News and Gossips

You Voted! Jamie Lynn Should Be Fired!

December 21, 2007

Star readers were outraged by Jamie Lynn Spears' pregnancy announcement! At press time, 86% of poll voters were "appalled" by the 16-year-old's baby news and 72% think Nickelodeon should fire Jamie Lynn Spears from the network. In addition, a whopping 90% of voters said it was irresponsible for Britney Spears' little sis to get pregnant so young. (For more on the poll results, click here.)

Meanwhile, wedding bells may be ringing for Jamie Lynn and her baby's daddy, Casey Aldridge. "Jamie Lynn and Casey want to get married. I know Casey does, and he says she does, too," the Rev. Odus Jackson, uncle to Aldridge, told the New York Post.

The Post also reports that Nickelodeon is pondering a special about love and sex in an effort to deal with their Zoey 101 star's pregnancy. Linda Ellerbee has been tapped to host, as she has in the past when the network tackled social issues like AIDS and same-sex parents. "I think it's important that something be done," Ellerbee said. "But I think it's important that it be done in a measured way, and not just to feed the beast of news stories. This is a great opportunity for parents at this moment to talk to their kids about this — more important, to listen to their kids about this."

Should Nickelodeon cancel Jamie Lynn' show Zoey 101? Cast your vote here.

Tell Us What You Think
Should Jamie Lynn keep her baby or give it up for adoption?
    Keep it
Are you appalled or do you applaud Jamie Lynn's pregnancy?
Who do you blame more for Jamie Lynn's pregnancy?
    Jamie Lynn
Is Jamie Lynn a good or a bad role model?
Is it irresponsible for Jamie Lynn to get pregnant?
Will Jamie Lynn be a better mom than Britney?
Should Jamie Lynn have blabbed to a magazine that often pays big bucks for stories?
If you were Lynn Spears, would you think it was a good idea for your daughter to announce her pregnancy in a cover story, or should she have kept it quiet for as long as possible?
    Announce in a cover story
    Keep it quiet as long as possible
Is Lynn Spears a bad mom?
Does the Spears family need to get out of show business?