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SIF organization
The Spinal Injury Foundation is dedicated to research, education, and advocacy for those with chronic spinal injuries.  
We fund research into the diagnosis, treatment, and management of chronic spinal injury.
We fund advocacy efforts such as such as programs that allow patients without funds to travel for the best spinal care possible.
We fund educational programs to allow primary care physicians access to the latest information regarding the management of spinal pain.

sponsored research

Our goal is to seed projects which will be able to eventually apply for National Institutes for Health (NIH) funding.

SIF will receive a $10 donation for every "Add on Head Rest" ordered from Wedge Support Products through this link. Please Save Your Neck by clicking here.


The Spinal Injury Foundation has attracted luminaries in the field to run it's board of directors.

Christopher Centeno, M.D.-Medical Director
Mary Cirillo, L.P.N., R.H.I.T-Professional Consultant
Amy Price Ph.D,- Executive Director
The Centeno Clinic of Westminster Colorado is a research-based, integrative pain management clinic.


how can you help?

The Spinal Injury Foundation solicits tax deductible donations from those who want to help patients with chronic spinal injuries  lead better lives.