Grand Theft Auto 4
Fresh Multiplayer Screens

Stardock to Publish Demigod
GPG Plans to Sell Game Online

Thief 4 in Development?
Whispers of a sequel...

Help Wanted!
BioShock 2 Lead Designer

Thursday, April 10, 2008
The 11 Step Assassin's Creed Program
PC Gamer found out the hard way how difficult it is to stop tapping that Ass[assin's Creed]:
Knowing Assassin's Creed would be coming out on the PC, I made a conscious effort to avoid the console versions for the past several months so that I could have an unspoiled experience on my platform of choice. I'm finally having that experience, and it was worth it, but one thing has been bothering me: it's impossible to stop playing. And not in the "Just five more minutes" way that Sins of a Solar Empire is impossible to stop playing. Instead, AC makes you jump through almost a dozen hoops just to get from the action back to your desktop.
Video below with minor spoilers
Fallout 3 Screenshots & Preview
Tasty post-apocalyptic Fallout 3 screenshots, and a new preview:

Dogmeat is a companion character that appeared in the first two games, and yes, he's a dog. He's also back and better than ever in Fallout 3. We're assuming that this is a different Dogmeat altogether than the original, but since the game deals with a radioactive wasteland brimming with mutants, who knows? Dogmeat is a potential companion for your character, one that will fight by your side and help fetch whatever you need. You find Dogmeat during a random encounter in the wasteland, when he and his owner come under attack from a group of raiders. In this case, we watched as the battle took place in a junkyard. His owner is killed in the battle, and Dogmeat will come up to you afterwards and whimper and bark his way into your heart if you let him.

Since the game is still deep in development, there were still a few bugs on display, but the idea with Dogmeat is that you can converse with him (he'll answer in barks, whimpers, and other appropriate canine noises), and he'll be knowledgeable about the surrounding area. For instance, you can send him to go scavenge for food, weapons, and more, and he'll disappear and return with what you ask him to retrieve provided that it's actually in your general area. We'll see how useful that actually is in the game, as apparently he can disappear for long periods if you're not careful. To us, Dogmeat's value seems to be in combat, where he can harass and distract foes for you, as well as take some down. You'll need to be careful, though, as he can get killed, and it sounds like he's gone if that happens. If you don't want Dogmeat around, you can tell him to go to Vault 101 where he'll stay until you need him, but he's also smart enough to stay behind if you tell him, too. That will be useful in situations where you know he might be a detriment in combat.

Operation Darkness Trailer
You know, this mad genre meld looks quite appealing:

A character trailer and screenshots can be found here.

Halo 3 Legendary Map Pack Vidoc
Ten-minutes of in-game tea-bagging to demonstrate the Legendary maps and talk about their design:

The Chronicles of Spellborn Delayed, Again
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Spellborn may make it to market, one day.

After a first review of the beta tests of The Chronicles of Spellborn, which began at the beginning of March, the Dutch developers have decided to make a revision to the server infrastructure. At this time, the game-play mechanics and graphics of the game client have already matched the high demand for quality. These have been mostly completed and will now be thoroughly optimized and polished. In reworking the tools and the network code, Spellborn NV now wants to ensure that the flow and performance of gameplay live up to the general expectations. At the same time, the developer will lay the foundation to allow for quick expansion of the game, with new content and updates, once it is released.

Meanwhile, Frogster Interactive has found a renowned MMOG publisher to be a potential partner for the release of Spellborn in the USA and has already signed a letter of intent. For a successful market introduction, the potential licensor will require a lead time of six months at least. As a consequence, both Frogster and the developers of Spellborn NV have decided to initiate the revision of the server architecture and to use this time to prepare for a coordinated worldwide release of the game. Considering the new strategy, Frogster assumes a launch of The Chronicles of Spellborn in autumn 2008. Nevertheless, the developer will continue the current closed beta tests for the time being. Just recently, Spellborn NV has expanded the circle of accredited testers by one hundred committed members of the community to balance and optimize the gameplay even more.

Hardware & Tech Nuggets
Game Reviews
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RPG Vault Goodness
- 1 Comment
    Dreamlords Wrap Report
    With a new iteration of Lockpick's massively multiplayer strategy title in development, we learn about the original

    Jumpgate Evolution First View
    Our key impressions based on what we currently know about NetDevil's massively multiplayer space combat project

In Other News...
Sorry the news was so slow yesterday; we are keeping busy though...

Today's question:

If you (or your favorite developer) could score the license to make a game out of any movie or book property (that currently isn't being used, of course) which would you pick?

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Wednesday, April 9, 2008
EA Ditches Weapon DLC For Bad Company
Planet Battlefield has the poop that EA won't be charging extra monies for players to use the better weapons in the game (I guess console players aren't lemmings after all):
Lately many gamers have been pretty angry about the idea of buying weapons in Battlefield: Bad Company. EA has heard your concerns and now all weapons in the game will be free. If you buy the gold edition of the game you will instantly be able to use 5 additional weapons, while other players will have to rank up to get these weapons.
In other Battlefield:Bad Company news... 360.IGN interviewed DICE's Karl Hungus.
Mass Effect PC Q&A;
From reading IGN's interview it appears that bonus content will be charged for.

IGN: So to what extent is BioWare working on this and to what extent is Demiurge working on this?

Diarmid Clarke: It's pretty much co-development now. Demiurge has primarily been responsible for the bulk of the work of moving the game onto the PC, dealing with all the PC technicalities, and also putting some of the improvements into the game that we highlighted that we wanted to do.

What we've focused on is being the guardians of quality, pushing little new changes of design and things that we wanted to make work for the PC. Obviously Matt sent out the information on the new tactical HUDs and we developed that with the core Mass Effect team. They're the right guys to do something that's a fundamental change to how you interface with the game.

IGN: Why create a new HUD?

Diarmid Clarke: We started with the wheel system for the Xbox 360 version and it was a nice system and worked very, very well for the 360. We thought we could take it further for the PC. We set our goals which was "this game must absolutely feel like a naturally developed PC experience." We thought that by moving to the new tactical HUD where we can put the three component parts of the wheel all on the screen at the same time, it's just something that the PC can do very well because of the control method with the mouse and keyboard in conjunction with the hotkeys that we have. We were fortunate enough to be able to call upon the actual Mass Effect team to develop it so we knew it was really within our control and what we wanted.

IGN: Does the reworked HUD have anything to do with the release date getting pushed back?

Diarmid Clarke: Oh yeah. I mean you have to make it quality. It's something we take very seriously. [The HUD] is quite a big change, after putting it into the game, and it's got to absolutely work totally naturally. And so there's a little bit of extra time involved in making that work.

Yes, charged-for bonus content includes Bring Down The Sky, which isn't included with the game.

Age of Conan Freeplay Weekend
From April 18th to April 20th FunCom will be holding a freeplay PvP weekend for its upcoming MMORPG -- Age of Conan.

“The battlefields of Hyboria are craving new, fresh blood,” said an enthusiastic Game Director/Producer Gaute Godager at Funcom. “Throwing newcomers into a fully specced level 20 PVP character is naturally a challenge in this most unforgiving of all MMO environments, but I am confident the players will rise to this challenge. We have spent years fine-tuning the combat system in Age of Conan, and allowing GameSpot readers to be the first to get a small glimpse of this is something we really look forward to.”

Read More (plus sign-up info)

Pirates vs. Ninjas Dodgeball Delayed
Xbox Live Arcade dodge 'em up delayed to add extra features and polish:

Gamecock Media Group announced today that due to pirated copies of Blazing Lizard’s upcoming Pirates vs. Ninjas Dodgeball being on the loose the game will be revamped and held until later this Spring.

“We see the irony in all this,” noted Christopher Stockman, Studio Director at Blazing Lizard. “Rest assured, we have a crack team of Ninjas on the case and hunting down all pirates. On the positive side it gives us a chance to go back and add in additional content to the game.”

What this means for fans of Pirates (the sea-faring kind) and Ninjas is more bang for their buck when the game releases (this also includes fans of the other teams in the game, Robots and Zombies). In addition to the free-flinging arcade dodgeball events already in place (look out for Peg-Leg Stomps and Shuriken Attacks.), Blazing Lizard is adding more traditional rules dodgeball modes where teams stay only on their side and multiple dodgeballs are in play. Now we can settle the score once and for all.

[Disclaimer: the game has not been pirated but we wanted an excuse to announce the wait for the game and the new game mode.]

Warhammer Online Screenshots
Somewhat better than the last batch of washed-out screenshots:

Lord of the Rings Online: Book 13 Screenshots
The screenshots illustrate Forochel, a new region which lies in the far, frozen north of Eriador, to be added to the game with Book 13. Forochel lets players see the ocean for the first time and introduces several new temperature based landscape effects.

Battlefield: Bad Company Character Trailer
A bit like Valve's 'Meet The...' vids, but not as good:

Hardware & Tech Nuggets
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Game Reviews
RPG Vault Goodness
    Grand Chase Peek #1
    An edifying discourse on the playable character element in KOG's fast-paced massively multiplayer fighting title - Includes three exclusive screenshots

    Silkroad Online Media #10
    A new group of images in which we observe an array of Chinese characters carrying and using a variety of weapons - Six exclusive 1280x960 screenshots

In Other News...
Well, poop. Nothing went gold yesterday. I guess we can keep on guessing the mystery game's name until something happens. Or not. Up to you!

Today's question:

How many frames-per-second do you need a game to run for it to be considered pleasantly playable?

I ask because people seem to think that it's 60 fps or bust for Crysis....


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