The candidates in the race to ’08 divide evenly among party lines on this emotional issue, except for Rudy Giuliani who goes against the rest of the GOP field in supporting abortion rights.
Joe Biden
Supports abortion rights.
Rudy Giuliani
Supports abortion rights.
Hillary Clinton
Supports abortion rights.
Mike Huckabee
Opposes abortion rights.
Chris Dodd
Supports abortion rights.
Duncan Hunter
Opposes abortion rights. Sponsored legislation which would define life as beginning at conception and apply constitutional protections to the unborn.
John Edwards
Supports abortion rights.
John McCain
Opposes abortion rights except in cases of rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother.
Mike Gravel
Supports abortion rights.
Ron Paul
Opposes abortion rights, but says that the issue should be decided in the states. Supports ban on procedure opponents call "partial-birth" abortion. Says Roe v. Wade was "wrongly decided."
Dennis Kucinich
Supports abortion rights, though previously opposed them.
Mitt Romney
Opposes abortion rights except in cases of rape, incest, and to protect the life of the mother. Supported abortion rights as a 1994 Senate candidate
Barack Obama
Supports abortion rights.
Tom Tancredo
Opposes abortion rights.
Bill Richardson
Supports abortion rights.
Fred Thompson
Opposes abortion rights. Says Roe v. Wade is a "bad law" and "bad medical science."
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