Cross-Media + Transmedia Entertainment

Archive for November, 2004

23 Nov

Choose Your Own Ending

There is a new ‘mobile soap opera game’ (brace yourself there’s heaps more coming your way, including a ‘mobisode’ version of ‘24′) called ‘TxtMsC’. It involves a series delivered on TV, mobile phone, with matchmaking service, the chance to win prizes and is marketed on radio and TV. The creator, Charlie Salem, claims it […]

14 Nov

IST paper here

Here is a pdf of the paper I’ve contributed to Monique de Haas’ Cross Media Networking Session at IST titled: ‘Current State of Cross Media Storytelling: Preliminary observations for future design’ and the powerpoint is now online too.

08 Nov

What is it about Bees?

A colleague and friend, Russell Fewster, forwarded an article that he thought I may find interesting: Mahonen, S. (2004) ‘Should “Bee” a Winner’, Stonnington Leader, Melbourne,13. And I did find it interesting…depressing…and encouraging…
A MALVERN author is at the forefront of a new style of writing for young adults.Sarah Boland’s new novel To love Veronica Bee […]

08 Nov

The Beast and Bees are 42

The Cloudmakers have been anticipating a Beast-like advertising campaign as the Halo 2 launch drew closer. A post to their email list has confirmed that a site: I Love Bees has the same Beast crew and researcher Jane McGonigal on board. There has been plenty of bee activity it seems on sites like unfiction; an […]

08 Nov

IST Crossmedia Session

Monique De Haas is co-ordinating a session on cross media at the European Information Society Technologies (IST) event in The Hague on the 15th of November.
This session will feature presentations from opinion leaders on crossmedia communication followed by a round-table discussion aimed at further defining the subject. The discussion will consider three future scenario�s […]

01 Nov

X (that’s ‘cross’) Media Lab

The day before the X Media Lab Professional Day Conference ‘Brave New Media World’ my uni held a joint symposium with two of the XML speakers. GARY HAYES, (former Head of BBC’s Internet, Interactive TV and Emerging Platforms) and MARK OLLILA (Telegames) gave talks and then listened to Melb. Uni research. I was asked to […]

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