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Australia Votes 2007 - coverage everywhere that counts

Download the ABC Election News application

The ABC Mobile Election News application provides up-to-the-minute coverage of the 2007 Federal election straight from the ABC News room to your mobile, no matter which provider you're using. During the campaign receive news, election-related and general, opinion and comment on national issues as well as two-day national weather forecasts, searchable by post code or town. There's also an electorate search by post code or town, with a short description of every electorate; on election night get updates of the count in any electorate at any time.

Simply choose one of the 2 easy ways to download below!

ABC Election Night SMS service

Only want election results from the night? Just use the ABC's Election Night SMS service - see box on the right for details.

Choose 1 of 2 Easy Ways To Download -

Firstly check your mobile phone is compatible with the Election Service. You can do this by reviewing the list of compatible phones.

1. Send a text message with the word "vote" to 19977770 and you will receive a text message with a link to where you can download the ABC Election application. Just click on the link, download the application directly to your phone and install it. This will cost you 55c.

2. Click here and enter your mobile number to receive a text message with a link to the ABC Election News application. Just click on the link, download the application directly to your phone and install it.

Are there any other costs?

The ABC is providing the 2007 election news and results on your mobile as a free service, apart from the costs outlined above.

However, you may incur data charges from your mobile phone operator, so please check with them for details as each operator offers different plans and services.

To manage the cost of using internet services on your phone, it's a good idea to sign up to a mobile data pack (some mobile companies call this a web pack, data plan or data service). Please refer to your mobile carrier pricing guide.

Election Help

Need some help to use this service?

Q My phone isn't on the compatibility list. Can I still download the application?

A You may be able to download the application but if your phone isn't compatible the application may not work properly.

Q I have downloaded the application but can't see the service?

A Look for the ABC icon on your mobile application launch screen, select this icon an the application will load.

Q The application doesn't load properly?

A Check to ensure that the phone is compatible with the application. You can view all the compatible mobiles on this page

Q The application doesn't load properly?

A Check to ensure that the phone is compatible with the application. You can view all the compatible mobiles on this page. If it sill doesn't load check you have enough memory on your phone. The application is about 450KB.

Q How do I get rid of the application?

A If you no longer wish to use the service, simply delete the application from your phone. Most phones have an "Applications" section which will give you the option of removing it. If you have any questions contact your service provider.

Feedback Survey

We'll be asking users of this service to participate in a feedback survey after the election. As this is a new service the ABC hopes to gauge its success and your experience with it to help us with future projects. If you’d like to help us, please indicate your interest by clicking here and leaving us your email address. The ABC will not use your email address for any other purposes.


Your mobile phone number will not be used by the ABC or by any other party for any other use outside the service described above. For further information regarding ABC's privacy policy visit: