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Tropospheric ozone -- Ozone (O3) is a key constituent of the troposphere. Photochemical and chemical reactions involving it drive many of the chemical processes that occur in the atmosphere by day and by night. ... > full article

Automobile emissions control -- Automobile emissions control covers all the technologies that are employed to reduce the air pollution-causing emissions produced by ... > full article

Air pollution -- Air pollution is a broad term applied to any chemical, physical (particulate matter), or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere. The atmosphere is a complex, ... > full article

Nitrogen oxide -- NOx is a generic term for the various nitrogen oxides produced during combustion. They are believed to aggravate asthmatic conditions, react with the oxygen in the air to produce ozone, which is also ... > full article

Smog -- Smog is a kind of air pollution, originally named for the mixture of smoke and fog in the air. Classic smog results from large amounts of coal burning in an area and is caused by a mixture of smoke ... > full article

Atmospheric chemistry -- Atmospheric chemistry is a branch of atmospheric science in which the chemistry of the Earth's atmosphere and that of other planets is studied. It is a multidisciplinary field of research and draws ... > full article

Inversion (meteorology) -- A temperature inversion is a meteorological phenomenon in which air temperature increases with height for some distance above the ground, as opposed to the normal decrease in temperature with height. ... > full article

Atmospheric dispersion modeling -- Atmospheric dispersion modeling is the mathematical simulation of how air pollutants disperse in the ambient atmosphere. It is performed with computer programs that solve the mathematical equations ... > full article

Planetary boundary layer -- The planetary boundary layer (PBL) is also known as the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). It is the lowest part of the atmosphere and its behavior is directly influenced by its contact with the ... > full article

Environmental impact assessment -- An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is an assessment of the likely human environmental health impact, risk to ecological health, and changes to nature's services that a project may have. The ... > full article

Pollution -- Environmental pollution is the release of environmental contaminants, generally resulting from human activity. Carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides produced by industry and motor ... > full article

Environmental engineering -- Environmental engineering is the application of science and engineering principles to improve the environment (air, water, and/or land resources), to provide healthful water, air, and land for human ... > full article

Acid rain -- Acid rain is defined as any type of precipitation with a pH that is unusually low. Dissolved carbon dioxide dissociates to form weak carbonic acid giving a pH of approximately 5.6 at typical ... > full article

Water pollution -- Water pollution is a large set of adverse effects upon water bodies (lakes, rivers, oceans, groundwater) caused by human activities. Although natural phenomena such as volcanoes, storms, earthquakes ... > full article

Smoke -- Smoke is a suspension in air (aerosol) of small particles resulting from incomplete combustion of a fuel. It is commonly an unwanted by-product of fires (including stoves and lamps) and fireplaces, ... > full article

Rain -- Rain is a form of precipitation, other forms of which include snow, sleet, hail, and dew. Rain plays a major role in the hydrologic cycle in which moisture from the oceans evaporates, condenses into ... > full article

Activated carbon -- Activated carbon (also called activated charcoal) is the more general term which includes carbon material mostly derived from charcoal. It denotes a material which has an exceptionally high surface ... > full article

Ozone -- Ozone (O3) is an allotrope of oxygen, the molecule consisting of three oxygen atoms instead of the more stable diatomic O2. Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent. It is present in ... > full article

Sulfur dioxide -- Sulfur dioxide (also sulphur dioxide, sulfurous anhydride or sulphurous anhydride) has the chemical formula SO2. The gas is irritating to the lungs and is frequently described as smelling ... > full article

Refrigerant -- A refrigerant is a compound used in a heat cycle that undergoes a phase change from a gas to a liquid and back. The two main uses of refrigerants are refrigerators/freezers and air conditioners. Cf. ... > full article


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2007 Ozone Hole 'Smaller Than Usual' (October 4, 2007) -- The ozone hole over Antarctica has shrunk 30 percent as compared to last year's record size. According to measurements made by ESA's Envisat satellite, this year's ozone loss peaked at 27.7 million ... > full story

Subway Dust May Trigger Lung Damage (October 4, 2007) -- Subway trains produce airborne dust particles that could damage the lungs of commuters. Exposure to the subway dust triggered transient lung inflammation in the mice and increased levels of several ... > full story

Majority Of Americans Want Local Action On Global Warming, Says Poll (October 4, 2007) -- Nearly three-quarters of Americans are willing to pay more in taxes and other expenses to support local government-led initiatives designed to reduce global warming, according to a first-of-its kind ... > full story

Ozone Shuts Down Early Immune Response In Lungs And Body (October 3, 2007) -- As policymakers debate what levels of ozone in the air are safe for humans to breathe, studies in mice are revealing that the inhaled pollutant impairs the body's first line of defense, making it ... > full story

Lubrication Oil Pollutes, Even In Hydrogen-fueled Vehicles (October 3, 2007) -- Lubrication oil appears to be an important yet little-recognized source of toxic particle emissions from motor vehicles -- even those fueled by clean-burning hydrogen, according to a new article. ... > full story

Life-giving Rocks From A Depth Of 250 Kilometers (October 1, 2007) -- If our planet did not have the ability to store oxygen in the deep reaches of its mantle there would probably be no life on its surface. This is the conclusion reached by scientists who have ... > full story

Chesapeake Bay's Habitats Threatened By Global Warming (October 1, 2007) -- A new report on the impact of global warming on the Chesapeake Bay (near Washington D.C., USA) calls for a major shift in how land is managed in the bay to protect the nation's most prized hunting ... > full story

Impact Of Arctic Heat Wave Stuns Climate Change Researchers (October 1, 2007) -- Unprecedented warm temperatures in the High Arctic this past summer were so extreme that researchers with a climate change project have begun revising their forecasts. From their camp on Melville ... > full story

Engineered Eggshells To Help Make Hydrogen Fuel (September 30, 2007) -- Engineers have found a way to turn discarded chicken eggshells into an alternative energy resource. The patented process uses eggshells to soak up carbon dioxide from a reaction that produces ... > full story

Scientists Call For 80 Percent Drop In U.S. Emissions By 2050 To Avoid Dangerous Warming (September 30, 2007) -- By 2050, the United States must cut its emissions by at least 80 percent below those created in the year 2000 if the world is to avoid potentially dangerous impacts of human-induced climate change, ... > full story

Recovery From Acid Rain 'Much Slower Than Expected' (September 28, 2007) -- Studies in Scotland and Wales show that streams still have high levels of acidity from pollution in the 1970s and 1980s, despite efforts to clean them. In Wales, more than 12,000 km of streams and ... > full story

Microscopic Pollution May Trigger Heart Attacks And Strokes By Spurring Blood Clots (September 26, 2007) -- Thousands of people die from strokes and heart attacks within 24 hours of a spike in microscopic pollution. Scientists couldn't figure out why. New research has found that these tiny pieces of soot ... > full story

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Risk: A Practical Guide for Deciding What's Really Safe and What's Really Dangerous in the World Around You
An indispensable and timely guide, Risk is the authority for assessing threats to your health and safety.We continually face new risks in our world. This essential family reference will help you ... > read more

Handbook of Petroleum Refining Processes
MASTER THE LATEST TECHNOLOGIES POWERING THE PETROLEUM INDUSTRY! If staying on top of the latest developments in the petroleum refining process industry is part of your work, here's the one-stop ... > read more

Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (2nd Edition)
NEW ORGANIZATION. The second edition consists of five parts, following two introductory chapters: I. Automation and control technologies: industrial computer control, control system components, ... > read more

Soils in Our Environment, 10th Edition
The tenth edition of Soils in Our Environment contains the most current information available and addresses perplexing issues and problems associated with preserving our soils. Based on the most ... > read more

The Singularity Is Near : When Humans Transcend Biology
The great inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil is one of the best-known and most controversial advocates for the role of machines in the future of humanity. In his latest book, he envisions an ... > read more

Disclosure : Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History
For the first time ever, over five dozen top-secret military,government, intelligence and corporate witnesses to secret projects tell their true stories which disclose the greatest covert program in ... > read more

Detox Box
The Detox Box, created by holistic physician Mark Hyman, M.D., gives you everything you need to complete a safe, effective, and medically informed detoxification program at home. Designed for total ... > read more

Process Control Instrumentation Technology
This manual is designed to provide users with an understanding and appreciation of some of the theoretical concepts behind control system elements and operations, without the need of advanced math ... > read more

The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles From The World's Greatest Manufacturer
How to speed up business processes, improve quality, and cut costs in any industry In factories around the world, Toyota consistently makes the highest-quality cars with the fewest defects of any ... > read more

The Big Oyster : History on the Half Shell
Before New York City was the Big Apple, it could have been called the Big Oyster. Now award-winning author Mark Kurlansky tells the remarkable story of New York by following the trajectory of one of ... > read more

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