
BSD cognoscenti on Linux

By Jem Matzan on June 15, 2005 (8:00:00 AM)

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Recently we published an interview with Linus Torvalds on the similarities and differences between the Linux kernel and the BSD operating systems. As a follow-up, I asked similar questions of OpenBSD's Theo de Raadt, and NetBSD's Christos Zoulas.

NewsForge: What are some of the similarities, differences, and synergy -- if any -- between the Linux kernel and the BSDs?

Theo de Raadt: Well I am sure by now you all know that Linux is just a kernel, while OpenBSD is a complete Unix system: kernel, device drivers, libraries, userland, development environment, documentation, and all the tools you need to continue doing development. That said, based just on completeness of functionality, it is not handled like a Linux distribution, not at all.

When we find that a change must be made to the system (security or otherwise) we can therefore force such a change into the system by changing it all the way from userland through the libraries down to the kernel. We can change interfaces as we want to. We can move quickly. Sometimes changes are even made which break previous executables; but if we need to, we can choose to make such decisions.

This gives us great flexibility to move forward fast. If something is designed wrong, and the fix depends on changes in more than just the kernel, we can fix it by. We change all the required pieces in the right places. We don't need hacks in the wrong place to fix a problem.

Christos Zoulas: There are many differences between the two kernels that are the consequences of when and how the kernels were developed. Parts of the NetBSD source can be traced to more than 30 years ago and has gone through many revisions. This has resulted in unneeded cruft and complexity in certain subsystems (such as signal delivery, network buffers) and this slows down development because the code is difficult to understand and modify. Other parts of the code though are much newer (such as the VM subsystem and the driver APIs) and easy to work with. At the same time the code is stable (most bugs have been shaken out) and it looks clean and consistent. NetBSD's approach of being architecture neutral and the bus and I/O layer abstractions has resulted in clean and sharable device drivers. My biggest gripes about the NetBSD kernel are:

  • Multiprocessing issues: although NetBSD supports multiprocessing and has thread support, threads from a single process cannot use more than one CPU. Only one process can be in the kernel at a time.
  • No journaled filesystem or support for very large filesystems.
  • General device driver availability

Linux's code is much newer and it keeps constantly being re-factored. This has the nice side effect of keeping the code simple and readable (at the base system layers such as VM and FS), but stability is suffering. While 2.4.x was a monotonic climb to stability, the road of 2.6.x has been very bumpy. My biggest gripes about the Linux kernel are:

  • OOM killer (memory leaks?)
  • Filesystem stability: Linux has far too many filesystems and each distribution is promoting a different one (for political reasons mostly, not because of technical merit). Most of them support large filesystems and are journaled. Unfortunately some of them are not safe to use, but there are no true stress tests available to the general user population to help them decide which one to use.
  • General device driver stability

The NetBSD kernel has the same APIs across all platforms. On NetBSD system call #n is the same on all platforms and takes the same arguments. The Linux kernel tries to mimic the native operating system on each platform, so system calls are different. This leads to header files that are very different across platforms, and programs that compile and work on Linux/i386 might compile or work on Linux/SPARC64.

It is important to notice that most of this interview focuses on the two kernels. NetBSD is a complete operating system distribution which is consistent across all its platforms, while Linux is not consistent on the same platform on different distributions.

NF: The BSDs are still considered by some to be more technically correct than the Linux kernel. Linus Torvalds has said in the past that it's not all about technology. Do you think the BSD project you work on is better technically for some or all uses than GNU/Linux (in general)?

Theo de Raadt: I don't know. I have never run Linux.

Christos Zoulas: NetBSD's code is cleaner and better documented. Everything has man pages, including the kernel functions. Linux instead depends on FAQs, HOWTOs, and sparse documentation that comes in many different formats. On the other hand, NetBSD lacks functionality that Linux has, such as suspend/resume support for ACPI and accelerated graphics drivers.

On the integration front, NetBSD is easily available from a single CVS repository and lets you build the complete system from the top, unlike Linux, where the mode of operation is to try to graft pre-built binaries packaged by some random person into your system. We can also cross-build any NetBSD platform from another NetBSD platform, and even other OSes such as Linux or Windows. This allows us to be able to build binaries for the slower platforms in hours instead of days.

Finally, Linux distributions come with a wealth of pre-built and installed binaries into the base OS, where NetBSD depends on pkgsrc and building the extra packages on demand. This makes the Linux distributions feel bloated, but with today's disk sizes this is not a big issue. To the casual user it just adds the burden of having to fetch and rebuild some things she/he needs.

I'd say that for the systems programmer NetBSD is better, but for the end user who needs those features Linux is better.

I think that both projects, especially Linux, can do with better quality control and testing. Every Linux 2.6 release so far has had bugs that were fixed in the next minor release, while others got introduced. NetBSD has not suffered so far from such serious regressions, perhaps because the code has not been re-factored aggressively. While there are significant efforts now to add regression tests for Linux, NetBSD has had them for quite a while, and we keep adding more. Related to that, both projects should be stress-testing their code more. Running I/O and filesystem benchmarks and adding a lot of regression tests will help tremendously with development.

NF: If the BSDs were technically better than GNU/Linux five years ago, has the playing field leveled since then?

Christos Zoulas: Linux has caught up a lot, especially with 2.6. It used to be in 2.4 that the Linux kernel would have 12 copies of a single device driver -- one for each combination architecture and bus supported. Now most drivers have one copy. The 2.4 I/O performance issues have been largely addressed in 2.6. A major reason behind Linux's improvement is the support from commercial vendors in the basic kernel functionality (IBM), filesystem (XFS from SGI), and third-party drivers.

NetBSD 2.0's scheduler activation-based pthreads show a lot of promise and will have excellent performance once the multiprocessing issues have been addressed. It is hard to say which is a better kernel. I think the answer depends on what particular kernel feature one is looking at. I think that a comprehensive set of performance and functionality benchmarks should be the judge.

NF: Is sharing between Free/Open/NetBSD and the Linux kernel a common occurrence? And if so, does it go both ways?

Theo de Raadt: As far as I know, it does not happen at all. Our code is completely free for anyone to use in any way (as long as they leave our copyright block intact -- which only insists on credit where credit is due), yet the Linux people choose not to use our code.

Christos Zoulas: I think it goes both ways, especially when it comes to porting Linux to architectures where NetBSD is already ported to or vice versa. Due to the relative size of both projects and the wealth of drivers on Linux, I would say that it is more common that NetBSD developers refer to code in the Linux device drivers to find about specific device quirks and undocumented device programming information. This is necessary because hardware manufacturers do not always publish proper documentation for their products (with all the errata) and the only way to get functional device drivers is by trial and error, reverse engineering, or getting the necessary information informally from the vendors. The situation is getting worse because all open source products (with the exception of OpenBSD) tolerate the status quo of supporting products that provide no documentation, using vendor-provided -- sometimes binary-only -- drivers. I don't think that OpenBSD's abrasive campaign is the way to go, although it appears to be producing results. I believe that the hardware vendors can be convinced that it is advantageous to them to publish proper documentation, but all open source products need to work together for that to work. If a vendor cannot be convinced, we need to vote with our feet and exclude support from our products.

NF: Are there parts of Linux that you would like to see adopted in the Free/Open/NetBSD kernel?

Theo de Raadt: No. Our source tree is completely free; anyone can use it for any purpose as long as they give credit. We therefore cannot permit commercial code into our tree. Nor can we permit GPLed code into our source tree, because the GPL has restrictions beyond "give credit."

Christos Zoulas: I would like to see some of the Linux functionality (finer-grain symmetric multiprocessing, real-time support, more drivers) in the NetBSD kernel, but we cannot really adopt any of the Linux code because it is technically infeasible. It would take a lot longer to compensate for the differences in the kernel APIs than to re-write the code from scratch. Even if that was not the case we would not use such code because we want to keep the NetBSD kernel GPL-free.

Editor's note: We asked the FreeBSD project to participate in this interview but they did not return responses in time for publication.

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on BSD cognoscenti on Linux

Note: Comments are owned by the poster. We are not responsible for their content.

He has never run Linux

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 15, 2005 07:50 PM
But he sure does seem to think he knows how stable it is. What an arse.


Re:He has never run Linux

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 04:35 AM
Theo said nothing about the stability of Linux. You might want to re-read the article.



Posted by: SarsSmarz on June 15, 2005 08:13 PM
No chance of the fundamental literalists getting anything wrong here....


that is kind of depressing actually

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 15, 2005 08:50 PM
I look at what Theo de Raadt says, and I think it's rather depressing. Hey, I might be a Mepis user, but I still keep tabs on what Red Hat, Suse, Mandriva, and Apple are up to.<br><br>Maybe I'm just being rubbed the wrong way here, but it comes across that Theo is content to be more close minded than Steve Ballmer, and more hostile to free software than Bill Gates. Bleh, if this article was supposed to get me to install a BSD, I might try NetBSD, but I think I'm going to keep my hard-drives clear of OpenBSD.<br><br>je.saist



Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 15, 2005 09:24 PM
Before you pass judgment on Theo de Raadt, you may want to have a look at Linus Torvalds comments.<br><br><i>it just means that I don't know anything about BSD technical internals, so I'm the wrong person to ask. Ask somebody who uses both.</i><br><br>You see, Linus doesn't use *BSD at all either. Similarly, he is unfamiliar with Windows and its capabilities.<br><br>The fact of the matter is that it is very difficult or perhaps impossible for one person to work as a core developer on something as complex as Linux or *BSD while also maintaining familiarity with all the other OSes out there. They just don't have the time, let alone the desire.<br><br>I can't believe that i am defending Theo.



Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 15, 2005 09:37 PM
At least Linus didn't suggest BSD is not free.<br><br>OpenBSD could be free, but any proprietary derivative is not free. So, their very own code is part and runs in proprietary system, ergo, they are not longer free. Can you see the contradiction in his sentence?<br><br>We can say "at least Linux does not allow/promote proprietary versions of otherwise free software".<br><br>Also he suggested the "commercial code" is not going to be part of OpenBSD, is he confusing free with commercial? Is he sure no OpenBSD code has been sold as "commercial systems"?<br><br>He is a reatard or was smoking something very strong. Or just pure and human maximized envy?



Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 15, 2005 09:58 PM
I'm assuming that English is not your native tongue because you don't seem to have grasped what the man said or what free means.<br><br>No one, except perhaps you, said that Linux or *BSD was not free. He said that the GPL had restrictions that made it incompatible with *BSD. This is perfectly correct.<br><br>*BSD is totally free. The <b>ONLY</b> requirement is attribution. The GPL is far less free than *BSD because GPL adds numerous restrictions and requirements. The GPL restricts even if those restrictions mandate the continued openness of the code. *BSD has no such restrictions.<br><br>The fact that *BSD derivatives may not be free does not affect *BSD itself. *BSD is free and it is more free than the GPL. I am sorry that you do not understand that.



Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 15, 2005 11:28 PM
No, it is not my mother tongue, but seems to me that you also want to confuse people. Read again what Theo said...<br><br>If you say "GPL have more restrictions than BSD" means BSD is free, GPL isn't.<br><br>As you say at the end (paraphrasing): "GPL is less free than BSD, Linux is GPL, therefore Linux is less free than BSD".<br><br>To me, "GPL less free than BSD" _suggests_ that GPL is not free at all, in any language.<br><br>Or will you use your "mother logic" to explain I'm wrong?<br><br>PS: You cannot say "OpenBSD code is always free" if you know that there can be non-free proprietary derivated versions.<br>



Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 12:24 AM
The world is not black and white. There are shades of gray in between the black and the white.<br><br>In the same sense, two "free" licenses have varying degrees of freedom. *BSD is more free than the GPL. If you wish to extrapolate that into saying that the GPL is not free then that is your choice. However, most people do not share your opinion that the GPL is not free. In any case, the BSD license is more free as it has less restrictions.<br><br>Open BSD is free. OpenBSD is always free. If you make AnonymousOS out of OpenBSD then AnonymousOS may not be free but, OpenBSD remains completely free. The derivative is not the same as the original.



Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 04:17 AM
You are honestly this stupid, aren't you?



Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 11:35 AM
&gt; To me, "GPL less free than BSD" _suggests_<br>&gt; that GPL is not free at all, in any language.<br><br>So if I say, "I like Babylon5 less than StarWars", you want to interpret that to mean: "I don't like Babylon5 at all".<br><br>Or if someone says: "Natalie Portman is less sexy than Liv Tyler" to you that means "Natalie Portman isn't sexy at all".<br><br>Puhleeeze do take English lessons. I'm not a native speaker of English either, but you just don't know fuck about languages let alone communication in general it seems.


Freedom for whom?

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 15, 2005 11:49 PM
How long has the "which is freer" debate been going on? And to what end?<br><br>The BSD license, through it's almost complete lack of restrictions, protects the freedom of the users to do whatever they want with the code. They can do anything up to, and including, using it in closed, proprietary applications, and they are not required to show any changes they have made to that code or give anything back to the the community they got it from. BSD code is a simple, freely-given gift, with no catches.<br><br>The GPL, on the other hand, is more concerned with the freedom of the *code*. By putting some cleverly-constructed restrictions on their gift, GPL authors, somewhat paradoxically, ensure that that code always remains free and open. There's no taking without giving; if you modify the code for distribution then *everybody* gets the benefits of the modifications. That's the genius of the GPL: enforced openness. It guarantees that code is not only always freely available, but also improved for the benefit of all.<br><br>So which one is more free? Well, neither. The simple fact of the matter is *both* the GPL and the BSD licenses are "free". It's just that they protect different freedoms.


Re:Freedom for whom?

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 12:36 AM
Freedom for the user! The preamble for the GPL states; <i>"to make sure the software is free for all its users."</i> The license is for the user, it is NOT a developers license in spite of the fact that it recognizes that developers may also be users.<br><br>Now, if both licenses are for the user and, by your own admission, the BSD license is more free for the user than the GPL, then we must acknowledge that the BSD license is more free!<br><br>Your freedom of the code statement interested me. It seemed to suggest that the code needed freedom, as if were a living entity. Code is code. People need freedom. Code needs only to be written. Code doesn't need freedom.<br><br>There, years of debate, finally settled. The BSD license is more free than the GPL. Big surprise.


Re:Freedom for whom?

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 12:38 AM
I would say the GPL guarantees to _programmers_ that their code will be always free, BSD cannot.<br><br>I wouldn't say BSD protects the freedom of users. Do individual users need that freedom if they are not going to touch the code?<br><br>Or, do we want to protect the _community_ freedom? BSD cannot do it neither.<br><br>Instead, I would say BSD gives _power_ to proprietary developers rather than "protecting" users' freedom.<br><br>But yes, I don't dislike BSD, I just prefer GPL, and I consider it more "free".<br><br>The world is not B&amp;W, but there are things darker than others<nobr> <wbr></nobr>:-)<br> &nbsp;



Posted by: Curtman on June 21, 2005 09:06 PM
"<i>The GPL is far less free than *BSD because GPL adds numerous restrictions and requirements.</i>"<br> <br> With freedom comes responsibility. That's what the GPL provides. It represents an understanding between the developer and the end user that makes the developer feel comfortable publishing his work. This is true that BSD in some sense might be interpreted as being <i>more free</i>. However, I do not believe in anarchy. I don't think it works without some social order. Fair rules that say what is acceptable and what is not is why GNU/Linux is where it is today, and the majority of BSD's users are actually Apple's users.


Yes, Linus displayed some head-up-his...

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 15, 2005 10:14 PM
...umm, I mean self-absorbedness (is that a word?), too, but he seemed to show it jokingly. This Christos guy seems to have a good grasp on what is going on throughout many operating systems. Theo de Raadt seems to be showing a severe case of "good at one thing, and one thing only." I can admire someone for their accomplishments, and still deplore their methods.<br><br>Geek Unorthodox<br><br>PS Hypocracy? Are they medical doctors?



Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 02:31 AM
Hippocrates, n :<br><br>Medical practitioner who is regarded as the father of medicine; author of the Hippocratic Oath (circa 460-377 BC)<br><br>Hypocrisy, n.:<br><br>The act or practice of a hypocrite; a feigning to be what one is not, or to feel what one does not feel; a dissimulation, or a concealment of one's real character, disposition, or motives; especially, the assuming of false appearance of virtue or religion; a simulation of goodness.<br>


Re:that is kind of depressing actually

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 15, 2005 09:27 PM
Amen to all previous comments.


Re:that is kind of depressing actually

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 15, 2005 09:40 PM
Don't make the same mistake. Software is just software, no matter who has written it and what she/he stands for. If the software is usable I don't care if it was written by Saddam Hussein or Hitler. I do not use Windows, not because I don't like Microsoft, which happens to be the fact. I do not use them because they are expensive in terms of constant software/hardware upgrades, and still not providing me what I need.


Re:that is kind of depressing actually

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 06:22 PM
"If the software is usable I don't care if it was written by Saddam Hussein or Hitler"<br><br>Godwin's law!


Re:that is kind of depressing actually

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 06:49 AM
get real, who the heck cares what personality you think the developers may have.<br><br>


Then Theo Goes and PROVES WHAT I SAID!

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 19, 2005 01:28 PM
<a href="" title=""><nobr>c<wbr></nobr> hannels_ballmer/</a><br><br>Couple of things, first, check spelling. Calling Hypocrisy? as Hypocracy?, doesn't exactly win points.<br><br>Second, less than a week after I descibe him as being more close minded than Steve Ballmer, he goes and does the same thing, and a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT NEWS ENTITY GETS THE SAME EXACT FEELING?<br><br>I love vindication<br><br>je.saist


Why, Theo?

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 15, 2005 09:32 PM
It's interesting that Theo de Raadt thinks that *BSD advatage over Linux is the increased development speed that *BSD's experiences because it is a complete OS rather than just a kernel. This seems strange as *BSD seems to be far behind Linux in its development, despite being much older than Linux. Even in the article they list several features that Linux and other modern operating systems have that *BSD still lacks.<br><br>This doesn't mean that Theo is wrong in his assertion. Rather is makes one ask, why. Why, if *BSD allows faster development and is older than Linux, is *BSD so far behind Linux development? A likely arguement will be that Linux has a far larger development community. Which also causes one to ask why. Why have more developers chosen Linux over *BSD which is supposedly better in the sense that it has faster development, better technical quality, greater maturity and is more free?<br>


Re:Why, Theo?

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 15, 2005 11:01 PM
Licenses are the reason.<br>Linux, lets a company/person change the code, but if it is resold, the changes are then available to be reintigrated into the core if they are worthwhile.<br><br>*BSD, lets a company/person change the code and keep any changes to themselves. The improvements are not necessarily available to the base developers.<br><br>I respect the *BSD philosophy and understand that the products they produce are of very high quality. On the other hand, I will continue to use Linux because the community that results from the "restrictions" in the GPL add value to the product I use.


Re:Why, Theo?

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 09:02 AM
BSD itself is still free, and I would be happy to use it, but I would not write code under a BSD license.


Re:Why, Theo?

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 17, 2005 03:23 AM
You just make the parent point clearer than any discussion.<br><br>Thanks.<br><br>Pascal


Re:Why, Theo?

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 18, 2005 10:50 AM
Theo De Raadt said 'We can move quickly" in the context of fixing bugs, not adding features. I think he should be commended for focusing on fixing the code that's already out there rather than adding new features faster than they can be maintained. I also have to disagree with your assertion that the BSDs are behind; I have found them to be very functional and polished, and a pleasure to work with. They have also been rated as some of the most secure operating systems in the world. (<a href="" title=""></a>)


Fear of GPL

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 15, 2005 09:40 PM
To be fair, I never used OpenBSD or NetBSD, but I have used FreeBSD. And yes, I think there was some technical superiority of FreeBSD over Linux.<br><br>But that was at a time when a 486 or first generation Pentium with 8 to 16 MB RAM was still a respectable server in the small business market. FreeBSD really did a great job of using expensive RAM efficiently.<br><br>But two things made all that irrelevant. The BSD fear of the GPL has deterred developer participation, including the commercial interests (and massive investment) their "superior" license is supposed to encourage, and hardware performance to cost ratio haa so improved that it became trivially easy to obliterate any theoretical performance differences.<br><br>Does marginally better VM management and reduced "bloat" really matter when the typical entry-level lap top is running at nearly 2 GHz with 512 MB RAM or more and has a 60 GB hard drive?<br><br>No, but device drivers and available executables do. And there is more of those to be had with Linux because of the GPL.


The GPL is a little scary...

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 15, 2005 10:23 PM
"...including the commercial interests (and massive investment) their "superior" license is supposed to encourage..."<br><br>Commercial interests realize that BSD is good if you are going to take the code and run. If you want the benefits of the community (if any. After all, it's working now, but commercial interests aren't getting getting any hard guarantees), you need to work somewhere that someone isn't just going to take your code and run.<br><br>The GPL is strange to people. Who *really* learned the "share your toys, and all the other children will, too"-lesson as a child? Most often, it gets installed as a thin veneer, and you always closely watch the boy that's playing with *your* toy.<br><br>Geek Unorthodox


Re:The GPL is a little scary...

Posted by: WarPengi on June 16, 2005 01:09 AM
The BSD licence may be considered more free to begin with, I'll give them that part of the debate. The GPL makes sure the code remains free even though it may be less free to start out with.<br><br>Let's use the car analogy again. I could give a car to the community and say anyone may use this car however they like or I could give a car to the community and say anyone may use this car however they like but it always has to be returned to the community. One minor extra stipulation but one that ensures that everyone can benefit and continue to enjoy the benefits.<br><br>The BSD car would remain in someones driveway behind a locked gate and would only get gas, maintenance and imporvements based on what the one person could afford. The GPL car would get gas, maintenance and upgrades based on what the community can afford, which is always more.


Re:The GPL is a little scary...

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 04:03 AM
You are making a mistake in the analogy. The cars can be duplicated at will. And just because someone takes a copy of one of the cars and locks it away, that doesn't matter at all. There is still a community working on upgrading the original.



Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 04:49 AM
I'm glad that I'm not the only one that gets it.<br><br>Honestly, I have never seen such confusion over such a simple concept as freedom. It amazes me how many people will insist that they have <b>complete</b> freedom despite several restrictions, some of which are rather draconian.



Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 09:06 AM
So its suddenly draconian not to have power over others?


Re:The GPL is a little scary...

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 04:04 AM
"The GPL makes sure the code remains free even though it may be less free to start out with."<br><br>No it doesn't. Free code remains free under either license. With the GPL license, future code must also be free. Code released under a BSD license will always be freer than the same code released under a GPL license.


Re:The GPL is a little scary...

Posted by: WarPengi on June 16, 2005 04:59 AM
I know the car analogy has some weaknesses. That is why it is an analogy not a direct comparison. It is used to illustrate a point or perhaps clarify not meant to directly compare cars and operating systems which would be silly.<br><br>If Proprietary Software co. releases software based on the BSD code and restrictively licences it then the code in PS co. software is not free. So the same code is released free under the BSD licence and non-free by PS co. The code is no longer entirely free.<br><br>At that point the code is not as free as GPL code.<br><br>


Re:The GPL is a little scary...

Posted by: hazza on June 16, 2005 08:54 PM
<blockquote><div> <i>Code released under a BSD license will always be freer than the same code released under a GPL license</i> </div></blockquote> Until someone takes it and <b>does not</b> release it under the BSD licence, then their efforts have to be duplicted. That's why their are more developers working on Linux than all the BSD's added together.<p> See your local Apple store for an example.</p>


Freedom and power.

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 19, 2005 02:08 AM
The difference between freedom and power rests on who is affected by one's actions--freedom means making decisions that chiefly affect you, power means making decisions that chiefly affect others more than you. Hence, making a proprietary derivative of a free software work is not freedom, it's power.<br><br>Where the new BSD licensors and GPL licensors differ is the defense of the freedoms to share and modify the program. I'm grateful for all the work the new BSD licensors put into their programs, such programs are unquestionably free software and a genuine contribution to the free software community. But at the same time I relish my ability to work and play in a commons of fellow sharers. I think it's wise to exclude those who wouldn't share with me from this community but allow them to change their ways and join me at any time.<br><br>Ironically enough, Microsoft agrees with this sentiment. A couple summers ago, Bill Gates told a small crowd in Foellinger Hall at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign that the new BSD license is an appropriate license for software distribution (apparently by everyone but Microsoft). Previously, Microsoft execs had toured the country telling everyone that the GPL is "unamerican", a "cancerous" "Pac-Man" to one's "intellectual property", and those who support the GPL are "communists".<br><br>--J.B. Nicholson-Owens (


i think he makes a fair point

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 15, 2005 10:01 PM
especially about documentation within the Linux community. Having had to modify the Linux kernel [slightly] for a class project in school there is little to no official [and free] documentation within the kernel itself to aid in modifications. This [like many open source projects] doesn't lend itself to allow easy manipulation by starting developers. I CS major who has no real open source experience may spend hours determining why something was done this way, or what some function really does when a simple comment or two [or a man page] would have helped a lot.<br><br>Too often I feel that projects are exclusive to developers that are already comfortable within the open source community of development. I recall how hard it was to learn GTK because the tutorial was lacking and understand GLIB+GTK+PANGO+WHATEVER all together smoothly is not an easy thing.


Re:i think he makes a fair point

Posted by: llanitedave on June 16, 2005 12:20 PM
That's a good point. The "many eyes" approach is only useful if someone has a way of knowing what they're looking at. People stared at the sky for thousands of years without understanding it until the telescope was invented. Think of good documentation as a telescope for looking at what otherwise might be obscure code.


"Kernel" vs. "System"

Posted by: Charles Tryon on June 15, 2005 11:12 PM
Frankly, I'm surprised that they try to draw a distinction between the fact that "Linux" in just a kernel, while *BSD is a complete, end to end system. Technically, they are correct, however in reality *<i>NOBODY</i>* builds a Linux system from scratch any more these days. It would be much more reasonable to compare a BSD variant to something like Fedora, RedHat or one of the many other distributions. Each of these distributions supposedly tests all the packages they bundle together. You can argue about how effective they are, and how things sometimes break when you do an RPM update, but still, each is a complete system, no less than one of the BSD's. In fact, it is probably MORE of a system, since they typically contains a lot more <i>stuff</i>, from drivers to system management tools and user level applications.


Re:"Kernel" vs. "System"

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 12:39 AM
To really get the difference, you have to use BSD once. "BSD is complete OS" is very different approach used by slim-lines Linux and over-bloated GNU. Bloat of GNU comes from the point that it has to support bunch of OSs including slim lined ones like Linux.<br><br>If you installed the version of BSD, you will have no compatibility stuff, no out dated tools, no broken interfaces, no left headers, no strange sym-links.<br><br>I've always been jelous of BSD documentation: I think I have started Linux kernel programming because I had to dig up the driver parameters, which were documented nowhere. Even driver itself. Compare that to BSD where every driver is documented and has management utilities. Worth taking a look.<br><br>BSD is much much more mature system from POV of user experience. Out-dated - but mature. Linux + GNU tools are much more plesant to use. But you got to try BSD once to have a feeling.<br><br>I tried. I liked it. But apps I need run better under Linux (FSs are faster) and I like GNU tools more than BSD ones. So I use Linux.


Re:"Kernel" vs. "System"

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 01:10 AM
To further confuse things, the BSD folks don't consider any apps that are available via the ports system or pkgsrc (such as the X Window System, or window managers, or web browsers) as part of the "operating system", because these are "third party applications" not made by the BSD developers.<nobr> <wbr></nobr>:*D<br><br>


Re:"Kernel" vs. "System"

Posted by: Matthew on June 16, 2005 04:32 AM
Hey thanks for pointing this out. People comparing BSD to the Linux kernel is kind of silly.<br>


Re:"Kernel" vs. "System"

Posted by: Russellkhan on June 16, 2005 11:31 AM
I'd say that the distinction is called for, sicne the questions were all framed in reference to the Linux kernel (since they were the same questions posed to Linus in the last interview). And the distinction wasn't brought in unfairly either, the fact that the development model is different was completely relevant in the context.<br><br>(BTW, I'm much more a Linux user than a BSD user, writing this comment from my Ubuntu box)


Wrapping it up

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 02:24 AM
If -according to Theo-- BSD system is superior to any GNU/Linux system, but at the same time GNU/Linux has more users, developers and companies contributing to the GPLed system (at least 70% is GPL in any distro), I would bet GPL is somehow related to this success. Theo just gave the basis of the answer.<br><br>From the outcome, and along the time, which one is "less free"? The one that promotes collaboration and enpowers the community or the other that "protect" the freedom^Wpower of free riders?<br>


I think this bit is just not true

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 04:02 AM
<i>On NetBSD system call #n is the same on all platforms and takes the same arguments. The Linux kernel tries to mimic the native operating system on each platform, so system calls are different.</i> <p>I'm no kernel guru but I have dabbled in the Linux kernel a bit, and this is just not true of those parts of the kernel I have looked at on more than one architecture.</p> <p>And what on earth does he mean by "the native operating system"? I think this is not just wrong, but nonsense.</p>


Your observation is incorrect

Posted by: n-soda on June 16, 2005 06:23 AM
Then, you haven't looked at linux source closely.<br> For example, please try to compare __NR_"system_call_name" definitions between asm-i386/unistd.h and asm-ppc/unistd.h, there are lots of differences. Not only the system call numbers are differnet, there are some system calls only exist on particular architecture. <p> If there isn't any difference, why are these system call numbers defined in the header under the asm directory? Unlike Linux, NetBSD actually uses one header file which are shared among all platforms. </p><p> &gt; this is just not true of those parts of the kernel I have looked at<br> &gt; on more than one architecture. </p><p> I guess you only compared system calls which have smaller #n.<br> Since all Unix variants derived from AT&amp;T, system calls which were defined in earlier age have same number.</p>


GPL not always suitable for corporate stuff.

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 04:53 AM
I think they both have good points. There're still alot of linux fanboys in here trying to put down the bsd license but that's nothing new.<br><br>Most people don't understand that the GPL isn't always suitable for corporate stuff. Corporations might want to run/develop an open base system but there are things they want to keep for themselves. I don't want to start another intellectual property debate but never forget that those programmers are getting paid big bucks.<br><br>That's why the bsd license is much more interesting and that's why Apple used bsd instead of linux.<br><br>GPL zealots are so worried about the free nature of linux that they prefer refusing help from corporate people in some interesting case.<br><br>I just don't get it...using a bsd-like license for linux wouldn't change its free nature. Free software people would still write open source code.


Re:GPL not always suitable for corporate stuff.

Posted by: SarsSmarz on June 16, 2005 05:38 AM
Interesting debating point: <p>The GPL is GNU-Linux and GNU-Linux is the GPL. They cannot exist without the other. </p><p>I would take the 'Pro' side. I've written Wikipedia articles and I really hate it when companies suck it up for their pop-up porn traps.</p>


Re:GPL not always suitable for corporate stuff.

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 08:51 AM
Now, let's see under what situations? If they use Linux stock, then what it is free. Good for them. If they modify Linux but use it inside their orgs, then they have no obligations to share whatever they have modified. Case closed. If they modify it and the distribute it (eg. sell it, like what Apple did with Mac OS X), then they are obligated to share the source to it. Oh wait, that's what they don't to do. They want to take from others but not willing to share what they have changed. Suits them, then. Either they share, or they don't, on the very same basis as they took it. If they aren't willing to share, then they can always write their own and both are happy, isn't it?


Re:GPL not always suitable for corporate stuff.

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 12:22 PM
<i>"Most people don't understand that the GPL isn't always suitable for corporate stuff. Corporations might want to run/develop an open base system but there are things they want to keep for themselves. I don't want to start another intellectual property debate but never forget that those programmers are getting paid big bucks"</i> <p> Apparently the corporations disagree. While Apple did use BSD code for OSX, that's about it. </p><p> IBM, Novell, HP...I mean, just look at Sun. Do they see FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD as the future -- or a threat to closed source? </p><p> I like Linux. I use it. I moved almost all my company's operation to Linux. But not because Linux is inherently technically superior to the various BSD flavors. </p><p> It is because the GPL fosters the innovation and development interest that ultimately makes it easier for me to get my job done. I've got drivers, I've got binaries, I've got umpteen million alternatives. </p><p> I have no problem with anyone pursuing whatever course they want to follow. But make no mistake, the GPL is why GNU/Linux is the number one "free" OS.</p>


Re:GPL not always suitable for corporate stuff.

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 12:27 PM
The sharing bit has been addressed by a previous poster well enough, but my position is that the GPL is always suitable for "corporate stuff." But there is one thing you say that is no longer true and hasn't been for several years:<br><br> &nbsp; &nbsp; "...never forget that those programmers are getting paid big bucks."<br><br>Unfortunately, they're not. Salaries for programmers are quite low in places like India. That's why so much development is getting offshored to there. Oh, also, more than one person has reported that copyright violations with code are absolutely rampant in countries to which development is offshored.


Not any more

Posted by: observer222 on June 16, 2005 04:35 PM
<i>never forget that those programmers are getting paid big bucks</i> <p>No programmers get paid "big bucks" any more. There are too many unemployed programmers in the USA (and from what I hear the situation in Europe is similar), with good experience and track records.</p> <p>A lot of software development in big companies is now done in places like India and Bangladesh, where $6/hour is considered a pretty good salary.</p>


Re:GPL not always suitable for corporate stuff.

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 17, 2005 04:47 AM
"There're a lot of Linux fanboys in here trying to put down the bsd license but that's nothing new." <p>No, there are a lot of people defending the GPL against the assertion that it is not as free as the BSD license. Most GPL supporters like the BSD license fine; they just like the GPL better. The GPL is no less or more free than the BSD license. It just tries to guarantee the freedom that it provides will also extend to derivatives. The BSD is the same freedom without the guarantee. As far as I can see, it is BSD fans who are always trying to put down the GPL for its supposed lack of freedom. </p><p>Linux would get much less development if it were released under the BSD license (it would probably get less than any of the BSDs, considering when it started). The license is the reason for its success in attracting developers. They like the guarantee the GPL provides and feel insecure about contributing without it. </p><p>This does not mean that there is never an advantage to using the BSD license. In particular, if you are trying to establish something as an open standard a BSD implementation can be handy because it encourages use by proprietary companies. Of course, the downside to this is it leaves the way open for an embrace, extend, extinguish approach to be taken to proprietize the standard.</p>


Well I am sure by now...

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 07:32 AM
Well I am sure by now you all know that someone's having an attitude problem.<nobr> <wbr></nobr>;-)


The community

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 12:29 PM
GPL encourages sharing. Hence you find a large community of supporters.<br><br>BSD, though technically superior makes way for cos such as Apple, Microsoft to take but not give.


Re:The community

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 01:06 PM
Close, but no cigar. The GPL protects what you write when you share it, but it does nothing to -make- you share it (no distro, no need to share). The BSD license allows you to share if you so choose. Every *bsd project I've worked on was well plugged into the bsd development community, freely sharing patches and enhancements for the bsd code. The only thing we didn't share was the drivers for our proprietary hardware or that licensed from a 3rd party. I'm sorry if some people have a problem with that. <p> Or from another angle, I suppose that since apache doesn't use the GPL, there's no communuity supporting it? Hogwash. License type doesn't equate to development or support effort. </p><p> Also rememmber that whatever you write, you still own the copyright, so you can make whatever distro rules you want. </p><p> z!<br> user of linux, (open|free)bsd, postfix, mailman, bind, tcl, etc- most of which have different licenses</p>


Re:The community

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 20, 2005 09:48 PM
<blockquote><div>BSD, though technically superior makes way for cos such as Apple, Microsoft to take but not give.</div></blockquote> What's your point? They aren't depriving BSD of anything.<p> Just because Microsoft and Apple haven't released the sources of all their software under a BSD license doesn't mean that BSD projects haven't benefited as a result of the interactions. Both companies have contributed a shitload of fixes and bug reports to BSD projects.</p><p> BSD projects benefits from the interaction with companies on <i>both</i> ends of the spectrum. GPLed projects benefits only from those that would give anyway; the GPL isn't magically cajoling companies on the proprietary end of the spectrum into becoming philanthropic, they're simply not going to go anywhere near the crap.</p>


Where is FreeBSD?

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 01:13 PM
Why nothing on freebsd? That's ignoring the 600 pound gorilla in the bsd room.<br><br>Likewise, asking Theo deR. his opinion of other OSs is rather like asking RMS his opinion of other licenses.<br><p><br>z!<br></p>


Re:Where is FreeBSD?

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 16, 2005 06:24 PM
"Editor's note: We asked the FreeBSD project to participate in this interview but they did not return responses in time for publication."<br><br>You, sir, forgot to put your glasses on.


Re:Where is FreeBSD?

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 17, 2005 01:59 AM
You are correct, it is there. OTOH, generally something of such import is in the preface to the article, not as a footnote. This allows the reader to put everything in context from the beginning.<br>


Re:Where is FreeBSD?

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 17, 2005 02:10 AM
No, that is not "generally" how it is done. "Generally" a note about the non-participation of one of the interviewed parties is a note at the end. The beginning of the article is for the most interesting and relevant information. The non-participation of the FreeBSD project is nothing more than a footnote. You're just trying to shift the blame for your ignorance.


Wrong Scope

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 17, 2005 12:59 PM
I think the scope of this article is just too contained. Aspects such as SMP,stability and security are left behind. Aspects in which all of the BSD's are far more advanced.



Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 17, 2005 10:13 PM
Aspects such as SMP,stability and security are left behind. Aspects in which all of the BSD's are far more advanced.<br><br>SMP - what in the world are you on if you think BSD is ahead of Linux here? SMP has always been a major shortcoming of the BSDs. FreeBSD finally made a big push to rectify this for the 5.x series, but 5 hasn't really made it into production use much because the first point releases were pretty flaky by BSD standards. OpenBSD and NetBSD are much further behind.<br><br>Stability - I think all of the BSDs and Linux are equally stable, meaning rock-solid.<br><br>Security - you may have a point that the BSDs have more secure defaults, but any of these systems can be made very secure with good administration. (I like the quip that OpenBSD is the most secure because no one short of a guru can figure out how to activate any services<nobr> <wbr></nobr>;)



Posted by: richlv on June 17, 2005 10:13 PM
i'll express my my feelings here, too<nobr> <wbr></nobr>:)<br><br>what i find very surprising (though raadt's previous comments somewhat lessen it) - how polite and reasonable both linus (in previous interview) and Christos Zoulas can be. especially in contrast to raadt.


Torvalds in the Forbes article.

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 19, 2005 01:53 AM
Linus Torvalds was anything but polite and reasonable in the Forbes article. His sole contribution to that article added to the name-calling and lack of technical backing that was the hallmark of that entire Forbes article.<br><br>--J.B. Nicholson-Owens (


The license debate is old.

Posted by: Anonymous Coward on June 19, 2005 06:55 AM
People should just quite with it already and grow up - coders will use whatever one they feel is right for them. Telling someone the one they chose is wrong is like saying it is wrong to like dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate.<br><br>It's sad to see someone in a position like theo is behave as arrogantly as he does. Maybe that's part of his attraction for some, but in my mind, he's on a par with George W. Bush in openness and free thinking.<br>


The fun of it

Posted by: Anonymous on December 24, 2007 06:02 AM
I feel sad after reading these responses. Programming is fun. BSD is great. Linux is great. Everyone should really stop this tug of war it was old 5 years ago and its not getting any fresher. Enjoy these great gifts and lets get our noses out of debates and back into some code where they belong.


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