news roundup

Tibet Will Pay For Taking Orders From Bjork!

  • It is not the best time to visit the capital of Tibet. A peaceful monk-dominated demonstration gave way to angry looting/arson/chaos/etc. over the past few days, and now the streets of Lhasa are full of tanks and teargas and fires. Probably a hundred have died, which makes this worse than Tiananmen kinda. It's a good thing our government is so unpreoccupied and globally respected right now so we will be able to respond in a way that is decisive and credible and hopefully ends the violence soon! [NYT]
  • China is blaming the Dalai Lama's "clique" for "masterminding" the riots from his exile in India. He's urging his clique not to resort to violence. [Reuters]
  • Oh yeah, and China is also blaming Bjork. [NME]
  • Our government gets to spy on us easier now, though not as easy as the Senate would have it. [Wash Post]
  • Oh, yeah, and now the fuckers who brought civilization A Shot At Love With Tila Tequila care about democracy? [IAmTRex]
  • Hugo Chavez did not declare war on Colombia. [Bloomberg]
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Dirt Sandwich

Mike Myers' Secret Heartbreak: The Tears Behind All Those Laughs

FROM DEFAMER.COM: Feeling hungry? Try snacking on our Dirt Sandwich, a wild and woolly compilation of the moments in celebrity infotainment programming this week that made us simultaneously groan, chuckle and hurl.

Snap Judgment

Kim Kardashian Covers Up (For Once)

justice for some

Breaks Available, But Only If You're White and Powerful

Jerk Carl Spicocchi's a lucky guy. He kidnapped, beat, threatened and tried to kill his now former mistress in Arlington last year (his wife was back home in Toledo at the time) and was sentenced this week in Arlington County Court. Although his victim was still too scared to appear at the sentencing, Circuit Court Judge and former Democratic Assemblyman Jim Almand told the court "It requires a substantial sentence and a substantial amount of time." He then sentenced him to 3 years on the gun charge, and 3 years on the kidnapping, beating and murder attempt. Oh, did we mention Carl was an FBI agent? More »

Loose Lips Nicole Kidman's bodyguard, David Garris, beat the shit out of Flynet photographer Jeremy yesterday. Here's a video of the fight going down. It's bananas! • Paris Hilton claims her romance with Benji Madden is for real. "He's been my friend for a couple of years now, and we're really happy...this is not for Pop Fiction. It's not a hoax!" Paris insisted this morning on Ryan Seacrest's radio show. • The Daily Mail is reporting that Heather Mills will receive a £46million divorce settlement from Paul McCartney. That's quite a payday from a marriage that lasted under 5 years. [Flynet, Us, Daily Mail]

Blow Up Oh man, this guy is an official candidate for the Darwin Awards with this dumb stunt. Lefkos Hajji, 28, of London, decided he wanted to propose to his girlfriend, Leanne, by putting a £6,000 diamond engagement ring in a helium balloon. You can guess what happened from there. Yeah, the balloons flew away. "I thought I would give Leanne a pin so I could literally pop the question," Lefkos tried to explain. "I couldn't believe it. I just watched as it went further and further into the air. I felt like such a plonker. It cost a fortune and I knew my girlfriend would kill me." HAHAHA PLONKER. According to the Telegraph, Leanne, "as [Lefkos] suspected, was apparently less than impressed." Aw, poor guy. Next time, just put it in a jewelery box, mkay? [Telegraph]

The Week That Was

This Week We Talked Prostitutes, Poops, And Panties

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Rated PG A company called 5-Star Baby makes birth announcements that look like movie posters. Episode I and It Happened One Night are cute! But what if you're not in the baby-makin' mode? Maybe someone should make an "I got my period" announcement called There Will Be Blood. [BoingBong]

Snap Judgment

Is It Time To Leave Yet?


Liv Tyler Is A "Pale Fattie" With A "Hilariously Small Head"

Missdemeanors021408.jpg Welcome back to Missdemeanors, in which we issue virtual wrist-slaps to popular gossip bloggers for Crimes Against Womanity. This week? Pregnant still=fat. WTF people?? Also, Celine Dion must be an animal, since she has body hair; Jamie Lynn Spears must be a Star Wars villain, since she is pregnant; and Liv Tyler is a "pale fattie." All this and so much more, after the jump. Let the Jezebel justice system begin! More »

Reader Roundup Best Comment of the Day, in response to Zelda Fitzgerald Went Crazy Because She Was Schizophrenic, Not Because She Was Oppressed: "I can't wait for Marion Meade's next volume about today's troubled lasses: 'Flowing Tresses and Coke Pants.'" We say: the alternate title will be "Shiny Leggings and Vodka Red Bull" • Worst, in response to Babies: Miracles: "That's disgusting. Where's Andrea Yates when you need her." We say: there's a line between funny and tasteless, and you just shat all over it. Not. Cool.

Badvertising This ad for Ryanair was pulled for breaking some sort of decency standards set by the advertising standards body in the U.K. This ad. Advertising watchdog people, will you please come over here and have a talking-to with American Apparel? Just leave IO Digital Cable alone. [WSJ]

fashion show

Nicky Hilton's New Nicholai Collection: American Apparel-esque Horsewomen Of The Apocalypse

nickyrunwayflowers031407.jpg Nicky Hilton is one of our favorite not-a-fashion-designer-fashion-designers. Because she doesn't even have any real claim to fame other than being Paris' sister. (Even Lauren Conrad talked her way into a lucrative reality TV deal.) Yet the girl keeps on trying, telling herself she actually has a "career." Her fall collection for Nicholai by Nicky Hilton, which just showed at Los Angeles Fashion Week, is 1) better than a lot of the shit we've seen from LA Fashion Week and yet 2) seems to be a blatant rip-off of the equestrian looks that dominated several seasons ago and the current obsession with those American Apparel faux-leather leggings. The combination of these two? Baffling. Select looks from the Fall/Winter 2008 Nicholai collection for your review, after the jump. More »

Snap Judgment

Dear Angela Bassett, We Will Buy Whatever You're Selling

fine lines

My Sweet Audrina: The Book Of Sister And Forgetting


Welcome to 'Fine Lines', the Friday feature in which we give a sentimental, sometimes-critical, far more wrinkled look at the children's and YA books we loved in our youth. This week, writer/reviewer/blogger Lizzie Skurnick rereads 'My Sweet Audrina', V.C. Andrews' X-rated, 1982 gothic horror novel in which Audrina Adare, an innocent, is Desperately Seeking Sister.

There was something strange about the house where I grew up.

For a three-month span in my early twenties, when I was under the profound misimpression I was an appropriate candidate for a PhD in English literature, I was obsessed with writing a paper on the narrative conceit of what, in a sort of pertinent Q.E.D., I went around calling "The Man You Seek is Yourself." The most obvious example of my pet trope is Oedipus, who is so busy killing his father and sleeping with his mother he doesn't realize he is killing his father and sleeping with his mother, but you see it in mysteries everywhere, from Mary Higgins Clark's Where Are the Children to No Way Out, a.k.a. Last Decent Costner. While reading most mysteries feels like having a scatter of jigsaw pieces suddenly fuse into a picture with a satisfying click, the TMYSIY™ theme is closer to trying to locate, with increasing irritation, the weird corner piece with some blue cloud stuff in one corner and half the villager's hat along the edge, then realizing you've been holding it in your hands the whole time.

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Bearly Legal A bear was convicted of stealing honey. In a court of law. In Macedonia. A beekeeper filed the charges; the court found the bear guilty and, since it had no owner and belonged to a protected species, ordered the state to pay the $3500 damage it caused to a beekeeper's hives. The bear did not show up in court. [Telegraph]


Don't Call Hottie Helen Mirren Sexy!

mirrenmore.jpg Oscar-winner and smart, outspoken, attractive older person Helen Mirren gave an interview to More for their April issue. Not surprisingly, considering More's "women-over-40" premise, Mirren talked about how fabulous it is to get older and how she is trying to avoid the "sexy" label: "I'm still trying to wriggle out from under that label. [...] Being a sexual object is mortifying and irritating, yet it's giving you power--an awful power that you've done nothing to deserve, a powerless power. I think some young women fall in love with that power, and it's really objectifying. And when it starts falling away, it's an incredible relief." Ah, so that is how you have longevity in Hollywood: realize sexuality is not a form of power. Are you listening, Lindsay?

Snap Judgment

Mary-Kate Is Scared Of You