Your Privacy

Before we get into details we'd like to let you know that your privacy on our website is sacred to us. This means that we will not collect any personal information, which can be used to track you down. αCharts itself does places just one tracking cookies on your computer to facilitate a login function. We use the Google Analytics software to analyse the use of our website by our visitors. This software collects data like: refering url, pages visited, used software to view the website, etc. and displays it as cumulative data. Our advertising partners Google Adsense and Valueclick have there own privacy statement which you can read respectivly here and here.

  Below you can read more details on our privacy policy.

As stated before your privacy is our highest priority. On the matter of external parties we tried to limit it as much as possible. Right now we use Google for both site analytics and as advertising partner. Besides Google we may occasionally use ValueClick as an alternative advertising partner, links to both privacy policies are provided above.

  We can be rather short about our internal data collection. We've chosen to use OpenId for our authentication handler (login). The advantage of this system is that you may choose yourself who you want to guard your private info. You can find more information on how to use OpenId on αCharts in the Help section. We've also limited the information we request from you to only a username, and perhaps a bit more, but only if we really, really need it. You also control the information we have stored about you. When you do not have any favourites or any open chart mailing you are not in our records! So if you want to make sure all you data is removed, remove all you personal settings and you're out.

  We strongly believe that privacy goes hand in hand with openness and freedom, in every aspect of life. unfortunately not many public bodies see it this way. All we can say is that we only care about providing the Charts as good as possible. If you have any questions regarding our policy or our vision, don't hesitate to contact us.