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Eye Color to Determine Paternity

Did you know eye color can be used to determine paternity?

Use the IDENTIGENE Eye Color Calculator and receive an instant Paternity Analysis. For more information about eye color inheritance patterns and the history of eye color heredity, click here.

Enter the eye colors for Biological Mother, Child and Alleged Father (if the Biological Mother is not known, select 'Unknown' from the list). Click the "Show Results" button to see an instant paternity analysis based on the information provided. For more analysis options and additional calculators, use the IDENTIGENE Comprehensive Traits Analysis tool.

Child Alleged

The IDENTIGENE Eye Color Inheritance Chart
The IDENTIGENE Eye Color Inheritance Chart is based on a theory that dates back to the 1800's. In only particular cases can it be used to predict general probabilities of paternity.

The Eye Color Chart can be used to determine:

  1. The probable eye color of the child when the eye colors of the mother and the father are known, or
  2. The probable eye color of the biological father when the eye colors of the mother and the child are known.
Eye color is known to have a polygenic inheritance pattern, possibly governed by 6 or more genes. There are generally 8 different described eye colors. Basically, dark is dominant at each of the 6 genes. The more dominant alleles that you have the darker your eyes are. The different eye colors and number of dominant alleles suggested in this theory are seen below.

IDENTIGENE Eye Color Inheritance Chart:

  (Number of dominant alleles shown below each eye color)

0 1 2 3 3-4 4 5 6

Conclusions based on this theory:

  • 2 'light blue' eyed parents cannot have a 'blue' eyed (or darker eyed) child.
  • 2 'blue' eyed parents can have a 'Blue-green' (or lighter) eyed child, but not hazel or anything darker.
  • 2 'blue-green' eyed parents can have a 'Light brown' (or lighter) eyed child, but not brown or anything darker.
  • 1 'Light brown' eyed parent and 1 'blue-green' eyed parent can have a child with any of the possible eye colors.
  • 2 'dark brown or black' eyed parents can have a child with any of the possible eye colors (but it is unlikely they will have a light eyed child, such as light blue or blue).

NOTE: Eye color usually starts out much lighter at birth, and becomes its true color in 1 or 2 years after birth. Also, variations can also occur, randomly, causing deviations from the above conclusions.

Although this theory is very old, originating in the late 1800's, it still is useful in demonstrating; 1) how inheritance patterns were pretty well understood (by some) back then, and, 2) that eye color is, still today (even with the human genome sequenced), very difficult to predict due to its polygenic inheritance pattern.

While eye color has some value for predicting paternity, we recommend using A IDENTIGENE Paternity Test for definitive results in questions of paternity.

Click here to learn more about IDENTIGENE's DNA Paternity Testing services.

You can also use these individual trait calculators for paternity analysis:

You can also use our Date of Conception calculator:

   IDENTIGENE DNA Testing Center, 2495 South West Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84115 USA
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