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Pimenov V.V. “Time” is a MEASURE of CHANGES.
15.12.2006 18:18:00 web7@federalspace.ru Pimenov V.V.
“Time” is a MEASURE of CHANGES

    The place of un-substantive “time” in philosophical hierarchy of definitions.
   Local causality and “local time”.
   Criticisms of incorrect math abstractions.
   Author: Valeriy Pimenov, research worker of ROSCOSMOS,
   Specialization: General theory of Systems, computer-models of on-board-systems.
   e-mail: pimenov@roscosmos.ru


   The author is keeping to the un-substantive conception of physical essence of “time”. Which means that I am strongly convinced that there DOES NOT EXIST such thing as “time” as “independent entity”.
Nor “absolute”, nor “relative”, nor “space-time” - NONE!
So, instead of saying “
matter exists in space and time” (F. Engels) we should say:

   “Time” is a MEASURE of CHANGES, evaluated LOCALLY “on the ground” of LOCAL FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES.

   And you can possibly guess that I am NOT the first who stated this.
   As far as I know, the first was
Titus Lucretius Carus (55 year b.c.(!), Ancient Rome). He wrote:
So, there is NO “time by itself”, but the objects
    Lead us to discover the previous ages…
    And we will find NO one who could sense
    “Time by itself” – out of MOVEMENTS and peace of the bodies.

   More or less distinctly the “problem of time” was solved by: Laplace, Descartes and Ernest Mach.

   But, if it is “so simple” – why such a simple question is usually presented so “misty”?
   Ok, possibly, the first reason of “mystification” is in IDENTITY of LOCAL FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES, on which ALL “upper-level” processes are built. And thus, after averaging-out, it looks like ALL “upper-level” processes HAVE ONE source (etalon, measure) of “pace”. And people “shift” the position of that “etalon” from the sub-structural level – to the “out-of-structural” level – making it “out of matter” AT ALL! And naming it “absolute time”…
s why people usually think about the time as a “global” entity and do NOT identify it with LOCAL sub-processes.
   One man (you know him, he showed his tongue to you) had grasped, that some systems could be “essentially local” ("relative") and could have “it`s own time”. But he could not grasped
either that the reason of “time” is the LOCAL PHYSICAL PROCESSES – and started to explain his “relational time” through the mystical “curvature of space”…
   Another man (Minkovsky) even found ONE “fundamental PROCESS” (“global revealing plane”), but this was all what he could “allow yourself” inside his “metric spaces”. So his SINGLE process should have to be GLOBAL – and thus was independent of anything that happened locally…
   But it was already “wise enough”, because if ALL local processes has the SAME PACE – this could give the exact “picture” of Minkovsky
s “global revealing plane”. Alas, we now know that BASE PROCESSES could CHANGE its PACE (because of gravitational changes for example) – and thus Minkovskys “plane” becomes something not so “plane”… At the second part of this article I will try to criticize Minkovskys “metric spaces” as practically useless as PHYSICAL “basement” of ANY physical theory. Mathematical - it could be – at the most…
   Above the question of the “time” as a MEASURE of CHANGES, there also is a question of time as a “REASON of CHANGES”.
   Even those who admit that time is “something about changes” – often could NOT make the last step and STOP thinking about “time” as a “physical entity”. The COMMON base sub-structures and AVERAGING of base sub-processes – give them a “subconscious” feeling that there is “something”, which “force all this to change”…
   And this is already about the second problem with “time” – about its imaginable role as a “reason of changes”.
   But the correct statement is reverse: the CHANGES are the “reason” of “time” (and NOT vice-versa).
   And what is the reason of changes if NOT “time”?
   Ok, I could only propose the INERTIA as the “reason of changes”, meaning the “natural” tendency of ALL STRUCTURED SYSTEMS to its SETTLED STATE. Such transitional processes are common to ANY SYSTEMS with intra- and extra-interactions, under which this system is NATURALLY (structurally) trying to return to its settled state.
   But in “math-physics” more common is the principle of Hamilton (“principle of minimal action”).
   This principle of Hamilton is stated that among all variations of processes (for given system) – the nature always selects the one for which the “integral of action” is minimal. The dimension of “action” is [energy]x[time] – and it is the area under the curve of “excessive kinetic energy with time”. So, from the state with MORE kinetic energy the system will return FASTER (the curve is steeper), and from the state with LESS kinetic energy the system will return SLOWER (the curve is flatter). So the AREAS under the curves will be THE SAME – if we will take those integrals WITHOUT the “variation of time-intervals” (which means that the integration will be made between two STATES of SYSTEM). So you see, that in such interpretation “the Hamilton principle” looks like USUAL evaluation of STABILITY MEASURE of any dynamic SYSTEM. And I, as a specialist in “Theory of Systems” will certainly prefer the “well-known” methods of systems-parameters evaluations – to the “vagueness” of Hamilton-principle and all its “consequences” like the
Schrödinger-equation and so on. Mostly because such “equations” do NOT “have in mind” any particular SYSTEM with all its: ELEMENTS, CONNECTIONS, INTERACTIONS and BORDERS.
   See part 1 with my attempts to “sort the definitions” of such “categories”.
   At part 2 of this article I am also trying to criticize the attempts to “directly use” some MATHEMATICAL models as a “math-PHYSICAL” models. It is a commonly unjustified assumption that ANY math-model could be also “good physic”. And thus we see attempts to “live inside the model”. The men simply could NOT distinct theirs math-models from REALITY – and thus use “time” inside MODELS as a “real time”. And thus they do try to “change the SIGN of time” and so on.
   I think it is very important to discuss in this article the principle of “local causality” – see in the same part 2. But it is not only about LOCAL processes explaining such phenomena as Newtonian “gravitational force”, but also about some COMMON PRINCIPLES of ANY physical STRUCTURES. Possibly the first who tried to formulate this – was Steven Wolfram (“
reality is like a set of cell-automata with the same functions inside every node; nodes (“cells”) interact ONLY with NEAREST cells”).
   At part 2 I am also trying to discuss the ideas of Carlo Rovelli and Yang-Mills about “brooding” of “space-time” by the PROCESSES of interactions of the “elementary particle” with the gravitational “field”(?).
   It is already good that those famous physicists do NOT “insist” that “curved space-time” exists “by itself” – but they propose that it is “locally and DYNAMICALLY created” by the PROCESSES of interactions between “elementary particles” and “quantum gravitation” (whatever it means).
   Philosophic categories are usually NOT used in math-equations :O)
   And later (see part 2) we will try re-evaluate current “math-fundamentals” of current physic, where, as I am convinced, SHOULD be used “local causality” principle and principle of independent local fundamental processes (as a measure of local “time”).

   But first we will try to agree to COMMON TERMINOLOGY. Never mind that it will look like “a bit of philosophy”. It is still necessary.
    PART 1
    Attempts to build a hierarchy of definitions.
– a fundamental property of MATTER, synonym of “general movement” (as a philosophical category). Synonym of “existence”.
“Time” is defined as a MEASURE OF CHANGES. “Time” is evaluated by the reference to the LOCAL FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES.
   PROCESS – a localized SET of CHANGES, supplied with PARAMETERS, PROPERTIES. Often asked: is such “localization” of some processes is subjective? Ok, selection of ANY “part of matter” is to some extent “subjective”. But we see that the “rules” do exist – and thus different “invariants” of interactions. So, there SHOULD be some REAL “properties” or “parameters”. The problem is: which one? :O)
   INTERACTIONS – mutual influences of PROCESSES. We should exclude the “subjectivism” while defining which of the PROCESSES is “internal” and which is “external”. Interacted processes usually form some COMMON PARAMETERS. Thus, interactions are usually a kind of “association” of processes with a result of getting some COMMON ATTRIBUTE. And thus it is REAL and not subjective ASSOCIATION.
   As we see, INTERACTIONS is an “interaction of PROCESSES” – and this includes the case of an “external observer”. And thus “observed events” are NOT “exceptional case” – but still “the same” interaction (to observer or not). Sometimes the result of interaction is a DESTRUCTION of one of the system (like absorption of photon by electron). As you see, it makes no difference whether this process is “observed” or NOT – it is the same “quantum event” (if system was destructed as a result).
   PROPERTY – one of the “attributes” of PROCESS. Or COMMON PARAMETER of some kind of interactions. About some of the properties have reached “consensus” that they are REAL and thus it is a QUALITY.
– INVARIANT-PROPERTY of some INTERACTIONS. Usually by the qualities of processes we could DISTINCT them, or decide that these are processes of the same “type” (“similar”). Qualities (invariant-properties) always had QUANTITY (measure of quality). But we could NOT know this EIGENVALUE (invariant amount of INTERNAL quality of given system) a-priori (without a measurement-process). So, in reality we never get the “amount of quality” itself, but only RELATIVELY MEASURED quantity. But Einstein is right ONLY in one point – ANY quality of process could be measured ONLY during INTERACTION and in this sense “relative”. But this does NOT mean that EIGENVALUES do not exist at all. It is simply the other name of the “essential descriptors” of the STRUCTURE of some SYSTEM. Most of the eigenvalues reveal themselves in interactions “implicatively” (indirectly) – as STRUCTURAL (“parametric”) properties of interacted systems (like “constant of the thin structure” etc.).
   STATE – state of the PROCESS (do NOT mix up with the “state of object” (see below)). Applied to the PROCESSES with PROPERTIES and thus usually used as a “stopped” (“snapshotted”) process. But it is a big question – should we “quantize” all processes – or on base-levels processes are “continual”?
   Very often QUANTITATIVE states (still in the borders of measure) are confused with QUALITATIVE JUMPS, or EVENTS. I suspect that THIS is the source of most of the problems with the physical interpretation of “quantum mechanics”. I suspect that the “states” of quantum mechanics are always the result of some EVENT (absorption of photon, etc.). But it is always confused with QUANTITATIVE (continual) states, which are usually the target of classical physic.
   Hilbert proposed math-formalism, which allowed to exclude the “essence of time” from his equations.
   He “invented” the “space of states”, in which the “time-axis” was formally excluded, but “hiddenly” existed as the “order of states”. Yes, to me it looks like a step in the right direction. But this MATH-formalism does NOT solve ALL the problems with PHYSICAL interpretation of “time” – because Hilbert did NOT “declare” that PHYSICAL “time” does NOT EXIST “by itself”. He simply proposed “convenient math-formalism” and did NOT pretend that it was “really so”. And even if he would have – ALL of his STATES (past, present and future(!)) – do “EXIST” in his “space of states” – but in reality neither previous nor future states NOT EXIST “by default”.
   STATES could NOT EXIST until it is consequently “generated” by some PROCESS.
   Below it will be named principle of local-procedural causality of states.
   Each process could be ONLY in “NOW-state”. Previous states are “lost”. Future states could be generated ONLY as a result of LOCAL INTERACTIONS (“local causality”).
   Yes, if some process is PERIODICAL then ALL of his STATES, even future, could be “predictable” and thus looks like ALL states is already “exist”. But this is a “subjective assumption of essence”, or our math-model extrapolation – and does NOT have relation to PHYSICAL REALITY, to REAL physical PROCESS.
   If WE already know ALL STATES of simple pendulum – this does NOT mean that “pendulum itself” already “know” ALL its FUTURE states. That is where the “roots” of all “paradoxes” with “reversing of time arrow” and so on. Yes, we could (sometimes) REVERSE the DIRECTION of some(!) physical PROCESSES. Especially periodical (:O). But this does NOT means that this way we “reversed PHYSICAL time”.
   Men, FORGET about reversing “TIME”! All we could really “reverse” – is the direction of some(!) PROCESSES. But it looks quite IMPOSSIBLE (to me) to attempt to reverse ALL PROCESSES (with ALL SUB-processes, etc.!) for something bigger than elementary particle. The difficulty of reversing ALL PROCESSES AT ONCE for something like amoeba – looks ABSOLUTELY INSUPERABLE.
   One remark about the systems which have a kind of “memory for previous state”.
   Usually it is the system with the kind of “closed loop” (“back coupling”). This way such systems could compare CURRENT state with PREVIOUS (which is loop-backed with some delay) – so it looks like such system do “know” the PREVIOUS state, which in some sense “exists” there. You understand, that in this case it is NOT the “previous state itself”, but a kind of COPY, retuned-back by OTHER INTERACTED PROCESS (loop-back circuit). That is why such loop-backed systems already has DIFFERENT QUALITIES(!) compared with “linear” systems – because such system is “forced” to INTERACT WITH ITSELF(!) (with delay) – and as a result of such “exotic” interaction such system will get essentially NEW QUALITY. Previous states do not exist but are “regenerated” (“reconstructed”) there – so the principle of procedural causality still “works” there. See Part-3 for additional details of relations between REAL systems and there MODELS.
   OBJECT or SYSTEM – group of PROCESSES with COMMON (integrating) set of QUALITIES.
   So it is NOT “voluntary selected” group of processes, but only REALLY INTEGRATED set of processes with common INVARIANTS.
   In most cases the REAL SYSTEM usually consist of the set of INTERACTIONS with some or other SYMMETRY. Any OBJECT usually had some sort of SYMMETRY of “internal links”. On the lowest structural levels it is usually “central symmetry” of internal “border-processes”.
   I could give a “stronger” proposition: to be the “object”, any set of processes SHOULD have some kind of SYMMETRY of internal processes. On the BORDER of “object” this symmetry is usually ends (non-linearly).
   But the problem of “borders of objects” is not really that simple. In more complicated objects some of the processes could become “borderless” (irradiation of photon by electron, etc.) – but does this mean that such a process becomes a “separated object”? We could try to find the answer together. But NOT in this article :O)
   Here we will try to concentrate on the “problem of time”.
   What is instead of “time”?
   About local procedural-causality and cellular automata.
   “Loop Quantum Gravitation” of Carlo Rovelli and “Spin networks” of Yang-Mills.
So, “time” – is a measure of changes evaluated by reference to the LOCAL FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES. If this measure is ONE (common) to ALL LOCAL processes – what is the difference whether we will use “absolute time” (global measure of changes) or each local process will have its own local measure of local changes? Supposing that ALL LOCAL BASISES – are EQUAL?
   But the basic sub-processes in DIFFERENT localities are NOT always equal! The simplest example – is different gravitation on the Earth and in outer-space…
   Ok, we will try to avoid philosophic “researches” – and will go directly to the selection of LOCAL-BASIS PROCESSES which could serve to be the local measure of local changes.
   Lets take a laser-clock (etalon of “time”).
   When the base-processes (gravitation, charge, magnetism) of different exemplars of
these clocks are EQUAL – all the processes developed on this basis will also have EQUAL QUALITIES (and quantities).
   So, if we will take OTHER system (not clock) with the SAME BASE-PROCESSES – we inevitably get the same measure of changes for this system too (as in clocks). And we could be certain that our clocks will “measure” the “pace” of our system and could be used as a “reference system” for measurement of SPEED of PROCESSES in our system (not clock).
   But the question is – could we be certain that our BASISES are ALWAYS EQUAL “no matter what”?
   Of course NOT!
   Neither gravitation, nor charges, nor magnetism could NOT be considered unchangeable…
   So, in some DIFFERENT localities our clocks could give different “pace of time”.
   It really does NOT matter, while we will use clocks to measure pace of PROCESSES in the SAME (or “equal”) LOCALITY where the clock is placed. For example, ALL of the clocks on the Earth-surface will show “nearly the same” pace of base-processes (having in mind GRAVITATION mostly).
   But it could be (and IS) DIFFERENT if our clocks is placed to DIFFERENT conditions of BASE-PROCESSES.
   For example, we could try to send one of the clocks to the “outer space” (low gravitation).
   It is considered to be “proved” that in outer space laser-clocks work FASTER (than the same clock on the Earth-surface). Of course it is NOT “thanks to Einstein”, but just because we have DIFFERENT CONDITIONS of BASE-PROCESSES in outer-space. Indirectly this prove that “laser” clocks are really is “sensitive” to the changes of gravitation as well.
   There is one interesting question – how much “base sub-processes” we should take, to be sure we get the UNIVERSAL BASIS for ANY real process? In other words, could we have really “universal” MEASURE OF CHANGES?
   Lets start with Minkovsky
s attempt to take the “plane of global revealing process”, which “runs away” from any point with the speed of light. Lets try to use it in nearly the same sense as our measure of “time”. First I wanted to criticize Minkovsky that his “revealing plane” is a SINGLE global PROCESS. But later I did understand that he had in mind that there “existed” an infinity-set of “revealing planes” – because his “metric space” is continual and thus EVERY “point of space” is CONSTANTLY “radiating” such “revealing planes”…
   Is it enough for you to understand that it is “pure mathematics”, but NOT physics?
   And, besides, in REALITY there are at least SEVERAL qualitatively DIFFERENT processes which could be used as a BASIS for all other “higher” processes. But this does not mean, yet, that Minkovsky was COMPLETELY wrong. In mathematics (and sometimes in physics) it is usual practice to construct models by ESSENTIAL properties. So Minkovsky could say that it was “such a model – by essential process ONLY”…
   Unfortunately (for Minkovsky) ALL other processes except for ONLY ONE PROCESS – his “global revealing” (used as “pseudo-time”) was throw-out of his model. By our terminology this process SHOULD be its own(!) “basis” and its own “measure of changes”…
   To me it looks like “unreal” situation. What could we “measure” (speed of processes(?) as a “pace of time”) - if we could NOT organize ANY interactions as a necessary “measuring procedure”? What could this process “reveal” if NOTHING except SIZELESS (!) and immaterial “points” exist in this “metric spaces”?
   I could NOT believe that after throwing-out ALL MATTER and all processes, except for a very abstract “revealing procedure” (revealing of what? Math points?) – we could construct something “workable”.
   And this “ground” was used for the “officially approved” theory “of everything” – by that well-known man, which liked to show his tongue…
   Above the criticism of Minkovsky, I also have more general criticism of attempts to present MOST of math-models as a “good approximation” of REALITY. But it is NOT that simple question. See details in Part-3.
   Here we will try to keep to the general problem of this part – which of the base-processes is “enough”… for what? I will try to remind you :O)
   If “time” does NOT exist – then reality consists of continuum of local “now”.
   I spend a lot of efforts to “assimilate”, that all LOCAL states do NOT “have to” change “simultaneously”.
   So we should NOT bother about such trifles as the “problem of simultaneity” – local procedural-causality and spreading interactions is ENOUGH to “solve” (or to ignore) this problem. We will have something like “in-point” Maxwell-equations – so we do not need to bother how one local changes will INTERACT with some other “localities” (or
whether it has “equal pace”) – because the base-processes in both LOCAL “points” do NOT need to be “connected” or “synchronized” to “make it ticks”…
   In this sense I agree with Stephen Wolfram (
www.wolframscience.com) in his idea of REAL “space” as a kind of “cellular-automata”. He states that ALL happens like a set of “local interactions”, spreading from “cell to cell”, from one discrete “node” to the other – because the “structure of space” is DISCRETE.
   About sequence of “now”-states he said:
“Should we really imagine that the complete space-time history of the universe somehow always exists, and that as time progresses, we are merely exploring different parts of it? Or should we instead think that the universe--more like systems such as cellular automata--explicitly evolves in time, so that at each moment a new state of the universe is in effect created, and the old one is lost?”

   He also understood, that we should NOT treat “time” the same way as “space”:
“But I very much doubt that any such obvious symmetry between space and time exists in the fundamental rules for our universe. I suspect that for many purposes the history of the universe can in fact be represented by a certain kind of space-time network. But the way this network is formed in effect treats space and time rather differently... And in particular--just as in a system like a cellular automaton--the network can be built up incrementally by starting with certain initial conditions and then applying appropriate underlying rules over and over again.”

   To my surprise, I have found “thinking in the same direction” in a book by well-known physicist Carlo Rovelli. I am talking about his work about “Loop Quantum Gravitation”:
http://comm.roscosmos.ru/Docs/Carlo_Rovelli_book.pdf (pdf, 5 Mb)
   But Rovelli does NOT “go directly” to the conception of “time” as a measure of changes evaluated by base-processes. First he states that space-time is ingenerated by quantization-processes going “inside elemental particles” (while interacting with gravitational field(?)). He criticizes Quantum Field Theory for using “space-time” as a “background”, independent of quantum-processes in elemental-particles, while particles create some “non-local structures(?)”. It results in some contradictory (“dualistic”) theory (“old” Quantum-Field Theory). Rovelli said that such “dualism of field” is a source of most contradictions of General Relativity (GR) and Quantum Field Theory (QFT). And that “reduction” (convergence) of “space-time parameters” of particles to RESULTS of quantum “operations” (operators) applied to particles – leads to “consolidation” of both theories.
   The main goal of his attempts Rovelli defined as construction of such math-formalisms of Quantum Field Theory, which “free us” from the “static background” of “space-time”, while NONE of PROCESSES with particles going. And for this, Rovelli said , we should first “become free” from traditional understanding of “space-time”.
   The main math-formalism now (by Rovelli) should become Hilbert
s “space of states” (filled with operators, measuring transitive probability-values of physical properties(?)).
’s new field-theory – Loop Quantum Gravitation (LQG) based on “uncanonical algebra” which used “holonomy” of gravitational interactions. “Holonomy” (Wilson`s rings) is a matrix parallel-movements by closed curves used to define “gauge” (measure) of something (measure of gravitational interactions in this case). “Gauges” was first used by Mikle Faraday in the “Theory of Measurement”. By the way, the same Faraday was the first to propose the term “field”. He (Faraday) stated that RELEVANT variables should NOT be based on the “value in point”, but keep the RELATIONAL value of INTERACTION between this point and its “basis”(?). It was mathematically described (by Faraday) as “holonomy of measuring (“gauging”) potential along-the-closed-line”.
   In Rovelli
s LQG - holonomy becomes quantum operators, creating “loop-states”.
   Ok, I will NOT comment Rovelli
s ideas.
   I have supplied some of its details just to show that it has some similarity to ideas of Yang-Mills.
The Yang-Mills theory of “Spinal networks” was proposed some 30 years earlier than Rovelli’s.
   In their theory the “loop-states” have FINITE “norms” – which means that their “states” do NOT “spread-out over the universe”. And some FINITE combination of “loop-states” form a  DEFINITE (exact) “orto-normal basis” of ALL combinations of states of this “spinal(?) network” in Hilbert
s “space of states”.
   Simply speaking, ONLY those states (of particles) are “allowed” which are defined by finite combination of states of the nearest “spin network” (discrete “field-nodes”) around the particle. But those “spin network” (nodes) states are NOT independent, and, in their turn, are “measured” as a result of some “measuring procedure” (or as a result of “localized” INTERACTIONS with OTHER particles). But it is MY interpretation of theirs ideas.
   Nor Yang-Mills, nor Rovelli is NOT a “real physics”, but “pure mathematicians” (from my point of view) – so they did NOT “labor themselves to death” trying to PHYSICALLY explain their ideas.
   Ok, we will be grateful to them for their attempt “to free us” from “EMPTY but CURVED space-time”.
   BUT, if we propose that their “loop-field” or “spin network” is a definite states of PHYSICAL VACUUM (real medium!) – then all that “mess” FITS TOGETHER and “lay on proper shelves”.
   The particle AND “physical vacuum” nearest to it - IS a COMMON STRUCTURE (common system).
   The particle (electron for example) in its “quantum changes” (processes) generates in “vacuum” some decaying wave, which is necessarily “discrete”, because it spreads on discrete “particles of vacuum” (“plankeons” etc.) - exactly as on the quantized “spin-network” of Yang-Mills. And this “discrete wave” generated by electron – is SPREADING to the OTHER nearest “big particles” (electrons), producing “measuring effect” - interaction through discrete sub-media with superposition of influences “stored” (“gauged”) in parameters of “plankeons”. The states of plankeons around the electron do define (as a “trend”) to which NEXT STATE this electron is “invited to go”.
   In some sense, this “spin network” (states of “plankeons field”) IS “inertia” - something which keeps excessive energy of “quantum events” and then use it as a “background reason” of OTHER QUANTUM EVENTS. So, electron could NOT just “go by itself”,
without CORRELATING its “steps” with OTHER big particles, referencing (“gauging”) to the states of nearest “spin particles” (“plankeons”).
   The essence of Yang-Mills and Rovelli propositions I see in declaration that ALL math-models of such physical systems should obey to the principle of local causality. Meaning that, according to the ideas of Stephen Wolfram, we should use the paradigm of local-process-causal states of every “locality”, because of the essentially discrete structure of “space” ( consists of “nodes” or “plankeons”).
   Right now I see only one “shortage” in the Yang-Mills-Rovelli theory.
   Model of Rovelli contains only ONE PHYSICAL PROCESS – gravitation. And this gravitation is used as a “base-sub-process” (in “spin-network” or “plankeons”) to “create” ALL EVENTS with big-particles (electrons).
   Of course they “forgot” about electro-magnetism and some other “trifles”…
   And it is “traditional” for the “pupils” of Einstein (the teacher himself does NOT “managed” this enigmas too). So their big-particles (electrons) generate ONLY “gravitational-side” of all possible INTERACTIONS with sub-particles (“plankeons”). Possibly for the better, because there are “suspicions”, that this “spin network” (“plankeons”) is principally NOT able to be responsible for other PHYSICAL MODALITY (electro-magnetism, etc.).
   Yes, electro-magnetism - is already “another story”… There are suppositions, that this “modality” could be “carried by” the SUB-SUB-level of the REAL STRUCTURE. For example, there could exist something like “diffuse matter” – something like “liquid” which is “placed” AMONG “plankeons” and INSIDE the big-particles…
   Ok, we had already “gone too far” (by sub-levels of matter)…
s try to stick here to the declared theme – to the physical meaning of “time”.
   The one who is much more interested in SUB-structures of MATTER – could write to me (
pimenov@roscosmos.ru) – and we will discuss it “privately” :O)
   PART 3.
   Attempts to find physical meaning of some math-models.
One of my friends asked me: “could we just throw-out the T (time) parameters from ALL equations – and then sleep well?”.
   If it was so simple! What could we propose INSTEAD of current (Newtonian) equations with T as an “independent variable”?
   Now it is clear, that the difference in “pace of processes” for DIFFERENT LOCALITIES could become measurable ONLY with essentially DIFFERENT conditions for functionality of BASE SUB-PROCESSES (gravitation, electro-magnetism, speed of movement in “vacuum”, etc.). We could try to find those equations (or real processes) in which such base-processes are used “directly”.
   For example, for the systems (and equations) which work on the Earth-surface – such “nonsense” like “different gravitational conditions” we could “forget”, meaning that we could “bravely” continue to use OLD equations with the old T-parameter.
   But when we are trying to understand “what is wrong” with Einstein-s “twin-brothers” – we certainly SHOULD take into consideration what was DIFFERENT in functionality of SUB-processes for both.
   Now I believe that one of the brothers, which will be placed into the conditions of LOWER gravitation – will REALLY have FASTER “pace” of PROCESSES based on gravitation (as a base-sub-process). This was PROVED by some experiments with laser clocks on orbit, comparing to the pre-synchronized twin-clocks on the surface.
   But it is NOT about “relativism” yet. “Relativism” is about the MOVEMENTS (relative speed of systems).
   So the question is: could some processes “feel” that their system is MOVING RELATIVELY TO “physical vacuum” (or “plankeons”)?
   Some smart … could ask “and what about the principle of Galileo”?
   Meaning that systems, moving in “emptiness” should NOT (by Galileo opinion) have means to “know” about its constant-movement (“by inertia”).
   My current answers could be next.
   First, like it is now understood, “physical vacuum” is NOT “emptiness”. So, it is EVIDENTLY NOT such simple model as “something unchangeable moving in emptiness”. If we  select the model of crystal-like physical “vacuum” – big-body movements in it will look like a model of something “liquid”, filtering through “channels” with “jumping vacancies”…
   In such conditions of “inertial” movement – the Galileo principle definitely could “work” only under some “conditions”, like low-speed, really big body, etc. In most of the OTHER “conditions of movement” we could NOT guarantee that sub-processes (of interactions with “lattice” trough which it is “filtered”) will be the same.
   So, reaching some speed of “filtering” – we reach a conditions under which we should spend MORE energy to add the SAME increment of speed (supposing that our big-body get some “external impulses” to increase our speed of “filtering”). Of course such dependence between the same amount of increment of “absolute” speed” and necessary impulse of energy for it - will be “essentially non-linear”.
   I can not exclude a possibility that it could be exactly like in Lorenz-Einstein equations (by math-form of dependence from speed). But, of course, the reason does NOT lie in “increasing of mass with speed”…
   More likely, the limit of “energy transmission” (near the v=c) is reached because our external impulses could NOT FULLY catch-up with our body, so it could not completely transfer the  impulse. Thus we should spend MORE energy to reach the same increment of speed of our body.
   So, that already looks like our body COULD “feel” its ABSOLUTE speed (?)
   And now the question is: could we state that this BASE-SUB-PROCESS - absolute movement against “physical vacuum” – be “responsible” for VARIATIONS of measures of ALL high-level-processes “constructed” on this “basis”?
   My answer is YES. Different speed of absolute movement COULD, in some conditions, INFLUENCE processes in “inertial systems”.
   A more interesting question (to which I do not have answer yet) – is the absolute speed  influence ALL high-level processes or NOT? We now know that “life-time” of some “elementary particle” depend on the (absolute) SPEED of its movement. Indirectly this hints, that some internal processes in UNSTABLE “elementary particles” go DIFFERENTLY when this particle (interacting system of “vacancies”) is MOVING through “vacuum” (“propagated inside discrete vacuum”, “transmitted between nodes”, “reincarnated”).
   The puzzle remains in constructing DETAILED model of why such “propagation” add them MORE STABILITY…
   And we should keep in mind, that if some particle ALREADY has HIGH SPEED – this means that it also had BIGGER INTERNAL ENERGY. And thus as a SYSTEM it should have MORE “time” until this energy “dissipate” (what is usually the reason of instability of some systems). But this is already “alternative” explanation. Or, possibly, just “other side” of INTERACTIONS with “vacuum” during “propagation”.
   But it happens NOT “thanks to Einstein”, NOT because “…metric of space-time is changing at very fast speeds…”.
   Ok, we have tried to find out which of the “base-sub-processes” could WORK DIFFERENTLY in different LOCAL CONDITIONS. We “have found”, that “absolute speed” could also be used as a “base-sub-process” – and thus with DIFFERENT speed of the systems we should get DIFFERENT “local measures of time”.
   This only proves our main principle of local causality of ALL high-level processes based on unified local sub-processes. “Time” (in practical sense) is only ONE OF such “high-level processes” (clocks, for example) which DEPENDS on the LOCAL CONDITIONS in which base-sub-processes are going.
   The age (“personal biological clocks”) of one of the “Einstein twin-brothers” – too…
And what amazes me most is: how could Einstein get the CORRECT result of his “imaginary experiment”, NOT “knowing a damn” about how it was REALLY going? Was it just a 50/50 chance – and he made a “good guess”? Or is there some hidden “deep connection” between “Special Relativity” and “Local Process-Causality”? :O)
   We will try to find it later…
   But before, we will not miss another chance to “give a kick” to Minkovsky and all his “math-brothers”.
   In Minkovsky
s “metric spaces” there also exist some “movements”. But this “math-movements” (parallel transfer and rotation of “math-points”(?)) are completely “torn off” from ANY MATTER and thus do NOT have any PHYSICAL ESSENCE (media) under it. So those “metric spaces” do NOT have any BASE-SUB-PROCESSES under their “movements”. And thus there could NOT exist any PHYSICAL CHANGES as “inescapable” source of ANY REAL MOVEMENTS.
   I understood that such explanations would not convince mathematicians. But author have hope to convince at least physicists.
   For mathematiiancs I have one “consolation”. Sometimes completely abstract MODELS could give the SAME RESULT like in a real physical experiment. But this does NOT means that in REALITY it all happens “exactly as in a math-model”
   So now we will spend some efforts to discuss relations between REAL process and its “REFLECTION” (model).
   I am purposely not writing: a “math-reflection”, because the philosophical and physical version of this term is much “wider”. For example, in human brain interesting kind of “reflection” takes place. But there (in the brain) exist different levels of “reflections” (“abstractions”). And this is certainly no place to start discussing details of all levels of reflections :O). I have mentioned the brain because for such systems the problem (property) of “functional similarity” between the “world in reflection” and “primary world” already aroused. Just because such reflecting-systems are so complicated - it could have a “life of its own”. And sometimes this “internal life” gives “nearly the same results” as the “source-system”.
   But this does NOT mean that the INTERNAL STRUCTURE of the reflecting SYSTEM is “exactly the same” as that of the source-system. There exists only FUNCTIONAL SIMILARITY. And only PARTIAL.
everyone who tried to convince us that mathematics is “the same thing” as the REAL WORLD – made the same mistake as the one who think that functional similarity means the STRUCTURAL similarity.
   Of course
it is often the case. Like in the detailed model of a steam locomotive :O)
   But in more complicated models (reflections) the internal STRUCTURE of the model is often  “simplified”… Or, sometimes, (like in the human brain) it is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.
   Of course it is “amazing” how completely different structure - could give the SAME functional results…
   But the fact remains. Possibly “functional similarity” also means some kind of system-structure similarity. Or, in some sense, a “functional topology”…
   But let mathematicians play with such toys. Here we just state, that functional similarity and physical-structure similarity – are NOT “the same thing” sometimes.
   I have another consolation for mathematicians. It looks like some of the current “pure math-abstractions” gives MUCH MORE REAL “functional results” than its current “physical interpretations” (done on the wrong physical assumptions). Most evident example is the Fourier-transformation. It is declared, that with the Fourier-transformation you could extrapolate nearly ANY function by the SUPERPOSITION of the finite number of sine-curves. I am nearly sure, that the Fourier-transformation could NOT be just a “math-trick”, but comes-out as REAL PHYSICAL PROCESSES-description. Meaning that “in reality” it happens “the same way”.
   If ALL the “fundamental particles” are some “soliton-like” periodic PROCESSES – then it is “evident” why could ANY real physical process  be described (modeled) as a reverse-Fourier-transformation?
   Well, at least we do have one useful “math-reflection” .
   The second “useful” math-reflection was “imaginary coordinates” or “imaginary planes”.
   But it is NOT so simple, as with the Fourier-transformation.
   Correct explanations of the PHYSICAL meaning of “imaginary plane” are in attempts of some “math-physics” to ADD DIMENSIONS(?) to some modeled processes and thus get much more REAL results than those which he gets while using old Newtonian ONE-modAl and CONTINUAL model of “field of continual points”.
   And it makes NO DIFFERENCE if we will use Minkovsky-s “metric spaces”. REAL PROCESSES, real “movements” will ALWAYS have MORE “dimensions” (independent PHYSICAL parameters), than any abstraction of “metric spaces”.
   Feeble attempts to save “self-respect” of math-physic by madly adding “other dimensions of (empty?) space” – will NOT solve it as a PHYSICAL problem.
    When someone insists that Newtonian-like math-physical equations have “wonderful solution in spaces of MORE DIMENSIONS” – he “subconsciously” trying to “jump-out” of the PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS imposed by the CONTINUAL-filed-of-points MODEL.

Most useless such Newtonian-like models with “continual logic” of “infinitesimal variables” - are on the BORDERS of MEASURE (in the philosophic sense).
   Simply speaking, “math-physicists” should NOT, like maniacs, continue to think about the electron (for example) as a “DIMENSIONLESS MATH-POINT”, and try to use math-models with “mad-amount” of “other SPACE dimensions” of “imaginary coordinates” for its PHYSICAL description.
   Is not it more “sane” to say to yourself that the electron is STRUCTURED – and try to create MULTI-MODAL DISCRETE models of its STRUCTURE with SUB-STRUCTURE?
   First step in correct direction was done by Maxwell. But his equations where only TWO-MODAL (electricity and magnetism) – but still based on Newtonian “continual field of points”. It is not widely known, but Maxwell also tried to construct some PHYSICAL model correspondents to his equations. But because of wrong “assumptions” his physical model did not “worked”. Yes, it is not so easy as writing equations…
   In short, my objections against using “imaginary planes” is – it is just “crutches” in situations when the use of ONE-MODAL and Newtonian “fields of infinitesimal points”  INEVITABLY leads to complete PHYSICAL DEAD END.
   Einstein found nearly the same (as “imaginable planes”) “way out” of the Newtonian “dead end”. He “simply” declared that “space-time” was “curved”. Never mind that this “way out” was NOT MATERIALISTIC. Einstein ignored such “rubbish”. But special “insult” (from my point) was fact, that the man who
considered himself a PHYSICIST – had NOT even tried to offer ANY PHYSICAL MODEL for his MATH-equations… Maxwell at least tried… Nils Bohr too…
   But the “humor” of situation is that (as I hinted above), applying his “deformation of space-time” he did a kind of “math-reflection” of Newtonian-like description of ANY processes – to some OTHER FUNCTIONAL MODEL, which allowed him to give MORE REAL RESULTS (!) than by “classic” model.
   I am sure that this FUNCTIONAL RESEMBLANCE of Einstein
s “curved spaces” to REAL PROCESSES – does NOT mean that REALITY is “made the same way” as Einsteins “curved space-time”…
   I have already given examples that some “reflecting systems” (brain) produce NEARLY THE SAME functional result as DIFFERENTLY constructed SYSTEMS.
   So, the first “step to reality” will be in attempt to “throw-out the crutches” of “imaginary planes”.
Any model which does not “work” without “imaginary planes” should be changed so that ADDITIONAL “degree of freedom” is added there NOT by “additional dimension of the imaginary coordinate” – but as additional “dimension” of PHYSICAL “coordinate” (parameter of PROCESSES).
   And there are TWO ways of doing it.
   Maxwell-like adding of MODALITY (new quality of processes).
   Or “discretization” of BORDERS of sub-elements and as a result GOING TO STRUCTURAL SUB-LEVEL of modeling. For example, when modeling flows of liquid through some channels it is enough to think about water as “continuum of size-less points”. But for the model of “super-sound” processes we should go to the structural sub-level and make model of “media of discrete points with gaps”.
   If someone has read Gerlovin
s book about “hierarchy of spaces” – I could give hints about how his ideas could be “returned back to the ground”. Each time he is talking about adding new “space-dimension” – we should think about adding new description and functionality to a MORE FUNDAMENTAL STRUCTURAL SUB-LEVEL
   Now about the meaning of some other “math-tricks”.
   It has become “fashionable” in modern “math-physical researches” to seek an additional “physical sense” in “higher-dimensional spaces”. First, they take some well-known physical dependencies (from nuclear physics mostly) – and “reflect” it on the “space of MORE dimensions”. Next they are trying to find some “topological analog” for this “reflection”, like “ellipsoid in n-dimensional space” or “group of automorphisms”.
   When they think that they “have found” some “topological analog” – they are trying to make some “conclusions” about SOURCE (real physical) dependencies.
   Most of the “result conclusions” are so TRIVIAL, that any self-respecting PHYSICIST could make them WITHOUT all that “math-madness”. Mostly it is something like: “…this group of elementary particles should be the part of some wider multiplet…”.
   And the “procedure” itself reminds me of attempts to understand what the man is thinking now – trying to “attentively inspect” the configuration of his dynamic encephalogram (external electric potentials of the human brain). I am strongly convinced (I have made such brain  researches myself), that without REAL understanding of FUNCTIONING, model of SYSTEM STRUCTURE, knowing of structural ELEMENTS (sub-structure), knowledge of “internal links and loops” – such “external inspection” of such COMPLICATED STRUCTURES is USELESS…
   Ok, you could certainly “inspect” something by the method of a “black box”. And when we have REAL subject to which we could really apply “input values” and measure “output values” – it is the correct method of getting PRIMARILY propositions about the INTERNAL STRUCTURE. But without attempts to understand this internal structure – we will never get none of the “internal qualities” of that “black box”.
   In the case when we “inspect” NOT the REAL “black box”, but try to get some IMAGINARY “outputs” from IMAGINARY “black box” (something about we do not know a damn) – it does not looks like a “good method of research” of REAL STRUCTURE.
   But again,  it is not such a simple case.
   I have already shown examples when the “reflection of reflection” could give a CORRECT RESULT (!).
   The problem is that we should NOT think that this way we have found out “how it REALLY works”
   Since it is already “evident” that “double reflections” (and sometimes even the “single reflection”) could ADD NEW PROPERTIES to the reflected math-model, which (new property) have ONLY reflection itself, but NOT the “source”.
   I call it the “extension of reality in its reflection”, when talking about reflections of REALITY. But some kind of “extensions” is added to the reflected MATH-MODELS too! And this is, possibly, the reason why the “jokes” like the “case of Einstein” are possible at all. And, by the way, “the case” with our possibility to “understand” and GET CORRECT RESULTS with something like our brains :O)
   So, I hope, I have explained why most of the “math-physicist” think that ANYTHING they could “imagine” – is the “reality itself”. And only “stupid materialists” just could not create something like a “time-machine” to “happily prove” their “math-models”.
   Yes, I know that in theirs nightmares they see how they return to REALITY. But when he wake up, some other “pure mathematician” call him and propose “another interesting method of reflection” – and reality is forgot until the next nightmare…
   Lets try to make it “clear” about “General Relativity” (GR) again. I think I have “proofs” that a “reflection with adding dimension” was made in GR. Then attempts were made to get some properties of the “source”, using the method of “topological analogy”. This is the most “mystic” part of the “story”, because I still could not understand HOW the CORRECT (mostly) results were received by such “method”. Possibly I am “overestimating” the rate of “convincing-ness” of GR-equations and the “conclusions” were really made “from the ceiling”? I have to re-read it (GR) again…
   But the most convincing (for me) argument, that GR is a “double reflection with adding properties” – is its (GR) conclusion that INERTIA is something “immaterial”, explained just by the “geometry of (blank) space-time”.
   I have just the
opposite conviction. INERTIA is the manifestation of INTERACTIONS on the BASE-LEVEL of hierarchy of PROCESSES. Probably, on the level of interactions between “elementary particles” and “physical vacuum”. As it happens to “spin-networks” of Yang-Mills.
   Only on that structural level we could explain “equivalence” between “inert” and “gravitational” masses – by the SAME physical STRUCTURE of INTERACTIONS in BOTH cases.
   The only difference in the “structure of interactions” in both cases I see in the fact, that “inert-interaction” is “external force” applied around the “borders” of interacted “enigmas” (sub-structure of “bodies”) – while “gravitational interaction” is “internal force” applied to the whole structure at once. And thus the difference in the “picture” of gravi and inert interactions should be only in the resulted DEFORMATION of “body” in INERT-interaction. So both values are really “equivalent” ONLY for the “material POINT” abstraction. For real “bodies” the difference is “visible”.
   To explain more general meaning of INERTIA we should possibly remind
ourselves of Newtons “Perseverare in statu quo” (the persistence in resisting to attempts to change the current state). Meaning that MATERIAL body not only “passively” keeps its parameters – but also “resists” to chang them (whatever Newton meant under “resistance”).
   More simple explanation of INERTIA I see in the STRUCTURAL approach to ANY INTERACTIONS.
   As you know, Newton formulated his three “rules” ONLY to the STRUCTURE-LESS “material points”.
   So, with such approach, inertia was something “unexplainable” or even “mystic” to him.
   But if we
suppose that ANY “material part of ANYTHING” SHOULD HAVE some STRUCTURE – then INERTIA becomes evident PROCESS of PROPAGATION of CHANGES through this SYSTEM.
   At any “frozen” state of system there is a PART of the system in which the CHANGES have already HAPPENED – and the OTHER PART, to which those changes have NOT been TRANSFERRED YET.
   If we are talking about changes in SPEED of ELEMENTS of system (what Newton
s laws is about) – this looks like some PART of the “body” has already started moving – but some distant part still has the OLD SPEED, and thus is trying to “resist changes” :O)
   So, it looks like Newton
s attempt to deal ONLY with “unstructured points” – give us very “simplified” version of Newton’s first “law” (“law of inertial motion”). Though it would be better to state that: INERTIA is a property of ANY SYSTEM – Newton formulated the “limit-case of the second law” (while we do NOT have “force” – we could NOT change the speed of the element). For this we should NOT add a SEPARATE “law”.
   I only wanted to explain the correct meaning of INERTIA as a property of STRETCHED SYSTEM – and thus IMPOSSIBILITY to explain inertia as a “property of POINT”! Especially as “point of space-time” :O)
   Leibnitz described the inertial mass as a “quantitative measure of the MATTER or substance of the selected system”.
   Possibly it is “more convenient” to evaluate the “amount of matter” of some system by the “curvature of space-time” in the same locality? You know how to organize its (“curvature”) MEASUREMENT? Especially when this “space” is IMMATERIAL…
We could find nearly the same line of objections in the book by our (Russian) philosopher B.G. Kuznetsov:
   "Mass gives the body his DIFFERENCE from the PLACE or SPACE or BLANKNESS. Mass is a MEASURE of MATERIAL EXISTENCE (different from geometric properties). Mass (and its structure) allows us to DISTINCT the body from “media”, allows to make the body “individual” … ensure its self-identity. If the MASS ensures the (external) INTERACTIONS, then it COULD NOT be the property of SINGLE BODY (or “mass-point”). Mass gives meaning not only to the “position in space” but even to the EXISTENCE (interactions) of the "body", which, in such interpretation, could ONLY be the material STRUCTURE (but NOT a "dimensionless point" of "blank space")…”

    And thus we could NOT “assign” INERTIA to be the “geometric property of space” – without applying to that “space” the MATERIAL PROPERTIES and the capability to INTERACT with “bodies”.
   So, the “space-time” of GR – is exactly this DISCRETE and STRUCTURAL “physical vacuum”…
   ONLY this “way” we could try to seek any PHYSICAL meaning of this “reflection”.

   Those who had
enough patience to reach this place in the text, possibly want me to give recommendations about “returning back to reality from all those reflections”…
   Ok, try to look trough the above text and find the words about:
  • principle of local causality;
  • principle of local `time` as a measure of changes, evaluated by local base sub-processes.

   I am not sure in which math-forms this “principles” will be formulated in the nearest future (not only by me).
   It will be more clear in a few years from now (2006).
   It could be some variants of the formalisms of “Lattice functions”.
   And, of course, the Yang-Mills theory of “spin-network space” could get some “extended” versions (
provided by Rovelli, possibly).
   Looks like I had “proved”, that some kind of “double-reflections” will still be “tested”. And valued as a "big step to understanding reality" :O) (some other versions of "strings" or "branas").
   And other kinds of “reflections” - Fourier-reflection, or Laplace-reflection, or some kind of “discrete-reflection” - will still be “fruitful abstractions”, even as physical models of some real processes.
   And of course for me, as a specialist in computer-modeling (simulating) the most “natural” way of developments lies in “functional models” based on the paradigm of “cell-automata”.
   But for a real advancement in this direction we should first prove to all “math-physicists” that the model can “work” (give correct results) even if we do NOT know ALL Newtonian-like-equations of it…
   The “catastrophe” for them (in such approach) will be the impossibility (to them) to apply ANY “properties” to the computer-model. While “pure math” allows this, computer-models will NOT “work” with the assumptions, that do not fit in the STRUCTURE of a modeled SYSTEM… Well, it does NOT mean that ALL computer-models will always be "reality itself"...


Valeriy V. Pimenov.
December 2006.

15.12.2006 18:18:00 web7@federalspace.ru Pimenov V.V.