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Panic attack -- A panic attack is a period of intense, often temporarily disabling sense of extreme fear or psychological distress, typically of abrupt onset. Though it is often a purely terrifying feeling to the ... > full article

Phobia -- A phobia is a strong, persistent fear of situations, objects, activities, or persons. The main symptom of this disorder is the excessive, unreasonable desire to avoid the feared subject. Some ... > full article

Anxiety -- Anxiety is a complex combination of negative emotion that includes fear, apprehension and worry, and is often accompanied by physical sensations such as palpitations, chest pain and/or shortness of ... > full article

General anxiety disorder -- General anxiety disorder or generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is an anxiety disorder that is characterized by excessive and uncontrollable worry about everyday things. The frequency, intensity, and ... > full article

Sleep disorder -- A sleep disorder (somnipathy) is a disorder in the sleep patterns of a person or animal. Sleep disorders include: Bruxism; delayed sleep phase syndrome; insomnia: jet lag or desynchronosis; ... > full article

Neurosis -- In modern psychology, the term neurosis, also known as psychoneurosis or neurotic disorder, is a general term that refers to any mental imbalance that causes distress, but does not interfere with ... > full article

Emotional detachment -- Emotional detachment can mean two different things. In the first meaning, it refers to an inability to connect with others on an emotional level, as well as a means of coping with anxiety by avoiding ... > full article

Psychological trauma -- Psychological trauma is a type of damage to the psyche that occurs as a result of a traumatic event. A traumatic event involves a singular experience or enduring event or events that completely ... > full article

Stress (medicine) -- Stress is a medical term for a wide range of strong external stimuli, both physiological and psychological, which can cause a physiological response called the general adaptation syndrome. There are ... > full article

Fear -- Fear is an unpleasant feeling of perceived risk or danger, whether it be real or imagined. Fear also can be described as a feeling of extreme dislike towards certain conditions, objects or situations ... > full article

Procrastination -- Procrastination is the deferment or avoidance of an action or task which requires completion by focusing on some other action or task. For the person procrastinating, this can result in a loss of ... > full article

Mental confusion -- Severe confusion of a degree considered pathological usually refers to loss of orientation (ability to place oneself correctly in the world by time, location, and personal identity), and often memory ... > full article

PMS -- Premenstrual Stress Syndrome (PMS, also called Premenstrual Stress, Premenstrual Tension, PMT, Premenstrual Syndrome, Periodic Mood Swing) is stress which is a physical symptom prior to the onset of ... > full article

Mental illness -- A mental illness is defined by the medical profession as a disorder of the brain that results in a disruption in a person's thinking, feeling, moods, and ability to relate to others and to ... > full article

Anger -- Anger is a term for the emotional aspect of aggression, as a basic aspect of the stress response in animals in which a perceived aggravating stimulus "provokes" a counterresponse which is likewise ... > full article

Amygdala -- The amygdala (Latin, corpus amygdaloideum) is an almond-shape set of neurons located deep in the brain's medial temporal lobe. Shown to play a key role in the processsing of emotions, the amygdala ... > full article

Insomnia -- Insomnia is characterized by an inability to sleep and/or to be incapable of remaining asleep for a reasonable period. Insomniacs typically complain of being unable to close their eyes or "rest their ... > full article

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder -- Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD), or anankastic personality disorder, is a personality disorder that is characterized by a general psychological inflexibility, rigid conformity to ... > full article

Personality disorder -- Personality disorders form a class of mental disorders that are characterized by long-lasting rigid patterns of thought and behaviour. Because of the inflexibility and pervasiveness of these ... > full article

Perfectionism (psychology) -- Perfectionism, in psychology, is a belief that perfection should be strived for. In its pathological form, it is an unhealthy belief that anything less than perfect is unacceptable. Perfectionism can ... > full article


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Carbon Dioxide Triggers Inborn Distress (October 3, 2007) -- Inhalation of carbon dioxide triggers emotional distress and a panic response in healthy individuals. The findings of the study posit panic as an inborn survival-oriented response. The results may be ... > full story

Panic Attacks Linked To Heart Attack Risk In Women (October 2, 2007) -- Older women who experience at least one full-blown panic attack may have an increased risk of having a heart attack or stroke and an increased risk of death in the next five years according to a new ... > full story

Hormone-driven Effects On Eating, Stress Mediated By Same Brain Region (September 29, 2007) -- A hormone system linked to reducing food consumption appears to do so by increasing stress-related behaviors, according to a new study. "With the increasing focus on obesity, people are interested in ... > full story

Individuals With High Fear Of Crime Twice As Likely To Suffer From Depression (September 28, 2007) -- A new study has shown that people with a strong fear of crime are almost twice as likely to show symptoms of depression. The research also shows that fear of crime is associated with decreased ... > full story

Aromatherapy Massages With Music Dramatically Reduced Stress Levels In Nurses (September 24, 2007) -- Stress levels among emergency department nurses fell from 54 percent in summer and 65 percent in winter to just 8 percent after 15-minute aromatherapy massages with music. Researchers believe the ... > full story

Most Children With Cancer Are Well-adjusted, Psychologist Reports (September 24, 2007) -- Children under treatment for cancer are generally emotionally well-adjusted and no more depressed or anxious than other children their age, according to researchers. In studies of depression, ... > full story

Pregnancy May Increase Risk Of Developing Binge Eating Disorder (September 7, 2007) -- Pregnancy may open a window of vulnerability for developing binge eating disorder, especially for women from lower socioeconomic situations, according to a new study. In a long-term study of 100,000 ... > full story

Children Stressed Six Months Before Starting School (September 5, 2007) -- The first few days at school can be an anxious time as children face the challenge of a new environment and making new friends but according to new research children show signs of stress three to six ... > full story

Baby's Conception And Birth Can Influence Dream Content In New Moms (September 2, 2007) -- The conception and birth of a child are emotional events that influence the dreams of most new mothers. In a surprisingly high number of cases, this influence reflects negative aspects of maternal ... > full story

Mothers' Baby Cradling Habits Are Indicator Of Stress, Suggests New Research (August 29, 2007) -- Mothers who cradle their baby to their right hand side are displaying signs of extreme stress, a new study suggests. Although most mums feel stressed in the early stages of their baby's life, the ... > full story

Free Will Takes Flight: How Our Brains Respond To An Approaching Menace (August 27, 2007) -- Scientists have identified for the first time how our brain's response changes the closer a threat gets. Using a "Pac Man"-like computer game where a volunteer is pursued by an artificial predator, ... > full story

How Does Children's Mental Health Relate To Problems With Alcohol, Nicotine And Illegal Drugs? (August 20, 2007) -- Research seeks to examine links between children's mental health problems and alcohol, nicotine and illegal drug use over ... > full story

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The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook.
Consumer health text offers a comprehensive guide for those struggling with panic attacks, social fears, generalized anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive behaviors. Topics covered include overcoming ... > read more

Driven To Distraction : Recognizing and Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder from Childhood Through Adulthood
This clear and valuable book dispels a variety of myths about attention deficit disorder (ADD). Since both authors have ADD themselves, and both are successful medical professionals, perhaps there's ... > read more

Mind Over Mood: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think
Developed by two master clinicians with extensive experience in cognitive therapy treatment and training, this popular workbook shows readers how to improve their lives using cognitive therapy--one ... > read more

The Feeling Good Handbook
...written by one of the prime developers of cognitive therapy, teaching how to remove the mental obstacles that hinder success--from test anxiety and fear of public speaking to procrastination and ... > read more

Courage After Fire : Coping Strategies for Returning Soldiers and Their Families
The bravery displayed by our soldiers at war is commonly recognized. However, often forgotten is the courage required by veterans when they return home and suddenly face reintegration into their ... > read more

Feeling Good : The New Mood Therapy
FEELING GOOD FEELS WONDERFULThe good news is that anxiety, guilt, pessimism, procrastination, low self-esteem, and other "black holes" of depression can be cured without drugs. In FEELING GOOD, ... > read more

The Heart Speaks : A Cardiologist Reveals the Secret Language of Healing
WEAVING MEDICAL NARRATIVE AND CUTTING-EDGE SCIENCE, DR. MIMI GUARNERI EXPLORES THE FRONTIERS BEYOND THE PHYSICAL HEART.Every day, 2,600 Americans die of cardiovascular disease -- one person every ... > read more

The Mindbody Prescription: Healing the Body, Healing the Pain
Dr. John Sarno caused quite a ruckus back in 1990 when he suggested that back pain is all in the head. In his bestselling book, Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection, he claimed that backaches, ... > read more

Conquering Infertility: Dr. Alice Domar's Mind/Body Guide to Enhancing Fertility and Coping With Infertility
Infertility is a heartbreaking condition that affects nine million American couples each year. It causes tremendous stress, can trigger debilitating sadness and depression, and can tear a marriage to ... > read more

The Gift of Fear
Each hour, 75 women are raped in the United States, and every few seconds, a woman is beaten. Each day, 400 Americans suffer shooting injuries, and another 1,100 face criminals armed with guns. ... > read more

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