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A copy of NRDC's latest financial statement may be obtained by writing to New York Department of State, Office of Charities Registration, Albany, NY 12231, or to NRDC. Contributions above the basic $10 annual dues are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.


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BioGems: a project of the Natural Resources Defense Council

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Northwest Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Forest of the Rock Greater Everglades Florida's Emerald Coast Redrock Wilderness Upper Gulf of California Bahía de los Angeles Laguna San Ignacio La Amistad Reserve Cumberland Plateau Great North Woods Catskill Forest Preserve Heart of the Boreal Forest Yellowstone and the Greater Rockies Castle-Bighorn Great Bear Rainforest Tongass National Forest Arctic Refuge Western Arctic Reserve Patagonia Coast Amazon Frontier Tahuamanú Rainforest Foward this letter and spread the word about the Bush administration's assault on the environment. Then tell Congress to stop it.