Andre Engels homepage

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First let me introduce myself:

Andre Engels
Purcellstraat 45
5653 AW Eindhoven
the Netherlands
telephone: +31-40-2474628 (work)/+31-6-27174384 (mobile)

ICQ: 6260644
PGP Public Key

I'm a PhD-student on the TUE (Technical University Eindhoven), faculty mathematics and computing science. I study the applications of Temporal Logic to Message Sequence Charts. In the end of August 1996 I graduated from the RUG (Groningen University) on the subject 'Completeness and Correctness of MLCM'. My graduating professor was Gerard Renardel de Lavalette.

See my (short) list of publications

But my favourite way of passing time is... games! Lots and lots of games! Some of my favorites: Also on my site: Discoverers Web, full of info on voyages of discovery and exploration.

an image of beauty