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Comparing and contrasting
Smith, Marx, and Keynes

Adam Smith, Karl Marx, and John Maynard Keynes

by Mark Skousen

M.E. Sharpe, 2007, hardcover

In this new book from Mark Skousen, he turns his eye to the three most prominent figures of economics: Adam Smith, Karl Marx, and John Maynard Keynes. Each one possessed a unique take on their field, whether it be the laissez-faire views of Smith, the interventionist policies of Keynes, or the radical socialist model of Marx.

Skousen devotes a section to each man, presenting "a cunning plot that has many unexpected twists and turns." He not only details how they developed their economics models, but also illuminates the men themselves. Learning that Adam Smith was an "absent-minded professor" type or that John Maynard Keynes was "an intellectual elitist from his earliest childhood" adds a more personal layer that keeps the narrative interesting. In the end, Skousen takes a look at economic developments post-Keynes and proclaims that Smith's classical model has reigned triumphant in the 21st century. However, Skousen is quick to point out that the influences of Keynes and Marx remain.

The Big Three in Economics is a very interesting and informative book. This is another excellent entry from Professor Skousen—and a must-read.

EC9139 (hardcover) 243 pages
List Price $25.95

LFB Price Only $16.951
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Now in paper!
Arguments from Reason, Ethical Egoism, and Laissez-Faire Capitalism

by Jerry Kirkpatrick
TLJ Books, 2007, paperback

Basing his defense of advertising on the philosophy of Ayn Rand and the economics of Ludwig von Mises, the author shows that advertising is a rational, moral, productive, and benevolent institution. He notes that because advertising's essential nature is to blantantly appeal to consumers' self-interest, attacks on advertising are actually attacks on the very institution of capitalism and the concept of rational egoism.

This paperback edition includes a new preface as well as a charge that the James Vicary subliminal advertising "experiments" were actually a hoax.

"This book constitutes a thoroughgoing philosophic analysis and defense of virtually all aspects of advertising."
George Reisman, author of Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics

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EC9157 (paperback) 200 pages
List Price $16.95

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How Big Government Puts the Squeeze on America's Families, Finances, and Freedom (and Limits the Pursuit of Happiness)

by Joel Miller
Nelson Current, 2006, hardcover

It's not just the size of government that matters, of course; it's the animating purpose. And Miller firmly endorses the Jeffersonian view that government's proper purpose is to protect the pursuit of happiness—not to hand out goodies and subsidies, nor stop us from doing the peaceful things we want to do.

The author weaves vivid personal stories with a solid chronicle of how things got this bad, and how we valiantly pursue happiness anyway. He draws on Mencken, Sowell, Hayek, today's headlines, and the insights of "public choice" economics with equal facility and aptness. And he presents it all in short, rapid-fire chapters that carry you along at the pace of a Patterson novel. Joel Miller's got the goods, and delivers them.

Click the "Add to Basket" button below to buy, or click HERE to read more.

MNS237 (hardcover) 232 pages
List Price $22.99
LFB Price Only $14.50


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