Lucozade Sport Science Academy

Lucozade Sport Science Academy

Lucozade Sport Science Academy

Are you drinking enough of the right stuff?

Whilst there is plenty of liquid refreshment flowing through the bars at Emirates on a match day - (beer and pies are a must!) - nutrition and hydration of an even more essential nature is being followed by the team to ensure they have the energy and concentration to keep going at 100% for the entire 90 minutes.

So why are fluids so important?

A water loss of just 2% of your body weight (that’s as little as 1.4 litres for your average man) through sweating has been scientifically proven to have a negative effect on your physical ability as a player and your mental concentration — and that’s when the goals are scored against you! 

On average, each Arsenal player gets through an extra 3.5 to 4 litres of fluid on a match day.

So will any drink do?

No - 5 pints of beer will certainly not rehydrate you! Isotonic sports drinks such as Lucozade Sport are specially formulated with athletes in mind to help the body absorb fluid more quickly. They are more effective than water because they contain electrolytes, which replace essential salts lost through sweating, and carbohydrates, which replenish energy stores. 

So when do I need to drink?

The players drink before, during and after every game or training session because they know that by the time they feel thirsty it is probably too late. 

Gary Lewin - Arsenal and England Physio says:

‘Each player is totally different, both in their physical make up and individual preferences.  However, an essential part of our role as Medical and Sports Science support is to make sure that the players are fully hydrated at all times.’

'When players exercise they lose fluids and electrolytes through sweating. In fact in very hot climates it has been known for players to lose over 10lbs in weight due to sweating. This dehydration will have a devastating effect on a player’s performance causing a decrease in muscle efficiency, reduction in concentration levels and even acute cramp. A player will lose speed, power and reaction times resulting in a drop in his performance. This is why it is so important for players to remain hydrated by drinking before, during and after exercise. They are encouraged to drink regularly to replace fluid lost. Lucozade Sport drinks are used for this purpose particularly after exercise to replace fluid and electrolytes. There are many flavours that the players like and if they like the taste they are more likely to drink more. We use several other products from Lucozade Sport including electrolyte recovery drinks and protein recovery drinks. The club are also working very closely with Lucozade Sport in the development of several other products.'


  • Aim to drink a minimum of 2 litres of fluid every day as part of your regular diet
  • To start a match or training session fully hydrated, aim to drink around 200-500 ml of Lucozade Sport shortly before you start
  • During exercise, drink 125-150 ml of Lucozade Sport every 15 to 20 minutes
  • After exercise, drink at least 500 ml of Lucozade Sport to ensure that you are fully rehydrated before celebrating your success (or drowning your sorrows!)


[ Tuesday, June 13, 2006]

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