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Vaccine case draws new attention to autism debate updated Thu, March 6, 2008
The parents of a 9-year-old girl with autism said Thursday that their assertion that her illness was caused by childhood vaccines has been vindicated by the federal government's decision to compensate them.
Case renews debate on vaccine-autism link updated Wed, March 5, 2008
Government health officials have conceded that childhood vaccines worsened a rare, underlying disorder that ultimately led to autism-like symptoms in a Georgia girl, and that she should be paid from a federal vaccine-injury fund.
CNN Student News Transcript: February 29, 2008 updated Thu, February 28, 2008
February 29, 2008
Clinton's September 17, 2007, speech on health care updated Fri, December 21, 2007
I am honored to be here with you today at Broadlawns Medical Center. For many years, as you've heard, this Center has been providing care for the people of this community including many of those most in need and I cannot think of a better place to discuss America's health care crisis than a medical center that confronts the consequences every singl...
CNN Student News Transcript: December 10, 2007 updated Sun, December 9, 2007
December 10, 2007
CNN Student News: Ten Questions updated Sun, December 9, 2007
December 10, 2007
Tribute gala honors CNN Heroes updated Thu, December 6, 2007
An Ecuadoran lawyer leading a landmark environmental lawsuit, a U.S. expatriate who encourages attendance at rural African schools and a Ugandan missionary who runs a boarding school for girls abducted by the Lord's Resistance Army were given special recognition at "CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute" Thursday night.
CNN Heroes finalists: Young Wonders updated Sat, December 1, 2007
Three teens have been named CNN Heroes finalists in the "Young Wonder" category for their work in the areas of autism, self-defense and race relations.
Meet the CNN Heroes finalists updated Mon, November 26, 2007
CNN has announced the names of 18 finalists to be honored at "CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute," the culmination of a five-month audience nomination process to recognize ordinary people for their extraordinary accomplishments.
Help! My pediatrician's not listening to me updated Wed, November 14, 2007
One day in the pediatrician's office, Mia Redrick put her foot down.

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