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Issue — September 12, 2007

September 12th, 2007

Letters to the Editor

Meat Is Murdering Us

I was very impressed with Leonardo DiCaprio's powerful documentary, The 11th Hour ("World on Fire," 8/29/07). The film depicts the devastating impacts of global warming, including droughts, hurricanes, and flooding of coastal areas. It features interviews with the brightest minds on our planet about the causes of this manmade environmental crisis and possible solutions.

A powerful solution was suggested last November in a report by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. The report found that meat production accounts for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming. That's more than automobiles!

Carbon dioxide, the chief greenhouse gas, is emitted by burning forests to create animal pastures and combustion of fossil fuels to operate farm machinery, trucks, refrigeration equipment, factory farms, and slaughterhouses. Much more damaging methane and nitrous oxide are released from digestive tracts of cattle and from animal waste cesspools, respectively.

The good news is that each of us can do our part to reduce global warming on our next trip to the supermarket. More details are available at

Manfred Sanders

Loud and Clear

I just finished reading the story about Christopher Harmon ("A Fight to Be Heard," 8/29/07). It certainly makes one feel very fortunate. I was teary-eyed and felt so much emotion for Christopher and yet felt so much strength from him. It was a very enlightening article and I will share it with many. I am also writing a letter to Judge Deborah Hedlund voicing my opinion on how she handled the situation—very poorly—and my disappointment in her judgment. Thank you for a remarkable story. I wish all the best for Christopher and his family.

Kathleen Charlsen

A Life-Changing Story

Matt Snyders's story about Christopher Harmon and his fight to lead as normal and productive a life as possible is truly inspirational.

Never have I heard of anyone overcoming such insurmountable odds (deaf, blind, quadriplegic, etc.). And yet, he perseveres and becomes an author/screenwriter/producer.

It is beneficial to us all that he won his court battle and is able to retain his interpretation services. Communication is all he has, even if it is administered through an interpreter.

Christopher Harmon can be proud. I will be forever changed just by reading his story. I can imagine the effect he has on those who are lucky enough to know him.

Kathleen Duclos

No Sugar Added

Thank you for this compelling story about Christopher Harmon. While the details of his story are hard to read, this was not written with a saccharine coating. It is factual, well written, and not sensational.

Christopher and his mother, Robin, are amazing people. The article clearly showed their indomitable spirits of not taking "no" as the final answer and doing what's right.

I hope to be standing in line soon to purchase tickets to see Sparkle, Serena!

Barbara Bush

Sympathy Strike

I found your coverage of the pending strike at the University of Minnesota to be an excellent summary, in a short article, of an important conflict ("Wage War," 8/29/07).

I appreciate the quotes from real people about their real lives who are thinking and acting politically.

What a compelling read! Thank you.

Kathy Kleckner
St. Paul

**i move away from the mic to write in

Hey thanks for the article on Tay Zontay ("Rain Man," 8/22/07)! I saw him live at Ball's cabaret about two weeks ago. My friend recognized him in the audience, before he went onstage, and told me about his growing fame. He performed a different song, though, I don't know the title but the chorus was "I do the CAN'T dance." It was somewhat funny, but I'll have to admit it was also extremely catchy. It made me want to dance even though I certainly CAN'T dance! I went home and downloaded "Chocolate Rain." I'm a fan. Just wanted you to know he's out there performing still at Balls with new songs and everything!

Quinn Van Ness
North St. Paul

Correction: Due to an editing error, the gender of a source in last week's "Economy in Freefall" was wrongly identified. Loren Schirber is a male. City Pages regrets the error.

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