loogslair(not)com I've missed you all - but my aim is improving.
My LiveJournal
Message Boards
Game Shows:
Rules Repository
Rules Wiki (In progress)
50 Most Memorable Moments
Buried Treasure Home Game
Luck of the Draw Home Game
Weakest Link Game Control
Game Show Tournament
Video Games:
24 Days of FF3
Dragon Warrior Shrine
Loog's Top 25
NES Enshrined
Other Stuff:
Political Werewolf

Saturday, 6/15/07, 12:56 AM
You are... four years obsolete! Goodbye.

I've had a couple of people (and by that, I mean one person) asking for a new version of my old Weakest Link program. Normally I wouldn't drop everything to work on an old program just for the benefit of one person, but seeing as I just recently recovered the files from an old hard drive that went loopy on me during my ill-fated attempt at upgrading my computer, I figured, why not?

The program - now in version 3.0 and completely recoded, - is available once more, and includes actual clock music files for those so inclined. As an added bonus, I finally figured out the problem that kept sounds from playing in all my programs when they're in "new style" folder names, so that's fixed here as well.

I managed to find another game that I was tinkering with at the time that I may put on here as well. Here's a hint: it's four letters long, and it ends in "!".


Thursday, 5/9/07, 11:47 PM
Some guys have all the Luck

Everyone's been clamoring for it, and now it's finally here: the Luck of the Draw Home Game is now available for download. I will now wait for the bug reports to flood in.


Sunday, 4/22/07, 11:03 AM
60 Rulesheets and counting

The Rules Wiki now has over 60 rulesheets converted from the old Rules Repository.

With roughly half of that task out the way, I'm going to start working a little more on the other areas of the site that need the cobwebs knocked out of them. I did want to implement those Top 5 video game lists I did on my message boards a few months ago into the site - of course, since the old boards went kablooie, I'll have to start from scratch on that, but it shouldn't be too hard to do. I might just do some more reviews, even (now that PS2 games can unofficially be called "vintage" games now). Of course, this is all based on my level of motivation - check back in a month and we'll see if I'm as gung-ho about this as I am now.


Tuesday, 4/10/07, 12:14 AM
Wanna Wiki?

The message boards are again up and running, for those who are interested in signing up.

The next item on the itinerary is converting all of the rulesheets from my Rules Repository into Wiki format, so that it'll become much easier to edit and update shows as their status changes over time. We've already got a few rulesheets done so far, which you can see here. If you'd like to help with the conversion process, there's information there as to how to go about doing that.


Friday, 4/6/07, 10:41 PM

Good God, I was beginning to wonder if this whole website ordeal was going to get ironed out before I'd have to resort to storming the InterNIC headquarters.

So, yeah. We're back up. Everything is as it was when I essentially put the website in suspended animation about a year and a half ago. Ideally, I'm planning to update a lot of stuff - namely turning the Rules Repository into a Wiki and getting back into the swing of things as far as video game reviews and PoliWolf columns are concerned. But just as I was an unmotivated lump of moss regarding the site up until things got back in order, now I'm going all spazzy wondering what mountain to climb first. So it may still be a while before the gears start turning again, but at least I know where it's all going now. On a similar note, some of the old layout (notably the graphics with purple backgrounds) may clash with the current blue scheme you see right now; rest assured that I'm aware of it and that's something else I'm going to have to clean up.

Probably first on the itinerary is to get the message boards working again. The boards are now on the Loogslair server, so hopefully that means that the next time I screw them up, I won't be at the mercy of some anonymous bozo at a free-hosting site to fix them. I'll know exactly who the bozo is.

Well, I guess I'd better stop yapping and start putting things back together again, eh?
