Shakespeare at eNotes

Our Shakespeare section contains thousands of pages of content on the life and work of the world's greatest author, including eNotes to more than 20 titles.  (Looking for the original

Famous Shakespearean Quotes

Our Shakespeare quotes section features hundreds of famous quotes by the Bard, complete with explanations. Quotations can be viewed by theme, speaker, or play. Visit the Shakespeare Quotes section.

Study Shakespeare

Complete study guides to Shakespeare's plays and sonnets, featuring content on every aspect of the work.
Study Guides to the Plays and Sonnets, Shakespeare Essays, Shakespeare Criticism, Shakespeare in Modern English, Read Shakespeare's Plays

About William Shakespeare

Just getting started with Shakespeare? Here you'll find a biography, FAQ, chronology, and much more to help you begin you exploration of history's greatest author.
Introduction to Shakespeare, Shakespeare Biography, Shakespeare's Chronology, Shakespeare's Globe Theater, Shakespeare FAQ, Shakespeare Pictures, Portraits of Shakespeare, Shakespeare on Film

Shakespeare Quotes

The 100 most famous Bardisms, each with an explanation and context to help you fully appreciate the magic of Shakespeare's words.
» Go to Shakespeare Quotes

Shakespeare A to Z

An A to Z encyclopedia of everything Shakespeare with over 250 entries. Everything from costumes to witches to all of Shakespeare's memorable characters.
» Go to Shakespeare A to Z

World, Work, and Influence

The essential collection of more than 60 critical essays detailing the life and times of William Shakespeare. Edited by John F. Andrews of the Shakespeare Folger Library.
Shakespeare's World, Shakespeare's Work, Shakespeare's Influence

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