NASA-sponsored research on the physical modeling of Earth-crossing asteroids using radar and optical data

  5. Asteroids
    Astronomers used to dismiss asteroids as uninteresting "vermin of the skies." But we now realize that these small, rocky bodies hold important clues to the nature of our planetary system and its earliest history.

  6. Asteroids
    Quick quiz: How many planets orbit our Sun? If you said nine, you're shy by several thousand. Scientists consider asteroids to be minor planets - some are hundreds of miles wide (and seldom round).

  7. Asteroid Introduction
    Asteroids are rocky and metallic objects that orbit the Sun but are too small to be considered planets. They are known as minor planets.

  8. Asteroids
    The name "asteroid" comes from a Greek word that means "starlike." When seen through a telescope, an asteroid looks like a faint star

  9. Asteroids
    Asteroids are rocky or metallic objects, most of which orbit the Sun in the asteroid belt betweenMars and Jupiter. A few asteroids approach the Sun more closely. None of the asteroids have atmospheres.

  10. The Big Deal About Asteroids
    Asteroids are chunks of rock that never quite made it to full-fledged planet-hood when our solar system formed.

©For Questions and Comments,
contact Jim Cornish,
Grade Five Teacher, Gander Academy,
Gander, Newfoundland, Canada.

This page was last updated on March 2001.

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