
Reader's Choice XBLA GOTY


Yesterday we published our goaties for each platform and the overall game of the year. Today's your chance to vote for the best game in each platform. Hit the jump to vote for the XBLA's Game of the Year. We'll be publishing polls for the rest of the categories throughout the day. On Monday we'll tabulate the totals and use that to put up a poll for the Reader's Choice Overall Game of the Year.

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9:45 AM on Sun Dec 30 2007
by Brian Crecente



Populous Coming to a Japanese DS Near You

popds.jpg With all the focus on SimCity and SimCity2 on the DS, it seems one of my favorite city building games is getting overlooked. Populous, the finger pointing god game is finally making it's way onto Nintendo's popular handheld! EA Japan already has a website up for the game that looks to have been up for quite a few months. The site is minimal and all in Japanese, but it does have some small screen shots and such tucked in there for the adventurous clicker. The splash page announces that the game will be released in Japan on Feb. 21, 2008 and something tells me the US version will not be too far behind. At least I hope...

[Thanks, Witzbold]

9:00 AM on Sun Dec 30 2007
by Flynn De Marco



Reader's Choice PSN GOTY


Yesterday we published our goaties for each platform and the overall game of the year. Today's your chance to vote for the best game in each platform. Hit the jump to vote for the PSN's Game of the Year. We'll be publishing polls for the rest of the categories throughout the day. On Monday we'll tabulate the totals and use that to put up a poll for the Reader's Choice Overall Game of the Year.

Gawker Media polls require Javascript; if you're viewing this in an RSS reader, click through to view in your Javascript-enabled web browser.

8:45 AM on Sun Dec 30 2007
by Brian Crecente



Call For Papers: Persuasive Technology 2008

persuasive08.jpg If you've been sitting on a paper that addresses the role of software and related technology in shaping human behavior and attitudes, now is the time to polish it up and submit it for the Persuasive 2008 conference, to be held from 4-6 June in Oulu, Finland. Deadlines have been extended and the new submission date is 1 January. Ian Bogost is going to be one of the keynote speakers, and there's also going to be a doctoral consortium immediately prior to the conference. Full details and submission requirements after the jump [via Water Cooler Games]

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8:00 AM on Sun Dec 30 2007
by Maggie Greene



Reader's Choice Xbox 360 GOTY


Yesterday we published our goaties for each platform and the overall game of the year. Today's your chance to vote for the best game in each platform. Hit the jump to vote for the Xbox 360's Game of the Year. We'll be publishing polls for the rest of the categories throughout the day. On Monday we'll tabulate the totals and use that to put up a poll for the Reader's Choice Overall Game of the Year.

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7:45 AM on Sun Dec 30 2007
by Brian Crecente



Costco's Got Your Post Christmas Wii Bundles

pileowii.jpg If you weren't able to get your hands on a Wii this holiday season and you just can't bear to buy into the whole "rain check" thing, then may I suggest you beat feet down to your local Costco. Kotakuite Thomas K. sends in this pic from his local Costco taken just this very morning. The bundle goes for $US 344.99 and include the Wii, an extra nunchuck and remote and a copy of Brain Age for the Wii. So, fly my faithful readers and grab that Wii that you were so viciously denied.

7:00 AM on Sun Dec 30 2007
by Flynn De Marco



Reader's Choice Wii GOTY


Yesterday we published our goaties for each platform and the overall game of the year. Today's your chance to vote for the best game in each platform. Hit the jump to vote for the Wii's Game of the Year. We'll be publishing polls for the rest of the categories throughout the day. On Monday we'll tabulate the totals and use that to put up a poll for the Reader's Choice Overall Game of the Year.

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6:45 AM on Sun Dec 30 2007
by Brian Crecente



Holiday Weekend Timewaster: Guest House

guesthouse.jpg While browsing my feeds during the inevitable mid-holiday news slump, I was pointed to some fascinating little Japanese point-and-click (or 'point-and-kick ass,' as Leigh Alexander described them over at Sexy Videogameland) puzzlers, lumped under the heading of 'room escape games.' Guest House is the latest in the series, and I spent quite a while clicking my way through all the frustrating (but not too sadistic) puzzles. It's a good way to spend a few hours on a lazy weekend. Terminal House [via Sexy Videogameland]

6:00 AM on Sun Dec 30 2007
by Maggie Greene



Reader's Choice PSP GOTY


Yesterday we published our goaties for each platform and the overall game of the year. Today's your chance to vote for the best game in each platform. Hit the jump to vote for the PSP's Game of the Year. We'll be publishing polls for the rest of the categories throughout the day. On Monday we'll tabulate the totals and use that to put up a poll for the Reader's Choice Overall Game of the Year.

Gawker Media polls require Javascript; if you're viewing this in an RSS reader, click through to view in your Javascript-enabled web browser.

5:45 AM on Sun Dec 30 2007
by Brian Crecente


real world

Thompson: Stocking Full of Crazy

Department_of_Defense_seal.jpg It's been a roller coaster ride of a year for embattled Miami attorney Jack Thompson. Being the most maligned person in the gaming industry (besides whoever made the ET game) can't be an easy job. Even now he is fighting to keep his license after a series of behaviors that have left the worlds of gaming and law wondering "What the hell is this guy's problem?" So it should come as no surprise to anyone that ol' JT has decided to stir up some more trouble as a last ditch effort to be the guy with the most outrageous lawsuits of 2007.

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5:00 AM on Sun Dec 30 2007
by Flynn De Marco