Meet the Indiana Jones of Wildlife Protection

Alan Rabinowitz does more for conservation before 9 a.m. than most people do all year. He treks jungles, suffers disease and even deals with brutal juntas to save the animals.

Plan B — How to Stop Global Warming

Environmentalist and author Lester Brown lays out a robust plan for curbing climate change. Getting the world's politicians to buy it, however, is another question

How Green is Your Neighborhood?

If we're using fluorescent bulbs and solar panels, but taking 14 car trips a day, how eco-friendly is our lifestyle, really?

The Secret Life of Trees

At the UN climate change summit in Bali, global deforestation — an oft-forgotten source of CO2 emissions — is finally getting attention

Who Won and Lost at Bali

The world came together to solve the climate change crisis, and dragged along the U.S., kicking and screaming

The Global Warming Playbook

The new Presidential Climate Action Plan sets forth a straightforward plan: To curb global warming, the White House — and the U.S. — must first go green at home at home

Living With Ed — in a Green Hollywood

In the land of excess, Ed Begley Jr. has long been preaching the idea of conservation on the set. But will movie stars agree to car-pool with the crew?

Can We Save the World by 2015?

Hoping for a post-Kyoto protocol 185 delegates will convene the most critical climate change talks in a decade

Bring Eco-Power to the People

Van Jones is on a mission to clean up both pollution and poverty in the inner city

The U.K. Takes Green to the Extreme

With a wildly popular $100 million eco-education theme park, and citizens who self-inflict carbon-emissions caps, Britain aims to show the world how green living is done

Climate Change, One Light Bulb at a Time?

Clean light bulbs and hybrid cars won't change the world, but major political action will — and the Millennial generation wants to make it happen

Putting Money Where the Green Is

Global warming is a hot topic, but one that seems unlikely to stick. If voters and politicians don't get serious, it won't just be polar bears that suffer.