We didn't lose the game; we just ran out of time. - Vince Lombardi
Right Thoughts...not right wing, just right.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dumbledore is gay - the return

Not to rip open still-fresh wounds or anything (Oh my GOD do people have opinions about this...) but I saw something I thought might be worth sharing....

Posted by JimK at 02:14 PM on October 23, 2007
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Categories: EntertainmentHumor

Heroes - Fight or Flight

Spoilers!  Many spoilers lurk below.  I will be randomly jotting things down as I remember them.

Posted by JimK at 01:34 PM on October 23, 2007
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Categories: TelevisionHeroes

Monday, October 22, 2007

And I’m off

Had to run the cat to the vet and now I’m off to go work out.  Posting probability: low.  To apologize, I give you redheads, all of whom are Not Safe For Work.

Posted by JimK at 12:34 PM on October 22, 2007
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Categories: Beautiful Women

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Tila show issue

So I’m watching the Tila reality - and I use that word more loosely than ever - show.  It’s kind of pissing me off.  I can literally hear the words coming out of everyone’s mouth like they were reading them off cue cards.  Everyone’s a blatant stereotype with all the depth one would expect from a puddle.  It might be MTV’s worst reality show ever.  And this is coming from a guy that once watched first Real World/Road Rules challenge.  On purpose.

It doesn’t have the douche appeal and comedy factor of a Bret Michaels.  Once you get past the “I’d like to throw one in Tila” factor...what’s really going on here?  A script.  And a bad one at that.  Is anyone actually into this show?

Do I really have to write this up?  I’m not enjoying it, but I could make a few dozen jokes if someone really wanted it.  Or paid me to do it. ;) Id rather just hunt down Tila pics and various girl-on-girl porn and post that. ;)

Posted by JimK at 09:27 PM on October 20, 2007
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Categories: TelevisionShot At Love - Tila Tequila

Dumbeldore is gay

I fully expect some outrage over this, but mostly a big yawn…

She took audience questions and was asked if Dumbledore found “true love”.

“Dumbledore is gay,” she said, adding he was smitten with rival Gellert Grindelwald, who he beat in a battle between good and bad wizards long ago.

Rowling told the audience that while working on the planned sixth Potter film, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, she saw the script carried a reference to a girl who was once of interest to Dumbledore.

She said she ensured director David Yates was made aware of the truth about her character.

Why should this even matter, other than the fact that two characters once at odds found a connection?  But mark my words...someone somewhere is throwing out all their Potter stuff and/or taking it away from their kids.  OMGponies!!!1111 teh gayz!



Posted by JimK at 03:16 PM on October 20, 2007
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Categories: Entertainment

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The online political radical is a sickness…

...and it’s the internet that has shown a light on what was formerly kept in dark basements and dank coffee houses.

this particular example of the disease of extreme political radicalism comes from the left side of the political aisle.  Don’t get too cocky, righties.  The right has its fair share of extremist nutbags too.  For this week, though, the glory falls to the far left and fans of AirAmerica. (can you believe that network is still on the air?  I think the in-house radio at any grocery store gets more listeners in a given week.)

Read the whole article for the backstory if you don’t know what happened to AirAmerica host Randi Rhodes.  The shorthand is, she probably tangoed with some vodka martinis and tripped over her dog leash.  This was initially reported as an attack (a hate crime!) by operatives of the right trying to silence her.  Then she tripped, then she was attacked but not in a hate crime.  But maybe she wasn’t.  No one seems to know, or have the sense to ask her.

Anyway, among other things, Shawn Macomber has this to say:

There is, however, something bigger going on here, encapsulated in the determination of Rhodes’ fans, against all facts to the contrary, to hold-tight to the pipe dream of right-wing fanatics hiring Blackwater agents to beat her as she walked her dog: They so wish it were true. As with global warming alarmism, these sorts of messianic martyr fantasies about neo-Nazi conspirators aligned against liberals’ salvation program for the masses are delusions designed to assure people clearly desperate for meaning in their lives that they are historically significant figures living in historically significant times. History, sadly, is not made within the virtual walls of online echo chambers.

Ouch.  By the way, please take not that Shawn Macomber is not comparing these idiots to global warming alarmists because he’s saying global warming doesn’t exist; he’s saying that the alarmism is hyped to the heavens, just like the ice age alarmism from 30-odd years ago, and the hole in the ozone from hairspray alarmism from a couple decades back, the DDT issue, and any other of a long list of “the sky is falling RIGHT NOW!” alarmist issues from the last 30 or 40 years.

Some people need crisis in order to feel alive.  If crisis doesn’t exist, they will create it, and then declare themselves protest warriors who will fight the crisis until it has been “solved.” And then they will create a new crisis that can give them a sense of purpose.  And so on, and so on.  It’s not the exclusive purview of the far left.  There are plenty of far right radicals too.  This week, however, it’s the other side’s turn to be a bunch of Chicken Littles.

Posted by JimK at 02:44 PM on October 18, 2007
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Categories: NewsPoliticsThe Fourth Estate

Gratuities gladly accepted

Time for another server drive, unfortunately.  If you appreciate the whores and opinion I shovel out on a not-very-regular-at-all basis...maybe throw a nickel or two in the old tip jar?  Much appreciated if you do, and no obligation if you feel like telling me to get stuffed.

I’m still going to be the big-mouthed, sporadically-posting whoremaster you know and semi-tolerate either way.  ;)

Posted by JimK at 02:32 PM on October 18, 2007
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Categories: PersonalBleggingThis Site

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Tila is coming…

I know I’m late, and if you’re looking for the Tila post, it;s coming, probably tomorrow.  I’ve done an insane amount of working out Monday and today, and my arms, joints and even fingers ache.  I just don’t have the energy to do it.

I know, how dare I deprive you of whores.  I’m so sorry.

Posted by JimK at 06:31 PM on October 17, 2007
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Categories: Personal

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Another weird Hillary Clinton lie

One of the things that has always creeped me out about Hillary Clinton (and Al Gore) is that they tell weird, little unnecessary lies.  Lies that aren’t in response to a policy or procedure question.  Lies that are not about something they’ve allegedly done, but lies about questions no one is asking.

Hillary did it again on The View:

Dan Riehl mentioned it and said that “the dates jibe” and goes on to illustrate that a 95 year old woman would have been eight years old when women were given the vote in 1920.

He’s 100% right, that it would be nigh on to impossible for all these scads and scores of 90 to 95 year old women to show up all over the nation at Clinton campaign stops all to tell her the same story.  And as Dan said, it is technically true - any woman born before August 18, 1920 was technically born before women could vote in this country. However, he didn’t take the reality of the math far enough.

On August 18, 1920, the right of all women eligible by age to vote was recognized.  At that time I believe that the age was 21.  Someone please correct me if I am mistaken.  So, a woman would have to be born before August 17, 1899 in order to have been prevented from voting.  Even then she would only have been prevented for 24 hours.

How the hell many women are left in this world that are 108 years old?  And why did Hillary specifically say that some of them were 95?  How many eight year olds were concerned with the suffragette movement enough that it would stick in their minds some 87 years later?

If I am wrong, and the voting age was 18 (and I really don’t think it was, I think that was a 1970’s thing in America) then it’s even worse.  The women in question - and there would have to be a lot of them to make Hillary’s story true - would need to be 111.  Anyone else is simply talking about something that - while being mathematically true - is not something they personally experienced, and damn sure makes no difference in two thousand and freaking seven.

Why does Hillary tell these stupid kinds of lies, that any idiot with a pencil can disprove in four seconds flat?  It’s weird and it’s creepy and it’s one of the bajillion reasons I wouldn’t trust her as far as I could throw her with the country.


Just to clarify, as a pre-emptive measure to any potential complaint, the reason I call this a lie isn’t because I think it never happened.  It;s the way she states it as though it really happens everywhere she goes.  Watch the clip again, as she begins the anecdote, she actually says “"Everywhere I go around the country...” and “All these women in their 90s come to my events....” The direct statement - it’s not even an implication - is that this happens over and over and over, and the math simply doesn’t bear her out.  I think she;s stretching the truth to the breaking point, and it’s in answer to a question nobody was asking in the first place.  Weird and creepy.

Posted by JimK at 08:51 PM on October 16, 2007
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Categories: NewsPolitics

Heroes - The Kindness of Strangers

Spoilers and so forth abound below!  DVR’ers (wow, that is not a word) you were warned!

Posted by JimK at 05:35 PM on October 16, 2007
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Categories: TelevisionHeroes

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