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Please note, all event submissions are screened prior to their posting. Inappropriate events will not be posted.

Add a New Event Listing

your name:

your email address:

name of event:

host organization:

type of event:

regional focus:

event description (80 words or less):

web page address (do NOT include "http://"):


Event Date & Time Information

date event begins (mm/dd/yyyy):

date event ends (mm/dd/yyyy):

start time (hh:mm):


end time (hh:mm):


registration deadline (mm/dd/yy):

cost of event: $


Event Location Information

site of event:

event street address:

city of event:

state of event:

zip of event:


Contact Information

event contact - name:

contact's phone(###-###-####):

email address:

check to generate OJCL permission slip:


