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Continental crust -- The continental crust is the layer of granitic, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks which form the continents and the areas of shallow seabed close to their shores, known as continental shelves. It is ... > full article

Lithosphere -- The lithosphere is the solid outermost shell of a rocky planet. On the Earth, the lithosphere includes the crust and the uppermost layer of the mantle (the upper mantle or lower lithosphere) which is ... > full article

Crust (geology) -- In geology, a crust is the outermost layer of a planet. The crust of the Earth is composed of a great variety of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. The crust is underlain by the mantle. ... > full article

Earth science -- Many scientists are now starting to use an approach known as Earth system science which treats the entire Earth as a system in its own right, which evolves as a result of positive and negative ... > full article

Geophysics -- Geophysics, the study of the earth by quantitative physical methods, especially by seismic reflection and refraction, geodesy, gravity, magnetic, electrical, electromagnetic, and radioactivity ... > full article

Geologic fault -- Geologic faults or simply faults are planar rock fractures which show evidence of relative movement. Large faults within the Earth's crust are the result of shear motion and active fault zones are ... > full article

Mid-ocean ridge -- A mid-ocean ridge or mid-oceanic ridge is an underwater mountain range, formed by plate tectonics. This uplifting of the ocean floor occurs when convection currents rise in the mantle beneath the ... > full article

Pangaea -- Pangaea or Pangea is the name given to the supercontinent that existed during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras, before the process of plate tectonics separated each of the component continents into ... > full article

Elastic-rebound theory of earthquakes -- In geology, the elastic rebound theory was the first theory to satisfactorily explain earthquakes. Previously it was thought that ruptures of the surface were the result of strong ground shaking ... > full article

Igneous rock -- Igneous rocks are formed when molten rock (magma) cools and solidifies, with or without crystallization, either below the surface as intrusive (plutonic) rocks or on the surface as extrusive ... > full article

Hotspot (geology) -- In geology, a hotspot is a location on the Earth's surface that has experienced active volcanism for a long period of time. Hotspots were thought to be caused by a narrow stream of hot mantle ... > full article

Mantle plume -- A mantle plume is an upwelling of abnormally hot rock within the Earth's mantle. As the heads of mantle plumes can partly melt when they reach shallow depths, they are thought to be the cause of ... > full article

Engineering geology -- Engineering Geology is the application of the science of geology to the understanding of geologic phenomena and the engineering solution of geologic hazards and other geologic problems for ... > full article

Alpine Fault -- The Alpine Fault is a geological fault, known as a right-lateral strike-slip fault, that runs almost the entire length of New Zealand's South Island. It forms a transform boundary between the Pacific ... > full article

Yellowstone Caldera -- The Yellowstone Caldera, sometimes known as the Yellowstone supervolcano, is a volcanically active region in Yellowstone National Park. It measures 55 kilometers (34 mi) by 72 kilometers (44 mi). ... > full article

Geology of the Alps -- The Alps form a part of a Tertiary orogenic belt of mountain chains along the southern margin of the continents Asia and Europe, called the Alpide belt. This belt of mountain chains was formed during ... > full article

New Madrid Seismic Zone -- The New Madrid Seismic Zone, also known as the Reelfoot Rift or the New Madrid Fault Line, is a major seismic zone located in the Midwestern United ... > full article

Metamorphic rock -- Metamorphic rock is the result of the transformation of a pre-existing rock type, the protolith, in a process called metamorphism, which means "change in form". The protolith is subjected to heat and ... > full article

Sequence stratigraphy -- Sequence stratigraphy is a relatively new branch of geology that attempts to link prehistoric sea-level changes to sedimentary deposits. The 'sequence' part of the name refers to cyclic sedimentary ... > full article

Plate tectonics -- Plate tectonics is a theory of geology developed to explain the phenomenon of continental drift and is currently the theory accepted by the vast majority of scientists working in this area. In the ... > full article


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Summaries | Headlines

Life-giving Rocks From A Depth Of 250 Kilometers (October 1, 2007) -- If our planet did not have the ability to store oxygen in the deep reaches of its mantle there would probably be no life on its surface. This is the conclusion reached by scientists who have ... > full story

Structure, Deformation, and Strength of the Loma Prieta Fault In California (September 28, 2007) -- Researchers analyzes over a thousand aftershocks of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, which occurred along the San Andreas Fault system in northern California. It determines details of the fault ... > full story

Oxygen Probably Present 50 To 100 Million Years Earlier Than First Believed (September 27, 2007) -- Two multinational teams of scientists, including researchers from Arizona State University, are reporting that traces of oxygen appeared in Earth's atmosphere 50 to 100 million years before the ... > full story

Deep-sea Scientific Drilling Program To Study Volatile Earthquake Zone Launched (September 25, 2007) -- Scientists begin exploring the origins of earthquakes at their source with the launch of the Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment. On Sept. 21, the Japanese drilling vessel Chikyu departs from ... > full story

Argon Conclusion: Researchers Reassess Theories On Formation Of Earth's Atmosphere (September 24, 2007) -- Geochemists are challenging commonly held ideas about how gases are expelled from the Earth. Their theory could change the way scientists view the formation of Earth's atmosphere and those of our ... > full story

Deep Earth Model Challenged By New Experiment (September 21, 2007) -- In the first experiments able to mimic the crushing, searing conditions found in Earth's lower mantle, and simultaneously probe telltale properties of iron, scientists have discovered that material ... > full story

How The Discovery Of Geologic Time Changed Our View Of The World (September 16, 2007) -- In 1911 the discovery that the world was billions of years old changed our view of the world forever. Imagine trying to understand history without any dates. You know, for example, that the First ... > full story

Mathematics Of Ice To Aid Global Warming Forecasts (September 11, 2007) -- Mathematicians have arrived at a new understanding of how salt-saturated ocean water flows through sea ice -- a discovery that promises to improve forecasts of how global warming will affect polar ... > full story

Ocean Depths 'No Haven' From Global Catastrophes (September 10, 2007) -- There may be nowhere for life to hide from the effects of climate change or asteroids hitting the Earth, according to new research. On the ocean floor 'islands' of exotic deep-sea life have been ... > full story

Polar Bear Population Predicted To Dwindle WIth Retreating Ice (September 8, 2007) -- Future reduction of sea ice in the Arctic could result in a loss of 2/3 of the world's polar bear population within 50 years according to a series of studies just released by the U.S. Geological ... > full story

Volcanoes Key To Earth's Oxygen Atmosphere (September 3, 2007) -- A switch from predominantly undersea volcanoes to a mix of undersea and terrestrial ones shifted the Earth's atmosphere from devoid of oxygen to one with free oxygen, according to geologists. Before ... > full story

Ethiopian Plateau Formation Coincided With Climate Change That May Have Spurred Human Evolution (August 31, 2007) -- More than three million years ago, early hominins evolved the ability to walk upright and in doing so started us along the evolutionary path that eventually gave rise to Homo sapiens. It was Darwin ... > full story

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Earth: Portrait of a Planet
This survey is the first to weave together the three major intellectual revolutions in the Earth Sciences that have occurred in the last forty years--the theory of plate tectonics, the ... > read more

Earth : An Introduction to Physical Geology (8th Edition)
To understand timely issues such as natural disasters and environmental challenges—and to evaluate solutions to related problems—the average citizen needs a basic awareness of the ... > read more

Earth Science (With CD-ROM)
Earth Science offers a reader-friendly overview of our physical environment for the reader with little or no exposure to science. The emphasis is on readability, with clear explanations and examples, ... > read more

Earth Science (11th Edition)
Earth Science offers a reader-friendly overview of our physical environment for the reader with little or no exposure to science. The emphasis is on readability, with clear explanations and examples, ... > read more

The Changing Earth : Exploring Geology and Evolution (with Physical GeologyNow)
THE CHANGING EARTH, a leader in the Introductory Geology course, is the only text specifically written for the combined physical and historical geology course. The Fourth Edition's content is based ... > read more

The Ultimate Desert Handbook : A Manual for Desert Hikers, Campers and Travelers
Discover the joys of desert camping, hiking, and travel Harsh, yet hauntingly beautiful; arid, yet teeming with life; inhospitable, yet profoundly peaceful--the earth's deserts beckon the poet and ... > read more

A Crack in the Edge of the World : America and the Great California Earthquake of 1906
Geologically speaking, 1906 was a violent year: powerful, destructive earthquakes shook the ground from Taiwan to South America, while in Italy, Mount Vesuvius erupted. And in San Francisco, a large ... > read more

Physical Geology
Physical Geology is a market-leading classic that has been used in classrooms for over 20 years. Updated to include the latest technology and most current information, Physical Geology is for both ... > read more

Conceptual Physical Science, Third Edition
Conceptual Physical Science, Third Edition takes learning physical science to a new level by combining HewittÕs leading conceptual approach and friendly writing style in a new edition that ... > read more

The Privileged Planet : How Our Place in the Cosmos is Designed for Discovery
A convincing case that the rare, finely tuned conditions that allow for intelligent life on Earth are no coincidence, and that Earth was practically designed for ... > read more

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