宮下 直





1つめは,生物が他の生物との相互作用を通して,どのように多様化してきたかを探ることである.これは,進化生態学の分野に属する.2つめは,現在見られる生物多様性が,どのような仕組みで維持されているかを明らかにすることである.これは,個体群や群集生態学の分野である.3つめは,生物同士の相互作用をもとに,生態系を適切に管理する手法を探ることである.これは保全生態学のなかで重要な位置を占める.このように,私たちは「生物間相互作用」をキーワードに,基礎から応用まで,生態学の幅広い分野に切り込んでいる.さらに,最近注目しているキーワードは,「空間階層」である.局所で生じるプロセスは,大スケールで生じるプロセスで制約を受ける一方,大スケールのプロセスも局所間の相互作用がもたらす非線形な創発により支配される場合が少なくない.こうした視点は,生物の個体数や種数の決定機構を明らかにするうえで重要なだけでなく,長期的視野に立った生物種の保全や生態系の管理を考えるうえで不可欠であると考えている.私たちは,以上のような考えに基づいて研究に取り組んでいるため,研究分野や対象を特に限定しておらず,自立的に研究を進めたい人にはその意志を尊重している.しかし一方で,社会的に重要な課題となっている外来種やシカによる生態系インパクト評価と生態系管理に対しては,特に積極的に取り組んでいる.これら応用分野においても,「相互作用」や「空間階層」といった視点はきわめて重要であり,私たちが大きく貢献できる分野であると考えている. 自身が深く関わっている具体的な研究課題は以下の通りである.

1) 捕食者(クモ)を仲立ちとした土壌生態系と地上生態系の相互作用

2) シカがおよぼす生態系インパクトとその総合的管理

3) 外来生物(マングース,ザリガニ,ウシガエル)がおよぼす生態系インパクトと生態系復元

4) 空間階層を考慮した個体群動態と生物間相互作用,多様性決定機構の解明

5) 盗み寄生者の宿主適応と多様化プロセス



吉尾政信(PD, 研究機関研究員)  分布拡大に伴うシカの集団構造の変化(地球温暖化によるチョウの分布拡大プロセス)

谷川明男(PD,農学特定支援員)  造網性クモ類の系統分類学

小林頼太(研究生)  カミツキガメの個体群動態と管理

馬場友希(博士課程)  盗み寄生者イソウロウグモの局所適応と分化

亘 悠哉(博士課程)  奄美大島の在来生物群集の存続を目指したマングース管理

黒江美紗子(博士課程)  カヤネズミのメタ個体群生態学

川崎奈実(修士課程)  生息地保全と復元を目指したイシカワガエルの分布決定機構の解明

保崎有香(修士課程)  希少トンボ類の復元に向けたアメリカザリガニの総合防除手法の開発

美濃和駿(修士課程)  ウシガエルがもたらす生態系を横断する侵入溶融(invasional meltdown)

高木 俊(修士課程)  シカの採食がもたらすジャコウアゲハの生活史の可塑性

加藤倫之(修士課程)  トキの餌資源としての両生類とバッタ類の個体数決定機構の解明

北村智之(学部学生)  シカによる土壌生態系の改変

西嶋翔太(学部学生)  ウシガエルの生息地選択とそれに関与する人為的環境改変

三宅もえ(学部学生)  外来種多種を含む食物網の構造と動態



1) 寺内まどか,松岡茂,宮下直,中村和雄 (1985) 農耕地におけるキジバト個体数の季節変化とそれに関与する餌条件. 鳥,34:7-16.

2) Miyashita, T. (1986) Growth, egg production, and population density of the spider, Nephila clavata in relation to food conditions in the field. Researches on Population Ecology, 28: 135-149.

3)Miyashita, T. (1990) Decreased reproductive rate of the spider, Nephila clavata, inhabiting small woodlands in urban areas. Ecological Research, 5:341-351,

4)宮下直 (1990) コクサグモにおける密度と餌条件の相互関係. 東大演習林報告,83:1-8.

5)Miyashita, T.(1991) Direct evidence of food limitation for growth rate and body size in the spider Nephila clavata. Acta Arachnologica, 40:17-21.

6) Miyashita, T.(1992) Variability in food consumption rate of natural populations in the spider, Nephila clavata. Researches on Population Ecology, 34:15-28.

7)Miyashita, T. (1992) Food limitation of population density in the orb-web spider, Nephila clavata. Researches on Population Ecology, 34:143-153.

8) Miyashita, T. (1992) Feeding rate may affect dispersal in the orb-web spider Nephila clavata. Oecologia, 92:339-342.

9) Miyashita, T. (1992) Size composition of prey in the orb-web spider Nephila clavata estimated by video recordings and sight-count censuses. Acta Arachnologica, 41:143-148.

10)Miyashita, T. (1993) Male-male competition and mating success in the orb-web spider Nephila clavata with reference to temporal factors. Ecological Research, 8:93-102.

11) Miyashita, T. (1994) Size-related mating and mate guarding in the orb-web spider Nephila clavata. Journal of Insect Behaviour, 7:289-296.

12) Miyashita, T. (1994) What determines the local distributions of the two orb-web spider species ? : inferences from the field experiments. Applied Entomology and Zoology, 29:577-583.

13) Miyashita, T. & Shinkai, A. (1995) Design and prey capture ability of webs of the spiders Nephila clavata and Argiope bruennichii. Acta Arachnologica, 44:3-10.

14) 宮下直 (1995) 希少種オノゴミグモCyclosa onoi の生活史特性.Acta Arachnologica, 44:79-82.

15) Miyashita, T. & Hayashi, H. (1996) Volatile chemical cue elicits mating behavior of cohabiting males of Nephila clavata (Araneae, Tetragnathidae). Journal of Arachnology, 24: 9-15.

16) 梅田泰佳,新海明,宮下直 (1996) アリを専食するミジングモ属(Dipoena)3種の餌構成. Acta Arachnologica, 45: 95-99.

17) Miyashita, T. (1997) Factors affecting the difference in foraging success in three co-existing Cyclosa spiders. Journal of Zoology, London,242:137-149.

18) Miyashita, T., Shinkai, A. & Chida, T. (1998) The effects of forest fragmentation on web spider communities in urban areas. Biological Conservation, 86: 357-364.

19) Cartan, C.K. & Miyashita, T. (1998) Decreased web investment in sub-tropical Nephila clavata (Tetragnathidae). Acta Arachnologica, 47: 27-30.

20) Miyashita, T., Fukami, T., & Shimazaki, A. (1998) One spider a leaf : competition for web-sites in Nephila maculata spiderlings. Acta Arachnologica, 47: 31-35.

21) Miyashita, T. (1999) Life-history variation in closely related generalist predators living in the same habitat: a case study with three Cyclosa spiders. Functional Ecology, 13: 307-314.

22) 千田高史,深見理,宮下直 (1999) ツケオグモ属Phrynarachne は化学物質によって餌昆虫を誘引するか? Acta Arachnologica, 48: 71-74.

23) Shimazaki, A. & Miyashita,T. (2000) Abundance and taxonomic composition of insects emerging from soil to above-ground ecosystems in forests. Edaphologia, 64 65: 5-12.

24) Cartan, C.K. & Miyashita, T. (2000) Extraordinary web and silk properties of Cyrtarachne (Araneae, Araneidae) : a possible link between orb-webs and bolas. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 71:219-235.

25) Maezono, Y. & Miyashita, T. (2000) Folsomia candida (Collembola: Isotomidae) living in the next cell of a cicada Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata underground. Edaphologia, 66 : 51-5.

26)Miyashita, T. (2001) Competition for a limited space in two kleptoparasitic Argyrodes spiders revealed by field experiments. Population Ecology, 43: 97-103.

27)Takada, M. & Miyashita, T. (2001) Regional differences in the morphology of a shrub Damnacanthus indicus: An induced resistance to deer herbivory? Ecological Research 16: 809-813.

28)Miyashita, T., Sakamaki, Y. & Shinkai, A. (2001) Evidence against moth attraction by Cyrtarachne, a genus related to bolas spiders. Acta Arachnologica, 50: 1-4.

29) Miyashita, T. (2002) Population dynamics of two species of kleptoparasitic spiders under different host availabilities. Journal of Arachnology, 29: 31-38.

30)Shimazaki, A. & Miyashita, T. (2002) Deer browsing reduces leaf damage by herbivorous insects through induced response of the host plants. Ecological Research, 17: 527-533.

31)Takada, M. & Miyashita, T. (2002) Cross-habitat foraging by sika deer influences plant community structure in a forest-grassland landscape. Oecologia, 133: 389-394.

32)Whitehouse, M., Agnarsson, I., Miyashita, T., Smith, D., Cangialosi, K., Masumoto, T., Li, D. & Henaut, Y. (2002) Argyrodes: phylogeny, sociality and interspecific interactions. Journal of Arachnology, 30: 238-245.

33)Maezono, Y. & Miyashita, T. (2003) Community-level impacts induced by introduced largemouth bass and bluegill in farm ponds in Japan. Biological Conservation, 109: 111-121.

34)Miyashita, T., Takada, M. & Shimazaki, Y. (2003) Experimental evidence that aboveground predators are sustained by underground detritivores. Oikos, 103: 31-36.

35)Kato, N. & Miyashita, T. (2003) Sexual difference in the mode of selection on the pleopods of crayfish revealed by the allometry of developmentally homologous traits. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 81: 971-978.

36) Takada, M. & Miyashita, T. (2003) Can spines deter deer browsing? : a field experiment using a shrub Damnacanthus indicis. Journal of Forest Research, 8: 321-323.

37) Miyashita, T., Maezono, Y. & Shimazaki, A. (2004) Silk feeding as an alternative foraging tactic in a kleptoparasitic spider under seasonally changing environments. Journal of Zoology, 262: 225-229.

38) Miyashita, T., Takada, M. & Shimazaki, Y. (2004) Indirect effects of deer herbivory by deer reduce abundance and species richness of web spiders. Ecoscience, 11: 74-79.

39) Maezono, Y. & Miyashita, T. (2004) Impacts of removal of exotic fishes on native communities in farm ponds. Ecological Research, 19: 263-267.

40) Kunitake, Y., Hasegawa, M., Miyashita, T. & Higuchi, H. (2004) Role of a seasonally specialist bird Zosterops japonica on pollen transfer and reproductive success of Camellia japonica in a temperate area. Plant Species Biology, 19: 197-201.

41) Takada, M. & Miyashita, T. (2004) Additive and non-additive effects from a larger spatial scale determine small-scale densities in a web spider Neriene brongersmai. Population Ecology, 46: 129-135.

42) Miyashita, T. (2005) Contrasting patch residence strategy in two species of sit-and-wait foragers under the same environment: a constraint by life history? Ethology, 111: 159-167.

43) Maezono, Y., Kobayashi, R., Kusahara, M. & Miyashita, T. (2005) Direct and indirect effects of exotic bass and bluegill on exotic and native organisms in farm ponds. Ecological Applications, 15: 638-650.

44) Shimazaki, A. & Miyashita, T. (2005) Variable dependence on detrital and grazing food webs by generalist predators: aerial insects and web spiders. Ecography, 28: 485-494.

45) Yamanoi,Y. & Miyashita,T. (2005) Foraging strategy of nocturnal orb-web spiders (Araneae: Neoscona) with special reference to the possibility of beetle specialization by N. punctigera. Acta Arachnologica 54: 13-19.

46) Kato,N. & Miyashita,T. (2005) Exploring the mechanisms causing a high allometric value of female pleopod in the crayfish Procambarus clarkii. Zoological Science, 22: 717-721.

47) Baba,G.Y. & Miyashita, T. (2005) Geographical host change in the kleptoparasitic spider Argyrodes kumadai associated with distribution of two host species. Acta Arachnologica, 54: 75-76.

48) Baba,Y. & Miyashita, T. (2006) Does individual internal state affect the presence of a barrier web in Argiope bruennichii (Araneae: Araneidae)? Journal of Ethology, 24: 75-78.

49) Miyashita, T. & Niwa,S. (2006) A test for top-down cascade in a detritus-based food web by litter-dwelling web spiders. Ecological Research, 21: 611-615.

50) Miyashita,T. & Shimazaki,A. (2006) Insects from the grazing food web favored the evolutionary habitat shift to bright environments in araneoid spiders. Biology Letters, 2: 565-568.

51) Kobayashi, R., Hasegawa, M. & Miyashita, T. (2006) Home range and habitat use of the exotic turtle Chelydra serpentina in the Inbanuma basin, Chiba prefecture, central Japan. Current Herpetology, 25: 47-55.

52) Baba, G.Y., Walters, R.J. & Miyashita, T. (2007) Host-dependent differences in prey acquisition between populations of a klaptoparasitic spider Argyrodes kumadai (Araneae: Theridiidae). Ecological Entomology, 32: 38-44.

53) Suzuki, M., Miyashita, T., Kabaya, H., Ochiai, K., Asada, M. & Tange, K. (2007) Deer density affects ground-layer vegetation differently in conifer plantations and hardwood forests on the Boso peninsula, Japan. Ecological Resaerch, (In press).

54) Watari, D.Y., Takatsuki, S. & Miyashita, T. (2007) Effects of exotic mongoose (Herpestes javanicus) on the native fauna of Amami-Oshima island, southern Japan, estimated by distribution patterns along the historical gradient of mongoose invasion. Biological Invasions, (In press).

55) Miyashita, T., Suzuki, M., Takada, M., Fujita, G., Ochiai, K. & Asada, M. (2007) Landscape structure affects food quality of sika deer (Cervus nippon) evidenced by fecal nitrogen levels. Population Ecology, (In press).

56) Miyashita, T. & Takada, M. (2007) Habitat provisioning for aboveground predators decreases detritivores: the coupling of engineering effect to top-down effect. Ecology, (In press).

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3) 生物の多様性保全戦略.中央法規,(1993).(分担翻訳)
4) クモ・ウォッチング.P.ヒルヤード著,(1996).(分担翻訳)
5) 保全生物学.東京大学出版会,(1996).(分担執筆)
6) 擬態:だましあいの進化論2.築地書館,(1999).(分担執筆)
7) クモの生物学.東京大学出版会,(2000).(編著)
8) 農学21世紀への挑戦.世界文化社,(2001).(分担執筆)
9) 森林・林業大百科事典.林業技術協会,(2002).(分担執筆)
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14) 環境と生物進化.放送大学教育振興会,(2006).(分担執筆)
* その他の雑文は掲載しません

E-mail: tmiya@es.a.u-tokyo.ac.jp


Laboratory of Biodiversity Science

Copyright (C) Laboratory of Biodiversity Science School of Agriculture and Life Sciences
The University of Tokyo All rights reserved