Love in the Time of Cholera (2007)

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2.5/4The movie it requires layers of age makeup, a process that, as movie technology gets better and better, seems to get worse and worse.
A decent shot at a complex work, but ultimately, the book is way more evocative than any film.
5/10It's very pretty and very prestigious and it has no heart.
Love in the Time of Cholera
2/4...sinks to the bottom like an overloaded steamboat.
1.5/5It’s better to just read the book.
2/4Sometimes it's almost impossible to translate a novel to the big screen.
Love in the Time of Cholera
2.5/4What it lacks in subtlety and cultural specificity, the film makes up for in sensitivity, sentiment and some beautifully expressed ideas drawn from Marquez's prose.
2/4What is missing is the novel, its strange time shifts and lusciously compiled details and playful, god-like viewpoint.
3/5Structurally, the film follows the story of the novel to a fine point without changing the through line of any of the three central characters as it clumsily hops from scene to scene.
2.5/4Would that Newell's visual panache were as robust as his understanding of the novel's romantic implications, but what the film lacks in brio it makes up for in reverence.

Beloved book, lousy movie. He ages to 72, she stops at 35. He stays virile, she crumbles. He cries while having sex with 600 women. He’s the only stud in the country.
CIt's an expensive period piece that tries hard to duplicate the magic of the novel but simply fails to muster any special impact or appeal.
2/5The book is translated into film as a series of chronological events, and they are flat events at that.
Love in the Time of Cholera
4/5Artfully couched in surreal absurdity, its ironies are designed to question the contradictions and weaknesses of entrenched traditions.
1/5This highly melodramatic screen version of the heralded 1985 novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a major disappointment.
1/5sweeps across the big screen like a stifled yawn
7/10Hopeless romantics shouldn't have problems forgiving some of the foibles and faux pas made in the telling of the story.
The viewer who gives him- or herself over to the pitched emotions, nuanced performances and opulent design will be richly rewarded.
1/5A movie of such boundless badness that it would take somebody with a Nobel Prize in literature to truly fathom the extent of its wretchedness.
1.5/4No one ever said adapting Nobel Prize-winning writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez's densely layered 1998 novel for the screen would be easy, but given the level of talent involved the awful results are still a shock.
Love in the Time of Cholera

Average Rating: 4.6/10
Both too literal and too thorough.
1.5/4It's the kind of motion picture that's crying out to be featured on an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000.
2.5/4That's really missing is a sense of rapture -- a touch of magic on this course through the decades.
2/5Doubtless it's an enormously daunting task to adapt a book at once so sweeping and internal, so swooningly romantic and philosophical, but it takes a lighter touch and a more expansive view than Newell and Harwood seem to bring.
2/4Admirers of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's novel Love in the Time of Cholera will be heartbroken to see how dull translators have drained the magic from his worldly romance.
Love in the Time of Cholera
1.5/4The overambitious script [tries] to hold onto too much of the sprawling novel.
It’s a well-crafted, handsome period piece, and pleasant to watch, but the intensity of an obsessional style is beyond [director] Newell’s range.
1.5/4Is there another great modern writer so hard to translate successfully into cinema?
4/5When it belongs to a character played by Bardem, it's a treat, indeed.
This romantic drama by director Mike Newell preserves the odd playfulness of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's international best seller but sacrifices its eroticism and intricate nonlinear plotting.
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