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Vibrating mice may hold obesity clue

  • 17:04 23 October 2007
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  • Roxanne Khamsi
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A short stint on a vibrating platform might slow the development of fat cells in mice by nearly 20%, according to controversial new research.

Scientists say the experimental treatment seemed to stop the mice putting on weight from fat over the course of a four-month trial. But some experts voice concerns over the design of the experiment and are sceptical about its results.

Earlier experiments led by Clinton Rubin at the State University of New York, Stony Brook, US, have shown that animals made to stand on a vibrating plate develop stronger bones. Rubin believes vibrations from the platform somehow prompt stem cells in bone marrow to develop into bone cells.

A paper published in late 2006 then hinted that stem cells in bone marrow may have the ability to turn into fat cells (Journal of Clinical Investigation, vol 116, p 3220). This led Rubin to suspect that exposure to vibrations could also reduce the formation of fat cells by tipping the balance of stem cell conversion within bone marrow in favour of bone cell development.

Fluorescent marrow

To test the hypothesis, Rubin's team conducted an experiment that first involved exposing young mice to high doses of radiation to eliminate their bone marrow cells. Next they were given a bone marrow transplant from donor mice engineered to produce fluorescent green proteins within all their cells, including stem cells. As a result, the recipient mice had fluorescing bone marrow stem cells.

Then, for 15 minutes nearly every day for six weeks, the researchers placed half of the modified mice on top of a vibrating plate, which accelerated up and down at 0.2 g (20% of the Earth's gravitational force) 90 times per second.

The mice receiving this treatment had fewer fluorescing cells within their fat tissue, which suggests that the vibrations had indeed stopped bone marrow stem cells from turning into fat cells.

In the second part of the experiment, another group of mice received the same vibration treatment for 15 weeks. Scans revealed that the mice given this experimental treatment had 27% less body fat in their torsos than those in the control group.

Pressure receptors

Amato Giaccia at Stanford University in California, US, says the new findings are "very provocative" and worth following up. He also notes that cells are known to have receptors that can respond to a variety of stimuli, including changes in pressure generated by vibrations.

But other experts are more sceptical. "I'll be very interested in whether other investigators repeat this experiment and confirm these findings," says Ormond MacDougald at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan, US.

Bruce Spiegelman, a leading expert on fat cell development at Harvard University in Cambridge, US, notes that the experiment did not measure the food intake of both mouse groups frequently enough.

Harmful vibrations

Spiegelman also believes that the fluorescing cells identified within the mouse fat tissue actually represented immune cells, rather than fat cells. Immune cells are known to develop from bone marrow and sometimes reside within body fat.

Rubin, meanwhile, admits that it is not yet clear whether the approach could help humans to lose weight. He stresses that the treatment appears to influence the rate at which new fat cells develop, not the metabolic rate.

Some exercise boutiques provide vibrating platforms for human use, but Rubin says many of these accelerate at a potentially harmful rate. He has founded his own company, Juvent that sells a more gently vibrating platform, which he claims may help prevent bone loss.

Journal reference: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (DOI: 10.1073_pnas.0708467104)

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