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Whedonesque - a community weblog about Joss Whedon
"His penis got diseases From a Chumash tribe."
6211 members | you are not logged in | 30 December 2007


Lady Brick's profile

Member since: 25 June 2006
Lady Brick has posted 14 links and 392 comments to WHEDONesque.

Lady Brick
Jody H

I write stuffs.

Recent comments by Lady Brick

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29/12/2007 21:33 CET   15064. Canon versus Fanon versus Authorial Intent. 
22/12/2007 00:56 CET   15030. "Sarah Connor Chronicles" website revamped. 
21/12/2007 20:07 CET   15031. Whedonesque makes Entertainment Weekly's top 25 essential fansites. 
20/12/2007 22:30 CET   15023. Behind the Scenes: WGA v AMPTP. 
20/12/2007 06:24 CET   15018. 'How much of Joss is Joss Whedon?' 
20/12/2007 06:09 CET   15018. 'How much of Joss is Joss Whedon?' 
20/12/2007 00:29 CET   15012. Cover art and info for 'Angel: After The Fall' #5. 
19/12/2007 23:43 CET   15012. Cover art and info for 'Angel: After The Fall' #5. 
19/12/2007 17:28 CET   15014. James Marsters in Torchwood Season Two trailer. 
14/12/2007 18:58 CET   14979. Four page preview for 'Angel: After The Fall' #2. 
14/12/2007 07:40 CET   14978. Who are the REAL heroes? 
14/12/2007 07:22 CET   14984. Preview of Buffy Comic #10. 
13/12/2007 00:57 CET   14972. Spike:Shadow Puppets TPB released today. 
12/12/2007 19:50 CET   14968. Oddly hypnotic video of Joss and pencils. 
12/12/2007 19:11 CET   14968. Oddly hypnotic video of Joss and pencils. 
11/12/2007 23:49 CET   14957. Joss Whedon, Friends & Fans on the Picket Line. 
11/12/2007 22:34 CET   14957. Joss Whedon, Friends & Fans on the Picket Line. 
11/12/2007 22:02 CET   14957. Joss Whedon, Friends & Fans on the Picket Line. 
10/12/2007 21:54 CET   14946. First march of the Mutant Enemy. 
08/12/2007 08:05 CET   14928. Win a massively autographed Mutant Enemy tote bag. 

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