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Publisher copyright policies & self-archiving

Use this site to find a summary of permissions that are normally given as part of each publisher's copyright transfer agreement.


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What the colours mean.

This service is maintained by SHERPA, with support from JISC and the Wellcome Trust. It is a development of the original journal publishers' listings produced by the RoMEO Project. Journal information is kindly provided by the British Library's Zetoc service hosted by MIMAS. The information held here is available for use by third-parties under conditions for re-use and a Creative Commons licence. See a list of sites that are already using RoMEO data. A prototype API is available and being developed for m2m access: for example to be integrated into a repository’s deposit process. Statistics are available for RoMEO colours allocated to the publishers in this list. Contact us for further information.

Publisher information is updated by our collaborative colleagues and through community contributions - please submit any updates using the link provided on the search results pages. If a publisher is not listed here you may wish to recommend that we include it. Please note that these listings refer to journal publications and not to book publications. Consult the publishing contract, or contact publishers directly for their self-archiving policies for book chapters.

Please note that general use of the terms pre-print and post-print can vary: these lists follow accepted definitions for self-archiving purposes. These listings are primarily for the use of the academic research community and any information given is from this perspective.

All information is correct to the best of our knowledge but should not be relied upon for legal advice.

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