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In this section, you can get information relating to Frequently Asked Questions the following topics:

Frequently asked Questions about Complaints

  1. How do I lodge a complaint?
  2. What types of complaints can I make to the Commission?
  3. Will it cost me anything to lodge a complaint?
  4. How long will it take?
  5. What will happen to my complaint?
  6. Will a copy of my complaint be given to the respondent?
  7. Will I be given a copy of the information the respondent gives to the Commission?
  8. Will the Commission represent me?
  9. Will I need a lawyer?
  10. What can I do if my complaint is dismissed by the President or cannot be conciliated?
  11. What happens if I decide I do not want to continue with my complaint?
  12. What happens when both Commonwealth and State laws apply?
  13. I do not live in Sydney - how will you help me?

Frequently asked Questions regarding Disability Rights

  1. What is discrimination?
  2. Scope of the DDA
  3. Meaning of "disability"
  4. Access to premises
  5. Assistance animals
  6. Assistants and carers
  7. Commonwealth laws and programs
  8. Compliance with other laws
  9. Education
  10. Employment
  11. Goods, services and facilities
  12. Insurance
  13. Local government
  14. Migration
  15. Public transport
  16. Standards
Last updated 9 April 2003