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Awful, the worst I have seen from Parker and Stone. Worse than Basketball. Another stale, clique sticom. Painful to sit through. Sorry, but i'm glad it's over.
Worst show. Jumped DAY ONE. Trey and Matt were much better on SOUTH PARK! Hey TREY AND MATT! STICK WITH THE KIDS FROM COLORADO WILL YA! Trey and Matt sucked at this one.

I think this was a parody of a sitcom. It really sucked. Sorry.
This show wasn't even so much a political spoof as it was a spoof on sitcoms. It was sort of an anti-sitcom. Remember that episode where the characters kept getting stuck alone together giving them the opportunity to have meaningful chats. Just like that time Archie and Mike got locked in the walk-in freezer on All in the Family or when Urkel and Carl got stuck in a hot air balloon. It was genius. Even if the show continued, they would've run out of material by season two, season three tops.
The September 11 reason shouldn't even be there. The show was cancelled the August before it happened. Unless you think the producers were behind the 9/11 attacks.......
I don't think this show ever got a chance to jump the shark. However, I think that it's a good thing it got cancelled when it did. The show wasn't entirely intended to be a spoof of George W Bush, as much as it was supposed to be a spoof on politics in general, both past & present. As the political reign of Bush got more complicated & intricate as his term(s) progressed the humor of the show would have changed, possibly taking away the quirkiness that everyone loved about it in the first place. The show never really seemed to be a platform, and if it had continued it may have become as such. I think that we should just enjoy the episodes that were made & hope that when the next president is elected that those creative geniuses will spoof him or her as well. Face it, if a chick gets elected then look at all the comedic crap that can be done. (I'm a girl & even I can see the comedic value.)
I loved this show when it was originally on, it portrayed Bush as sort of a likeable doofus, which was pretty much my view of him.

After what seems like an eternity under the Bush regime, the never ending fiasco of a war he bumbled us into, the assault on working class Americans, etc., etc. I can no longer laugh at anything about this man, not even satire, the very thought of what this cretin has done to our's just too much. There is nothing funny about Bush, not even a fake Bush, the mere sight of him makes me physically ill.

Sorry Matt and Trey, it's no fault of your own, but this show is unwatchable now.
TMB wasn't cancelled because of 9/11. Matt and Trey were given a choice before 9/11 happened: South Park or TMB. They wisely chose South Park because it wasn't still looking for an audience. Face it, South Park is still a cash cow, whereas TMB could have went either way. Of course 9/11 probably would have doomed it in the long run, so things worked out for the best. Also, had Gore been elected, they planned to do the same show, but lampooning him instead of Bush. It's great that at least one good thing would have come out of that election either way. Too bad it didn't last though.
TMB never jumped. Parker/Stone were genius in their way of marrying the presidency w/ parodying of lousy sit-coms. And then, 9/11 happened and the rules changed. I'm sure that the only reason that the show was axed was due to the terrorist attacks and TMB was suddenly unpatriotic. After the fact, Bush has reaffirmed himself as a jack ass and I think the show could return if Comedy Central would allow it. If not for 9/11, I'm sure TMB would have run for a long time. By the way, I heard that they had created an alternate version of the show with Al Gore and co. starring in it instead of Bush. It wasn't until Bush was confirmed the winner that anyone knew which version would air. It'd be interesting in retrospect to see the Gore version.
That's my Bush!! Never Jumped. People keep talking about this show as if it's an ironic parody of the sit com genre. DUH!! It's a friggin' tribute!! Look. We all hopefully love sit-coms for the same reason. To have a chuckle and kill some time. The cheesier they are the better. Are there many sit-coms we actually respect? Hell no! That's hardly the point. Chill out all you TMB Jumpers. This show is a tribute to shark jumping. If you can't appreciate it than why the hell do watch the tube in the first place?
This show jumped the shark once those 2 towers went down on September 11th , 2001. The show was actually a spoof on tv sitcoms with George Bush as the main character. It was just silly fun and it was comedy that could get away with mocking Bush at that time. When 9/11 occurred and the moments where Bush showed strength , emotion , and leadership during one of the country's darkest , if not , THE most dark moment in U.S. history then you just couldn't have Bush being depicted as that clown anymore. Now it was like we needed this guy to be our leader and not a parody on tv. The nation needed moral support. Strength and leadership from our leader would assist in improving the nation's morale and we got that from Bush. We saw that in a true time of crisis he wasn't this clown. He stepped forward and lead the country. His image changed dramatically. So to have a show that uses our leader as a clown for the sake of mocking tv sitcoms would not be successful in post 9/11 american tv. So thats why I say that September 11th is when this show jumped the shark. Bad timing.
It kinda jumped when bush went up to his deaf & blind FBI agent and said: "Look at this!" And she said "I cant see it sir." "Well then you can listen to me." "What?" "Whats wrong with you are you blind and deaf?" "I cant hear or see your sir, I am blind and deaf."
This show was great humor in an overblown setting. Nothing will ever make me laugh harder than the leader of the free world trying to douche a cat to death. From the dippy theme song, to the goofy tag line, this show is genius
I wanted to like this show. I really did because it's not just Bush. I hate politicians as a rule, and seeing someone that can impersonate this one as well as this guy can is just asking for hilarity. But it was just unfunny. I watched this show a few times after its debut, and I think that I might have laughed more watching CNN. They could have done so much with this concept, but they didn't, and it's a damn shame.
This show never jumped the shark for me. If it jumped the shark for anyone else, it was because they didn't get it. Ok. #1: It was NOT a real sitcom. #2: It was not a spoof of the president and his family, etc. #3: It was cancelled because it was too expensive to make. This was a brilliant show. It was timed like a sitcom, but the jokes were dirty! Every sitcom reference was funny. I didn't get the chance to experience this show as it aired. I was younger and intimidated by shows for adults. Last Presidents' day, I stayed up ALL NIGHT, watching the marathon. I couldn't hold in my laughter. I couldn't believe this show was not the biggest thing in the country (no pun intended). I never even saw the "That's My Dick" episode. It was as good as South Park-if not better. Charleton Heston, "I gotta PEE! Where's the bathroom?"
Cancelling That's My Bush made no sense, especially since it was canned pre-9/11. It got critical acclaim and South Park-like ratings. My guess would be Parker and Stone copped out since it appeared to be a difficult series to pull off while they were working on South Park at the same time. This show really hit the sitcom cliches on the nose (wacky neighbors, crazy schemes, misunderstandings) and also had smaller instances of skewering political humor. The show actually was a lot like a live-action South Park in that it always had an even handed moral at the end, except that was used a lot better here since it was supposed to make fun of sitcom moralizing. My favorite episodes were when George took ecstacy and when he got fired. I cracked up when George chased that huge banana out the window and when he did that crazy dance while humming the Mortal Kombat theme. "My penis is so big, drinks at the movie theaters in my town come in 3 sizes: small, medium, and my penis!"
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That's My Bush!
First Show 2001
Slot Time 10:30 pm
Last Show 2001
Slot Day Wednesday
Genre Comedy
Network Comedy Central