
id Know Where The Money's To Be Made

idlogo.jpg id see which way the wind's blowing. Once was a day you could count on them to be - thanks to both their games and their engines - one of the champions of PC gaming. Today? You just can't ignore these console things the kids are all spending their time and money on. Id's Steve Nix: still have PC players, and some players are just console guys, but have players moved over? Absolutely. We love PC gaming, and we continue to support PC gaming - but you can't ignore the market realities and the size of the console market these days.
PC guys, don't let your hate dogs off the leash, id have got a business to run.
Core PC gamers moving to console experiences - id []

Tell Us Dammit

What Was The First Game You Beat?


It's that time again! Yes, that's right. Time for another round of "Tell Us Dammit." For those who missed the last commenting love-in, Tell us Dammit is our opportunity to learn more about you reader person. That way we can feel closer! And perhaps, even for a fleeting second, feel kinda bad when we ban your ass. Here's how it works: We ask a question. You answer it. So! The TUD Giraffe asks:

What was the first game you ever beat/finished/completed?

For me, that'd hafta be Kung Fu on the NES. And for arcade games? That'd be Final Fight. Thanks you parents' money for those precious memories!


Sponsors Thanks

Holy cow is it early! And we are sleepy. So sleepy. So very sleepy. If only we had pillows. We don't, but our Sponsors do! Yay!! This week, Kotaku got a good night's rest thanks to Ace Combat, American Apparel, CDC Games, SciFi Channel's Battlestar Galactica, Netgear, Rockstar Games, Toshiba Gaming and Unscrew America. For that, we thank them!

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Acer's "Games Machine" Explained

interpreterdroid.jpg Here's the deal with regards to Acer's supposed "games machine": they weren't talking about a "games machine" at all. Company VP James T Wong was just misinterpreted! A compay red has since said:
That was a major misunderstanding as JT was wrongly interpreted. Acer is not going to release any game console but the idea is to develop a high-end PC targeted at the serious gamer.
Nothing further to see here, move along, move along.
Acer not making console: "James Wong was wrongly interpreted" [VG247]


Nintendo's Stock Downgraded, Blame America

nintylogo.jpg Nintendo might have been hot shit when it came to the sharemarket in 2006 and 2007, but these days, things are cooling down a little. Analysts KBC Securities Japan have downgraded Nintendo's stock from "buy" to "hold", while also predicting a 30% decrease in expected annual shareholder profits. This is all down to - whaddya know - "a tougher trading environment", meaning that Nintendo's reliance on American sales is hurting them thanks to the weakening American peso dollar.
Nintendo's Rating Cut at KBC on Slower-Growth Concern [Bloomberg]

Half-Life 2

Canada Fully Prepared For Seven-Hour War

Canada: ALWAYS VIGILANT. While the rest of the world marches blindly towards oblivion, those dwelling in the frosty north are digging in. Preparing. Readying themselves for the inevitable arrival of the Combine, and all the horrors our eventual alien overlords will bring. We've seen Toronto's employment of Aperture Science tech already today, now see the town of Powell River in British Columbia. They've already begun work on creating lambda-badged safe zones (these are apparently all over town), should post-invasion Gordon Freeman ever be in the area and need to stop off for some ammo and health packs. How thoughtful!
[thanks Stefan!]

playstation store

PAL PlayStation Store Update

PAL PlayStation Store's been updated, as per usual. The good news? There's an honest-to-goodness PSN game up for download. Which is Pain. The bad news? Aside from that, the update's its usual barren, no-Rock-Band-DLC self, with a bunch of Pain content padding out the list and helping obscure a woefully-expensive Stranglehold map pack, which clocks in at a whopping £10. As for the PSP store, there's a Flatout demo and not much else if you're at all interested. Full list of updates follows. More »


20 More GTAIV Screens

Hey, new GTAIV screens. If idyllic moments of calm and tranquility are your thing, this isn't your thing. But if your thing's angry faces, men holding guns and explosions, wll, today is your lucky day, my friend.

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue

GT5 Prologue To Be Updated After Launch

gt5pcover.jpg When Gran Turismo 5 Prologue launches, it won't let you create private races for just you and your buddies. Nor will it let you indulge in a spot of in-game voice chat. But don't despair, because that stuff's coming later, with these two features (and, most likely, more) to be added to the game in future updates. Certainly sets a new benchmark for those who think games these days are shipping unfinished, but then adding features late is better than never adding them at all. I guess.
Ferrari F2007: GT5 Prologue's "God Mode" [PlayStation.Blog]


Spring Cleaning Contest

Spring cleaning! That's right, I'm cleaning out my office. That means one thing: Finding stuff to give away to one of you. Above, there's a couple Gearbox t-shirts, a PixelJunk one, a Bionic Commando one that producer Ben Judd actually refused to autograph. What else? There's pack of The King of Fighters: Maximum Impact II playing cards and a SNK 300 piece jigsaw puzzle. All of these can be yours! I plan on starting a contest next week. Not sure what kind I'm going to do yet. But yeah, this is the prize.

Oh, and one of those shirts, I'm pretty sure I've worn. Not sure which one. So whoever wins this loot, think of it as Russian roulette!


PAL WiiWare Launching In May As Well?

Maybe. Nintendo Europe & Australia are still keeping mum on the subject of an official launch date for WiiWare across the PAL regions, but take a look at this Wii Shop Channel update notification I just received on my Australian Wii. Says the WiiWare service is planned for May 2008. We know it's not the same message as was sent to US owners, since it only said "Spring", so PAL Land, do you dare to hope?

resistance 2

Some Resistance 2 Art

Keen on poring over every scrap of Resistance 2 info you can find? Read on, Resistance fanboy, read on. Insomniac have released some new pieces of art for the game, including the game's two logos (one just don't cut it these days, kid) and two of the classes that will be available for players in co-op multiplayer.
Resistance 2 First Look: Multiplayer Classes [PlayStation.Blog]

Metal Gear Solid 4

A Better Look At MGS4's "Steel" PS3

We've seen scans, but they were small. And the colours looked a bit off, didn't look very "steely". Here, then, are some proper shots of the "Steel" edition of the PS3, which will be available as part of the Japanese Metal Gear Solid 4 bundle. Looks...well, like gun-metal, really. Highly appropriate. Console's above, with a pic of the "Steel" DualShock 3 after the jump. More »

Playstation 3

Unreal Tournament 3 Joins The PS3 Patch Party

PlayStation 3 gamers who thought the joy of downloading updates for their first person shooter of choice was coming to an end can enjoy at least one more patch. Unreal Tournament 3 has been updated, announced Epic Games, bringing an exciting suite of fixes and feature updates to the console version. The full list of changes, thanks to Jim, is after the jump.

More »

iron man

Iron Man Movie Cast Is Iron Man Game Cast

downey.jpg Hey, Iron Man fans, quit worrying about the voice-acting for Sega's upcoming tie-in game, would you? Everything's going to be OK. Nice and authentic. Sega have announced that the film's three main stars - Robert Downey Junior, Terence Howard and Shaun Toub - will be reprising their roles for the game. If only I could go back to 1990 and place a bet that in 2008 I'd be playing as Robert Downey Junior in a superhero game made by Sega that's appearing on no less than seven platforms... More »

Behind The Scenes

Age Of Conan's Fighting Is A Bloody Mess

I've gotten two things from this developer diary for Funcom's Age of Conan MMO. First off, it is open season on heads in AOC. If you have a head and plan on playing the game, I highly suggest you either reinforce it with a steel neckpiece of some sort, or perhaps pre-detach your head with some sort of velcro solution so it can easily be retrieved and reattached. Secondly, Funcom Senior System Designer Andrew Griffin has some amazing hair. You wouldn't think a guy with such great hair would have anything to do with all of this rampant decapitation, but there you go.

Guitar Hero

Gibson Sues Guitar Hero Retailers "Reluctantly"


The feud between Guitar Hero publisher Activision and guitar manufacturer Gibson raged on today, with Gibson responding to Activision's statement from earlier today. Activision implied that Gibson cried patent violation only after the marketing agreement between the two fully dissolved, and that it believes "Gibson's claims are disingenuous and lack any justification."

Gibson publicly fired back this afternoon, saying that it filed suit reluctantly and "is required to protect its intellectual property and will continue to do so against any other person in accordance with the law and its rights." The full statement about all this hubbub, from Gibson's perspective is after the jump.

More »

Only in Japan

Simple 2000: The Japanese Hardware Chart

The battle for weekly first place hardware showings in Japan went back to Sony this week, with the PSP outselling the Wii one more time. With just a few thousand sales setting them apart, however, the contest is almost a dead heat. DS Fever seems to have cooled a bit over the past few weeks, with the handheld resting quietly in third, presumably waiting to strike back before the end of the year. Quiet times on the hardware front make us look forward to new marquee releases. Until then...

  • PSP - 57,651
  • Wii - 55,845
  • Nintendo DS - 53,266
  • PlayStation 3 - 14,934
  • PlayStation 2 - 9,930
  • Xbox 360 - 1,744

Media Create Weekly Sales