Search Criteria

Match options:
Search where?
Only show pages added/updated

Using this Search

Keywords - this is where you type the word or words you wish to use for your search.

For example - If you were looking for a drama society you would type the word ‘drama’ into this Keywords box

Match Options - you can tell the search whether to search by all the words entered individually, whether it should look for the phrase or if it is a title.

For example – if you had entered the words ‘black dogs’, do you want the search to look for all the places where the words ‘black’ and ‘dogs’ appear? If so you would make sure that All Words was used. If you want the search to look for the phrase ‘Black Dogs’ then Exact Phrase should be selected.

Search Where? – if there is a choice of Whole Site or the name of a specific website then select which is relevant for your search.

For example – do you want results from all over the entire Blackpool4Me site or just from the mini website that you are in? Select the button which applies.

Only show pages added/updated – this means you can narrow your search by timescale.

For example – if you searched for a particular topic last week then this time when searching for the same topic you can tell the system to search only pages which have been created or altered in the last week. Click on the drop down arrow and click your choice.

Search – having added your keywords, chosen your Match options and set your timescales (if wanted), click on the Search button to get the results.

Blackpool4Me Features