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Xbox 360

Mark Rein Promises Gears of War 2 "Good Surprises"

reinawfulsuit2.jpg Gears of War 2 is coming. And so soon! Not surprising since it's been in development before Gears of War 1 shipped. Does that mean it's going to be Gears rehash? You know, more of the same? Epic honcho Mark Rein says:

Yes, we're doing Gears of War 2! Did you ever doubt that? It's been in development since before Gears of War 1 shipped... We had an executive review the other day and I can tell you it is definitely more badass. It's really good. One thing I can say is that compared to where we were in the February before we shipped the last Gears, the game is in phenomenal shape. There are some good surprises for people.

Like a cohesive story?
Rein Interview [Eurogamer]

  • Id be happy with more locust and less HP on them.

  • Cohesive story?! How about a story... :P

  • @Witzbold:
    especially those rocket launching mothers...

  • So...

    How long till he starts trolling again with comments like

    'Due to the memory structure of the 360 we are able to produce a game that no other system could possibly run'

  • @Witzbold:
    Same here. I thought Gears was going to be a much more tactical shooter than it was. I'm still excited about it, and I'm probably going to end up getting it. I won't get it though if they don't move to 16 player online. I wan't my fucking money's worth for Live.

  • @gamadaya:
    Sorry, that's not to say that 16 players would give me my money's worth. But it would be a small start.

  • @gamadaya: I don't really care about the number count for MP, they just better make sure they have the connection issues fixed this time.

  • @gamadaya: They'll top it with 120 PLAYER ONLINE!!!!! TAKE THAT RESISTANCE 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • This reminds me of the new Ctrl+Alt+Del strip


  • two things to improve in the sequel to make it super awesome :
    1- a story
    2-more team strategy, and more than one resolution to each scenario.

    super secret formula to awesomeness :
    3-a conversation about goat f*cking

  • @hamandcheeseUK:
    beat me to the punch lol. But seriously, there's nothing more hardcore than a gun with a train mounted on.

  • Gears was a decent game (Co-Op was great). My advice, less flash more substance this time.

  • @symphony_of_the_night:
    They don't need a story. I have no idea what gears 1 was about. It was just a bunch of crap I couldn't hear due to poor audio design (this is something western devs absolutly suck at), and a bunch of other stuff I could hear, yet didn't care about.

  • Story? The locust destroyed your planet! Kick their asses! ^____^

  • A pleasant surprise would be NO vehicle based level with the only action being shining lights at bats and driving something that handled like a one legged dog on downers. I loved the original game but that section had the word 'FILLER' written all over it and was as unnecessary as the driving parts in 'Enter the Matrix'.


  • I'd like more destruction in the enviroments, locust who actually die when you shoot them, 4-player co-op (i think this is a given) and a couple more bosses. You know the Brumak will be in this version!

    I couldn't really get into the multiplayer. I played it after i went through the single player game and ALREADY everyone was owning me.

  • @irnchriz:


  • will there actually be a story line?
    rather than you just jump into a prision cell, and at the end "why we are here, we dont know...when will we leave, we cannot answer that..."

  • It'll have twice as more "DAHHH" six times as more "DURRR", and at least twenty times the "MAKEM BOOM NO THINKY!"

  • If you guys check out the 360 Daily Update- Majors Minute- with Jeff Knightly they talk briefly about Gears 2- but best of all they show some gameplay footage. Now I am not sure if it is in game footage but noe the less it shows us some new physics they brought into GoW2 and destructable levels. Yea! No more hiding out for hours upon end.

  • A cohesive story would be nice. Who was that boss on the train, anyway? Why were we fighting him? Why was Marcus in jail? You could make a game out of each gap in the story in the first. I wonder if that was the idea?

    Does anyone wonder if co-op play makes story irrelevant? How many still play through by themselves before running through a second time with a friend? I played through both Halo 3 and Gears by myself to get the story before doing any co-op, but some of the people I played co-op with were running through for their first time and there's no way they were keeping up with the story as incoherent and simple as it was.

  • Hopefully they'll have less retarded dialogue this time around. I fucking cringe in that helicopter scene, when the meat-fodder masked guy says "sweeeeet" to Fenix.


  • @Rustybag:

    Link-me-do please sir

  • @Sloopydrew:

    The guy on the train was General RAMM, general of the Lotus troops. And Marcus was in jail for going AWOL to save his father from a surprise Lotus attack. >_>

    Though, you would only know this if your read the side commentary in the manuals and not really in-game, so I get what you're saying.

  • There was plenty of story in Gears, just not much payoff. Stuff like Dom's search for Maria was discussed, but not explained. Marcus' trial and his relationship with his father was discussed, but again not really expanded upon or resolved. It was obvious that they intended to make sequels based on those kind of details alone...they clearly were dropping story hints for the sequel(s).

    Gears, like Halo, has a solid story, but doesn't always deliver it that well. Especially if you have as poor an audio system as gamadaya apparently has.

  • The story in Gears is there if you pay attention. The only really confusing part is how they got on the train, but that's answered in the extra chapters on the PC.

    And really, caring about the plot in Gears of War is like caring about the plot in a porno film. Does the pizza get eaten? Does the delivery man actually get paid in monetary value? Will there be the added plot twist of an STD in the sequel?

  • @Burguois: that's the thing...
    in doom i don't care about the plot because that game don't try to tell a story. The problem with gears is that it wants to tell a story but its so bad written that it could have been better if they left that out. So , if they want to reach the people with a good story , do it, if the story is like in the first game , well...make it more like in "the club" :
    " Marcus ....FIGHT!"

    its like the porno films with story :
    -make it a real movie
    -start the action alreadyyy :P

  • Hmmm...the chick in blue looks HOT! :)

  • I kinda felt before the first gears came out there would be this great in depth story...probably about how that invasion or whatever started but of course there was nothing of the sort. It would have been nice to actually KNOW what was going on beyond the infinite bullet sponges that the locusts were apparently made out of.

  • Call me a stupid git if you want, but I kinda hope they some how incorporate the exclusive PC Gears of War content somehow. Yes it'd probably be a waste of their time, but hell, you could argue with the dismal sales of Gears on PC it was a waste of time for them to make the content in the first place :P

  • @gamadaya: "They don't need a story. I have no idea what gears 1 was about. It was just a bunch of crap I couldn't hear due to poor audio design (this is something western devs absolutly suck at), and a bunch of other stuff I could hear, yet didn't care about."

    The audio in gears is fantastic. I'm not sure what you are talking about. And there are subtitles to turn on if your system isn't up to the task of rendering decent dialog.

  • How was the story incohesive? Short and to the point, yes, but incohesive? Not really.

  • Honestly, I could care less about the story in gears. The gameplay is so much fun to me and that's really all I care about. Just fix the damn multiplayer connection issues and I'll be happy.

  • @nottsville: Same here, it was a shotgun fest by the time I got into it (way too overpowered.) I've heard that they've since given the lancer a boost in power as well as a few other tweaks, but I still never liked multiplayer.

  • Or a script?

    It's a great (although slightly generic) world they've set up. What's most important to me was that the cover system was innovative and the game, esp co-op, is just really fun. I'm sure that will carry over.

  • @Gray665: Agreed, I really don't understand all the hating against the story. It's not that bad. Come on people, it's a balls out action game, not Final FantasyXXVII, get over yourselves.

  • ooh! chainsaw gun, taped to another chainsaw gun, wielded by a giant wookie, riding a tricycle. If only...

  • I hope they make the game work right. duck n cover is fine for singleplayer but when it came down to MP matches the broken system made it hard to compete at this game see frustrating

  • Matchmaking, More balanced weapons giving me reason to use that burst fire gun.

    Better cover control, If I want to run away let me run away.

    More multiplayer options, Capture the Flag would rule.

    Mutators just for UT fans and fun, Instagib would rule.

  • Hopefully we find out who is the woman behind that voice. You know what voice I'm talking about.

    And also I hope that grenades and rockets actually affect the environment.

  • plz fix the bullet lag...

  • I think the "surprises" are bright colors.

    Kidding, I'm buying this (roughly) on Day One.

    P.S. Is the guy on Mark's right CliffyB back from 2020?

  • "did you really ever doubt that?"

    What? We have all known it was coming for years and EVERY interviewer has asked him about the game since GOW came out. He spends a year denying the obvious then makes it look like we didnt see it coming???

    What is he on...

  • I never see any substantiation of claims that the game has no story. Only the smartass remarks themselves. Tell me, why do you believe the game has no story? Make an argument.

  • @Demaar: I imagine the PC content will be made available on Live sometime in the future, maybe when Gears 2 comes closer on the horizon. Would be a nice way to get the old 360 crowd pumped up again.

  • "Does that mean it's going to be Gears rehash? You know, more of the same?"

    I do wish it has a lot of new stuff, starting that fast on a project will make it very much the same game. as long as 60fps is there, I'm happy.

  • i personally disliked Gears.
    With all that hype it promised to be a great and innovative NewGen shooter....
    Well for me it turned out to be a no-brainer.
    A very generic, uninspired run'n'gun game, with no real story and too much testosterone injected. Seriously , no idea how it got those 9+ reviews.

  • I never understood the apeal of Gears. The main characters took up a third of the screen and they lumbered around like drunken elephants. A former roommate of mine played it obsessively. I can still hear his screams of distain of the constant lag. Only game on the 360 where lag was a constant issue. Hopefully they clean up that and the overall game play to make it playable.

  • @neojam: Well, it had a great story, it just kind of didn't tell anyone what it was..... And the online play was much faster paced and more strategic than Halo 2(I have no idea how that game got such good reviews).

  • @neojam: Stop reading my mind it's creepy.

  • I really don't see why everyone wants a storyline. Look at how successful the first one was! I bet more than half of the people that bought and enjoyed the game can't even tell you what the story was about!

  • Get rid of host advantage and i'll be happy.

  • @Nexus6: if you are a Nexus 6 you should be able to compensate host advantage with super human reflexes huh?

    I actually thought the story was fine, they laid out a general idea in the trailers and art book/manual, and from there they showed us what that world looked like for a lowly soldier, pulled from jail because they need all the manpower they can get.
    What is it with everyone wanting every detail explained to them.

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