Watching canada's top attack puppy, live from Eastasia

Tuesday, June 12

Nutter Watch

Over here at Steynwatch, we're not just devoted to old Mark and his hair brained witterings. As part of the blogging service industry, we like to introduce you new nutters, some of which make our Mark seem sane and rational (yes I know, its tough work). This is an occasional service, as frankly, our brains will rot and die wading through some of this shit, but, as our first nutter, may we introduce mad mental Debbie Schlussel.

Now this girl takes the top prize for unhinged. Her weblog is a flashy mess of irrelevant bollocks, and the content is only a tad more extreme than you would find all over the wingnut-o-sphere. But what makes it different is her commenter's; they are just indescribable. Racist, muslim hating, homophobic, out of touch, mental, threatening, misogynistic (!), with a violent fantasy streak which is just a bit creepy. These folks would get kicked from LGF in a second, that's how bad they are. So, for you entertainment, a selection of commenter's I found in the last week:

  • Two Muslim women were looking at photos of one of the womens's sons. "Here is Mohamed, Khalid, and Ahmed. They are all martyrs now because they died in suicide bombings". The other woman sighed and said, "Ah yes, they blow up so fast".
    Q. What's the difference between an American BBQ and an Islamic BBQ? A. In America, Humans roast animals over a fire. In Islam, it's the other way around.
  • markccu, I told the last muslim I saw, to his face, that I can't wait till they go too far and it's open season on them. I'd say more but I don't want to get kicked off. People like you are a bigger enemy than the muslims, because you undermine our ability to act as a cohesive group, you are corrosive. I put you in the same group as the muslims. We need to address traitors like you along with our enemies.
  • One thing is for absolute certain---we need to keep the lights on the reality of our enemy's total hatred and deal with it accordingly.
  • Firstly: thank you Debbie for yet another example of your diligent efforts to expose the relentless advance of muslim sharia across our once beloved heartland.
  • Those who voted "Democrat" will hopefully hang themselves if they are still alive after Al Qaeda's attack!!

Just charming.

Monday, June 11

Mark's got an imaginary friend

Where the hell has Mark Steyn gone, you may be asking? The Sun Times column has not been filled in the last couple of weeks, and when he appeared on the Mitt Romney Show (old Hugh) last week he sounded drunk last week and saind nothing of interest. I'm not even going to link to it because you all have a life.

Anyway, where is he, well as I mentioned before, our old boy is in the Windy City, 'liveblogging' the trial of Conrad Black for Macleans. Now this is just bizarre, and Macleans really need a rocket up their arse for this, unless its some kind of cruel trick they are playing on Mark. Why the hell would you send someone to report on a trial, when he owes most, if not all, of his new found status ("Correspondent to the World", ha ha ha) to that very same person on trial. Unprofessional at best, sad and deluded at worst. What the hell ever happened to impartial journalism.

And if you read the live blogging from our man, its so pathetically craven as to give you nausea. unless you have a strong stomach, don't go over there, but the basic gist is; "how could they ever even think of putting such an intellectual giant on trial", closely followed by sucky, slurpy sounds.

As a service to all three of you, I will pull out the best quotes over the next few days, but this one from June 8th shows what happens when your head gets too far up someone's arse, you start hearing imaginary statements:
Yesterday I was chit-chatting with Lord Black on the other side of the Chicago River far from the courthouse when we were interrupted by one of the citizenry: "Hey, Lord, we're all pullin' for ya!"
Who are you trying to kid, Mark. Where were you sitting, in the park where all the pissheads and crackheads go? I know old Conrad is down on his luck, but can you not find anything better than a park bench and a can of super lager. he's still a lord (for the moment, anyway).

Thursday, May 31


What is the quote again, if you gave 40 monkeys infinite time then they could produce a work of Shakespeare, or similar?

That may well be so, but how many monkeys would you need to produce this garbage that radiates from the enfeebled brain of our favorite lost Canadian, Mr Mark Steyn? 100, 2000, 1 million…. You know, I missed it before, but when Mark starts his column with a list, it is usually a poor portent, i.e. he is having trouble filling up the page again, so a quick trawl round the internet, check in with MEMRI for some made up stuff about those icky Muslims, and were sorted, in a ‘will this do?’, sort of way.

So anyway, what is he on about today? No surprise, he is still banging on about immigration, and those dirty unwashed Hispanic types, that are hiding Osama Bin laden, or something. With this column, I fear he is beginning to lose it, although not as badly as Hugh Hewitt, who is rapidly slipping into the world of incoherence and incompetence.

So, what’s the score with our boy this week. Well, as I mentioned above, the it is another tale of woe about immigration, but that dirty talk doesn’t start for a few paragraphs. No, first we have the set up, in fact two sets ups, #1:

Item One: In Gaza, Islamic Jihad is planning to send waves of female
suicide bombers into action against the Zionist Entity…………………

Blah, blah, blah, nothing new here, although he seems to have rediscovered his “sense of humour”…….. well, whatever passes for it, anyway:

but it's unclear whether Blow White will get the full 72: Sleepy, Grumpy, Bashful, etc., all the way down to Incendiary, Non-Alcoholic and Anti-Zionist.

Fuck me, they must be rolling in the aisle over at Ace of Spades with that one. Anyway, moving on, #2

From Sikeston, Mo., comes the touching story of a 3-year-old girl and Raymon and Richard Miller, two brothers who happen to be the father and uncle thereof. Unfortunately, they don't know which is which. Four years ago, Holly Marie Adams, who was in town for the rodeo, "slept with" both men on the same day. And in the fullness of time, upon discovering the fullness of her belly, she decided Raymon was the dad and demanded child support.

And this has to with female Jihadis, or immigration in what way? Oh, absolutely nothing, but our brave hero ploughs on. I’m not going to go through this in any depth, but in a fondly remembered Steynwatch style, it’s the Steynbreifing, point, by point, over to you, Mark, as interpreted by me:

  1. Immigration reform is bollocks on sticks, let me tell you why,

  2. but first, let me show off some Greek shit I found on Wikipedia,

  3. Were not going to go for mass deportation (tell that to hugh and his buddies over at Townhall, Mark),

  4. But we already have open borders

  5. Something related to the #2 story above, but I can’t figure it out, oh its something about no good answers (bit wishy, washy, Mark)

  6. Back to non mass deportation (wtf), I was on a highway back in 2001

  7. and there was a bunch of smelly Muslim types trying to get into Canada, but had been put in a refugee camp

  8. This proves we have open borders and this is all GWB’s fault

  9. The immigration bill is flawed, as it is all reward, no incentive (what that has to do with point 8 is beyond me)

  10. Here's some Japanese shit I found on Google

  11. again, relating to story #2, it shows that life is moral choices

  12. which all stems from the fact that immigration law is so weak, that is percolates through society.

  13. and I, well, I mean, the American people don’t like it

  14. er. That’s it

What a load of nonsense. Screw other folks’ moral, my morals are continually offended by reading this garbage. Honestly, I’m not thick, and I read more right wing nonsense than is really healthy, but it took me ages to figure this one out. Even then, I’m still not 100% sure I ‘got’ the point. I think it is; “..we are such a lax nation morally, that we can let a bunch of Mexican’s break the law with impunity…”. Am I right?

I don’t really care about US immigration reform, but when Michelle Malkin is writing more coherently on the subject than our boy, then it may be time to take a good hard look in the mirror. I mean Mark, not me.

As for the rediscovery of his sense of humour (!) , oh please, stop it, its painful.

Monday, May 21

I was wrong !

Sorry, I was way out of line with the last comment. The Hispanic Scum and Islamofacistterrorists are working together, OH MUMMA.

They are like cockroaches, these foreign, darkie types, arm yourself, America, or you'll all be dhimmi's !!

Excuse the language, but can anyone seriously argue that our man is not a dirty racist scumbag, please, try me?

[thanks, yet again, to Sadly No]

Damn them Muslims... eh, Spanish

Yes, where the hell have I been, well drinking large amounts of Singha beer, and sitting up till all hours ruining my liver, and sleeping all day. Job sucks too, but they do insist I come in every day (the bastards), so time for Steyn watching has been minimal, at best. However, flicking though the more recent output, there is little or nothing to write home about. It generally been a lot of boring tosh about the GOP nominations for president. I doubt I am alone here, but with the exception of that Ron Paul guy, they all seem like a bunch of tossers. three of them don't believe in evolution, and the enthusiasm for torture was highly distasteful, at best. The fact that a Mormon robocop idiot like Romney lies third, and that folk are still mentioning Newt as a potential candidate, seems to me like the GOP is heading for a serious gubbing. Even Hilary, at here most vain should be able to beat this mob, but this is from a guy that thought Gore was a shoe in, so what do I know?

Anyway, back on subject, our old friend Mark Steyn is pissed off again. So what's new, you ask, well, its not the usual target. This time, its not the 'damn muslims', but the mexicans/spanish taht have got his goat, the dodgy catholic fuckers. For ages, Mark has been making up shit about how all of us Europeans will be living under Islam now/in ten year/whenever, but in his beloved US, the problem isn't the Muslims types, its the goddamned Hispanics:
America is not Europe, which is being transformed by a fast-growing Muslim population profoundly alienated from the broader society. Nonetheless, fast-moving demographic shifts are always a huge challenge. Last year, National Review's John Derbyshire noted the enrollment statistics for his school district on suburban Long Island, 1,400 miles from the southern border:

High school: 17 percent Hispanic

Intermediate: 28 percent Hispanic

Elementary: 31 percent Hispanic

Lies, lies, Mark. But its Steynworld lies. We will wash over the "fast growing Muslim population" nonsense, and focus on the Hispanic populations. See what he did, pick one statistic, from another raving racist idiot and lo, the point is proved.

As someone that is a double immigrant himself (Belgian family, Canadian immigrant), this is all a bit rich, but as Michelle Malkin has proved, wingnuts don't understand the word 'hypocrite'.

But who's Mark going to hate next, Muslim, check, Hispanics, check, I'm betting on the Chinese. Inscrutable Oriental types, and I bet their breeding fast !

Bonus insanity: Eventually got to see "Children of Men" recently, as expected, Mark completely missed the point, but its no surprise it gave him a hard on, more to follow.......

Sunday, May 6

Why do they hate us?

Might this be the reason. Money quotes:

More than one-third of U.S. soldiers in Iraq surveyed by the Army said they believe torture should be allowed if it helps gather important information about insurgents, the Pentagon disclosed yesterday. Four in 10 said they approve of such illegal abuse if it would save the life of a fellow soldier.
Mark would be disgusted, only 4 out of 10!
"Less than half of Soldiers and Marines believed that non-combatants should be treated with dignity and respect," the Army report stated.
Damn those Civil Liberties.
Maj. Gen. Gale S. Pollock, the acting Army surgeon general, cast the report as positive news. "What it speaks to is the leadership that the military is providing, because they're not acting on those thoughts," she said. "They're not torturing the people."
Remind me again, what was the invasion for?

Tuesday, April 24

Lets just tow the party line

Far be it for Mark Steyn to deviate even 1 inch from the party line. In the aftermath of the VT shootings, you could almost see the wingnut party line developing, although Mark did deviate somewhat with his "..well the kids were a bunch of wimps.." line last week. However, by Sunday, the line had been firmed up, with Anne Coulter taking the lead. Basically, its simple, and it boils down to:

"to prevent future incidents like VT, we need more guns, not less"

In his Sun Times column he tows the party line, although it is full of the usual Steynworld flourishes (eurowimps, extreme examples of left wing stupidity (obama) and a homely little story about New England). There is nothing really new here, and that's just the way his fans want it.

But here's the problem, everywhere else in the world, including euroweenies like me, did wonder that there has been no conversation about the prevalence of guns in the US. I take Mark's point about an armed nation not being a nation in fear (I don't agree with it, think it is a valid, if untrue notion), and he is correct that nutters would think twice about gun rampages if everyone was armed. Like all of those who argue like this, it ignores the basic fact that an armed society is actually a society that lives in fear. Not from a random psycho, but from domestic violence, road rage and all those other incidents, where in an unarmed country, angry people don't just reach for their weapons. The comparative rates of gun crime in Europe and Canada, vrs the US bear this out.

However, Mark and his ilk love a society in fear, its just a dream world for them. It makes it all the more easy to, say, invent a war against some Spectre like menace, and accuse anyone who is against it of being a traitor. Or am I stretching here?

Friday, April 20

Mark's got a problem

As the smutmasters over at The Poor Man point out, Mark's latest column shows he may need some, eh, help. Well don't worry, Mark, email me and I'll forward you some genuine stuff from the backstreets of Pattaya, no charge, its the least I can do. It will make you feel like a real man again.

Hugh's lost it

Occasionally, this site veers from Mr Steyn, like a truck on a mountain road, to take a look at Hugh Hewitt, self styles leader of the "Centre Right Coalition". Now, Hugh ain't centre right, far from it, he is more of a thinking mans Rush, he sounds sane, but in reality.... well judge for yourself from the following quote. Hugh was discussing the MSM and how his bunch of right wing losers, who have been right about nothing in the past few months are taking over the news gathering ops:
The center right has a growing roster of trusted analysts both on the air and on the blogs. The reach of those interpreters is vast. Places like Townhall --now the leading conservative site on the web in terms of traffic-- collect the work of those interpreters and the readers absorb it and send it on. Rush and the other talkers are doing the same thing, as is Powerline, Instapundit etc.
With all the money, time, effort over the past few ears, this is the best you could do. While I don't deny they have the numbers, would you really call Rush; "trusted"?

Thursday, April 19

Fun with statistics

He's at it again. In a tired old article for the National Review, Mark Steyn gets all worked up about people questioning his numbers:

Since I became National Review’s in-house Demography Bore, I get a gazillion e-mails a day saying: “Well, if the death of Europe is really happening, how come no-one else is talking about it except you and a few other fringe whackos?”

Probably because you are a fringe whacko, Mark. A gazillion emails in Marks' world is probably three, but then he has never been very good with numbers, as he goes onto prove in the very same article. After quoting some UN report which he claims backs up his view (funnily enough, the report could not be found, and he provides no link), he gets down and dirty with the numbers. Now, we all know Mark hasn't found a statistic he can't manipulate. However, its rare you see him putting into action, as he does here. Let me quote him in full:
Take a population of 10 million. Let’s say 90 per cent have 1.25 children per couple (which is the Italian fertility rate), and 10 per cent have 3.5 children per couple (which is the estimated European Muslim fertility rate). Those nine million “Italians” will have 5.6 million children and 3.5 million grandchildren. The one million “Muslims” will have 1.75 million children and 3.1 million grandchildren.
Seems scary, yes, but look again, its fun with statistics. I will ignore the 'estimated' weasel word, and focus of the stats. How he has got to these figures? Do you want me to talk you through it:

1. Take the highest and lowest figures you can get away with, in this case 1.25 & 3.5. The closer you get to 1.00, the bigger the statistical difference will be when you finish your calc.
2. Assume the birthrate stays the same for 2 generations among both Muslims and Italians (history shows that it doesn't)
3. Assume that all the children and grandchildren stay Muslim (they won't)
4. Assume both the Italians and Muslims only marry within there own group

Mark Steyn, giving a whole new meaning to "lies, damn lies and statistics"