MDG Report 2007

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon launched the much-anticipated Millennium Development Goals Report 2007 at the opening of the Economic and Social Council's (ECOSOC) 2007 substantive session in Geneva on Monday 2 July 2007. more..

MDG Progress Chart 2007

The Millennium Declaration established 2015 as the target date for achieving most of the MDGs, with 1990 generally used as a baseline. The Chart shows progress as of June 2007, based on data for selected indicators in each of the eight Goals. more..


The Statistics Division is committed to the advancement of the global statistical system. We compile and disseminate global statistical information, develop standards and norms for statistical activities, and support countries’ efforts to strengthen their national statistical systems. We facilitate the coordination of international statistical activities and support the functioning of the UN Statistical Commission as the apex entity of the global statistical system. For more, see
About us.

February 2008

39th Session of the UN Statistical Commission

New York, UNHQ,

26-29 February 2008


Expert Group on International Merchandise Trade Statistics

New York, UNHQ,

3-6 December 2007

February 2008

39th Session of the UN Statistical Commission

New York, UNHQ,

26-29 February 2008

Statistics Finland has been awarded as this year's best developer of the work community among Finnish State offices and institutions... more

The new UN data access system in place of UNCDB will be launched soon..more
Environment Statistics Country Snapshots

Country Snapshots provide
a selection of national environment statistics, complemented by key economic and social indicators. more ..
UN Statistical Commission
The UN Statistical Commission is the apex entity of the global statistical system. It considers and approves international statistical standards and programmes to address emerging issues.
The Thirty-ninth session of the Commission will be held from 26 to 29 February 2008 at UN Headquarters in New York. more..
The website of the 2010 World Population and Housing Census Programme facilitates the international exchange and sharing of knowledge and information on census taking, as well as provision of guidance to countries, and monitoring progress on the implementation of the Programme. more....

UN ServiceTrade, the United Nations database with Statistics on International Trade in Services, is now publicly available at It contains annual detailed trade in services data (by EBOPS category and partner country) of about 80 countries, from 2000 to 2006. more...
Seminars on Global Statistical Systems

High Level Forum on Statistical Commission and the Global Statistical System - The Way Forward
UN Statistical Commission Commemorative Event, 27 February 2007
UNHQ, New York

The Forum, organized by the UN Statistics Division, reflected on how the Statistical Commission has met the challenges it faced in the past as well as on how it will meet the challenges that lie ahead, in particular in reference to the impact of new and emerging information needs of the global environment on the global statistical system. more ..

Global Statistical Infrastructure: How to build consistency in global measurement
Second OECD World Forum on "Statistics, Knowledge and Policy"
27-30 June 2007

Istanbul, Turkey

The seminar examines how the global statistical system ensures the compilation of internationally comparable indicators and statistics. Full comparability requires certain pre-requisites, including a system to develop accepted compilation standards as well as professional norms and values governing the production of the indicators. more ..
Global Statistical Infrastructure: Opportunities and Challenges
56th Session of the International Statistical Institute (ISI)
22-29 August 2007
Lisbon, Portugal

Over the past 60 years since the inception of the UN Statistical Commission, a growing body of international standards and guidelines governing global official statistics have been developed and endorsed. Codes of conducts have been established and countries are working together to establish a system of official statistics that is internationally comparable and of the highest quality.
This special panel discussion will describe and assess the role of the infrastructure in strengthening the Global Statistical System, pointing out the opportunities and challenges faced by national and international stakeholders. more ..
This three-volume publication contains detailed national accounts statistics in national currencies for 178 countries or areas for the years 1994 to 2005. more...   This 2004 edition of the annual Demographic Yearbook provides statistics on population size and composition, fertility, mortality, infant and foetal mortality, marriages and divorces.more...