
Here are some resources you may find helpful as you work on school projects:

The Medford School District has made available to all students and families the amazing online version of the World Book Encyclopedia! The online version contains all of the content of the print version, plus it is easily searchable and easy to navigate.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When you visit the website, use medford as your Login ID and oregon as your Password.
World Book Encyclopedia ONLINE is a vast source of information. It includes information from many other encyclopdiae, dictionaries, and research resources. It also gives you a handy-dandy tool for creating bibliographic citations.

Fact Monster is a cool resource site I discovered recently. It has a lot of resources aimed specifically at students. It might be good for research, homework help, and fun. Be aware, however, that there are advertisement links across the top and right side. Be careful not to click them.
Fact Monster

America Online has developed a pretty decent search engine aimed specifically at helping students do research and work on school assignments. Check it out at

The Oregon School Library Information System is a powerful resource for research. Their full-text selection of searchable magazine articles may be especially helpful.
OSLIS Website

The Southern Oregon University webpage has an excellent collection of reference materials.
SOU Reference Page

As you prepare a bibliography for a writing or research project, here is an amazing site from David Warlick that creates citations for you automatically. Very cool!
Citation Machine